Monday, May 20, 2024

242 A11. Emperor Xiaojing


Sima Qian: Historical Records 11 Emperor Xiaojing 


Sima Qian: Historical Records 11 Emperor Xiaojing 

Emperor Xiaojing was the middle son of Emperor Xiaowen. His mother was Empress Dowager Dou. When Emperor Xiaowen was in Dai, the previous queen had given birth to three sons. When Empress Dowager Dou was in favor, the previous queen died, and her three sons also died one after another, so Emperor Xiaojing was able to succeed to the throne.

On the Yimao day of the fourth month of the first year of Emperor Xiaojing (156 BC), he issued a general amnesty. On the Yisi day, he granted each citizen one class higher title. In May, he reduced the land rent of farmers across the country by half and established the Taizong Temple for Emperor Xiaowen. He asked the ministers not to come to the court to congratulate him on his accession to the throne. He allowed the Huns to enter Dai and agreed to a marriage with them.

In the spring of the second year (155 BC), Xiao Xi, the grandson of Xiao He, the former prime minister, was enfeoffed as Marquis of Wuling. It was stipulated that men should be recorded in the book when they turned 20. On the Renwu day of the fourth month, Empress Dowager Xiaowen died. The King of Guangchuan and the King of Changsha both went to their own fiefdoms. Prime Minister Shentu Jia died. In August, the Imperial Censor Tao Qing, Marquis of Kaifeng, was appointed as Prime Minister. A comet appeared in the northeast. In the autumn, hail fell on Hengshan Mountain, the largest hailstones could reach a diameter of five inches, and the deepest place could reach two feet. Mars moved in the reverse direction and approached the North Star. The moon appeared in the position of the North Star. Jupiter moved in the reverse direction in the heaven. The emperor set up Nanling, Neishi and Xixi as counties.

On the Yisi day of the first month of the third year (154 BC), a general amnesty was declared. A long-tailed comet appeared in the west. Fire from heaven burned down the main hall and tower of the East Palace in Luoyang. King Liu Bi of Wu, King Liu Wu of Chu, King Liu Sui of Zhao, King Liu Ang of Jiaoxi, King Liu Piguang of Jinan, King Liu Xian of Zichuan, and King Liu Xiongqu of Jiaodong rebelled and marched westward. The emperor killed Chao Cuo to appease the rebellious kings and sent Yuan Ang to inform the seven kingdoms, but the seven kingdoms still did not withdraw their troops and continued to besiege Liang Kingdom to the west. Therefore, the emperor sent General Dou Ying and Grand Commandant  Zhou Yafu to lead the army to attack and eliminate them. On the Yihai day of the sixth month, the emperor pardoned the soldiers who fled in battle and those who participated in the rebellion, including Liu Zhi, the son of King Yuan of Chu. The emperor conferred the title of Marquis of Weiqi on General Dou Ying. He made Liu Li, the Marquis of Pinglu, the son of King Yuan of Chu, the King of Chu. He made the prince Liu Duan the King of Jiaoxi and the prince Liu Sheng the King of Zhongshan. The title of King of Jibei Liu Zhi was changed to King of Zichuan, the title of King of Huaiyang Liu Yu was changed to King of Lu, and the title of King of Runan Liu Fei was changed to King of Jiangdu. King of Qi Liu Jianglu and King of Yan Liu Jia both died.







In the summer of the fourth year (153 BC), the crown prince was appointed. Prince Liu Che was appointed as the King of Jiaodong. On the Jiaxu day of the sixth month, a general amnesty was declared. In the intercalary ninth month, Yiyang was renamed Yangling. Checkpoints were set up at the ferry and the pass again, and people entered and exited with documents. In the winter, the State of Zhao was abolished and established as Handan County.

In March of the fifth year (152 BC), Mausoleum Yangling and Wei Bridge were built. In May, 200,000 coins was allocated to recruit people from all over the country to move to Yangling. Jiangdu was hit by a strong storm from the west, and the city wall was destroyed by the wind. On the Dingmao day, the emperor conferred the title of Marquis of Longlu on the son of his sister, the eldest princess. The title of King Guangchuan was changed to King Zhao.

In the spring of the sixth year (151 BC), Lieutenant Wei Wan was made Marquis of Jianling, Prime Minister Cheng Jia of Jiangdu was made Marquis of Jianping, Longxi County Governor Gongsun Hunxie was made Marquis of Pingqu, Prime Minister Su Jia of Zhao was made Marquis of Jiangling, and former general Luan Bu was made Marquis of Shu. The King of Liang and the King of Chu both passed away. In the intercalary ninth month, the trees on both sides of the Chidao expressway were cut down and the Orchid Pond was filled in.

In the winter of the seventh year (150 BC), the Crown Prince Liu Rong was deposed and made the King of Linjiang. On the last day of the eleventh month, a solar eclipse occurred. In the spring, prisoners and slaves who were building Yangling were pardoned. Prime Minister Tao Qing was dismissed. On the Yisi day of the second month, the Grand Commandant Zhou Yafu was appointed as Prime Minister. On the Yisi day of the fourth month, the mother of the King of Jiaodong was enthroned as the Queen. On the Dingsi day of the third month, the King of Jiaodong was enthroned as the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince's name was Che.

In the first year of Zhongyuan (149 BC), Zhou Ping, the grandson of Zhou Ke, the former imperial censor, was granted the title of Marquis of Sheng, and Zhou Zuoche, the grandson of Zhou Chang, the former imperial censor, was granted the title of Marquis of Anyang. On the Yisi day of the 4th month, a general amnesty was declared, and each citizen was granted a higher level title. The prohibition on merchants, sons-in-law marrying into the family, and officials who had committed crimes being allowed to serve as officials again was abolished. An earthquake occurred. Hailstones fell in Hengshan and Yuandu, with the largest reaching a diameter of one foot and eight inches.

In February of the second year of Zhongyuan (148 BC), the Huns invaded Yan territory, and the court refused to make peace with the Huns. In March, an order was issued to summon King Linjiang Liu Rong to the capital to be questioned. He soon died in the residence of Lieutenant Zhidu. In summer, the prince Liu Yue was enthroned as King Guangchuan, and the prince Liu Ji as King Jiaodong. Four marquises were enfeoffed. On the Jiaxu day of September, a solar eclipse occurred.








In the winter of the third year of Zhongyuan (147 BC), the position of the Chief Censor in the vassal kingdoms was abolished. In the spring, two kings of Huns led their tribes to surrender and were both granted the title of Marquis. The prince Liu Fangcheng was enthroned as the King of Qinghe. In March, a comet appeared in the northwest of the sky. Prime Minister Zhou Yafu was dismissed and Liu She, the Marquis of Tao, was appointed as Prime Minister. In April, an earthquake occurred. On the last day of the ninth month, a solar eclipse occurred. Troops were stationed outside the Dongdu Gate of the capital.

In March of the fourth year of Zhongyuan (146 BC), the Deyang Palace was built. A great locust plague occurred. In the autumn, the prisoners who were building Yangling were pardoned.

In the summer of the fifth year of Zhongyuan (145 BC), the emperor enthroned the prince Liu Shun as the King of Changshan. He enfeoffed ten marquises. On the Dingsi day of the sixth month, he granted amnesty to the whole country and granted each citizen a higher class title. Severe floods occurred throughout the country. The prime minister (Cheng Xiang) of each vassal state was renamed as Xiang. In the autumn, an earthquake occurred.

On the Jimao day of February of the sixth year of Zhongyuan (144 BC), the emperor came to Yong County and offered sacrifices to the Five Emperors Temple. In March, hail fell. In April, King Xiao of Liang, King Gong of Chengyang and King of Runan all died. King Xiao of Liang’s son Liu Ming was made the King of Jichuan, Liu Pengli was made the King of Jidong, Liu Ding was made the King of Shanyang, and Liu Bushi was made the King of Jiyin. The original Liang State was divided into five. Four people were enfeoffed as marquises. The official title of Tingwei was renamed Dali, Jiangzuo Shaofu was renamed Jiangzuo Dajiang, the Zhongwei of Zhujue was renamed Duwei, the Changxin Zhanshi was renamed Changxin Shaofu, the Jiangxing was renamed Dachangqiu, the Daxing was renamed Xingren, the Fengchang was renamed Taichang, the Dianke was renamed Daxing, and the Zhisu Neishi was renamed Danong. The Danei, who was in charge of the Danei warehouse, was made an official of the 2,000-stone level, and the left and right Neiguan were set up to make them subordinate to the Danei. On the day of Xinhai in July, there was a solar eclipse. In August, the Huns invaded Shangjun.






In the winter of the first year of Houyuan (143 BC), the Zhongdafu Ling was renamed Weiwei. On the Dingyou day of March, a general amnesty was issued, and each citizen was granted a higher-level title. All the officials of 2,000 Stones and the prime ministers of the vassal states were granted the title of Youshuzhang. In April, an order was issued to allow the people to gather and drink. On the Bingxu day of May, an earthquake occurred, and another earthquake occurred during breakfast. The earthquake in Shangyong County lasted for 22 days and the city wall was damaged. On the Yisi day of July, a solar eclipse occurred. Prime Minister Liu She was dismissed. On the Renchen day of August, the Imperial Censor Wei Wan was appointed as Prime Minister and was canonized as Marquis Jianling.

In the first month of the second year of Houyuan (142 BC), three earthquakes occurred in succession within one day. General Zhidu led his army to attack the Huns. An order was issued to allow the people to gather and drink for five days. The imperial edict ordered the internal historians and the counties not to feed horses with grain, and those who violated the order would have their horses taken back by the government. It was stipulated that criminals and slaves were only allowed to wear rough clothes. It was strictly forbidden to use horses to pound rice. Due to the poor harvest that year, the emperor ordered the people of the world not to eat up the food they had harvested that year within a year. Reduce the number of marquises stationed in the capital and let them all return to their fiefdoms. In March, the Huns invaded Yanmen County. In October, the farmland around Changling, the tomb of Emperor Gaozu, was rented to farmers for cultivation. A severe drought occurred. Plagues were prevalent in Hengshan State, Hedong County, and Yunzhong County.

In October of the third year of Houyuan (141 BC), there was a solar and lunar eclipse, and the sun and moon appeared red for five consecutive days. On the last day of December, there was a thunderstorm. The sun turned purple. The five planets, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn, all retrograde and stay near the Taiwei Palace. The moon crossed the sky horizontally. On the Jiayin day of the first month, the crowning ceremony of Crown Prince Liu Che was held. On the Jiazi day, Emperor Xiaojing died. His will granted a higher level title to each of the heirs of his father among the princes and the common people, and 100 coins to each household of the people across the country. The palace maids were sent back to their hometowns and exempted from taxes and corvée for life. The crown prince ascended the throne and became Emperor Xiaowu. In March, the Empress Dowager's younger brother Tian Niu was canonized as Marquis of Wu'an and Tian Sheng as Marquis of Zhouyang. The coffin of Emperor Jing was placed in Yangling.

Taishigong the Grand Historian said: After the rise of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xiaowen showed great kindness, and the people of the world were able to live in peace. By the time of Emperor Xiaojing, there was no need to worry about the rebellion of the princes of different surnames. However, Chao Cuo severely deprived the princes of the same surname as their fiefs, which led to the rebellion of the seven states of Wu and Chu, and they jointly attacked the court to the west. This was because the princes were still too powerful, and Chao Cuo did not take the approach of gradually weakening them. It was not until Zhufu Yan made suggestions and gradually weakened the power of the princes that the country was able to stabilize. Isn't the key to national security and danger determined by strategy? 



后三年十月,日月皆食赤五日。十二月晦,雷 ,日如紫。五星逆行守太微。月贯天廷中。正月甲寅,皇太子冠。甲子,孝景皇帝崩。遗诏赐诸侯王以下至民为父后爵一级,天下户百钱。出宫人归其家,复无所与。太子即位,是为孝武皇帝。三月,封皇太后弟蚡为武安侯,弟胜为周阳侯。置阳陵。


The end of A11