Tuesday, May 14, 2024

229 A Five Days Feast


Song Chang arrived at Wei Bridge, and all the officials from the Prime Minister down came to greet him. Song Chang returned to the King of Dai to report. The King of Dai drove to Wei Bridge, and all the officials came to pay respects to him. The King of Dai got out of the car and bowed. The Grand Commandant Zhou Bo stepped forward and said, "I would like to report to the King in private." Song Chang said, "If it is public affairs, then we will do it in public. If it is private affairs, the Emperor will not handle private affairs." The Grand Commandant then knelt and presented the Emperor's seal and imperial seal. The King of Dai declined and said, "Let's discuss this matter at Dai’s Mansion." So he drove into the Mansion. All the officials followed him. Prime Minister Chen Ping, Grand Commandant Zhou Bo, General Chen Wu, Imperial Censor Zhang Cang, Imperial Clan Chief Liu Ying, Marquis of Zhuxu Liu Zhang, Marquis of Dongmu Liu Xingju, and Imperial Courtier Liu Jie all bowed again and said, "Liu Hong and others are not sons of Emperor Xiaohui, and should not preside over the ancestral temple sacrifices. We respectfully invite Marquis Yin'an, Marquis Queen of Qing, the King of Langya, the royal families, ministers, marquises, and officials above the rank of 2,000 stone to join the discussion and say that 'Your Majesty is the eldest son of Emperor Gao and should be the successor of Emperor Gao.' We hope that Your Majesty will ascend the throne of the Son of Heaven." The King of Dai said, "Respecting the ancestral temple of Emperor Gao is a matter of great importance. I am not qualified to be in the position to respect the ancestral temple. I hope to ask the King of Chu to reconsider. I dare not take the responsibility." All the ministers knelt and made a firm request. The King of Dai faced the west and declined three times, and faced the south and declined twice. Prime Minister Chen Ping and others said, "After discussion, we think it is most appropriate for Your Majesty to honor the ancestral temple of Emperor Gao. Even if the princes and people of the world consider it, they also think it is appropriate. We dare not make a rash decision for the sake of the country and the people. We hope that Your Majesty will listen to our advice. We bow again and present the seal and the imperial seal of the emperor." The king of Dai said, "The royal family, generals, princes, and marquises all think that no one is more suitable than me, and I dare not refuse again." So he ascended the throne of the emperor.

The ministers stood in order according to the etiquette. So he sent the Grand Coachman Xiahou Ying and the Marquis of Dongmu Liu Xingju cleaned up the palace, welcomed the emperor's carriage, and went to the official residence of the Dai mansion to welcome the emperor. The emperor entered the Weiyang Palace that night. So he appointed Song Chang as the general of the guard at night to appease the northern and southern armies. He appointed Zhang Wu as the imperial chief attendant to patrol the palace. The emperor returned to the front hall and sat down. That night, he issued an edict saying, "Previously, the Lü family was in power and plotted rebellion. They wanted to harm the Liu family's ancestral temple. They relied on generals, marquises, royal family members, and ministers to kill them and make them admit their guilt and be punished. I have just ascended the throne, and from now on I declare a general amnesty for the whole country, granting each adult male a noble rank, and granting each woman a cow and ten stones of wine for every hundred households, and the whole country will gather to drink and feast for five days." On the day of Gengxu of October in the first year of Emperor Xiaowen's reign, the former King of Langye Ze was moved and enthroned as King of Yan.


群臣以礼次侍。乃使太仆婴与东牟侯兴居清宫,奉天子法驾,迎于代邸。皇帝即日夕入未央宫。乃夜拜宋昌为卫将军,镇抚南北军。以张武为郎中令,行殿中。还坐前殿。于是夜下诏书曰:“间者诸吕用事擅权,谋为大逆,欲以危刘氏宗庙,赖将相列侯宗室大臣诛之,皆伏其辜。朕初即位,其赦天下,赐民爵一级,女子百户牛酒,酺五日。” 孝文皇帝元年十月庚戌,徙立故琅邪王泽为燕王。