Monday, April 8, 2024

79 The Republic


Prince Jing of King Li was hiding in the house of Duke Zhao. When the people heard about it, they surrounded Duke Zhao's house. Duke Zhao said, "I have advised the king many times before, but the king did not listen, which led to today's disaster. If I kill the king's prince now, the king may think that I am venting my anger because of a grudge. When serving the monarch, one should not bear grudges even in danger, and should not vent resentment, let alone serve the king!" So he replaced the prince of King Li with his own son, and the prince finally escaped.

The two ministers, Duke Zhao and Duke Zhou, jointly managed the state affairs, which was called "Republic". In the 14th year of the Republic, King Li died in Zhui. Prince Jing grew up in the home of Duke Zhao, so the two ministers jointly supported him to become the king, and this was King Xuan. When King Xuan was in throne, the two ministers assisted him in reforming politics, following the legacy of King Wen, King Wu, King Cheng, and King Kang, and the princes once again regarded Zhou as their suzerain. In the 12th year of King Xuan’s reign, Duke Wu of Lu came to pay homage.

King Xuan did not personally cultivate the land in Qianmu. Duke Wen of Guo advised him not to do so, but King Xuan did not listen. In the 39th year of his reign, the royal army was defeated in the battle of Qianmu by the Jiang clan, the descendants of Siyue.

After King Xuan lost his army in the southern expedition, he counted the population in Taiyuan. Zhong Shanfu advised him not to do so, saying, "The king cannot directly count the population." King Xuan did not listen and eventually counted the population.





78 Duke Zhao’s Advice to King Li


King Li was cruel and tyrannical, extravagant and arrogant, and the people criticized him. Duke Zhao advised him, saying, "The people can't stand it anymore." King Li was agitated and found wizards from the State of Wei to monitor those who criticized him and had them executed. As a result, there were fewer criticisms, and the princes stopped coming to the king’s court. In the thirty-fourth year of his reign, King Li's control became even tougher over the people. People dared not speak casually and only made eye contact with each other on the street. King Li was very happy. He told Duke Zhao, "I’m made the criticisms disappeared now. They dare not speak." Duke Zhao said, "This only blocks their mouths. Blocking people's mouths is more dangerous than blocking a flood. A flood blocked will hurt many people when breaking through, and the same holds true for blocking people's mouths. Therefore, those who control floods should clear the blockages and drain the water. Those who govern the people should open up channels for them to express their opinions. Therefore, when the emperor handles government affairs, he should let the ministers and even the nobles offer poems, let the blind musicians offer music, let the historians offer books, let the grand tutor give admonitions, let the blind musicians without pupils sing the poems, let the blind musicians with pupils recite admonitions, let all the craftsmen come to give advice, let the common people discuss among themselves, let the close ministers give advice with all their heart, let the relatives make up for the mistakes, let the blind musicians and historians teach together, let the sages give instructions, and finally, let the king think thoroughly and carefully, so that the governance can be implemented without violating any reasoning. The people have mouths, just like the land has mountains and rivers, and wealth is generated from them; just like the plains have fertile soil, and food and clothing are generated from them. Let the people speak out, and the success or failure of governing the country can be foreseen. Doing good things and preventing bad things from happening, the principles of which are the same as that of generating wealth and food and clothing. What the people think in their hearts is what they say with their mouths, so that things can be done well. If you block the mouths of the people, how long could you last? " King Li did not listen to the remonstrance. So the people dared not speak, and three years later, the people rebelled together and attacked King Li. King Li fled to Zhi.


77 Rui Liangfu to King Li about Duke Rong


After King Yi died, his son King Li Hu succeeded to the throne. King Li reigned for 30 years. He was greedy for wealth and was close to Duke Rong Yi. The minister Rui Liangfu advised King Li, "Is the royal family going to decline? Duke Rong Yi loves to accumulate wealth but does not know that a disaster is coming. Wealth is produced by all things and carried by heaven and earth, but he wants to take it for himself, there are too many harms. He wants to obtain all things in heaven and earth, how can he take it all for himself? He has angered too many people, and he does not guard against disasters. If the King being taught in such a way, how can the he rule for a long time? The one who rules should guide wealth and distribute it from top to bottom. Even if you do your best for everything in the world, you still have to be nervous every day and worry about causing dissatisfaction. Therefore, the Song sings: ‘Remembering Hou Ji’s literary virtues, his outstanding achievements are worthy of heaven, and the people of the world are kept safe, and all of them take him as a perfect example.’ Daya the Grand Elegance says: ‘To make benevolence widely shown, and the Zhou Dynasty is carried on going.’ Doesn’t this mean that one should give away wealth and watch out for disasters? That is why the Zhou Dynasty has continued to this day. Now the king is learning to accumulate wealth, how would it be possible? An ordinary person who accumulates wealth is still called a thief, and if the king does this, there must be very few people willing to submit to him. If Duke Rong is given an important position, the Zhou Dynasty will surely decline. " King Li did not listen to his advice, and finally appointed Duke Rong as a minister to manage state affairs.


76 Three Ladies as a Charm


King Mu reigned for fifty-five years. After his death, his son Yi Yu succeeded to the throne, becoming King Gong. When King Gong was traveling on the Jing River, and Duke Mi Kang was with him, there were three girls came to follow. Duke Mi Kang's mother said to him, "You must present them to the King. Three animals or more are called a group, and three people or more are called a crowd, and three ladies or more are called a charm. The King does not hunt more than a group in the field, the Dukes and princes do not get off the car when they see a crowd. The King's concubines do not exceed three from the same clan. The so-called charm is a beautiful thing. Everyone gives you beautiful things, but what virtue do you have to deserve it? Even the King is not worthy of it, let alone someone so insignificant like you! If someone insignificant happened having it, then the end will eventually be the death." Duke Mi Kang was unwilling to present them to King Gong. A year later, King Gong destroyed the Mi fiefdom. After King Gong died, his son Jian succeeded to the throne and became King Yih (懿).  During the reign of King Yih, the royal family declined, and poets wrote poems to satirize it. After King Yih died, King Gong's younger brother Pifang succeeded to the throne, and this was King Xiao. 

After King Xiao died, the princes supported King Yih's crown prince Xie to succeed to the throne, and this was King Yi (夷). (Translator’s note: The duos, the father (懿) and son (夷), both pinyined Yi, but the Chinese characters are totally different, to distinguish from each other, I’ll refer the father as King Yih, of the Cantonese spelling.)

