Sunday, April 21, 2024

123 King Huiwen of Qin


In the fifth year of King Huiwen of Qin (333 BC), Xishou from Yinjin was appointed as the Daliangzao. In the sixth year, Wei ceded Yinjin to Qin, and Yinjin was renamed Ningqin. In the seventh year, Gongsun Yan (Shiji mistook him for Prince Ang of Wei) led his troops to fight against the Wei army, captured the Wei general Long Jia, and beheaded 80,000 soldiers. In the eighth year, Wei ceded Hexi the land west of the Yellow River to Qin. In the ninth year, the Qin army crossed the Yellow River and captured Fenyin and Pishi. King Huiwen of Qin and King of Wei met in Ying. The Qin army surrounded Jiao and forced its garrison to surrender. In the tenth year (328 BC), Zhang Yi became the prime minister of Qin. Wei ceded fifteen counties of Shangjun. In the eleventh year, Qin established a county in Yiqu. Jiao and Quwo were returned to Wei. The King of Yiqu became a vassal of Qin. Shaoliang was renamed Xiayang. In the 12th year (326 BC), the La Festival began. On the Wuwu day of the 4th month of the 13th year (325 BC), Lord Wei proclaimed himself king, and Lord Han also proclaimed himself king (King Xiang of Wei and King Xuanhui of Han). The State of Qin sent Zhang Yi to capture Shan County and expelled the local people to the State of Wei. 

In the fourteenth year (324BC), the reign was changed to the first year. In the second year, Zhang Yi met with ministers from Qi and Chu at Niesang. In the third year, the princes of Han and Wei came to pay homage. Zhang Yi served as Prime Minister of Wei State. In the fifth year, King Huiwen of Qin toured to Beihe. In the seventh year, Le Chi served as prime minister of Qin State. Han, Zhao, Wei, Yan, and Qi led the Hun army to attack Qin together. The Qin State sent Shu Changji to fight the enemy at Xiu Yu, captured their general Shen Cha, defeated Prince Ke of Zhao and Prince Huan of Han, and killed 82,000 people. In the eighth year, Zhang Yi once again served as the prime minister of Qin. In the ninth year, Sima Cuo led his army to attack the Kingdom of Shu and finally destroyed it. He conquered Zhao Zhongdu and Xiyang. In the tenth year, Prince Cang of Han came to Qin as a hostage. The Qin State captured Shizhang of the Han State, also defeated Ni, the general of Zhao, and also captured twenty-five cities of Yiqiu. In the eleventh year, Chu Li Ji led his army to attack Jiao of Wei State, and Jiao surrendered. The Han army was defeated at Anmen, ten thousand beheaded, and the Han general Xishou escaped. Prince Tong was made Marquis of Shu. The King of Yan gave up his throne to his minister Zizhi. In the 12th year (314 BC), King Huiwen and King Liang met in Linjin. The chief minister Chu Liji attacked Zhao and captured the general Zhuang. Zhang Yi became the prime minister of Chu. In the 13th year (313 BC), the chief minister Wei Zhang attacked Chu in Danyang, captured the enemy general Qu Gai, and beheaded 80,000 people; he also attacked Hanzhong in Chu, seized 600 li of land, and established Hanzhong County. Chu surrounded Yongshi, and Qin sent the chief minister Chu Liji to assist Han and attack Qi in the east, and sent Dao Man to assist Wei in attacking Yan. In the 14th year (312 BC), Qin attacked Chu and captured Zhaoling. Dan Rong and Li Rong became Qin's vassals. The prime minister of Shu, Chen Zhuang, killed the Marquis of Shu and surrendered. 



122 Wei Yang’s Death


In the 21st year of Duke Xiao of Qin (341 BC), the Qi army defeated the Wei army at Maling. 

In the 22nd year, Wei Yang led the troops to attack the State of Wei and captured Prince Ang of Wei. Duke Xiao of Qin granted Wei Yang the title of Marquis and the title of Lord Shang. 

In the 24th year, the Qin army fought the Wei army at Yanmen and captured Wei's general Wei Cuo.

Duke Xiao of Qin died and his son, Duke Huiwen, succeeded him. In the same year, the State of Qin executed Wei Yang. When Wei Yang first started to reform the state of Qin, his laws could not be implemented and the crown prince violated the ban. Wei Yang said: "The reason why the law cannot be implemented is because of the obstruction of the nobles. If you must implement the reform, punish the prince first. If you cannot use tattooing on the prince, use tattooing on his teacher." So the law was quickly implemented and the people of Qin were well governed. After Duke Xiao died, the crown prince succeeded to the throne. Many members of the royal family resented Wei Yang, so he tried to flee. The crown prince took the opportunity to charge him with treason and eventually had him torn apart with chariots as a warning to the public in Qin. 

In the first year of King Huiwen (337 BC), Chu, Han, Zhao, and Shu sent envoys to pay homage to him. In the second year, the King of Zhou sent people to congratulate him. In the third year, King Huiwen held a ceremony to crown his father. In the fourth year, the King of Zhou sent meat to sacrifice to King Wen and King Wu. The King of Qi and the King of Wei became kings (King Wei of Qi and King Hui of Wei).






121 Wei Yang


When Wei Yang heard that Qin had issued this order, he traveled west to Qin and asked to see Duke Xiao through Jing Jian.

In the second year of Duke Xiao of Qin  (360 BC), the Zhou emperor gave sacrificial meat to Duke Xiao of Qin. 

In the third year, Wei Yang persuaded Duke Xiao to carry out reforms, revise the criminal law, vigorously develop agriculture at home, clarify rewards and punishments abroad, and encourage soldiers to fight bravely. Duke Xiao appreciated his suggestions. Gan Long, Du Zhi and others disagreed with Wei Yang's point of view and argued with him endlessly. Finally, Duke Xiao adopted Wei Yang's reform proposal. When the new law was first implemented, the people felt very miserable, but three years later, the people found the new law very convenient. So Duke Xiao of Qin appointed Wei Yang as the left minister. The story about Shang Yang's reforms is recorded in "Biography of Shang Yang". 

In the seventh year, Duke Xiao of Qin met with King Hui of Wei in Duping. In the eighth year, the Qin army fought against the Wei army in Yuanli and won. In the tenth year, Wei Yang was named Daliangzao the great minister and led his army to besiege Anyi of Wei State. Finally, Anyi was forced to surrender. In the twelfth year, Xianyang City was built, a tall palace gate was constructed, and the Qin State moved its capital here. Subsequently, the small villages were merged into large counties, and a county magistrate was appointed for each county, for a total of 41 counties. Replan the fields and open up field roads. The Qin territory expanded to the east of Luo River. In the fourteenth year, taxation began to be levied. In the 19th year, the Zhou emperor appointed Qin Xiaogong as the overlord. In the twenty year, all the princes came to congratulate him. The State of Qin sent Prince Shaoguan to lead an army to Fengze to meet with the princes and to pay homage to the King of Zhou.





120 Dukes Xian and Xiao of Qin


In the first year of Duke Xian of Qin's reign (384 BC), the system of burying live people at the burial with the dead was abolished. In the second year, a city was built in Liyang. In the fourth year, on the Gengyin day of the first month, Duke Xiao of Qin was born. In the eleventh year, when the Grand Historian Dan of Zhou came to see Duke Xian of Qin, he said: "The Zhou Dynasty and the Qin State were once one entity, but later they separated. After five hundred years of separation, they reunited again. And after seventeen years of reunion, a hegemon will emerge." In the sixteenth year, the peach trees bloomed in winter. In the eighteenth year, golden rain fell in Liyang. In the twenty-first year, the Qin army fought and defeated the Jin army at Shimen the Stone Gate, and 60,000 soldiers were beheaded. The emperor of Zhou bestowed Fu Fu, the royal clothes with embroidery of black and white patterns, to express his congratulations. In the twenty-third year, the Qin army fought the Wei army at Shaoliang and captured the general of Wei, Gongsun Cuo. In the twenty-fourth year (361 BC), Duke Xian died and his son Duke Xiao succeeded him. Duke Xiao was already twenty-one years old. 

In the first year of Duke Xiao of Qin (361 BC), east of the Yellow River and the mountains, there were six great powers, King Wei of Qi, King Xuan of Chu, King Hui of Wei, Duke Dao of Yan, Marquis Ai of Han, and Marquis Cheng of Zhao, with which Duke Xiao of Qin was ranked alongside (making it the seven great powers for the warring states period of China). There are more than ten small countries between the Huai River and the Si River. Chu, Wei and Qin were neighbors. The State of Wei built the Great Wall, extending it northward from Zheng along the banks of the Luo River to Shangjun. The territory of Chu State started from Hanzhong and extended to Ba County and Qianzhong County in the south. As the Zhou royal family declined, the vassal states began to conquer each other by force and annex each other's territories. The State of Qin was located in the remote Yongzhou and did not participate in the alliances of the princes in the Central Plains. The princes in the Central Plains also regarded the State of Qin as a barbarian. So Duke Xiao generously gave alms, helped the orphans and widows, recruited warriors and clarified the principle of rewarding according to merits. And he issued an order throughout the country, saying: "In the past, our ancestor Duke Mu rose between Qi and Yong, and made great achievements in governing the country and conquering foreign lands. In the east, he quelled the civil strife in Jin State, and separated from Jin State by the Yellow River. In the west, he dominated the Rong Di and expanded his territory by a thousand miles. As a result, the Zhou Emperor appointed him as an overlord, and all the princes came to congratulate him. Duke Mu created immense achievements for future generations and was greatly honored. However, during the reigns of Duke Li, Duke Zao, Duke Jian and Chuzi, the political situation was turbulent and the country was troubled, so it had no time to take care of foreign affairs. As a result, the Three States of Jin took the opportunity to seize the Hexi territory west of the Yellow River from our ancestors, and the vassal states also despised our Qin State. There is no greater shame than this. After Duke Xian ascended the throne, he pacified the border and moved the capital to Liyang. He wanted to march east to recover the old territories of Duke Mu and rectify Duke Mu's policies. Whenever I think of the unfulfilled wishes of my ancestors, I am always filled with grief. If anyone among the guests and ministers can offer a brilliant plan to make Qin stronger, I will grant him an honorable position and grant him land." He then led his army to the east to surround Shaanxi City, and killed King Huan of Rong in the west.


孝公元年,河山以东强国六,与齐威、楚宣、魏惠、燕悼、韩哀、赵成侯并。淮泗之间小国十余。楚、魏与秦接界。魏筑长城,自郑滨洛以北,有上郡。楚自汉中,南有巴、黔中。周室微,诸侯力政,争相并。秦僻在雍州,不与中国诸侯之会盟,夷翟遇之。孝公于是布惠,振孤寡,招战士,明功赏。下令国中曰:“昔我缪公自岐雍之间,修德行武,东平晋乱,以河为界,西霸戎翟,广地千里,天子致伯,诸侯毕贺,为后世开业,甚光美。会往者厉、躁、简公、出子之不宁,国家内忧,未遑外事,三晋攻夺我先君河西地,诸侯卑秦、丑莫大焉。献公即位,镇抚边境,徙治栎阳,且欲东伐,复缪公之故地,脩缪公之政令。寡人思念先君之意,常痛于心。宾客群臣有能出奇计强秦者,吾且尊官,与之分土。” 于是乃出兵东围陕城,西斩戎之獂王。

119 Duke Xian of Qin


In the fourth year of Duke Huai of Qin (425 BC), Chao, the chief minister, and the ministers besieged and attacked Duke Huai, who committed suicide. Duke Huai's crown prince was Zhaozi, who died very early, so the ministers made Zhaozi's son the king, who was Duke Ling of Qin. Duke Ling was the grandson of Duke Huai. 

In the sixth year of Duke Ling of Qin (419 BC), Jin built a city in Shaoliang, and Qin attacked it. In the tenth year, Qin built a city in Jigu. Duke Ling died, and his son Duke Xian was not made king. Duke Ling's uncle Daozi succeeded him, and this was Duke Jian of Qin. Duke Jian was the younger brother of Zhaozi and the son of Duke Huai. 

In the sixth year of Duke Jian of Qin (409 BC), Qin began to order officials to carry swords. They dug trenches at Luoshui and built a city at Chongquan. In the fifteenth year (400 BC), Duke Jian of Qin died and his son Duke Hui of Qin succeeded him. 

In the 12th year of Duke Hui's reign (388 BC), his son Chuzi was born. In the 13th year (387 BC), the State of Qin attacked the State of Shu and captured Nanzheng. Duke Hui of Qin died and his son Chuzi succeeded him. 

In the second year of Chuzi (385 BC), Shuchang went to the Hexi to welcome Duke Xian, the son of Duke Ling, and made him the king. Duke Xian killed Chuzi and his mother and sank their bodies into the abyss. Qin had changed its king many times before, and the relationship between the king and his subjects was tense and chaotic. Therefore, Jin became powerful again and seized the land of Hexi from Qin. 






118 Confucius Died


In the first year in the reign of Duke Hui of Qin (500 BC), Confucius served as prime minister of Lu. In the fifth year, the nobles of Jin, Zhonghang and Fan, rebelled against Jin. Jin sent Zhi and Zhao Jianzi to attack them. Fan and Zhonghang fled to Qi. Duke Hui died ten years after he was enthroned, and his son Duke Dao of Qin was enthroned.

In the second year of Duke Dao of Qin, Qi minister Tian Qi killed his king Ruzi and established his brother Yangsheng as Duke Dao of Qi. In the sixth year, Wu defeated the Qi army. The Qi people killed Duke Dao of Qi and established his son Duke Jian of Qi. In the ninth year, Duke Ding of Jin and King Fuchai of Wu made an alliance and fought for supremacy at Huangchi. Duke Ding of Jin was defeated by Wu. Wu became stronger and overpowered the Central Kingdom. In the twelfth year (479 BC) Tian Chang of Qi killed Duke Jian of Qi and established his younger brother Duke Ping of Qi, with Chang as his prime minister. In the thirteenth year, Chu destroyed Chen. Duke Dao of Qin died in the fourteenth year of his reign, and his son Duke Li Gong of Qin ascended to the throne. Confucius died in the twelfth year of Duke Dao.

In the second year of Duke Li Gong (475 BC), the people of Shu came to Qin to offer gifts. In the 16th year, trenches were dug alongside of the Yellow River. The Qin State sent 20,000 soldiers to attack the Dali Rong and capture the Dali Royal City. In the twenty-first year, Qin began to set up its first county in Pingyang. Jin captured Wucheng. In the twenty-fourth year, civil strifes broke out in Jin, Zhibo was killed, and his fiefdom was divided among Zhao, Han, and Wei. In the twenty-fifth year, Zhikai and his subjects came to surrender. In the thirty-third year, Qin attacked Yiqu Rong and captured the Yiqu King. In the thirty-fourth year (443 BC), there was a solar eclipse. Duke Li Gong of Qin died and his son Duke Zao of Qin succeeded him. 

In the second year of Duke Zao of Qin, Nanzheng rebelled. In the thirteenth year, the Yiqu Rong attacked Qin and reached the south of the Wei River. In the fourteenth year (429 BC), Duke Zao of Qin died and his younger brother Duke Huai of Qin succeeded him.



