Saturday, May 18, 2024

240 Emperor Xiaowen’s Passing


On the 15th day of the sixth month of the seventh year of the later era of Xiaowen emperor’s reign (157 BC), Emperor Wen died in the Weiyang Palace. His will said: "I have heard that all things in the world will eventually die. Death is the common sense between heaven and earth, and the natural law of all things in the world. What is there to be overly sad about? In this era, people love life and hate death. After death, they want to be buried lavishly to squander their family property and mourn excessively to harm their bodies. I think this is not advisable. Moreover, my virtue is shallow and I cannot help the people. Now that I have passed away, I want to make people mourn excessively for a long time and suffer from severe cold and heat, make other people's fathers and sons mourn for me, hurt the hearts of the old and the young, reduce their food, and prohibit the worship of ghosts and gods, making my virtue even shallower, how can I explain to the people of the world! I have been able to guard the ancestral temple and be held high by the princes of the world with my insignificant body for more than 20 years. Relying on the power of heaven and earth and the well-being of the country, the country has been peaceful and there is no war. I was not diligent enough, and I was always worried that my behavior would bring shame to the virtues left by the previous emperor. As time went on, I was afraid that I would not have a good end. Now I am fortunate enough to live out my life and be enshrined in the high temple again. I am not virtuous but I can have a good end, what is there to be sad about! Now I order the officials and people of the world to leave after the order is issued. After three days of mourning, everyone should take off their mourning clothes. Marrying a wife or daughter, offering sacrifices, drinking, or eating meat should not be prohibited. People who are supposed to attend the funeral and are wearing mourning clothes should not go barefoot. The width of the hemp belt of the mourning clothes should not exceed three inches. Do not display chariots and weapons, and do not mobilize men and women from the public to come to the palace to cry and mourn. Those who are supposed to mourn in the palace should cry fifteen times in the morning and evening, and stop after the ceremony is completed. It is not allowed to cry without permission when it is not the time to mourn in the morning or evening. After the burial, those who should wear the big mourning clothes for nine months should only wear them for fifteen days, those who should wear the small mourning clothes for five months should only wear them for fourteen days, and those who should be in mourning for three months should only wear mourning clothes for seven days, and then take off the mourning clothes. Other matters not within the prescribed scope shall be handled in accordance with this decree. The decree shall be announced to the world so that the people of the world can understand my intention. The mountains and rivers around the tomb of the emperor should remain as they are, and no changes should be made. The concubines from the harem to the junior eunuchs should be sent back home. " The court appointed Lieutenant Zhou Yafu as General of Chariots and Cavalry, Xu Han, the Minister of the State, as General of Garrison, and Zhang Wu, the Imperial Supervisor Attendant, as General of Restoration of Soil. 16,000 active soldiers from the counties near Chang'an and 15,000 officers and soldiers from the palace were put in use, and General Zhang Wu was in charge of directing the digging of the tomb, burying the coffin, and filling the burial mound.


239 Etiquette and Morality


When drought and locust plagues occurred throughout the country, the emperor showed favors, ordered the princes to stop paying tribute to the court, lifted the ban on exploiting mountains and swamps, and allowed the people to enter and exit freely, reduced the emperor's many costumes, carriages, and toys, reduced the number of officials around the emperor, opened the government warehouse to help the poor, and the people could also sell their titles in exchange for food.

Emperor Xiaowen came to Chang'an from Dai State. During his 23 years in office, he did not increase the number of palaces, gardens, dogs and horses, clothing, and carriages. He abolished the prohibitions that were inconvenient for the people to make life easier for them. Emperor Wen wanted to build a terrace and summoned craftsmen to calculate the cost, which was worth 100 gold. Emperor Wen said, "100 gold is equivalent to the property of ten middle-class families. I am always worried about bringing shame to the previous emperor while guarding the palace of the previous emperor. What is the point of building a terrace?" Emperor Wen usually wore coarse silk clothes. His favorite wife Shen was not allowed to wear clothes that dragged on the ground. The curtains of the palace were not allowed to be embroidered with patterns, in order to show his honesty and frugality and set an example for the world. When Emperor Wen built the Mausoleum of Baling, he used earthenware as burial objects, and was not allowed to use gold, silver, copper, or tin as decorations. He did not build a tall tomb mound, in order to save money and not bother the people. Zhao Tuo, the King of Nanyue, proclaimed himself Emperor Wu, but Emperor Wen summoned his brothers and granted them titles and salaries to repay him with kindness. Zhao Tuo then gave up his title of emperor and became a vassal of the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty made peace with the Huns, but the Huns broke the agreement and entered the country to plunder. However, Emperor Wen only ordered the border guards to strengthen their defenses and did not send troops deep into the Huns territory, fearing that it would disturb the people. The King of Wu lied that he was sick and did not come to the court, and Emperor Wen gave him a side table and a walking stick. Although the words of the ministers such as Yuan Ang were fierce, Emperor Wen often accepted their suggestions with tolerance. Among the ministers, such as Zhang Wu, when they accepted money from others, when they were discovered, Emperor Wen rewarded them with money from the palace treasury, so that they would feel ashamed in their hearts and not hand it over to the officials for punishment. Emperor Wen was committed to educating his subjects with morality, so the four seas were prosperous and etiquette and morality prevailed in the world.



238 Marriage with Huns


In the 16th year (164 BC), Emperor Wen personally went to the Five Emperors Temple in Weiyang to hold a suburban sacrifice, and also thanked heaven for the auspiciousness in the summer, and the clothing advocated red.

In the 17th year (163 BC), Emperor Wen got a jade cup with "Longevity of the Lord" engraved on it. So Emperor Wen began to change the current year to the first year as the later era, and ordered the people of the world to gather and feast. That year, Xin Yuanping's conspiracy was exposed and his three clans were exterminated.

In the second year of later era of Xiaowen emperor (162 BC), Emperor Wen said: "I am not wise enough to extend my kindness to distant places, so some countries outside the border cannot be stable and harmonious. The people in the remote areas of the four directions cannot live and work in peace, and the people in the country work hard and cannot rest. These two faults are due to my shallow virtue and cannot benefit distant places. In recent years, the Huns have come to the border to cause trouble, killing many officials and civilians, and the officers and soldiers guarding the border cannot tell the Huns my thoughts, which makes my virtue even shallower. With such long-term grievances and wars, what will the countries in the world rely on to be peaceful? Now I have already I got up early and went to bed late, and I was busy with the world's affairs and worried about the millions of people. I was anxious and uneasy, and I never forgot this matter. So I sent envoys to tell the Chanyu my thoughts. Now the Chanyu has returned to the previous friendly path, considering the peace of the country and seeking benefits for the people. He has forgotten the small festivals with me, walked on the road together, and forged a brotherly friendship to protect the millions of people in the world. The marriage has been decided, starting right this year. "

In the winter of the sixth year of later era of Xiaowen (158 BC), 30,000 Huns entered Shangjun and 30,000 entered Yunzhong. Emperor Wen appointed Middle Minister Ling Mian as the general of chariots and cavalry, stationed in Feihu; appointed Su Yi, the former prime minister of Chu, as a general, stationed in Juzhu; ordered General Zhang Wu to station in Beidi; appointed Zhou Yafu, the governor of Henei County, as a general, stationed in Xiliu; appointed Liu Li, the chief of the clan, as a general, stationed in Bashang; and ordered Songzi Hou to station in Jimen to guard against the Huns people. A few months later, the Huns people withdrew, and the various armies also withdrew.





237 The Virtue of Earth


In the winter of the 14th year (166 BC), the Huns planned to enter the border to plunder, they attacked the pass fortress and killed military head Sun Ang of Beidi. Emperor Wen then sent three generals to station in Longxi, Beidi, and Shangjun respectively, and appointed Zhou She as the General of Guards, and Supervisor Attendant Zhang Wu as the General of Chariots and Cavalry, stationed north of the Wei River, with 1,000 chariots and 100,000 cavalry. Emperor Wen personally comforted the soldiers, rectified the army, issued instructions, and rewarded the soldiers of the whole army. Emperor Wen wanted to lead the soldiers to attack the Huns in person, but the ministers dissuaded him, and Emperor Wen refused to listen. The Queen Mother resolutely stopped Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wen gave up. So he appointed Zhang Xiangru, Marquis of Dongyang, as the general, Dong Chi, Marquis of Cheng, as the internal historian, and Luan Bu as the general, and sent troops to attack the Huns. The Huns fled.

In spring, Emperor Wen said, "I have been able to offer sacrifices and jade to the Emperor of Heaven and the ancestral temple for fourteen years, which is a long time. I am not diligent and wise, but I have been able to govern the world for a long time. I feel ashamed for this. The altar should be expanded and more sacrifices should be provided. In the past, the former kings showed favors from afar without asking for returns, offered sacrifices to mountains and rivers from afar without praying for blessings, put talents prior to relatives, considered the people first and themselves next, and were extremely wise. Now I heard that the officials in charge of sacrifices prayed for blessings from the gods, but all of them were attributed to me, but they did not consider the people. I feel ashamed for this. People like me with shallow virtues enjoy the blessings of the gods alone, while the people cannot enjoy them, which makes my virtues even shallower. Now I order the officials in charge of sacrifices to express respect to the gods and not pray for me." 

At that time, Zhang Cang, the Marquis of Beiping, was the prime minister and was formulating music and calendar. Gongsun Chen, a native of Lu County, wrote a letter to explain the theory of the end and beginning of the five virtues, and proposed that the current one is the earth virtue, which corresponds to the appearance of the yellow dragon, and the calendar and clothing systems should be changed. The emperor referred the matter to the prime minister and other officials for discussion. After studying it, the prime minister believed that the present was the water virtue, and began to stipulate that October was the beginning of the year and that the clothing should be black. He believed that Gongsun Chen's theory was incorrect and requested that it should not be adopted.

In the 15th year (165 BC), a yellow dragon appeared in Chengji. The emperor then summoned Gongsun Chen of Lu County again, appointed him as a doctor, and asked him to explain the relevant theories of the earth virtue. So Emperor Wen issued an edict saying: "A strange divine creature appeared in Chengji, but it did not harm the people. This year's harvest is very good. I will personally go to the suburbs to sacrifice to the Emperor of Heaven and the gods. The officials in charge of etiquette will discuss it, and don't worry about my fatigue." The officials in charge of etiquette all said: "In ancient times, the emperor personally went to the suburbs in summer to sacrifice to the Emperor of Heaven according to etiquette, so it was called suburban sacrifice." So Emperor Wen personally visited Yong County for the first time, sacrificed to the Five Emperors in the suburbs, and thanked the heaven for the auspicious signs in the fourth month of summer. Xin Yuanping, a native of Zhao, was summoned because of his skill in the art of observing qi. He took the opportunity to persuade Emperor Wen to build the Temple of the Five Emperors in Weiyang. At the same time, he wanted to instigate the emperor to salvage the Nine Tripod Cauldrons of the Zhou, saying that there would definitely be a brilliant gem to be found.





236 Corporal Punishment Abolished


In the summer of the 13th year (167 BC), Emperor Wen said: "I have heard that disasters arise from resentment, and good fortune arises from benevolence. This is in accordance with the way of heaven. I should bear the responsibility for the mistakes of all officials. Now the 
Mizhu office has blamed all the faults onto his subordinates, which shows my lack of humanity. I think this is unacceptable. I am abolishing this position."

In May, Chunyu Yi, Taicang magistrate of Qi, committed a crime and was about to be punished. The imperial court issued an edict to arrest him and escort him to Chang'an. Taicang Gong had five daughters but no son. When he was about to be taken away, he scolded his daughters, saying, "Giving birth to children without sons is useless in an emergency." His youngest daughter, Tiying, cried alone and followed her father to Chang'an, where she wrote a letter to the court, saying, "My father was an official, and the people of Qi praised him for his integrity and justice. Now he has committed a crime and should be punished. I am sad that the dead cannot come back to life, and the limbs of the punished cannot be reassembled. Even if they want to reform, there is no other way. I am willing to be punished as an official slave to atone for my father's sins so that he can reform." Tiying's letter was sent to the emperor, who sympathized with her filial piety and issued an edict saying, "I heard that in the time of You Yu, the criminals were punished by drawing patterns of corresponding punishments on their clothes and hats to distinguish them from the clothes of ordinary people, but the people did not violate the laws. Why was this? Because it was a peaceful and prosperous era. There are three things in the current laws. Is it because I have a shallow moral character and do not teach people clearly? I feel ashamed that my teaching methods are imperfect and have led to the ignorant people falling into lawlessness. The Book of Songs says: 'A harmonious and happy gentleman is the parent of the people.' Now when people commit crimes, they are punished before they are taught. Even if someone wants to change his ways, there is no chance. I feel very sorry for them. Punishment leads to the mutilation of limbs and tattoos on the skin, which cannot be restored for life. How painful and immoral, how can it meet the wishes of parents! Corporal punishment should be abolished. "

Emperor Wen said: "Agriculture is the foundation of the world. There is no more important matter than this. Now people have to pay taxes for hard work, which makes people who are engaged in the main industry and those who are engaged in the secondary industry the same. This is because the method of encouraging farming is not perfect. Immediately exempt farmland from taxes.”




235 Rebels of kings


When King of Jibei Liu Xingju heard that the emperor was in Dai and wanted to attack the Huns, he took the opportunity to rebel and mobilized his troops to launch a surprise attack on Xingyang. So the emperor issued an edict to withdraw the 85,000 cavalry led by the prime minister, and sent Chen Wu, the Marquis of Jipu, as the general to lead an army of 100,000 to counterattack the King of Jibei. Marquis Qi Zeng He was appointed general and stationed in Xingyang. In July, on the day of Xin Hai, the emperor returned to Chang'an from Taiyuan. So he issued an edict to the relevant departments, saying: "The King of Jibei has betrayed my kindness, disobeyed the monarch, and implicated the officials and people who followed him, committing the crime of high treason. If the officials and people of Jibei can settle it down before the arrival of the imperial army, and those who surrendered to the imperial court with the army, fiefdom and capital will be pardoned and restore their original official positions and titles. Those who had exchanges with Liu Xingju, the king of Jibei but did not participate in the conspiracy, will be also pardoned. In August, the imperial army defeated the Jibei army and captured the King of Jibei. The emperor pardoned the officials and people in Jibei who rebelled with the king of Jibei.

In sixth years (174 BC), officials of the relevant departments reported that Liu Chang, the king of Huainan, abandoned the decree of the previous emperor, and did not listen to the imperial order of the emperor. The specifications of the palace where he lived exceeded the limit, and the entrance and exit were similar to that of the emperor. He formulated the decree without authorization, planned to rebel with Chen Qi, the prince of the Marquis of Ji Pu, and sent people to send envoys to Minyue and the Huns, and trying to use the local army to endanger the ancestral temple. After discussion, the ministers all said, "Liu Chang should be executed in public." Emperor Wen couldn't bear to punish the King of Huainan, pardoned his death penalty, and deposed his throne. The ministers requested that the king of Huainan be exiled to Yandao and Qiongdu in Shu, and Emperor Wen approved it. Liu Chang died of illness on the way without arriving at the place of exile. Emperor Wen felt pity for him. Later, in the sixteenth year (164 BC.), Liu Chang was honored as the king of Huainan, nicknamed King Li, and made his three sons the king of Huainan, the king of Hengshan and the king of Lujiang.



234 Bronze Tiger and Bamboo Envoy


The emperor said: "In ancient times, when the country was governed, there were flags for good and wood for slander, so that people could come to advise the government. Now the law has the crime of slandering and making false statements, which makes the ministers afraid to speak freely, and the emperor has no way to hear about mistakes. How can we attract virtuous people from far away? Get rid of it. Some people curse the emperor to make an agreement and then slander each other, and the officials think it is some big rebellion. If they say something else, the officials will think it is slander. This is the ignorance of the common people and they will die. I don't accept it. From now on, those who commit this will not be punished."

In September, bronze tiger talisman and bamboo envoy talisman were first made between the imperial court and governors of the counties and states.

In the third year, on the last day, the Dingyu, of the tenth month of the year, there was a solar eclipse. In November, the emperor said: "The day before yesterday, the emperor issued an edict to send the states of the marquisates, but some of them refused to go. The prime minister is my priority, so he should lead the states of the marquisates for me." Marquis Jiang Zhou Bo was dismissed from the position of the prime minister and returned to his office in his fiefdom, and Guan Ying, the Grand Commandant and Marquis Yingyin,  was appointed as the new prime minister. The position of the Grand Commandant was dismissed and subordinated to the prime minister. In April, King Chengyang Liu Zhang died. King Huainan Liu Chang and his follower Wei Jing killed Marquis Piyang Shen Yiji.

In May, the Huns entered the northern land and lived in Henan as a bandit. The emperor first visited Ganquan. In June, the emperor said: "Han and the Huns agreed to be brothers and not to harm the border, so they gave generous gifts to the Huns. Now the Virtuous King of the Right left his country and led his people to live in the surrendered land in Henan. He is not doing what he always does. He travels near the border, captures and kills officials and soldiers, drives away the local barbarians who protect the border and prevents them from living in their hometowns, bullies border officials, invades and steals, and is very arrogant and unruly. Immediately have the border officials recruit 85,000 cavalry to Gaonu, and sent the prime minister Marquis Yingyin Guan Ying to attack the Huns." The Huns retreated, and the emperor conscripted a number of lieutenant officers under the command of the general guard and stationed them in Chang'an.

On the day of Xinmao, the emperor went from Ganquan to Gaonu, and visited Taiyuan. He met all the old ministers and gave them gifts. He rewarded the people for their merits and gave cattle and wine to the people in the village. At the same time, he exempted the people of Jinyang and Zhongdu from taxes and corvee for three years, and stayed in Taiyuan for more than ten days.






233 Agriculture is the Foundation


At the end of November, there was a solar eclipse. On December 15, there was another solar eclipse. The emperor said: "I have heard that Heaven first created the common people and then appointed a king to rule them. If a monarch is immoral and his policies are unfair, then Heaven will use natural disasters to warn him and remind him that he has not governed the country well. So at the end of November, a solar eclipse occurred, expressing Heaven's intention of condemnation. Is there any greater natural disaster than this! I have obtained the qualification to protect the ancestral temple and the state, and I am above the people and the king with my insignificant strength and body. The stability and chaos of the world depend on me alone. Only two or three ministers can assist me with all their strength like my arms and legs. I am unable to govern and educate all living beings, and I have also diminished the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars. This is a great lack of virtue. When an order is issued, you should think carefully about my mistakes as well as the limitations of my knowledge, insights and thoughts, and report them to me. And recommend those who are virtuous, upright and capable of speaking frankly to strongly advise me to correct the mistakes I made. You must manage your respective duties well and reduce corvée and taxes to facilitate the people. Since I am unable to travel far away to implement benevolent policies, I am extremely fearful and uneasy in my heart, always worrying that the barbarians outside will do wrongful things without scruples. Therefore, the military alert on the border cannot be lifted yet. Even though I cannot withdraw the troops stationed on the border now, but I have so many strict palace guards around me, so I have to withdraw the guards that General Wei has set up for me. The horses under the charge of the Imperial Coachman should only be kept as many as needed, and the rest should be placed in the post stations."

In January, the Emperor said: "Agriculture is the foundation of the world. Immediately open up the land for cultivation. I will personally lead the princes and the people to cultivate the land in order to provide grain for the ancestral temple for sacrifices."

In March, some officials requested to enthronize the prince as a vassal king. The emperor said, "King You of Zhao was imprisoned until his death. I feel very sorry for him. I have already enthroned King Zhao's eldest son Liu Sui as the new King of Zhao. Liu Sui's younger brother Liu Pijiang and King Daohui of Qi’s sons Liu Zhang, Marquis of Zhuxu, and Liu Xingju, Marquis of Dongmu, have made contributions to the country and can also be enfeoffed as princes. " So he made Liu Pijiang, the youngest son of King You of Zhao, the King of Hejian; several busy prefectures and counties of Qi were divided among Zhuxu Marquis, who was named the King of Chengyang; he made Dongmu Marquis the King of Jibei; he made the prince Liu Wu the King of Dai, the prince Liu Can the King of Taiyuan, and the prince Liu Yi the King of Liang. 


