Thursday, February 22, 2024

1 The Complete A to Z List

The Twenty-Six Histories of China 二十六史

A. Sima Qian: Historical Records 司马迁:史记  

B. Book of Han 汉书

C. Book of the Later Han 后汉书 

D. Records of the Three Kingdoms 三国志

E. Book of Jin 晋书

F. Book of Song 宋书

G. Book of the Southern Qi 南齐书

H. Book of Liang 梁书

I. Book of Chen 陈书

J. Book of Wei 魏书

K. Book of the Northern Qi 北齐书

L. Book of Zhou 周书

M. History of the Southern Dynasties 南史

N. History of the Northern Dynasties 北史

O. Book of Sui 隋书

P. Old Book of Tang 旧唐书

Q. New Book of Tang 新唐书 

R. Old History of the Five Dynasties 旧五代史

S. New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史

T. History of Song 宋史

U. History of Liao 辽史

V. History of Jin 金史

W. History of Yuan 元史

X. New History of Yuan 新元史

Y. History of Ming 明史

Z. Draft History of Qing 清史稿

Updating  ……

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