Wednesday, April 17, 2024

110 Three Hundred Men


In the twelfth year of Duke Mu of Qin (648 BC), Guan Zhong and Xi Peng of Qi died. 

Jin was struck by drought, people came to Qin for food aid. Pi Bao advised Duke Mu not to aid, but instead to take advantage of the famine to attack the state of Jin. Duke Mu asked Gongsun Zhi, who replied, "Years of famine and harvests are just in the cycle, so we cannot deny them food." Duke Mu then asked Baili Xi, who answered, "Yiwu offended you, but what crime have Jin people committed?" Therefore Duke Mu adopted their advice and gave Jin grains, transported either by boats or vehicles, continuously from Yong to Jian. 

In the fourteenth year, Qin suffered from famine and asked Jin for food aid. The King of Jin discussed the matter with his ministers. Guo She said: "We should take advantage of the famine in Qin and attack, and we will surely have big success." The King of Jin followed his advice. In the 15th year, the State of Jin sent troops to attack the State of Qin. Duke Mu gathered troops and let Pi Bao lead the army to fight in person. On the Renxu day of the ninth month, the Qin army fought against the Jin army led by Yiwu the Duke Hui in Han. The King of Jin broke away from his army and came alone to fight the Qin army. On his way back, his horse got stuck in the mud. Duke Mu and his men chased on fast horses but failed to capture the King of Jin and were instead surrounded by the Jin army. Duke Mu was attacked by the Jin army and injured. At this moment, there were three hundred men rushed over, who had stolen Duke Mu's horse as food at the foot of Mount Qi. Regardless of the danger, they broke through the encirclement of the Jin army, rescued Duke Mu, and surprisingly caught the King of Jin alive. Sometime before, Duke Mu lost a good horse, which was caught and eaten by more than 300 villagers from Mount Qi. The officials arrested them and prepared to execute them according to law. Duke Mu said: "A gentleman will not harm people for the sake of the livestock. I have heard that eating horse meat without wine drinking will harm your body." So he gave them wine to drink and pardoned them. Now, these three hundred people heard that the Qin was attacked by Jin, they all requested to join the Qin army. Therefore, when they saw that Duke Mu was in trouble, they took up weapons and risked their lives to save him, in order to repay the kindness of being pardoned for stealing and eating the horse. After Duke Mu captured the King of Jin and returned, he issued an order to the whole nation: "I will fast and prepare to sacrifice the King of Jin to the Emperor of Heaven." When the King of Zhou the Son of Heaven heard this, he said, "The King of Jin and I have the same surname." He so requested that the King of Jin be exonerated. When Yiwu's sister, Duke Mu's wife, heard the news, she put on mourning clothes, went barefoot to Duke Mu, and said, "I can't even save my own brother, I am such a shame to my royal husband?" Duke Mu said, "I captured the King of Jin, which I thought was a great achievement, but now the King of Zhou the Son of Heaven is begging for mercy for him, and my wife is also sad for him." He then made an alliance with the King of Jin, which promised him to go back home, allowed him to stay in the most luxurious guest room, and enjoy the top-level food service with seven trios of livestock. In November, Qin sent the King of Jin back to his country. Yiwu offered the land of Hexi and sent Crown Prince Yu to Qin as a hostage.The Qin State married a girl from the royal family of Qin to the crown prince Yu of Jin. At that time, Qin's territory had expanded eastward to the Yellow River. 




109 Li Ke, Yiwu and Chong’er


In autumn, Duke Mu of Qin personally led his army to attack Jin State and fought with the Jin army in Hequ. Li Ji of Jin rebelled, Crown Prince Shensheng of Jin was killed in Xincheng, and Chong'er and Yiwu fled.

In the ninth year (651 BC), Duke Huan of Qi convened a meeting of the princes at Kuiqiu. 

Duke Xian of Jin died. He established Li Ji's son Xi Qi as the heir apparent, but his minister Li Ke killed Xi Qi. Xun Xi made Zhuozi the king of Jin, and Li Ke killed Zhuozi and Xun Xi. Yiwu sent people to ask the Qin State for help, hoping that the Qin State could help him return to the Jin State Palace. So Duke Mu of Qin agreed to his request and let Baili Xi lead the army to escort Yiwu. Yiwu said to Qin: "If I become the king of Jin, I am willing to cede eight towns of Hexi the areas west of the Yellow River in Jin to Qin." After Yiwu returned to his country, he became the king of Jin State, but he sent Pi Zheng to reject the Qin Dynasty, broke the agreement, refused to hand over the eight towns of Hexi, and killed Li Ke. When Pi Zheng heard this, he was frightened and conspired with Duke Mu of Qin: "The people of Jin actually do not want to support Yiwu, but want to make Chong'er the king. Now Yiwu has broken his agreement with the Qin State and killed Li Ke. This was all the idea of Lu Sheng and Xie Rui. I hope you can use money and property to summon Lu Sheng and Xie Rui to Qin as soon as possible. Once Lu Sheng and Xie Rui arrive in Qin, Chong'er can return to Jin smoothly." Duke Mu agreed and sent someone to accompany Pi Zheng back to Jin to recruit Lü Sheng and Xie Rui. Lu Sheng, Xie Rui and others suspected that Pi Zheng had a conspiracy, so they suggested that Yiwu get rid of him. Pi Zheng's son Pi Bao fled to Qin and advised Duke Mu: "The King of Jin is incompetent and the people are not close to him. Now is the right time to send troops to attack Jin." Duke Mu said: "If the people of Jin did not support Yiwu, then why did he kill the minister Li Ke? Being able to kill the ministers of Jin shows that he can unite the people. " Duke Mu of Qin did not follow his advice, but instead secretly promoted Pi Bao.




108 Baili Xi


In the fifth year (655 BC), Duke Xian of Jin destroyed Yu and Guo two states, and captured Lord Yu and his senior official Baili Xi. The Jin State had bribed Lord Yu with jade and fine horses, this is the result. Baili Xi was captured, and the Jin State sent him to the Qin State as a slave of the bribe of Duke Mu of Qin. Baili Xi fled from Qin to Wan and was captured by soldiers guarding the border of Chu. Duke Mu heard that Baili Xi was a virtuous and talented man, and wanted to redeem him with a large sum of money, but he was afraid that the people of Chu would not agree, so he sent someone to say to the people of Chu: "Is my wife’s slave Baili Xi at your place? Please let him be redeemed with five sheepskins." The people of Chu agreed to hand over Baili Xi to Qin. At this time, Baili Xi was already in his seventies. Duke Mu released him and discussed with him the issue of governing the country. Baili Xi declined and said, "I am a minister whose country has been destroyed. What is there to discuss?" Duke Mu said, "Lord Yu did not use you, so his country was destroyed. This is not your fault." Duke Mu insisted on asking him for advice, their discussion went on for three days. Duke Mu was very happy and handed over the state affairs to him, Baili Xi then was known as Minister Wugu the Five Sheepskins. Baili Xi refused with humility and said, "I am not as good as my friend Jian Shu. Jian Shu is a virtuous person but the world does not know it. When I was traveling in Qi State, I fell into a difficult situation and had to beg for food in Qi. It was Jian Shu who took me in.” Therefore, I wanted to serve King Wuzhi of Qi, but Jian Shu stopped me, so I avoided the chaos in Qi and came to the Zhou Dynasty. Prince Tui of Zhou liked cattle, so I tried to see him by raising cattle. When Prince Tui wanted to employ me, Jian Shu stopped me again, and I was able to leave and avoid being killed. So I prepared to serve Lord Yu, but it was still Jian Shu who stopped me. I knew clearly that Lord Yu would not use me, but I yearned for fame and fortune, so I decided to stay for the time being. I followed his advice twice and was able to save my own life. And once I didn’t do it, I fell into the disaster that Lord Yu’s country being destroyed. This shows how wise he is.” So Duke Mu sent someone to invite Jian Shu with a large sum of money and appointed him as a senior official.
