Monday, February 26, 2024

8 The Floods


Yao asked: "Who is eligible to get it done?" Fangqi answered: "Your heir Danzhu is the enlightened one." Yao said: "Humph! He is stubborn and vicious, not to be used."  Yao asked again: "Then who else can?" Huandou said: "Gonggong had gathered people extensively and made achievements, so he can be the one." Yao said: "Gonggong is good at talking, but his intentions are not the good ones. He appears to be respectful but actually deceitful, so he can't be the one." Yao said again: "Alas, Siyue, the governors of four directions, now the floods are everywhere, surging and mighty, surrounding the mountains and covering hills, the people are extremely miserable. Who can be sent to control it?" Everyone said that Gun could do it. Yao said: "It's impossible. Gun betrayed his duties and destroyed his clan." The governors all said: "It's different, it won't work until you try!" Yao listened and Gun was then put to use. And after nine years trial. Gun proved useless.


7 Xi’s and He’s


Emperor Yao ordered Xi’s and He’s, to be in charge, to show respect to and to obey Haotian, the Grand Emperor of Heaven, to count the sun, moon, and stars to make the calendar, and to respectfully teach the people the time and the seasons. Also, he assigned Xi Zhong to take residence in Yuyi, the Eastern Forest, the place was called Yanggu. And he was to respectfully welcome every sunrise and to step by step make preparations for farming in the spring. On the vernal equinox, the day would be as long as the night, stars would appear to be the shape of a bird in the south at dusk, and this was determined to be the time of mid-spring. At this time, people dispersed to farming, and birds and animals mated and gave birth. Xishu was ordered to live in Nanjiao, the Southern Crossing, And he was to make preparations for farming in the summer, diligently in every detail. On the summer solstice, the day would be the longest, and the star Great Fire would appear in the south during the first twilight, based on this, the time of mid-summer was determined. At this time, people would move to the high grounds, and birds and animals would lose feathers and furs. He Zhong was ordered to reside in Xitu, the Western Land, that place was called Meigu, And where the sun would set, to respectfully send the sundown and arrange the autumn harvest in a step-by-step manner. On the autumnal equinox, the night would be as long as the day, the star Sadalsuud would appear in the due south at the beginning of dusk. The time of mid-autumn is determined based on this. At this time, people moved to the plains, and birds and animals regenerated new feathers and furs. And He Shu was ordered to live in the north, the place was called Youdu, the Dark Capital. And he was to carefully organize the winter collection. On the winter solstice, the day is the shortest, and the stars the Pleiades, the White Tigers, would appear in the south at the first twilight, and based on this, the time of mid-winter is determined. At this time, people would go into their houses to stay warm, and birds and animals were covered with fine feathers and furs. There would be 366 days in a year, and the leap month was used to correct the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Emperor Yao sincerely warned all officials to keep their duties, and all kinds of things were done.
