Wednesday, March 20, 2024

40 The Warlike King of Yin


At that time, Xia Jie was tyrannical and promiscuous, and one of the princes Kunwu rebelled. So Tang, leading an army with the princes, and with Yiyin by his side, holding a halberd personally, conquered Kunwu first, and then conquered Jie. Tang said: “Come, you multitudes of people, you all come to listen to my words. It is not just me, a little kid, who dare to rebel. The ruler of Xia committed many crimes, and I heard you all have been saying that Xia is guilty. I have my ultimate reverence for the Supreme Emperor, I do not dare not to do the right thing. Now, as the Xia ruler has committed many crimes, by the power of Heaven, that Xia’s fate is ending today. Now you people are in the multitudes, all saying: 'Our king did not care about us at all, he abandoned our farming and implemented tyranny.' And you say, 'As to his crimes, what remedy have we?' The king of Xia did nothing but exhaust his people's strength, and exploited them oppressively. His people all became careless, and not in harmony with him, saying, 'When will this day be over? We would rather all perish together.' The decline of Xia had come to this, I got no choice but to go on with the conquest. If you help me, one man by himself, to carry out the punishment decreed by Heaven, and I will reward you greatly. Trust me on this, my words is my bond. If you do not follow my oath, I will have punishment waiting for you, no exception!” And this being announced to the army, Tang’s Oath was written. Tang then said, “I am very warlike”, and this was how he was titled, Wuwang (武王), The Warlike king.


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