Thursday, April 25, 2024

144 Mount Zhifu 2


The inscription on the east tower reads: "In the 29th year, the emperor went on a spring tour to inspect distant places. He came to the seaside, climbed Mount Zhifu, and faced the rising sun. Admiring the magnificent scenery, the accompanying ministers recalled the emperor's achievements and thought about the bright road that the Qin State had once traveled. When the wise laws were first implemented, they cleared up domestic troubles and quelled foreign riots. The Qin army's might was known far and wide, and it captured six kings. Expand territory, unify the world, eliminate disasters, and put an end to wars. The emperor is wise and never slacks off in governing the country. Important rules and regulations were established, weights and measures were standardized, and standards for carriages, horses and clothing were set. All the officials strictly abided by their duties and performed their responsibilities, and there was no room for suspicion in their work. The people changed their customs and habits, and the laws were the same regardless of distance. This had never happened since ancient times. Now that the conventions have been established, future generations should follow these principles and inherit this great achievement. The ministers praised the emperor's kindness and achievements, and engraved the eulogy on the stone tablet on Mount Zhifu.

Not long after, the First Emperor went to Langya and passed through Shangdang.

In the thirtieth year, nothing happened.




143 Mount Zhifu 1


The First Emperor climbed Mount Zhifu, and had a stone carved. The words read:

In the 29th year, it was mid-spring, and the sun was just rising. The emperor traveled eastward, stopped at Mount Zhifu, and looked down at the sea. The accompanying ministers admired the sight and could not help but remember the great achievements and commemorate the origin. The great ruling sage established laws and regulations and made them clear. He taught the princes abroad, showed culture and grace, and enlightened them with righteousness and reason. The kings of the six countries were evil and perverse, cruel and greedy, and killed people without end. The emperor felt sorry for the people, so he sent troops to fight against them and promoted martial virtue. His just punishment and his honest actions spread his power to all places, and everyone submitted to him. He killed the tyrants, saved the people, and pacified the four corners of the country. He universally implemented the law, governed the world, and set an example forever. How great! The whole country obeyed the will of the sage. The ministers praised his merits and asked to carve it on the stone to be a common practice.



142 Xiangjun then Bolangsha


When the First Emperor returned, he passed through Pengcheng, where he fasted and offered sacrifices, hoping to salvage the Nine Tripod Cauldrons of the Zhou Dynasty from the Si River. He sent thousands of people to dive into the water to search for them, but they could not find them. So he crossed the Huai River to the southwest and headed for Hengshan County and Nanjun County. He sailed on the Yangtze River and came to Xiangshan to offer sacrifices. He encountered a strong wind and could hardly cross the Yangtze River. The First Emperor asked the doctor, "What kind of immortal is Xiangjun?" The doctor replied, "I heard that Xiangjun was the daughter of Yao and the wife of Shun, and was buried here after her death." So the First Emperor was very angry and ordered 3,000 serving criminals to cut down all the trees on Xiangshan, exposing the reddish-brown rocks. The First Emperor returned to the capital from Nanjun via Wuguan.

In the 29th year (218 BC), the First Emperor went on an inspection tour to the east. When he arrived at Bolangsha in Yangwu, he was frightened by an assassination attempt. The First Emperor ordered a pursuit, but he did not catch anyone, so he ordered a large-scale search across the country for ten days.



141 Langya Terrace 2


The King of Qin annexed the world and established the title of Emperor, so he inspected the eastern territory and came to Langya County. The Marquis Wucheng Wang Li, the Marquis Tongwu Wang Ben, the Marquis Jiancheng Zhao Hai, the Marquis Changwu Cheng, the Marquis Wuxin Feng Wuze, the Prime Minister Wei Lin, the Prime Minister Wang Wan, the Minister Li Si, the Minister Wang Wu, the Five Great Officials Zhao Ying, and the Five Great Officials Yang Qiu accompanied him and discussed with the Emperor at the seaside, saying: "In ancient times, the territory of those who claimed to be emperors did not exceed a thousand miles. The princes guarded their own fiefdoms respectively. Some paid tribute, while others did not. They invaded each other, rebelled, and harmed the people. They fought endlessly, but they still set up stones to record their achievements. The Five Emperors and the Three Kings in ancient times promoted inconsistent teachings and implemented unclear laws. Indeed, relying on the power of ghosts and gods to deceive the people in distant places is not worthy of the name, so the country's fortune will not last long. These emperors themselves have not died, and the princes have already betrayed them, and the laws cannot be implemented. Now the emperor has unified the four seas and set up counties, and the world is peaceful and stable. Carry forward the virtues of the ancestors, practice the right way and promote virtue, and the title of honor is complete. The ministers jointly praise the merits of the emperor and engrave them on gold and stone, so as to set an example for future generations. " 

After the incident, Xu Fu and others from Qi County wrote a letter saying that there are three sacred mountains in the sea, named Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, where immortals live. Xu Fu and others asked to fast and bathe, and lead boys and girls to find the sacred mountains. So the First Emperor sent Xu Fu to select thousands of boys and girls to go into the sea to find immortals. 



140 Langya Terrace 1


When the First Emperor visited the south, he climbed Mount Langya and liked it very much. He stayed there for three months. He then moved 30,000 households to the foot of Langya Terrace and exempted them from taxes and labor service for 12 years. He ordered the construction of Langya Terrace and erected a stone with carvings to praise the merits of the Qin Dynasty and express his intentions. The inscription says:

In the 26th year, the First Emperor opened a new era, rectified laws and established the rules for all things. So the personnel and affairs are clarified, and the father and son work together. The wisdom of the emperor is benevolent and righteous, explicit and easy to understand. The emperor came to east pacify the regions and to inspect the soldiers. When it was close to be done, he arrived at the seaside. The emperor made outstanding contributions and worked hard for national affairs. He promoted agriculture and suppressed the insignificant commerce, and the common people lived a prosperous life. All followed the same path under the heaven, unifying the standards of measurements, and the characters of the writing. Wherever the sun and the moon shine, wherever boats and carriages go, all will live their lives to the fullest. It is the emperor's duty to take appropriate measures according to different opportunities. He rectified bad customs, crossed mountains and rivers to provide relief to the people, he has worked tirelessly from morning to night. He eliminate doubts, clarify laws, and make people aware of what to avoid. Officials perform their duties accordingly and all issues are dealt with in a concise and efficient manner. All measures are appropriate and there is no inconsistency. The emperor is full of wisdom and personally tours the four directions. The hierarchy of nobility and inferiority will not be transgressed. Treachery and evil are not tolerated, and everyone strives to be chaste and good. We should do our best in matters big and small, and not be lazy or neglectful. No matter whether we are far or near, or in remote places, we should be solemn and dignified, have upright morals and be loyal, and follow the rules. The emperor's virtue is boundless, and he blesses and stabilizes the four directions. He eliminates harm and punishes rioters, and promotes benefits for the people. He does things according to the seasons and develops various industries. The people are stable and harmonious, and no longer wage wars. The six relatives live in peace with each other, and there are no more thieves. They are happy to accept education and understand the laws and regulations. The whole world is the emperor's territory. To the west, it reaches the desert, to the south, the gates are open to the north. To the east, it reaches the East Sea, and to the north, it crosses Daxia. Wherever people go, everyone comes to pay tribute. The emperor's achievements surpass those of the five emperors, and his grace benefits livestock. Everyone is educated by virtue, and everyone lives and works in peace. 


139 Zennobling


In the twenty-eighth year, the First Emperor traveled eastward to prefectures and counties and went up to Mount Zouyi. He had a stone set up and discussed with the Confucian scholars of Lu, the stone was carved to praise the virtues of Qin, and they further discussed the matter of zennobling (封禅fengshan) and worshiping mountains and rivers. Then he went up to Mount Tai, set up the stone, sealed it, and worshiped in the temple. On his way down, a storm came, he rested under a tree and then named the tree the Five Great Masters. He zennobled Mount Liangfu. The words engraved on the standing stone read:

When the emperor comes to the throne, he makes laws and regulations, and his subordinates revise them. After twenty and six years, when the world is united for the first time, and nobody dare to disobey. And he personally patrolled the people in distant places, climbed Mount Tai, and looked around to the East End. And he follows the ministers' deeds, stay focused on their careers, and only recite their merits. The way of governance is running things smoothly, and all productions are appropriate, and all follow their own laws. The great righteousness will never be forgotten, and it will be passed down to future generations. Follow it and don't abandon it. The emperor's obedience to the saints not only brought peace to the world but also made unremitting efforts to govern. He works hard from early morning till late night, builds long-term benefits and is especially good at teaching. The scriptures are taught and promulgated, and they are clear from far and near and inherit the holy will. There is a clear distinction between high and low, men and women are courteous, and they carefully obey their duties. The luminosity separates in or out, and the waste is never pure or clean.  These teachings are to be passed down to our heirs, who will extend it to infinity, abide by the edicts left behind, and uphold the precepts forever. 

The First Emperor then went eastward along the Bohai Sea, passed Huang and Shen, reached to the end of Chengshan Mountain, climbed Zhifu Mountain, erected a stone praising the merits of the Qin, then left.


