Sunday, March 3, 2024

17 Twenty-Two People


Each of these twenty-two people made great achievements: Gao Yao served as Dali, another name of which is Shi, in charge of criminal law, did great justice to the world. He was respected and admired by the people for his fair judgment solely based on the facts.Boyi presided over etiquette, the Canons, and he was courteous to both superiors and subordinates; Chui served as Gonggong, the chief craftsmen. He was in charge of all kinds of work, and all craftsmen did their jobs well;Yi served as Yu, the one in charge of mountains and rivers. Mountains, forests, and lakes were all well-developed; Qi, the meaning of the name is the abandonment, who had another name Houji, served as Ji, the name for someone in charge of agriculture. All grains were grown accordingly with the seasons; Another Qi, the name pronounced the same but with a totally different character, meaning the contract, served as Situ, in charge of the education. All people were friendly and harmonious; Long served as the receptionist, which had another name, Nayan. The princes from far away came to pay tribute; The twelve governors appointed by Shun all did great job, and no one in the nine states dared to disobey. Among them, Yu made the greatest contributions. He dug open nine mountains, regulated nine lakes, dredged nine rivers, and established the boundaries of the nine states. All places paid the proper amount of tributes according to their duties, and there was nothing inappropriate. The territory was pacified, spanning five thousand miles, all the way to the remote areas farthest from the capital. At that time, the South was pacified to Jiaozhi and Beifa, the West was pacified to Rong, Xizhi, Qusou, Di, and Qiang, the North was pacified to Shanrong, Fa, and Xishen, and the East was pacified to Chang, Niaoyi, and within the four seas, together they all praised Emperor Shun's merits.So Yu created the music "Nine Moves" to praise Shun's merits, which attracted auspicious things, and the phoenix also flew in, circling and dancing with the music. It all began with Emperor Shun that all the virtues and policies made the peace and harmony in the world.

Shun was famous for his filial piety when he was twenty years old. He was appointed by Yao when he was thirty years old. He was given the duty to act on behalf of the emperor when he was fifty, and Yao passed away when Shun was fifty-eight. And at sixty-one, Shun succeeded to the throne.Thirty-nine years after he ascended the throne, Shun toured the South and died in the countryside of Cangwu in the South, and he was buried in Jiuyi Mountain, south of of Yangtze river, the place is now called Lingling. After he ascended the throne, Shun rode in a chariot with the emperor's flag to pay homage to his father, Gusou. He was affectionate and respectful, and he followed the filial piety of a son. He also made his younger brother Xiang a prince at Youbi. Shun's son Shangjun was unworthy, so Shun recommended Yu as his successor to Heaven in advance, and Shun died seventeen years later. After three years of mourning, Yu also abdicated the throne to Shun's son, just as Shun abdicated to Yao's son. But all the princes surrendered to Yu, and then Yu ascended to the throne of emperor. Yao's son Danzhu and Shun's son Shangjun were granted fiefs in the land of Tang and Yu respectively, where they were to worship their ancestors. They were permitted to wear their own family's clothes and use their own family's rituals and music. They would meet the emperor as guests, and the emperor did not treat them as his ministers to show that he did not dare to monopolize the throne.



16 More Positions Filled


And Shun also said: "Gao Yao, the barbarians are invading China, robbing and killing, and causing chaos on both sides of our borders. You will be serving as Shi, the chief judicial officer, and you will be making sure that the five punishments are used appropriately. According to the seriousness of the crime, major crimes are executed in the wilderness, minor crimes are executed in the court or in the city, and crimes committed by clan members are sent to the clan court Dianshi for execution. If the punishments are reduced to exile, the distance of exile must be determined. There are three typical distances for different exiles, the ones outside the four realms, the ones outside the nine states, and the ones outside the capital. Only justice and strictness can convince people." Shun asked: "Then who can manage my various craftsmen?" Everyone said that Chui can. So Chui was appointed as Gonggong to lead various craftsmen. Shun asked again: "Who can control the grass, trees, birds and beasts in my mountains and swamps?" Everyone said Yi can. So Shun appointed Yi as his Yu, the position in charge of mountains and rivers for the emperor. Yi bowed down, kowtowed, and gave way to Zhuhu and Xiongpi. Shun said, "All right, you friends can work together." So Zhuhu and Xiongpi became his assistants. Shun said: "Okay then, Siyue, who can preside for me over the rituals of three different kinds, for heaven affairs, for earth affairs, and for human affairs?" Everyone said Boyi could do it. Shun said: "Okay, Boyi, I hereby appoint you as Zhizong, to hold the office of the suburban temple in charge of sacrifice rituals. You must be pious and upright, solemn and clean, from morning till evening," Boyi gave way to Kui and Long, And Shun said: "Well, let's appoint Kui as Dianle, the music master, to educate our children, to be upright but still gentle, generous but still strict, strong but not violent, simple but not arrogant. Poetry is to express one's heart, and songs are to express one's meaning to extensions. And the pitch of the music should match the content of the song, and standard tunes should be used to make the music harmonious. And the sounds of the eight musical instruments are in harmony and should not interfere with each other. In this way, the state of harmony between man and God can be achieved through music.” Kui Said: "Yay! I knock the stone with the stone, carefully and steadily, and all kinds of animals will dance with it." Shun said: "Long, I hate the kind of evil words that slander others and the behavior that destroys morality. It disturbs my subjects. I appoint you as Nayan, my messenger. You must convey my orders and report the situation day and night, and you must be honest." Shun said, "There, you twenty-two people must abide by your duties and assist me at all times to complete the tasks delivered by Heaven.” And once every three years, the merits were assessed, and after three assessments, there were promotions or demotions according to the performance. Therefore, all kinds of things were revived, near and far. The Sanmiao tribes were also divided according to whether they surrendered or not.
