Friday, May 31, 2024

261 Huangdi Mingtang


A year later, the emperor invaded Korea. In the summer, there was a drought. Gongsun Qing said, "During the time of Huangdi, when the Fengshan ceremony was held, there would be drought. In order to dry the soil of the altar as soon as possible, it would take three years of drought." So the emperor issued an edict, saying, "The drought is to dry the soil of the altar, right? Order the whole country to offer sacrifices to the spiritual star in charge of agriculture."

A year later, the emperor went to Yong County to offer sacrifices in the suburbs, and he went there to inspect on the way to Huizhong. In spring, he came to Mingze and then returned via Xihe.

The following winter, the emperor went to Nanjun for inspection. After arriving in Jiangling, he headed east. He climbed Tianzhu Mountain in Qian County and called this mountain Nanyue. He sailed down the river from Xunyang to Congyang and passed Pengli. He offered sacrifices to the famous mountains and rivers along the river. He went north to Langye County and then went north along the coast. In mid-April, he arrived in Fenggao County and held a Fengshan ceremony.

At first, when the emperor came to Mount Tai to hold the Fengshan ceremony, he found an ancient Mingtang in the northeast of the foot of Mount Tai. The terrain was steep and not spacious. The emperor planned to build a Mingtang near Fenggao County, but he could not find out the shape and size of the Mingtang. Gong Yudai, a native of Jinan, presented the "Mingtang Drawing" from the Yellow Emperor period. The "Mingtang Drawing" depicts a hall with no walls around it. The roof is made of thatch. There are ditches around it. There are also sky bridges around the palace walls. There are buildings on the hall, which extend into the hall from the southwest. It is called Kunlun Road. The emperor walked into the hall from here and went there to worship God. Therefore, the emperor ordered the construction of Mingtang in Wenshang, Fenggao according to Gong Yudai's drawings. When he came here again five years later to perform Fengshan, he placed the tablets of Taiyi God and the Five Emperors on the upper seats of the Mingtang for worship, and ordered the tablet of Emperor Gao to face them. In the lower room, he worshipped God Hou Tu, using twenty cows, sheep, and pigs. The emperor entered from Kunlun Road and began to worship in the Mingtang, just like the ritual of suburban sacrifice. After the worship, the offerings were burned under the hall. After that, the emperor climbed Mount Tai again and held a secret sacrifice on the top of the mountain. When worshiping the Five Emperors at the foot of Mount Tai, they all followed their respective positions. Only the Yellow Emperor and the Red Emperor were together, and they were accompanied by relevant officials. When a fire was lit on Mount Tai, fires were also lit at the foot of the mountain to echo.

Two years later, on the first day of the eleventh month, the morning coincided with the winter solstice. Those who calculated the calendar believed that this day should be the starting point of the new calendar to be orthodox. The emperor personally went to Mount Tai and came to the Mingtang to worship God on the morning of the first day of the eleventh month, but no Fengshan ceremony was held. In the congratulatory speech, it said: "The heaven has given the emperor the Taiyuan Divine Strategy, which will repeat itself. The emperor here respectfully worships the Taiyi God." The emperor went east again to the seaside and investigated the people who went to the sea to seek immortality and the alchemists, but to no avail. However, he still sent more messengers to the sea to seek immortality, eager to meet the gods.






261 Ganoderma lucidum


In the autumn of that year, a comet appeared in the Dongjing constellation, shining brightly. Ten days later, another comet appeared in the Santai constellation, still shining brightly. A man named Wang Shuo, who was good at observing the weather, said: "I was observing at that time, and I saw that when the star appeared, it was shaped like a gourd, and it disappeared again in the time it took to eat a meal." The relevant officials said: "Your Majesty created the Fengshan ritual system of the Han Dynasty, and the heavens let the auspicious star of virtue appear to repay you."

In the winter of the following year, the emperor went to Yong County to offer sacrifices to the Five Emperors, and after returning, he also offered sacrifices to the Taiyi God. In his speech, he said: "The Virtue Star shines brightly in all directions, heralding good fortune. The Longevity Star also appears, and its brilliance spreads far and wide. The Faith Star shines brightly and brings blessings, and the emperor offers sacrifices to all the gods."

In the spring of this year, Gongsun Qing said that he had met an immortal in Donglai Mountain, and the immortal seemed to say "I want to see the emperor". The emperor therefore came to Goushi City and appointed Gongsun Qing as a senior official. Then he went to Donglai and stayed there for a few days, but he saw nothing but big footprints. The emperor once again sent thousands of alchemists to search for immortal objects and collect Ganoderma lucidum. This year there was a drought. So the emperor had no reasonable reason to go out again, so he went to Wanlisha temple to pray for rain and offered sacrifices when passing by Mount Tai. On his way back, he went to Huzikou and personally went to the place where the Yellow River breach was blocked. He stayed there for two days and sank a white horse to worship the river god before leaving. The emperor ordered two ministers to lead troops to block the breach and dig two canals for the Yellow River, making it look like it did after Dayu controlled the flood.

At that time, Nanyue had been destroyed. The Yue people, Yongzhi, said to the emperor, "The Yue people have the custom of believing in ghosts, and they can see ghosts every time they offer sacrifices, and it is always effective. In the past, the King of Dong'ou respected ghosts and gods and lived to be 160 years old. His descendants neglected ghosts, so they gradually declined." The emperor therefore ordered the shamans in Yue to build the Yue Temple, but only set up a platform but not an altar, to worship the gods and ghosts, and to use chicken bones for divination. Because the emperor believed in it, the Yue Temple and the chicken divination method gradually became popular from then on.

Gongsun Qing said: "It is possible to see immortals, but the emperor is always in a hurry every time he goes to visit immortals, so he cannot see them. Now your majesty can build a pavilion, like the one in Gaoshi City, and prepare offerings such as dried meat, dates and fruits, which should be able to attract immortals. Besides, immortals like to live in pavilions." So the emperor ordered people to build Feilian Temple and Gui Temple in Chang'an, and Yiyanshou Temple in Ganquan Palace, and asked Gongsun Qing to hold the talisman and arrange the offerings to welcome the immortals. Then he built Tongtian Terrace, and placed various ritual vessels for sacrifice under the terrace, hoping to attract immortals. From then on, the front hall was built in Ganquan Palace, and the palace began to be expanded. In summer, Ganoderma lucidum grows in the palace. The emperor built Tongtian Terrace because the Yellow River was blocked, and he seemed to see the light, so he issued an edict saying: "Nine stems of Ganoderma lucidum have grown in the room of Ganquan Palace. I will grant amnesty to the world and will no longer send soldiers to disturb the people."






260 Yuan Feng


In April, the emperor returned to Fenggao. The emperor considered that the Fengshan rituals mentioned by Confucian scholars and alchemists were different, and there was no record of them in ancient books, so it was indeed difficult to implement them. The emperor then went to Liangfu Mountain to hold a ceremony to worship the earth god. On the Yimao day, he ordered the Confucian scholars of the imperial court to wear white deerskin hats and official uniforms with hu tablets inserted in them to hold a ceremony to shoot the bull. An altar was built in the east foot of Mount Tai for offering sacrifices, and the rituals of worshipping the Taiyi God were strictly followed. The altar for offering sacrifices to the sky was 12 feet wide and 9 feet high, and the documents of Fengshan were placed under the altar, and the contents of the documents were very secret. After the sacrifice, the emperor climbed Mount Tai alone with his attendant, the imperial carriage commander Huo Zihou, and also held a ceremony to offer sacrifices to the heavens. These things were top secret and could not be disclosed to the public. The next day, they descended along the road on the north slope of the mountain. On the day of Bingchen, a ceremony of offering sacrifice to the earth was held at the Suran Mountain northeast of the foot of Mount Tai, referring to the ritual of offering sacrifice to Hou Tu. During these Fengshan ceremonies, the emperor personally offered sacrifices to the gods of heaven and earth, wearing yellow formal clothes and using music. Three-edged Lingshao collected from the Jianghuai area was used as a god mat, and the altar was built with five-colored mud symbolizing the five directions. At that time, some strange birds and beasts from afar and animals such as white-haired pheasants were released, which greatly increased the solemn atmosphere of the ceremony. However, animals such as yak, yak, rhinoceros, and elephants were not used. The emperor and his ministers came to Mount Tai first and then left. During the period of Fengshan, there seemed to be a light every night, and white clouds rose from the altar during the day. 

The emperor returned from Fengshan and sat in the Mingtang. His ministers came up to congratulate him. So the emperor issued an edict to the censor, saying: "I have assumed the supreme position of the emperor with my insignificant body. I am cautious and fearful that I am not competent for it. My virtue is shallow and I don't know much about rituals and music. When I was offering sacrifices to the Taiyi God, auspicious light seemed to appear in the sky. I felt very uneasy, as if I saw something. I was deeply touched by this strange scene. Although I wanted to stop, I didn't dare. Finally, I was able to climb Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the sky. After reaching Liangfu Mountain, I offered sacrifices to the earth at the Suran Mountain Rest Area. I want to improve myself and I am happy to start again with the literati. Grant the common people one hundred households One cow and ten shi of wine for each household, and two bolts of cloth for the elderly over eighty years old and the widowed and widower. Bo County, Fenggao, Sheqiu, and Licheng are exempt from taxes for the year. A general amnesty is issued, the same as the amnesty in the year of Yimao. In any place I pass through during my tour, no more trouble will be caused to the people. If the crime happened two years ago, it will not be investigated. Then he issued an edict saying, "In ancient times, the emperor would go on a tour every five years to worship at Mount Tai, and the princes who came to pay homage had their own residences. Each prince should build an official residence at the foot of Mount Tai."

After the Emperor finished the Fengshan Ceremony at Mount Tai, he did not encounter any disturbance from wind and rain, and the alchemists also said that the sacred mountains such as Penglai would be found. So the Emperor was very happy, thinking that he might meet a fairy, so he went east again to the seaside to look out, hoping to meet the immortals of Penglai. The commander of the imperial carriage, Huo Zihou, suddenly fell seriously ill and died in one day. The Emperor then left, along the coast, north to Jieshi, and then began to tour from Liaoxi, passing the northern border and reaching Jiuyuan County. In May, the Emperor returned to Ganquan Palace. Relevant officials proposed that the year when the tripod was discovered be named "Yuan Ding". Because of this year's Fengshan Ceremony at Mount Tai, the year name was set as "Yuan Feng", and this year was the first year of Yuan Feng.

