Sunday, April 14, 2024

102 The Western Border


Qin Ying gave birth to Qin Hou. Qin Hou reigned for ten years and died. He gave birth to Gong Bo. Gong Bo reigned for three years and died. He gave birth to Qin Zhong.

Three years after Qin Zhong reigned, King Li of Zhou was unjust and the princes rebelled against him. The Western Rong rebelled against the royal family and destroyed the clan of Da Luo in Quanqiu. King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne and appointed Qin Zhong as a senior official to punish the Western Rong. The Western Rong killed Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong reigned for twenty-three years and died in the Rong. He had five sons, the eldest of whom was called Zhuang Gong. King Xuan of Zhou summoned the five brothers of Zhuang Gong and 7,000 soldiers to attack the Western Rong and defeated them. King Xuan of Zhou then again rewarded the descendants of Qin Zhong, continuing the fief of Quanqiu which was the original land of their ancestor Daluo, and appointed them as the officials of Xichui the west border.



101 Daluo and Qin Ying


Fei Zi lived in Quanqiu and loved fine horses and other livestock, and was good at breeding. The residents of Quanqiu reported this to King Xiao of Zhou, who summoned Fei Zi and made him manage the horses between the Qian and Wei rivers. The horses multiplied greatly. King Xiao of Zhou intended to make Fei Zi the successor of Daluo. The daughter of Marquis Shen married Daluo and gave birth to a legitimate son, Cheng. Marquis Shen said to King Xiao of Zhou: "In the past, my ancestor was a girl from Lishan. She married Xu Xuan, the great-grandson of Zhong Yan of the Western Rong tribe, and gave birth to Zhong Yu. Because she was close to the Zhou Dynasty, she submitted to the Zhou Dynasty and defended the western border, which brought peace and stability to the western border. Now I have married my daughter to Daluo, and she has given birth to a legitimate son, Cheng. Through a second marriage between Shen and Daluo, the Western Rong tribe will fully submit, and so you can become king. Please take it into consideration!” King Xiao of Zhou then said, “When Bai Yi was in charge of livestock for Emperor Shun, the livestock multiplied greatly, so he was rewarded with land and given the surname Ying. Now his descendants are also breeding horses for me, so I will give him land as a vassal state." King Xiao of Zhou then granted the land of Qin to Fei Zi as his fief, and put him in charge of sacrifices to the Ying clan, known as Qin Ying. So the Zhou royal family did not abolish the legitimate son of Daluo born to the daughter of Marquis Shen, in order to keep the harmony with the Western Rong.


100 The Zhao Family


Zhong Yan's great-great-grandson was named Zhong Yu, who lived in Xirong and defended Xichui. Zhong Yu gave birth to a son, Fei Lian. Fei Lian gave birth to a son named E Lai. E Lai was very strong and Fei Lian was a fast runner, and father and son both served King Zhou of Yin with their talents. When King Wu of Zhou attacked King Zhou, he also killed E Lai. At that time, Fei Lian was sent to the quarry to the north for King Zhou. When he returned, he found that King Zhou had died. He had no place to report, so he built an altar on Huotai Mount to report to King Zhou. During this process, he found a stone coffin with an inscription saying: "Heaven did not let you die in the chaos of Yin’s fall, and gave you a stone coffin to glorify your family." After Fei Lian died, he was buried in Huotai Mountain. And Fei Lian had a son named Ji Sheng. Ji Sheng gave birth to Meng Zeng. Meng Zeng was favored by King Cheng of Zhou and was called Zhai Gaolang. Meng Zeng gave birth to Hengfu, and Hengfu gave birth to Zaofu. Zaofu was favored by King Mu of Zhou because of his good driving skills. King Mu of Zhou got the top quality horses named Deji, Wenli, Hualiu, and Lùer, and he took the chariot to travel west, reluctant to return. When King Yan of Xu launched a rebellion, Zaofu drove the chariot for King Mu of Zhou and traveled a thousand miles a day, quickly returning to Zhou to quell the rebellion. King Mu of Zhou granted the city of Zhao to Zaofu, and Zaofu's family was henceforth called the Zhao clan. From the time Fei Lian gave birth to Ji Sheng, five generations later, all the way to Zaofu, Zaofu's family began to live in Zhao. Zhao Shuai was his descendant. E Lai Ge was the son of Fei Lian and died young. E Lai's son was named Nüfang. Nüfang gave birth to Panggao, Panggao gave birth to Taiji, Taiji gave birth to Daluo, and Daluo gave birth to Feizi. Because Zaofu was favored by the Zhou royal family, they all have been able to live in Zhao and took the surname Zhao.


99 Daye and Dafei


The ancestor of the Qin State was the descendants of Emperor Zhuan Xu, a granddaughter named Nü Xiu, Pretty Girl. When Nü Xiu was weaving, a black bird laid an egg, and Nü Xiu swallowed the egg and gave birth to a son, Da Ye, who also known as Gao Yao. Daye married the daughter of Shao Dian tribe, her name was Nü Hua, Beautiful Girl. Nühua gave birth to Da Fei, who helped Yu control the water and soil. After the successful soil and water conservation, Emperor Shun rewarded Yu with a piece of black jade. Yu accepted it and said, "I did not accomplish the flood control by myself. I also had Da Fei as my assistant." Emperor Shun said: "Fei, you have helped Yu control the flood, so I reward you with a black flag. Your descendants will surely prosper.” Therefore, a beautiful woman surnamed Yao was given to him as his wife. Da Fei bowed to thank Emperor Shun and accepted the reward. He then assisted Emperor Shun in taming birds and beasts. Many birds and beasts were domesticated by him, he was also called "Bai Yi", “Bo Yi”, or “Yi”. Da Fei was given the surname Ying by Emperor Shun.

Da Fei had two sons: one was named Da Lian, who was the ancestor of the Niao Su clan; the other was named Ruo Mu, who was the ancestor of the Fei clan. Ruom Mu's great-great-grandson was Fei Chang. Some of his descendants lived in the Central Plains, while others lived in the barbaric areas of Yi and Di. When Emperor Jie of Xia was in power, Fei Chang left the Xia and surrendered to Shang. He drove the chariot for King Tang and assisted in defeating Jie at Mingtiao. Dalian’s great-great-grandsons are Mengxi and Zhongyan. Zhongyan looks like a bird but speaks human language. When Emperor Taiwu heard about this, he wanted Zhongyan to drive for him, so he asked someone to tell his fortune. The result showed that it was auspicious, so he invited Zhongyan to drive for him and found a wife for him. Since Emperor Taiwu, Zhong Yan's descendants have made great contributions to the Yin State from generation to generation, so the Ying surname became famous in the world and later became princes.




98 A5. Qin Dynasty


Sima Qian: Historical Records 5 Qin Dynasty 


The ancestor of the Qin State was the descendants of Emperor Zhuan Xu, a granddaughter named Nü Xiu, Pretty Girl. When Nü Xiu was weaving, a black bird laid an egg, and Nü Xiu swallowed the egg and gave birth to a son, Da Ye, who also known as Gao Yao. Daye married the daughter of Shao Dian tribe, her name was Nü Hua, Beautiful Girl. Nühua gave birth to Da Fei, who helped Yu control the water and soil. After the successful soil and water conservation, Emperor Shun rewarded Yu with a piece of black jade. Yu accepted it and said, "I did not accomplish the flood control by myself. I also had Da Fei as my assistant." Emperor Shun said: "Fei, you have helped Yu control the flood, so I reward you with a black flag. Your descendants will surely prosper.” Therefore, a beautiful woman surnamed Yao was given to him as his wife. Da Fei bowed to thank Emperor Shun and accepted the reward. He then assisted Emperor Shun in taming birds and beasts. Many birds and beasts were domesticated by him, he was also called "Bai Yi", “Bo Yi”, or “Yi”. Da Fei was given the surname Ying by Emperor Shun.

Da Fei had two sons: one was named Da Lian, who was the ancestor of the Niao Su clan; the other was named Ruo Mu, who was the ancestor of the Fei clan. Ruom Mu's great-great-grandson was Fei Chang. Some of his descendants lived in the Central Plains, while others lived in the barbaric areas of Yi and Di. When Emperor Jie of Xia was in power, Fei Chang left the Xia and surrendered to Shang. He drove the chariot for King Tang and assisted in defeating Jie at Mingtiao. Dalian’s great-great-grandsons are Mengxi and Zhongyan. Zhongyan looks like a bird but speaks human language. When Emperor Taiwu heard about this, he wanted Zhongyan to drive for him, so he asked someone to tell his fortune. The result showed that it was auspicious, so he invited Zhongyan to drive for him and found a wife for him. Since Emperor Taiwu, Zhong Yan's descendants have made great contributions to the Yin State from generation to generation, so the Ying surname became famous in the world and later became princes.





Zhong Yan's great-great-grandson was named Zhong Yu, who lived in Xirong and defended Xichui. Zhong Yu gave birth to a son, Fei Lian. Fei Lian gave birth to a son named E Lai. E Lai was very strong and Fei Lian was a fast runner, and father and son both served King Zhou of Yin with their talents. When King Wu of Zhou attacked King Zhou, he also killed E Lai. At that time, Fei Lian was sent to the quarry to the north for King Zhou. When he returned, he found that King Zhou had died. He had no place to report, so he built an altar on Huotai Mount to report to King Zhou. During this process, he found a stone coffin with an inscription saying: "Heaven did not let you die in the chaos of Yin’s fall, and gave you a stone coffin to glorify your family." After Fei Lian died, he was buried in Huotai Mountain. And Fei Lian had a son named Ji Sheng. Ji Sheng gave birth to Meng Zeng. Meng Zeng was favored by King Cheng of Zhou and was called Zhai Gaolang. Meng Zeng gave birth to Hengfu, and Hengfu gave birth to Zaofu. Zaofu was favored by King Mu of Zhou because of his good driving skills. King Mu of Zhou got the top quality horses named Deji, Wenli, Hualiu, and Lùer, and he took the chariot to travel west, reluctant to return. When King Yan of Xu launched a rebellion, Zaofu drove the chariot for King Mu of Zhou and traveled a thousand miles a day, quickly returning to Zhou to quell the rebellion. King Mu of Zhou granted the city of Zhao to Zaofu, and Zaofu's family was henceforth called the Zhao clan. From the time Fei Lian gave birth to Ji Sheng, five generations later, all the way to Zaofu, Zaofu's family began to live in Zhao. Zhao Shuai was his descendant. E Lai Ge was the son of Fei Lian and died young. E Lai's son was named Nüfang. Nüfang gave birth to Panggao, Panggao gave birth to Taiji, Taiji gave birth to Daluo, and Daluo gave birth to Feizi. Because Zaofu was favored by the Zhou royal family, they all have been able to live in Zhao and took the surname Zhao.



Fei Zi lived in Quanqiu and loved fine horses and other livestock, and was good at breeding. The residents of Quanqiu reported this to King Xiao of Zhou, who summoned Fei Zi and made him manage the horses between the Qian and Wei rivers. The horses multiplied greatly. King Xiao of Zhou intended to make Fei Zi the successor of Daluo. The daughter of Marquis Shen married Daluo and gave birth to a legitimate son, Cheng. Marquis Shen said to King Xiao of Zhou: "In the past, my ancestor was a girl from Lishan. She married Xu Xuan, the great-grandson of Zhong Yan of the Western Rong tribe, and gave birth to Zhong Yu. Because she was close to the Zhou Dynasty, she submitted to the Zhou Dynasty and defended the western border, which brought peace and stability to the western border. Now I have married my daughter to Daluo, and she has given birth to a legitimate son, Cheng. Through a second marriage between Shen and Daluo, the Western Rong tribe will fully submit, and so you can become king. Please take it into consideration!” King Xiao of Zhou then said, “When Bai Yi was in charge of livestock for Emperor Shun, the livestock multiplied greatly, so he was rewarded with land and given the surname Ying. Now his descendants are also breeding horses for me, so I will give him land as a vassal state." King Xiao of Zhou then granted the land of Qin to Fei Zi as his fief, and put him in charge of sacrifices to the Ying clan, known as Qin Ying. So the Zhou royal family did not abolish the legitimate son of Daluo born to the daughter of Marquis Shen, in order to keep the harmony with the Western Rong.



Qin Ying gave birth to Qin Hou. Qin Hou reigned for ten years and died. He gave birth to Gong Bo. Gong Bo reigned for three years and died. He gave birth to Qin Zhong.

Three years after Qin Zhong reigned, King Li of Zhou was unjust and the princes rebelled against him. The Western Rong rebelled against the royal family and destroyed the clan of Da Luo in Quanqiu. King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne and appointed Qin Zhong as a senior official to punish the Western Rong. The Western Rong killed Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong reigned for twenty-three years and died in the Rong. He had five sons, the eldest of whom was called Zhuang Gong. King Xuan of Zhou summoned the five brothers of Zhuang Gong and 7,000 soldiers to attack the Western Rong and defeated them. King Xuan of Zhou then again rewarded the descendants of Qin Zhong, continuing the fief of Quanqiu which was the original land of their ancestor Daluo, and appointed them as the officials of Xichui the west border.




Duke Zhuang, or Zhuang Gong, lived in the land of his ancestors, West Quanqiu, and had three sons. The eldest son was Shifu. Shifu said: "The Western Rong killed my grandfather Qin Zhong. If I don't get rid of the king of Western Rong, I will never dare to enter this city again." So he led his army to attack the Western Rong and relieved his heir position to his younger brother, Duke Xiang, or Xiang Gong. Therefore, Duke Xiang became the crown prince. Duke Zhuang died in the fourth year of his reign, and Prince Xiang ascended the throne. In the first year of his reign (777 BC), Duke Xiang arranged the marriage between his sister Miao Ying and King Feng. In his second year, the Western Rong besieged Quanqiu. Shifu led his army to fight back, but was captured by the Western Rong. More than a year later, Western Rong returned Shifu. In the spring of the seventh year, after favored Bao Si, King You of Zhou deposed the prince, changed Bao Si's son as the crown prince, and teased the princes many times, so the princes rebelled. The families of West and Quan Rong joined hands with Marquis Shen to attack Zhou and killed King You of Zhou at the foot of Li Mountain. Duke Xiang of Qin led his army to rescue Zhou. He fought bravely and achieved great military success. Later, in order to avoid the invasion of Rong, King Ping of Zhou moved the capital east to Luoyi, and Duke Xiang of Qin sent troops to escort King Ping of Zhou. King Ping of Zhou made Duke Xiang of Qin a prince and gave him the land west of Qi Mountain. King Ping of Zhou said: "The Rongs have been rampant and have invaded our lands in Qi and Feng. If Qin can defeat and drive out the Rongs, then Qin can have the lands." So King Ping of Zhou publicly made a vow with Duke Xiang of Qin to grant him a title and territory. From that time on, Duke Xiang of Qin established Qin as one of the vassal states, exchanged envoys with other vassal states, and presented tributes to each other. Then, three red-maned horses, three yellow cattle, and three white rams were used to sacrifice, to to worship at Xizhi (temple for West Emperor of Heaven). In the twelfth year (766 BC), Duke Xiang of Qin went to attack the Western Rong. When he arrived at Mount Qi, he unfortunately died. And Duke Xiang gave birth to Duke Wen.



In the first year of his reign (765 BC), Duke Wen of Qin lived in the Xichui Palace. In the third year, Duke Wen led 700 soldiers to hunt in the east. In the fourth year, Duke Wen arrived at the confluence of the Yishui and Weishui Rivers. Duke Wen said, "This is where the Zhou Dynasty gave land to my ancestor Qin Ying in the past, and later we became princes." Therefore, the divination was made whether that place was suitable for living or not. The divination result exhibited good luck, and Duke Wen established a town there. In the tenth year, when the construction of Fuzhi (temple for white emperor of heaven) began, and three kinds of livestock, cattle, sheep, and pigs, were used for sacrifices. In the thirteenth year, historians began to be set up to record national events, and most of the people started accepting education. In the 16th year, Duke Wen led an army to fight against Western Rong, and Western Rong was defeated and fled. Therefore, Duke Wen took in the local Zhou people and put them under his own jurisdiction. He expanded the territory of the Qin to Qishan, and dedicated the land east of Qishan to the Zhou. In the 19th year, Duke Wen obtained a precious rock named Chenbao. In the twentieth year, the criminal law of exterminating three generations of a clan was established. In the twenty-seventh year, a large catalpa tree was cut down in the South Mountain, and a huge bull came out of the Fengshui River was slaughtered. In the 48th year (718 BC), Duke Wen's crown prince died and was given the posthumous title of Duke Jing. Duke Jing's eldest son was made crown prince, who was Duke Wen's grandson. In the 50th year (716 BC), Duke Wen died and was buried in the Western Hills. Duke Jing's son succeeded him, and he was Duke Xian. (Shiji mistook it as Ning)



In the second year of his reign (714 BC), Duke Xian moved the capital to Pingyang. He sent troops to conquer Dangshe. In the third year (713 BC), Duke Xian fought with the Bo people, and the Bo king fled to the Rong, so the Qin army destroyed Dangshe. In the fourth year (712 BC), Prince Hui of Lu killed Lord of Lu, Duke Yin. In the twelfth year (704 BC), Qin conquered Dangshi and took it. Duke Xian was made king at the age of ten, died after twelve years in office, and was buried in Xishan. He had three sons, the eldest son Duke Wu of Qin was the crown prince. Duke Wu of Qin and his younger brother Duke De of Qin were both sons of Lu Ji. And Wang Ji gave birth to Chuzi. After Duke Xian died, the great minister Fu Ji, Wei Lei, and Sanfu deposed the crown prince and made Chuzi the king. In the sixth year of Chuzi (698 BC), Sanfu and others sent people to kill Chuzi. Chuzi was made king at the age of five and died after six years as king. Sanfu and others then re-enthroned the former crown prince Duke Wu of Qin as king. 



In the first year of Duke Wu of Qin (697 BC), the Qin army attacked the Peng Xi family at the foot of Mountain Huashan. Duke Wu of Qin lived in Pingyang and sealed the palace. In the third year (before 695), Duke Wu of Qin exterminated Sanfu and others, and also killed their three clans because they had killed Chuzi. Gao Qumi of Zheng killed his king Duke Zhao of Zheng. In the tenth year (688 BC), the Qin army attacked the Rong people in Gui, Hebei and other places and began to establish counties. In the eleventh year (687 BC), the State of Qin began to establish counties in Du and Zheng. The Qin army destroyed Xiaoguo. In the thirteenth year (685 BC), Guan Zhifu, Lian Cheng and other people of Qi killed their monarch Duke Xiang of Qi and replaced him with Gongsun Wuzhi.. The Jin State destroyed the three fiefdoms of Huo, Wei, and Geng. Yonglin of Qi killed Gongsun Wuzhi, Guan Zhifu, and others, and established Duke Huan of Qi as the new monarch. Qi and Jin became powerful states. In the 19th year (679 BC), Quwo of Jin State became Marquis of Jin. And Duke Huan of Qi became an overlord in Juan. In the twentieth year (678 BC), Duke Wu died and was buried at Pingyang in Yong. The Qin State began to bury living people as sacrifice, and sixty-six people were buried. Duke Wu had a son named Bai. Bai did not succeed to the throne and was conferred in Pingyang. Duke Wu's younger brother Duke De of Qin was made king.






In his first year (677 BC), Duke De of Qin began to live in Dazheng Palace in Yong. One hundred trios of livestock were used in the sacrifices for the Fuzhi temple. Yong would be the place to live by divination. And the future generations would have their horses drink by the Yellow River. Uncle Liang and Uncle Rui came to his court. In the second year (676 BC), at the beginning of the Fu days (summer heat waves), dogs were sacrificed to drive away the poisonous insects. Duke De was established as king when he was thirty-three years old, and he died in his second year on the throne. He had three sons: the eldest son was Duke Xuan, the second son was Duke Cheng, and the youngest son was Duke Mu. The eldest son Duke Xuan was established as the king.

In the first year of Duke Xuan (675 BC), Wei and Yan joined forces attacking the Zhou Dynasty, expelled King Hui of Zhou, and Prince Tui was put on the throne. In the third year (673 BC), Zheng Bo and Guo Shu killed Prince Tui and welcomed King Hui back into the Zhou capital. In the fourth year (672 BC), the Qin State built Mizhi, the Temple for Eastern Emperor. The Qin army and the Jin army fought in Heyang, and Jin was defeated. In the twelfth year (664 BC), Duke Xuan died. Duke Xuan had nine sons, but none of them was made a king. His younger brother Duke Cheng succeeded the throne.

In the first year of Duke Cheng, Liang Bo and Rui Bo came to the court. Duke Huan of Qi attacked Shan Rong first, then Guzhu.

In his fourth year, Duke Cheng died. He has seven sons, but none of them got the throne, his younger brother Duke Mu was made the king. 

In the first year as Duke Mu (659 BC), he personally led the army to attack Maojin and achieved victory. In the fourth year (656 BC), he went to Jin to marry his wife, who was the elder sister of Prince Shen Sheng of Jin. In this year, Duke Huan of Qi attacked Chu and reached Shaoling.







In the fifth year (655 BC), Duke Xian of Jin destroyed Yu and Guo two states, and captured Lord Yu and his senior official Baili Xi. The Jin State had bribed Lord Yu with jade and fine horses, this is the result. Baili Xi was captured, and the Jin State sent him to the Qin State as a slave of the bribe of Duke Mu of Qin. Baili Xi fled from Qin to Wan and was captured by soldiers guarding the border of Chu. Duke Mu heard that Baili Xi was a virtuous and talented man, and wanted to redeem him with a large sum of money, but he was afraid that the people of Chu would not agree, so he sent someone to say to the people of Chu: "Is my wife’s slave Baili Xi at your place? Please let him be redeemed with five sheepskins." The people of Chu agreed to hand over Baili Xi to Qin. At this time, Baili Xi was already in his seventies. Duke Mu released him and discussed with him the issue of governing the country. Baili Xi declined and said, "I am a minister whose country has been destroyed. What is there to discuss?" Duke Mu said, "Lord Yu did not use you, so his country was destroyed. This is not your fault." Duke Mu insisted on asking him for advice, their discussion went on for three days. Duke Mu was very happy and handed over the state affairs to him, Baili Xi then was known as Minister Wugu the Five Sheepskins. Baili Xi refused with humility and said, "I am not as good as my friend Jian Shu. Jian Shu is a virtuous person but the world does not know it. When I was traveling in Qi State, I fell into a difficult situation and had to beg for food in Qi. It was Jian Shu who took me in.” Therefore, I wanted to serve King Wuzhi of Qi, but Jian Shu stopped me, so I avoided the chaos in Qi and came to the Zhou Dynasty. Prince Tui of Zhou liked cattle, so I tried to see him by raising cattle. When Prince Tui wanted to employ me, Jian Shu stopped me again, and I was able to leave and avoid being killed. So I prepared to serve Lord Yu, but it was still Jian Shu who stopped me. I knew clearly that Lord Yu would not use me, but I yearned for fame and fortune, so I decided to stay for the time being. I followed his advice twice and was able to save my own life. And once I didn’t do it, I fell into the disaster that Lord Yu’s country being destroyed. This shows how wise he is.” So Duke Mu sent someone to invite Jian Shu with a large sum of money and appointed him as a senior official.



In autumn, Duke Mu of Qin personally led his army to attack Jin State and fought with the Jin army in Hequ. Li Ji of Jin rebelled, Crown Prince Shensheng of Jin was killed in Xincheng, and Chong'er and Yiwu fled.

In the ninth year (651 BC), Duke Huan of Qi convened a meeting of the princes at Kuiqiu. 

Duke Xian of Jin died. He established Li Ji's son Xi Qi as the heir apparent, but his minister Li Ke killed Xi Qi. Xun Xi made Zhuozi the king of Jin, and Li Ke killed Zhuozi and Xun Xi. Yiwu sent people to ask the Qin State for help, hoping that the Qin State could help him return to the Jin State Palace. So Duke Mu of Qin agreed to his request and let Baili Xi lead the army to escort Yiwu. Yiwu said to Qin: "If I become the king of Jin, I am willing to cede eight towns of Hexi the areas west of the Yellow River in Jin to Qin." After Yiwu returned to his country, he became the king of Jin State, but he sent Pi Zheng to reject the Qin Dynasty, broke the agreement, refused to hand over the eight towns of Hexi, and killed Li Ke. When Pi Zheng heard this, he was frightened and conspired with Duke Mu of Qin: "The people of Jin actually do not want to support Yiwu, but want to make Chong'er the king. Now Yiwu has broken his agreement with the Qin State and killed Li Ke. This was all the idea of Lu Sheng and Xie Rui. I hope you can use money and property to summon Lu Sheng and Xie Rui to Qin as soon as possible. Once Lu Sheng and Xie Rui arrive in Qin, Chong'er can return to Jin smoothly." Duke Mu agreed and sent someone to accompany Pi Zheng back to Jin to recruit Lü Sheng and Xie Rui. Lu Sheng, Xie Rui and others suspected that Pi Zheng had a conspiracy, so they suggested that Yiwu get rid of him. Pi Zheng's son Pi Bao fled to Qin and advised Duke Mu: "The King of Jin is incompetent and the people are not close to him. Now is the right time to send troops to attack Jin." Duke Mu said: "If the people of Jin did not support Yiwu, then why did he kill the minister Li Ke? Being able to kill the ministers of Jin shows that he can unite the people. " Duke Mu of Qin did not follow his advice, but instead secretly promoted Pi Bao.





In the twelfth year of Duke Mu of Qin (648 BC), Guan Zhong and Xi Peng of Qi died. 

Jin was struck by drought, people came to Qin for food aid. Pi Bao advised Duke Mu not to aid, but instead to take advantage of the famine to attack the state of Jin. Duke Mu asked Gongsun Zhi, who replied, "Years of famine and harvests are just in the cycle, so we cannot deny them food." Duke Mu then asked Baili Xi, who answered, "Yiwu offended you, but what crime have Jin people committed?" Therefore Duke Mu adopted their advice and gave Jin grains, transported either by boats or vehicles, continuously from Yong to Jian. 

In the fourteenth year, Qin suffered from famine and asked Jin for food aid. The King of Jin discussed the matter with his ministers. Guo She said: "We should take advantage of the famine in Qin and attack, and we will surely have big success." The King of Jin followed his advice. In the 15th year, the State of Jin sent troops to attack the State of Qin. Duke Mu gathered troops and let Pi Bao lead the army to fight in person. On the Renxu day of the ninth month, the Qin army fought against the Jin army led by Yiwu the Duke Hui in Han. The King of Jin broke away from his army and came alone to fight the Qin army. On his way back, his horse got stuck in the mud. Duke Mu and his men chased on fast horses but failed to capture the King of Jin and were instead surrounded by the Jin army. Duke Mu was attacked by the Jin army and injured. At this moment, there were three hundred men rushed over, who had stolen Duke Mu's horse as food at the foot of Mount Qi. Regardless of the danger, they broke through the encirclement of the Jin army, rescued Duke Mu, and surprisingly caught the King of Jin alive. Sometime before, Duke Mu lost a good horse, which was caught and eaten by more than 300 villagers from Mount Qi. The officials arrested them and prepared to execute them according to law. Duke Mu said: "A gentleman will not harm people for the sake of the livestock. I have heard that eating horse meat without wine drinking will harm your body." So he gave them wine to drink and pardoned them. Now, these three hundred people heard that the Qin was attacked by Jin, they all requested to join the Qin army. Therefore, when they saw that Duke Mu was in trouble, they took up weapons and risked their lives to save him, in order to repay the kindness of being pardoned for stealing and eating the horse. After Duke Mu captured the King of Jin and returned, he issued an order to the whole nation: "I will fast and prepare to sacrifice the King of Jin to the Emperor of Heaven." When the King of Zhou the Son of Heaven heard this, he said, "The King of Jin and I have the same surname." He so requested that the King of Jin be exonerated. When Yiwu's sister, Duke Mu's wife, heard the news, she put on mourning clothes, went barefoot to Duke Mu, and said, "I can't even save my own brother, I am such a shame to my royal husband?" Duke Mu said, "I captured the King of Jin, which I thought was a great achievement, but now the King of Zhou the Son of Heaven is begging for mercy for him, and my wife is also sad for him." He then made an alliance with the King of Jin, which promised him to go back home, allowed him to stay in the most luxurious guest room, and enjoy the top-level food service with seven trios of livestock. In November, Qin sent the King of Jin back to his country. Yiwu offered the land of Hexi and sent Crown Prince Yu to Qin as a hostage.The Qin State married a girl from the royal family of Qin to the crown prince Yu of Jin. At that time, Qin's territory had expanded eastward to the Yellow River. 





In the eighteenth year (642 BC), Duke Huan of Qi died. In the twentieth year, the State of Qin destroyed the States of Liang and Rui. 

In the twenty-second year, Prince Yu of Jin heard that the King of Jin was ill and said, "Liang was my mother's hometown, but it was destroyed by Qin. I have many brothers. When the King of Jin dies, Qin will definitely detain me, and Jin will immediately appoint another prince as the King. " Prince Yu fled back to the State of Jin. In the 23rd year, Duke Hui of Jin died and Prince Yu became the new king. The Qin State resented Prince Yu's escape, so it welcomed Prince Chong'er of Jin from the Chu State to Qin State and let Prince Yu's wife marry Chong'er. Chong'er refused at first, but later accepted it. So Duke Mu treated Chong'er even more generously. In the spring of the twenty-fourth year, Qin sent someone to tell the ministers of Jin that Qin was preparing to let Chong'er return to Jin. The State of Jin agreed, so Duke Mu sent people to escort Chong'er back to the country. In February, Chong'er was made king of Jin, and this was Duke Wen of Jin. Duke Wen sent someone to kill Zi Yu. Zi Yu was Duke Huai of Jin.

In the autumn of that year, King Xiang of Zhou was attacked by the alliance led by his younger brother with the Di people and he fled to the State of Zheng. In the 25th year, King Xiang of Zhou sent messengers to inform Jin and Qin about the chaos in the Zhou Dynasty. Duke Mu of Qin led his army to assist Duke Wen of Jin in escorting King Xiang of Zhou back to the Zhou and killed the king’s younger brother Dai. In the 28th year, Duke Wen of Jin defeated the Chu army in Chengpu. In the 30th year, Duke Mu assisted Duke Wen of Jin in besieging the State of Zheng. Zheng sent a messenger to tell Duke Mu: "Destroying Zheng and treating Jin with kindness is good for Jin, but may not be good for Qin. If Jin becomes strong, it will be a threat to Qin." Duke Mu then withdrew his troops. Subsequently, the State of Jin also withdrew its troops. In the winter of the thirty-second year (628 BC), Duke Wen of Jin died.





Someone from Zheng betrayed Zheng to Qin, saying, "I am in charge of the city gates of Zheng. You can send troops to attack Zheng." Duke Mu asked Jian Shu and Bai Li Xi for their opinions, and they replied, "It will be difficult to attack Zheng after passing through several countries and marching a thousand miles. Moreover, if someone in Zheng State betrayed Zheng State, how could we be sure that no one in our country would tell Zheng State our intelligence? Therefore, it is not recommended to attack Zheng State." Duke Mu said, "Something you don't know that I have already made my decision." So he mobilized the troops to prepare for the expedition, and let Baili Xi's son Meng Ming, Jian Shu's son Xiqishu and Bai Yibing lead the troops. On the day the army set out, Baili Xi and Jian Shu cried for the soldiers. When Duke Mu heard this, he said angrily, "I sent the troops to fight, but you are crying and destroying the morale of my army. What's the reason for this?" The two old men said: "We dare not undermine the morale of the army. It’s just that the army is about to leave, and our sons will follow them. We are already old, and we are worried that if they come back too late, they won’t be able to see us, so we are crying bitterly.” The two old men withdrew and said to their son: "Your army will be defeated, it must be in the dangerous area of Mount Xiao." In the spring of the thirty-third year (627 BC), the Qin army marched eastward, passing through the territory of Jin and the north gate of the Zhou capital. King’s grandson Man of Zhou said: "The Qin army does not follow the rules of propriety. What else can they wait for but failure?" When the Qin army arrived at Hua, Xian Gao, a merchant from Zheng, was preparing to take twelve cows to Zhou to sell. When he saw the Qin army, he was worried that he would be captured and killed by the Qin army, so he offered his cows to the Qin army and said, "I heard that the army of a great country is going to attack Zheng. The king of Zheng is seriously strengthening his defenses and has sent me twelve cows to reward the soldiers." After hearing this, the three generals of Qin discussed and said, "We were planning to launch a surprise attack on Zheng, but now Zheng has already known about it. It is useless for us to attack now." The Qin army then destroyed Hua State, a small state on the border of Jin State. 



At that time, Duke Wen of Jin had not yet been buried. The Crown Prince Xiang of Jin was furious and said, "Qin State bullied me because I had just lost my father and took advantage of the opportunity to capture Hua of my country." So he dyed his mourning clothes black and led his army to intercept the Qin army at Mount Yao, defeating them severely. Not a single Qin soldier escaped. He captured three Qin generals and led his troops back. Duke Wen of Jin's wife was the daughter of Duke Mu of Qin. She pleaded with Duke Xiang of Jin on behalf of the three Qin generals, saying, "Duke Mu hates these three men to the core. I hope you can release them and let our king execute them personally." The King of Jin agreed and released the three generals of Qin. After the three generals returned to Qin, Duke Mu went to the outskirts of the city in plain clothes to greet them. He cried and said to the three generals, "Because I did not listen to the advice of Baili Wei and Jian Shu, you were insulted. What crime have you committed? Prepare yourselves wholeheartedly for revenge and do not slack off." So the three men's previous official positions were restored and they were treated more favorably. 

In the thirty-fourth year (626 BC), Prince Shangchen of Chu killed his father, King Cheng of Chu, and became the new monarch. 

Duke Mu sent Meng Ming and others to lead an army to attack the State of Jin, and they fought against the Jin army at Pengya. The Qin army was defeated and withdrew. 





King Rong sent You Yu as an envoy to Qin. You Yu's ancestors were from Jin and fled to Rong, but You Yu could still speak the Jin dialect. When King Rong heard that Duke Mu was wise, he sent You Yu to Qin to investigate. Duke Mu of Qin showed You Yu the palaces and wealth of Qin. You Yu said: "Even if the ghosts and gods were asked to build these palaces, they would feel tired. If we let people build it, the people will suffer too much.” Duke Mu was surprised and asked, "China the Central Kingdom use poetry, books, rituals, music and laws to govern the country, but there are still frequent disasters. Now you Rongyi don't have these things, how are you going to govern your country? Isn't this very difficult?" You Yu smiled and said, “This is why disasters often occur in the Central Kingdom. The ancient sage Huangdi established the laws of rites, music and personally took the lead in implementing them, but he only achieved a small peace. In later generations, kings became increasingly arrogant and extravagant. Relying on the power of the law, the monarch harshly criticizes and supervises the subjects below. The subjects below are exhausted to the extreme and will resent the monarch and hope that benevolence and righteousness will be practiced. In this way, the monarch and the lower classes will resent each other, which will lead to usurpation of the throne, regicide, and even the extermination of the entire family. Disasters are caused by this kind of reasons. But it is not the case with the Rongyi. The superior treats the inferior with kindness, and the inferior serves the superior with loyalty. Governing the country is like taking care of one's own body. There is no need to know how to govern. This is the way a true sage governs a country. " After the court session, Duke Mu asked the Internal Historian Liao, "I heard that if a sage appears in a neighboring country, it will be a threat to the enemy country. Now You Yu is too virtuous and will become a disaster for me, what should I do? " Liao, the Internal Historian, said: "King Rong lives in a remote place and has never heard the music of the Central Kingdom. You can try to send entertaining girls to King Rong to weaken his will, and then ask for credit on behalf of You Yu to alienate their relationship. You can also keep You Yu from going back and delay his return deadline. This way it would certainly make King Rong feel strange and start to suspect You Yu. Once a gap is created between the monarch and his subjects, they can be captured. Besides, if the King of Rong falls in love with the music of the Central Kingdom, he will definitely neglect state affairs.” Duke Mu said, "Okay." So he sat around with You Yu, toasted each other, and ate together. He asked You Yu about the topography and military situation in Rong land, and then asked the Internal Historian Liao to send sixteen entertaining girls to the King of Rong. King Rong was very happy accepting those entertaining girls, and he was so obsessed with them that he totally ignored the state affairs from then on. Only then did the State of Qin allow You Yu to return home. You Yu advised King Rong many times, but King Rong would not listen. Duke Mu sent people to secretly invite You Yu many times, so You Yu left Rongyi and defected to the State of Qin. Duke Mu received him as a guest and asked him about his strategy for conquering the Rong people. 



In the thirty-sixth year (624 BC), Duke Mu treated Meng Ming and others even better and let them lead the army to attack the State of Jin. After crossing the Yellow River, they set fire to their own ships and defeated the Jin army, captured Wangguan and Jiao of Jin, and avenged the defeat in the Battle of Mount Yao. The people of Jin defended the city and did not dare to send out troops. So Duke Mu personally crossed the Yellow River from Maojin, buried the soldiers who died in the battle of Mount Yao, held a funeral for them, and cried for three days. Then he gave the oath to the army: "Ah, soldiers! Everyone listen to me, don't make any noise, I swear to you. In ancient times, people often asked the elderly for advice before doing things so that they would not make mistakes. I want to state that it was because I did not adopt the advice of Jian Shu and Baili xiXi that I was defeated in the battle of Mount Yao. Therefore, I made this oath to let future generations remember my fault." When the gentlemen heard it, they all shed tears and said, "Oh! Duke Mu of Qin treated people with consideration and care, which ultimately led to the victory for Meng Ming and others." 

In the thirty-seventh year (623 BC), Qin adopted You Yu's suggestion to attack the King of Rong, conquered twelve countries, expanded its territory by a thousand lis, and thus dominated the Western Rong. The King of Zhou asked Duke Zhao to bring a golden drum to congratulate Duke Mu. In the thirty-ninth year, Duke Mu died and was buried in Yong. There were 177 people buried with him, including three good ministers of the Qin State, namely, Yanxi, Zhongxing and Zhenhu of the Ziyu clan, who were also among the burial companions. The Qin people were very sad and composed the poem "Yellow Bird" for them. The gentleman said: "Qin Mu openly expanded his territory, conquered the powerful Jin State in the east, and dominated the barbarians in the west, but he did not become the leader of the princes. This is natural. After his death, he abandoned the people and let the good ministers of Qin be buried with him. Moreover, when the ancient kings passed away, they left behind their good virtues and laws. How can later generations take away the good ministers who are loved and respected by the people? From this we can see that Qin can no longer march eastward.” Duke Mu had forty sons, and his crown prince Ying succeeded him, becoming Duke Kang.




It was the first year of Duke Kang of Qin (620BC). A year before, Duke Mu of Qin died, and Duke Xiang of Jin also died; Duke Xiang of Jin's younger brother was named Yong, who was born to a Qin woman, so he had been living in Qin. Zhao Dun of Jin wanted to make Yong their king, so he sent Sui Hui to welcome Yong. Qin sent troops to escort Yong to Linghu. But at this time, the State of Jin had already supported Duke Xiang’s other son Xiang as king, so Jin troops were sent to meet the Qin army. The Qin army was defeated, and Sui Hui fled to the State of Qin. In the second year, Qin attacked Jin and occupied Wucheng in order to avenge Linghu's defeat. In the fourth year, the Jin state attacked the Qin state and occupied Shaoliang. In the sixth year, the Qin state attacked the Jin state and occupied Jima. The Qin army fought against the Jin army in Hequ and defeated the Jin army. The people of Jin were worried that Sui Hui would cause trouble to Jin in Qin, so they sent Wei Chouyu to pretend to rebel against Jin and conspire with Sui Hui, and kidnapped Sui Hui to return to Jin. Duke Kang of Qin died after twelve years on the throne, and his son Duke Gong of Qin succeeded him.

In the second year of Duke Gong of Qin (607 BC), Zhao Chuan of Jin killed its king Duke Ling of Jin. In the third year, King Zhuang of Chu became powerful and led his troops north to Luo and inquired about the size and weight of the Nine Tripod Cauldrons. Duke Gong of Qin died after five years in power and his son Duke Huan of Qin succeeded him. 

In the third year during the reign of Duke Huan of Qin, Jin defeated a general of Qin. In the tenth year, King Zhuang of Chu conquered Zheng and defeated the army of Jin on the Yellow River in the north. At that time, the State of Chu was the dominant power and summoned the princes to attend a meeting. In the 24th year, Duke Li of Jin had just ascended the throne and agreed on an alliance with Duke Huan of Qin across the Yellow River. But after returning to his country, Duke Huan of Qin broke the alliance and conspired with the Di people to attack the State of Jin. In the 26th year, the State of Jin led the other vassal states to attack the State of Qin. The Qin army was defeated and fled, and the Jin army chased them all the way to the Jing River before returning. Duke Huan of Qin died after reigning for twenty-seven years, and his son Duke Jing of Qin succeeded him.





In the first year in the reign of Duke Hui of Qin (500 BC), Confucius served as prime minister of Lu. In the fifth year, the nobles of Jin, Zhonghang and Fan, rebelled against Jin. Jin sent Zhi and Zhao Jianzi to attack them. Fan and Zhonghang fled to Qi. Duke Hui died ten years after he was enthroned, and his son Duke Dao of Qin was enthroned.

In the second year of Duke Dao of Qin, Qi minister Tian Qi killed his king Ruzi and established his brother Yangsheng as Duke Dao of Qi. In the sixth year, Wu defeated the Qi army. The Qi people killed Duke Dao of Qi and established his son Duke Jian of Qi. In the ninth year, Duke Ding of Jin and King Fuchai of Wu made an alliance and fought for supremacy at Huangchi. Duke Ding of Jin was defeated by Wu. Wu became stronger and overpowered the Central Kingdom. In the twelfth year (479 BC) Tian Chang of Qi killed Duke Jian of Qi and established his younger brother Duke Ping of Qi, with Chang as his prime minister. In the thirteenth year, Chu destroyed Chen. Duke Dao of Qin died in the fourteenth year of his reign, and his son Duke Li Gong of Qin ascended to the throne. Confucius died in the twelfth year of Duke Dao.

In the second year of Duke Li Gong (475 BC), the people of Shu came to Qin to offer gifts. In the 16th year, trenches were dug alongside of the Yellow River. The Qin State sent 20,000 soldiers to attack the Dali Rong and capture the Dali Royal City. In the twenty-first year, Qin began to set up its first county in Pingyang. Jin captured Wucheng. In the twenty-fourth year, civil strifes broke out in Jin, Zhibo was killed, and his fiefdom was divided among Zhao, Han, and Wei. In the twenty-fifth year, Zhikai and his subjects came to surrender. In the thirty-third year, Qin attacked Yiqu Rong and captured the Yiqu King. In the thirty-fourth year (443 BC), there was a solar eclipse. Duke Li Gong of Qin died and his son Duke Zao of Qin succeeded him. 

In the second year of Duke Zao of Qin, Nanzheng rebelled. In the thirteenth year, the Yiqu Rong attacked Qin and reached the south of the Wei River. In the fourteenth year (429 BC), Duke Zao of Qin died and his younger brother Duke Huai of Qin succeeded him.






In the fourth year of Duke Huai of Qin (425 BC), Chao, the chief minister, and the ministers besieged and attacked Duke Huai, who committed suicide. Duke Huai's crown prince was Zhaozi, who died very early, so the ministers made Zhaozi's son the king, who was Duke Ling of Qin. Duke Ling was the grandson of Duke Huai. 

In the sixth year of Duke Ling of Qin (419 BC), Jin built a city in Shaoliang, and Qin attacked it. In the tenth year, Qin built a city in Jigu. Duke Ling died, and his son Duke Xian was not made king. Duke Ling's uncle Daozi succeeded him, and this was Duke Jian of Qin. Duke Jian was the younger brother of Zhaozi and the son of Duke Huai. 

In the sixth year of Duke Jian of Qin (409 BC), Qin began to order officials to carry swords. They dug trenches at Luoshui and built a city at Chongquan. In the fifteenth year (400 BC), Duke Jian of Qin died and his son Duke Hui of Qin succeeded him. 

In the 12th year of Duke Hui's reign (388 BC), his son Chuzi was born. In the 13th year (387 BC), the State of Qin attacked the State of Shu and captured Nanzheng. Duke Hui of Qin died and his son Chuzi succeeded him. 

In the second year of Chuzi (385 BC), Shuchang went to the Hexi to welcome Duke Xian, the son of Duke Ling, and made him the king. Duke Xian killed Chuzi and his mother and sank their bodies into the abyss. Qin had changed its king many times before, and the relationship between the king and his subjects was tense and chaotic. Therefore, Jin became powerful again and seized the land of Hexi from Qin. 







In the first year of Duke Xian of Qin's reign (384 BC), the system of burying live people at the burial with the dead was abolished. In the second year, a city was built in Liyang. In the fourth year, on the Gengyin day of the first month, Duke Xiao of Qin was born. In the eleventh year, when the Grand Historian Dan of Zhou came to see Duke Xian of Qin, he said: "The Zhou Dynasty and the Qin State were once one entity, but later they separated. After five hundred years of separation, they reunited again. And after seventeen years of reunion, a hegemon will emerge." In the sixteenth year, the peach trees bloomed in winter. In the eighteenth year, golden rain fell in Liyang. In the twenty-first year, the Qin army fought and defeated the Jin army at Shimen the Stone Gate, and 60,000 soldiers were beheaded. The emperor of Zhou bestowed Fu Fu, the royal clothes with embroidery of black and white patterns, to express his congratulations. In the twenty-third year, the Qin army fought the Wei army at Shaoliang and captured the general of Wei, Gongsun Cuo. In the twenty-fourth year (361 BC), Duke Xian died and his son Duke Xiao succeeded him. Duke Xiao was already twenty-one years old. 

In the first year of Duke Xiao of Qin (361 BC), east of the Yellow River and the mountains, there were six powerful countries, King Wei of Qi, King Xuan of Chu, King Hui of Wei, Duke Dao of Yan, Marquis Ai of Han, and Marquis Cheng of Zhao, with which Duke Xiao of Qin was ranked alongside (making it the seven great powers for the warring states period of China). There are more than ten small countries between the Huai River and the Si River. Chu, Wei and Qin were neighbors. The State of Wei built the Great Wall, extending it northward from Zheng along the banks of the Luo River to Shangjun. The territory of Chu State started from Hanzhong and extended to Ba County and Qianzhong County in the south. As the Zhou royal family declined, the vassal states began to conquer each other by force and annex each other's territories. The State of Qin was located in the remote Yongzhou and did not participate in the alliances of the princes in the Central Plains. The princes in the Central Plains also regarded the State of Qin as a barbarian. So Duke Xiao generously gave alms, helped the orphans and widows, recruited warriors and clarified the principle of rewarding according to merits. And he issued an order throughout the country, saying: "In the past, our ancestor Duke Mu rose between Qi and Yong, and made great achievements in governing the country and conquering foreign lands. In the east, he quelled the civil strife in Jin State, and separated from Jin State by the Yellow River. In the west, he dominated the Rong Di and expanded his territory by a thousand miles. As a result, the Zhou Emperor appointed him as an overlord, and all the princes came to congratulate him. Duke Mu created immense achievements for future generations and was greatly honored. However, during the reigns of Duke Li, Duke Zao, Duke Jian and Chuzi, the political situation was turbulent and the country was troubled, so it had no time to take care of foreign affairs. As a result, the Three States of Jin took the opportunity to seize the Hexi territory west of the Yellow River from our ancestors, and the vassal states also despised our Qin State. There is no greater shame than this. After Duke Xian ascended the throne, he pacified the border and moved the capital to Liyang. He wanted to march east to recover the old territories of Duke Mu and rectify Duke Mu's policies. Whenever I think of the unfulfilled wishes of my ancestors, I am always filled with grief. If anyone among the guests and ministers can offer a brilliant plan to make Qin stronger, I will grant him an honorable position and grant him land." He then led his army to the east to surround Shaanxi City, and killed King Huan of Rong in the west.


孝公元年,河山以东强国六,与齐威、楚宣、魏惠、燕悼、韩哀、赵成侯并。淮泗之间小国十余。楚、魏与秦接界。魏筑长城,自郑滨洛以北,有上郡。楚自汉中,南有巴、黔中。周室微,诸侯力政,争相并。秦僻在雍州,不与中国诸侯之会盟,夷翟遇之。孝公于是布惠,振孤寡,招战士,明功赏。下令国中曰:“昔我缪公自岐雍之间,修德行武,东平晋乱,以河为界,西霸戎翟,广地千里,天子致伯,诸侯毕贺,为后世开业,甚光美。会往者厉、躁、简公、出子之不宁,国家内忧,未遑外事,三晋攻夺我先君河西地,诸侯卑秦、丑莫大焉。献公即位,镇抚边境,徙治栎阳,且欲东伐,复缪公之故地,脩缪公之政令。寡人思念先君之意,常痛于心。宾客群臣有能出奇计强秦者,吾且尊官,与之分土。” 于是乃出兵东围陕城,西斩戎之獂王。


When Wei Yang heard that Qin had issued this order, he traveled west to Qin and asked to see Duke Xiao through Jing Jian.

In the second year (360 BC), the Zhou emperor gave sacrificial meat to Duke Xiao of Qin. 

In the third year, Wei Yang persuaded Duke Xiao to carry out reforms, revise the criminal law, vigorously develop agriculture at home, clarify rewards and punishments abroad, and encourage soldiers to fight bravely. Duke Xiao appreciated his suggestions. Gan Long, Du Zhi and others disagreed with Wei Yang's point of view and argued with him endlessly. Finally, Duke Xiao adopted Wei Yang's reform proposal. When the new law was first implemented, the people felt very miserable, but three years later, the people found the new law very convenient. So Duke Xiao of Qin appointed Wei Yang as the left minister. The story about Shang Yang's reforms is recorded in "Biography of Shang Yang". 

In the seventh year, Duke Xiao of Qin met with King Hui of Wei in Duping. In the eighth year, the Qin army fought against the Wei army in Yuanli and won. In the tenth year, Wei Yang was named Daliangzao the great minister and led his army to besiege Anyi of Wei State. Finally, Anyi was forced to surrender. In the twelfth year, Xianyang City was built, a tall palace gate was constructed, and the Qin State moved its capital here. Subsequently, the small villages were merged into large counties, and a county magistrate was appointed for each county, for a total of 41 counties. Replan the fields and open up field roads. The Qin territory expanded to the east of Luo River. In the fourteenth year, taxation began to be levied. In the 19th year, the Zhou emperor appointed Qin Xiaogong as the overlord. In the twenty year, all the princes came to congratulate him. The State of Qin sent Prince Shaoguan to lead an army to Fengze to meet with the princes and to pay homage to the King of Zhou.






In the 21st year of Duke Xiao of Qin (341 BC), the Qi army defeated the Wei army at Maling. 

In the 22nd year, Wei Yang led the troops to attack the State of Wei and captured Prince Ang of Wei. Duke Xiao of Qin granted Wei Yang the title of Marquis and the title of Lord Shang. 

In the 24th year, the Qin army fought the Wei army at Yanmen and captured Wei's general Wei Cuo.

Duke Xiao of Qin died and his son, Duke Huiwen, succeeded him. In the same year, the State of Qin executed Wei Yang. When Wei Yang first started to reform the state of Qin, his laws could not be implemented and the crown prince violated the ban. Wei Yang said: "The reason why the law cannot be implemented is because of the obstruction of the nobles. If you must implement the reform, punish the prince first. If you cannot use tattooing on the prince, use tattooing on his teacher." So the law was quickly implemented and the people of Qin were well governed. After Duke Xiao died, the crown prince succeeded to the throne. Many members of the royal family resented Wei Yang, so he tried to flee. The crown prince took the opportunity to charge him with treason and eventually had him torn apart with chariots as a warning to the public in Qin. 

In the first year of King Huiwen (337 BC), Chu, Han, Zhao, and Shu sent envoys to pay homage to him. In the second year, the King of Zhou sent people to congratulate him. In the third year, King Huiwen held a ceremony to crown his father. In the fourth year, the King of Zhou sent meat to sacrifice to King Wen and King Wu. The King of Qi and the King of Wei became kings (King Wei of Qi and King Hui of Wei). 







In the fifth year of King Huiwen of Qin (333 BC), Xishou from Yinjin was appointed as the Daliangzao. In the sixth year, Wei ceded Yinjin to Qin, and Yinjin was renamed Ningqin. In the seventh year, Gongsun Yan (Shiji mistook him for Prince Ang of Wei) led his troops to fight against the Wei army, captured the Wei general Long Jia, and beheaded 80,000 soldiers. In the eighth year, Wei ceded Hexi the land west of the Yellow River to Qin. In the ninth year, the Qin army crossed the Yellow River and captured Fenyin and Pishi. King Huiwen of Qin and King of Wei met in Ying. The Qin army surrounded Jiao and forced its garrison to surrender. In the tenth year (328 BC), Zhang Yi became the prime minister of Qin. Wei ceded fifteen counties of Shangjun. In the eleventh year, Qin established a county in Yiqu. Jiao and Quwo were returned to Wei. The King of Yiqu became a vassal of Qin. Shaoliang was renamed Xiayang. In the 12th year (326 BC), the La Festival began. On the Wuwu day of the 4th month of the 13th year (325 BC), Lord Wei proclaimed himself king, and Lord Han also proclaimed himself king (King Xiang of Wei and King Xuanhui of Han). The State of Qin sent Zhang Yi to capture Shan County and expelled the local people to the State of Wei. 

In the fourteenth year (324BC), the reign was changed to the first year. In the second year, Zhang Yi met with ministers from Qi and Chu at Niesang. In the third year, the princes of Han and Wei came to pay homage. Zhang Yi served as Prime Minister of Wei State. In the fifth year, King Huiwen of Qin toured to Beihe. In the seventh year, Le Chi served as prime minister of Qin State. Han, Zhao, Wei, Yan, and Qi led the Hun army to attack Qin together. The Qin State sent Shu Changji to fight the enemy at Xiu Yu, captured their general Shen Cha, defeated Prince Ke of Zhao and Prince Huan of Han, and killed 82,000 people. In the eighth year, Zhang Yi once again served as the prime minister of Qin. In the ninth year, Sima Cuo led his army to attack the Kingdom of Shu and finally destroyed it. He conquered Zhao Zhongdu and Xiyang. In the tenth year, Prince Cang of Han came to Qin as a hostage. The Qin State captured Shizhang of the Han State, also defeated Ni, the general of Zhao, and also captured twenty-five cities of Yiqiu. In the eleventh year, Chu Li Ji led his army to attack Jiao of Wei State, and Jiao surrendered. The Han army was defeated at Anmen, ten thousand beheaded, and the Han general Xishou escaped. Prince Tong was made Marquis of Shu. The King of Yan gave up his throne to his minister Zizhi. In the 12th year (314 BC), King Huiwen and King Liang met in Linjin. The chief minister Chu Liji attacked Zhao and captured the general Zhuang. Zhang Yi became the prime minister of Chu. In the 13th year (313 BC), the chief minister Wei Zhang attacked Chu in Danyang, captured the enemy general Qu Gai, and beheaded 80,000 people; he also attacked Hanzhong in Chu, seized 600 li of land, and established Hanzhong County. Chu surrounded Yongshi, and Qin sent the chief minister Chu Liji to assist Han and attack Qi in the east, and sent Dao Man to assist Wei in attacking Yan. In the 14th year (312 BC), Qin attacked Chu and captured Zhaoling. Dan Rong and Li Rong became Qin's vassals. The prime minister of Shu, Chen Zhuang, killed the Marquis of Shu and surrendered. 




King Hui of Qin died and his son King Wu succeeded him. Han, Wei, Qi, Chu and Yue all submitted to Qin. 

In his first year (310 BC), King Wu of Qin met with King Hui of Wei in Linjin. The Qin army killed Chen Zhuang, the prime minister of Shu. Zhang Yi and Wei Zhang both left Qin and headed east to Wei. Qin attacked Yiqu, Dan, and Li. In the second year (309 BC), Qin began to set up prime ministers, with Chu Liji and Gan Mao serving as the left and right prime ministers respectively. Zhang Yi died in Wei. In the third year (308 BC), King Wu met with King Xiang of Han outside Linjin. Nan Gong Jie died, and Chu Liji served as the prime minister of Han. King Wu said to Gan Mao: "I want to open up the road to Sanchuan and take a ride to visit the royal court of Zhou. Then I can die without regrets." In the autumn of that year, King Wu sent Gan Mao and Shuzhang Feng to attack Yiyang. In the fourth year (307 BC), the Qin army captured Yiyang and 60,000 people were beheaded. The Yellow River was crossed and the Wusui City was built. The crown prince of Wei came to pay homage. King Wu was very strong and loved to compete with others. The strongmen Ren Bi, Wu Huo and Meng Shuo all became high officials. King Wu competed with Meng Shuo lifting a tripod cauldron in Luoyang and had his leg broken. In August, King Wu died. Meng Shuo's clan was exterminated. King Wu married a woman from Wei State as his queen, but she had no children. His half brother was made the king, who was King Zhaoxiang. King Zhaoxiang's mother was from Chu State, surnamed Mi, and was called Queen Dowager Xuan. When King Wu died, King Zhaoxiang was a hostage in Yan State. The people of Yan State escorted him back to his country and he succeeded to the throne. 




In the first year of King Zhaoxiang (306 BC), Yan Junji became prime minister. Gan Mao left Qin for Wei. In the second year, a comet appeared. Shuzhang Zhuang, ministers, princes, and princes rebelled and were all killed, which also caused Queen Huiwen to die a miserable death. Queen Daowu left Qin and returned to Wei. In the third year (304 BC), King Zhaoxiang held a crown ceremony. King Zhaoxiang met with the King of Chu at Huangji and returned Shangyong to Chu. In the fourth year, Qin captured Puyang. A comet appeared. In the fifth year, the King of Wei came to Yingting to pay homage, and King Zhaoxiang returned Puyang to Wei. In the sixth year (301 BC), Hou Hui of Shu rebelled, and Sima Cuo pacified Shu. Shuzhang Huan attacked Chu and beheaded 20,000 people. Lord Jingyang went to Qi as a hostage. There was a solar eclipse, and the day became very dark. In the seventh year (300 BC), Qin captured Xincheng. Chu Lizi died. In the eighth year (299 BC), Qin sent General Mi Rong to attack Chu and captured Xinshi. Qi sent Zhang Zi, Wei sent Sun Xi, and Han sent Bao Yuan to attack Fangcheng of Chu and capture Tang Mei. Zhao attacked Zhongshan, and the King of Zhongshan fled and died in Qi. Prince Jin of Wei and Duke of Han were granted the title of Marquis. In the ninth year (298 BC), Lord Mengchang Xue Wen came to Qin to serve as Prime Minister. Shuzhang Huan attacked Chu, captured eight cities, and killed the Chu general Jing Kuai. In the tenth year (297 BC), King Huai of Chu came to Qin to pay homage, but Qin detained him. Xue Wen was dismissed from his post because of Jin Shou (the other prime minister). Lou Huan became prime minister. In the 11th year (296 BC), the six states of Qi, Han, Wei, Zhao, Song, and Zhongshan jointly attacked Qin and returned only after reaching Yanshi. Qin returned the land north of the Yellow River and the Fengling to Han and Wei in exchange for peace. A comet appeared. King Huai of Chu fled to Zhao, but Zhao refused to take him in. He returned to Qin, where he died soon after. His body was transported back to Chu for burial. In the 12th year (295 BC), Lou Huan was dismissed and Wei Ran, Marquis of Rang, became prime minister. Qin gave Chu 50,000 dan (1 dan = 60 kilos) of grain. 



In the 13th year (294 BC), Xiang Shou attacked Han and captured Wushi. Left Ranger Bai Qi attacked Xincheng. Lü Li, a senior official, left Qin and fled to Wei. Ren Bi served as the governor of Hanzhong. In the 14th year (293 BC), Left Ranger Bai Qi attacked the armies of Han and Wei at Yique, beheaded 240,000 people, captured Gongsun Xi, and seized five cities. In the 15th year (292 BC), Bai Qi, Daliangzao the Great Goodmaker, attacked Wei, seized Yuan, and then returned it. Qin attacked Chu and seized Wan. In the 16th year (291 BC), the Left Ranger Sima Cuo captured Chen and Deng. Wei Ran was dismissed from his post, and the titles of Marquis were granted to Prince Shi in Wan, Prince Kui in Deng, and Wei Ran in Tao. In the 17th year (290 BC), the Lord of Chengyang came to pay homage to the King, and the Lord of Eastern Zhou also came to pay homage to the King. Qin State exchanged Yuan County for Puyang and Pishi. King Zhaoxiang came to Yiyang. In the 18th year (289 BC), Sima Cuo attacked Yuan County and Heyong, dismantled the bridges and captured the two places. In the 19th year (288 BC), King Zhaoxiang called himself the Western Emperor and King Qi called himself the Eastern Emperor, but they both dropped their titles soon after. Lü Li returned to Qin. Qi attacked Song, and the king of Song fled to Wei, where he died in Wen County. Ren Bi died. In the 20th year (287 BC), King Zhaoxiang came to Hanzhong, and then to Shangjun and Beihe. In the 21st year (286 BC), Sima Cuo attacked Henei. Wei offered Anyi to Qin, who drove out the local residents, recruited soldiers and civilians from Hedong, areas east of the Yellow River, granted them titles, pardoned criminals and moved them to Anyi. Lord of Jingyang was granted the title in Wan. In the 22nd year (285 BC), Meng Wu attacked Qi. Qin set up nine counties in Hedong. King Zhaoxiang met with the King of Chu in Wan County and the King of Zhao in Zhongyang. In the 23rd year (284 BC), the general Si Li and the armies of Han, Wei, Zhao, Yan and other countries attacked Qi and defeated the Qi army west of the Ji River. King Zhaoxiang met with the King of Wei in Yiyang and with the King of Han in Xincheng. In the 24th year (283 BC), King Zhaoxiang and the King of Chu met in Yan and then in Rang. Qin captured Ancheng of Wei and marched to Daliang. Yan and Zhao sent troops to rescue them, and the Qin army withdrew. Wei Ran was dismissed from his position as prime minister. In the 25th year (282 BC), Qin conquered two cities of Zhao. King Zhaoxiang met with the King of Han in Xincheng and the King of Wei in Xinmingyi. In the 26th year (281 BC), Qin pardoned the criminals and moved them to Rang. And Wei Ran, Marquis of Rang, repositioned as prime minister again. In the 27th year (280 BC), Sima Cuo attacked Chu. Qin pardoned criminals and moved them to Nanyang. Bai Qi attacked Zhao and captured Guanglang City. Qin sent Sima Cuo to recruit soldiers from Longxi and attack Qianzhong of Chu through Shu. In the 28th year (279 BC), Bai Qi, the Great Goodmaker, attacked the State of Chu and captured the cities of Yan and Deng. The Qin pardoned criminals and moved them there. In the 29th year (278 BC), Bai Qi, the Great Goodmaker, attacked the State of Chu and captured Ying as Nanjun. The King of Chu fled. The Lord of Zhou came. King Zhaoxiang and the King of Chu met in Xiangling, and Bai Qi was named Lord Wu'an. In the 30th year (277 BC), Zhang Ruo, the governor of Shu, attacked Chu, seized Wu County, occupied the south of the Yangtze River and established Qianzhong County. In the 31st year (276 BC), Bai Qi attacked Wei and seized two cities. The people of Chu rebelled in the south of the Yangtze River. In the 32nd year (275 BC), Prime Minister Ranghou attacked the State of Wei, reached Daliang, defeated Bao Yuan, beheaded 40,000 people, and Bao Yuan fled. The State of Wei ceded three counties in exchange for peace. In the 33rd year (274 BC), the guest official Hu Yang attacked Juan, Caiyang, and Changshe of Wei and captured them. Qin attacked Mangmao in Huayang, defeated the Wei army, and beheaded 150,000 people. Wei ceded Nanyang in exchange for peace. In the 34th year (273 BC), Qin merged the occupied lands of Han and Wei with Shangyong to form a prefecture, and moved the freed slaves of Nanyang there. In the 35th year (272 BC), Qin helped Han, Wei and Chu to attack Yan. Qin began to set up Nanyang prefecture. In the 36th year (271 BC), guest official Zao attacked Qi and captured Gang and Shou, which King Zhaoxiang granted to Marquis Rang. In the 38th year (269 BC), Middle Ranger Huyang attacked Yanyu of Zhao, but failed to capture it. In the 40th year (267 BC), Prince Dao died in Wei, and his body was transported back to Qin and buried in Zhiyang. In the summer of the 41st year (266 BC), Qin attacked Wei and captured Xingqiu and Huai. In the 42nd year (265 BC), King Zhaoxiang appointed Lord An Guo as the crown prince. In October, Queen Dowager Xuan died and was buried in Lishan in Zhiyang. In September, Marquis Rang left the capital and went to Tao. In the 43rd year (264 BC), Bai Qi, Lord of Wu'an, attacked the Kingdom of Han, captured nine cities, and beheaded 50,000 people. In the 44th year (263 BC), Bai Qi attacked Nanyang of Han and captured it. In the 45th year (262 BC), Ben, one of the Five Great Officials, attacked the Kingdom of Han and captured ten cities. Lord Yeyang Kui fled to Zhi Guo, but died on the way before he could reach it. In the 47th year (260 BC), Qin attacked Shangdang of Han. Shangdang surrendered to Zhao. Qin then took the opportunity to attack Zhao. Zhao sent troops to fight against the Qin army. The two sides were in a stalemate. Qin sent Bai Qi, the Lord of Wu'an, to launch an attack. He defeated the Zhao army in Changping and he killed them all, more than 400,000 soldiers. In October of the 48th year (259 BC), Han ceded Yuanyong County. The Qin army was divided into three groups. Lord Wu'an has returned. Wang He led his troops to attack Wu'an and Pi Lao of Zhao and captured both places. Sima Geng went north to pacify Taiyuan, and Qin completely occupied Shangdang of Han. In the first month, Qin withdrew its troops and regrouped in Shangdang. In October of that year, Wang Ling, one of the Five Great Officials, attacked Handan of Zhao. In the first month of the 49th year (258 BC), Qin sent more troops to support Wang Ling. Wang Ling was defeated in the battle and was dismissed from his post. Wang He replaced Wang Ling to lead the troops. In October of that year, General Zhang Tang attacked Wei. The defending general Cai Wei abandoned the city and fled back to Wei, where he was beheaded. In October of the 50th year (257 BC), Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, committed a crime and was demoted to a soldier and exiled to Yinmi. Zhang Tang attacked Ye County and captured it. In December, Qin increased its troops and stationed them near Fencheng. Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, committed a crime and was sentenced to death. Wang He attacked Handan but failed to capture it, so he withdrew his troops and returned to join the troops stationed in Fencheng, where he rested for more than two months. The Qin army attacked the Wei army, beheading 6,000 people, and 20,000 soldiers from Wei and Chu fled and fell into the Yellow River and died. The Qin army attacked Fencheng, and then followed Zhang Tang to conquer Ningxinzhong, which was renamed Anyang. The Qin began to build a bridge across the Yellow River for the first time.



In the 51st year, General Jiu of Qin attacked Han, captured Yangcheng and Fushu, and beheaded 40,000 men. Then he attacked Zhao, seized more than 20 counties, and killed 90,000 people. The King of Western Zhou betrayed Qin, and agreed to form an alliance with the other princes. He led the best soldiers under the heaven to attack Qin through Mount Yique, making it impossible for Qin army to open the road to Yangcheng. So the State of Qin sent General Jiu to attack Western Zhou. After the escape, the Lord of Western Zhou came to apologize in person, kowtowed and asked to be punished, and offered all his territory, 36 cities, and 30,000 households in all. The King of Qin accepted his offer and allowed him to return to the Zhou capital. In the 52nd year (255 BC), the people of Western Zhou fled eastward, and the Zhou Dynasty's treasures, the Nine Tipod Cauldrons, were sent to Qin. The Zhou Dynasty was basically destroyed.

In the 53rd year (254 BC), all the princes in the world came to submit. Wei was late, so Qin sent Jiu to attack Wei and seize Wucheng. The King of Han came to pay homage, and Wei handed over the power and obeyed Qin completely. In the 54th year (253 BC), King Zhaoxiang held a ceremony to worship the Emperor of Heaven in the southern suburbs of Yong County. In the autumn of the 56th year (251 BC), King Zhaoxiang died and his son King Xiaowen succeeded him. He honored Tang Ba Zi as Queen Mother Tang and buried her together with King Zhaoxiang. King Han came to offer condolences in mourning clothes, and the princes sent their generals and ministers to offer condolences and participate in the funeral. 

In the first year of King Xiaowen's reign (250 BC), he pardoned criminals, rewarded the meritorious officials of the previous king, treated relatives of the royal family well, and opened gardens to the public. After the mourning period was over, King Xiaowen ascended the throne on the Jihai day of the 10th month, but died on the third day. His son, King Zhuangxiang, succeeded him.





In the first year of King Zhuangxiang (249 BC), he pardoned criminals on a large scale, rewarded the meritorious officials of the previous king, showed kindness and generosity to his relatives, and showed benevolence to the people. The King of Eastern Zhou conspired with the princes of various countries to attack the State of Qin. The State of Qin sent Prime Minister Lu Buwei to lead an army to attack the King of Eastern Zhou, and finally annexed all the territory of Eastern Zhou into the territory of Qin. But the Qin State did not cut off the Zhou Dynasty's sacrifices, and granted the land of Yangren to the King of Zhou, allowing him to continue the sacrifices there to the ancestors of Zhou. Meng Ao was sent to lead an army to attack the State of Han, and the State of Han offered Chenggao and Gong to the State of Qin. The territory of Qin expanded to Daliang, and Sanchuan County was established. In the second year, Meng Ao was sent again to lead an army to attack the Zhao State and pacify Taiyuan. In the third year, Meng Ao led his army to attack Gaodu and Jidi of Wei and successfully occupied them. He also attacked Yuci, Xincheng and Langmeng of Zhao, and occupied thirty-seven cities. In April, there was a solar eclipse. In the fourth year, Wang He led his army to attack Shangdang. The Taiyuan County was established. Wei general Wu Ji led the armies of five countries to attack Qin, and Qin retreated to the south bank of the Yellow River. Meng Ao was defeated and withdrew his troops after being freed from the siege. On Bingwu day of the fifth month, King Zhuangxiang died and his son Ying Zheng ascended the throne, becoming Qin Shi Huang, the fiist emperor of Qin. 

Twenty-six years after King Ying Zheng of Qin ascended the throne, he unified the country for the first time and divided the country into thirty-six counties. Ying Zheng was known as the First Emperor. The First Emperor died at the age of 51, and his son Hu Hai ascended the throne, becoming the Second Emperor. In third year, princes of various countries rose up in rebellion against the Qin State. Zhao Gao killed the Second Emperor and made Ziying the Emperor of Qin. More than a month after Ziying ascended the throne, he was killed by the princes, and the Qin Dynasty came to an end. The details are recorded in "The Annals of Qin Shi Huang the First Emperor". 

Taishigong the Grand Historian said: The ancestors of Qin had the surname Ying. Later, the land was divided into fiefdoms and the names of the fiefs they belonged to became their surnames. There were Xu, Tan, Ju, Zhongli, Yunyan, Tuqiu, Jiangliang, Huang, Jiang, Xiuyu, Baiming, Feilian, and Qin. However, Qin gave Zhaocheng to Zaofu, who then became the ancestor of the Zhao family. 




The end of A5