Sunday, March 31, 2024

67 A Great Mandate


On the next day, the roads were cleared, and the altar and the palace of Zhou the Tyrant of Shang were fixed. When the time came, hundreds of men held banners and led the way. Uncle Zhenduo, King Wu's younger brother, served the carriage for the ceremony, Duke Zhou Dan held the big axe, and Duke Bi held the small axe, flanking King Wu. San Yisheng, Tai Dian, and Hong Yao all held swords as King Wu's guards. After entering, King Wu stood to the left of the big arrays of soldiers in the south end of the altar, with the ministers following him to the right. Uncle Mao solemnly serviced moonlit water, Uncle Kang of Wei laid down the grass mat, Duke Zhao Shi held the colored silk, and Grand Tutor Shangfu led the sacrificing cattle. One of the ministers Yinyi read the sacrifice scripture: "Zhou the Tyrant, the last successor of Yin, destroyed the bright virtues of the previous kings, insulted the gods and did not worship them, and was tyrannical and cruel to the people of Shang, and his deeds were clearly known to the God of Heaven." Then King Wu bowed again and said, "I have received a great mandate to overthrow Yin and a bright future is commissioned by the Heaven." King Wu bowed again and made his leave.
