Sunday, February 25, 2024

6 Emperor Yao


Emperor Ku married to a daughter of Chenfeng's and gave birth to Fangxun. And Emperor Ku married to a daughter of the Juzi’s, and gave birth to Zhi. When Emperor Ku died, Zhi succeeded him. Emperor Ku got on the position but he was no good. The younger brother Fangxun then got on instead, so there was Emperor Yao.

The Emperor Yao, his name was Fangxun. His benevolence was like heaven, his knowledge was like God. He had the likeness of the sun, and the appearance of the clouds. Wealthy but not arrogant, and noble but not unpleasant. With yellow crown and black robe, and on red chariot and white horse. He was able to understand and cultivate virtues, and to be close to nine tribes. Since the nine tribes were in harmony, the people were easy to be regulated. All the people were enlightened and all nations were united.



5 Emperor Ku


Emperor Zhuanxu had a son named Qiongchan. Zhuanxu died, and Gaoxin, Xuanxiao's grandson, became the Emperor Ku.

Gaoxin, the Emperor Ku, was the great-grandson of Huangdi. Gaoxin's father was called Jiaoji, Jiaoji's father was called Xuanxiao, and Xuanxiao's father was called Huangdi. Since Xuanxiao to Jiaoji, both did not reign, untill Gaoxin became the emperor. Gaoxin was a first cousin once removed to Zhuanxu. 

Gaoxin was born a miracle, who spoke his own name by himself. He was giving to the others, not caring for his own interests. He was full of wisdom and had the clear vision, and he was sharp and understood any subtleties.He was keen following the principles of heaven and understood the demands of the people. He was the perfect example of benevolence led to power, benefit led to trust, and self-cultivation led to the acceptance of the world. He knew well how to adapt measures to local conditions and use the materials sparingly, and he cared for the people and taught them and over and over again, and he practiced greetings and farewells following the routines of sun and moon, and he understood the spirits and gods and showed great respects for them. The complexion of his was serious and the virtue of his was impressive. Every move he made was just in time, and every clothe he wore fitted just the place. The Emperor Ku irrigated on the level and spread all over the world, everywhere the sun and moon shone, and everytime the wind and rain came, there was not a single disobedience.




4 Zhuanxu


The Yellow Emperor had twenty-five sons, fourteen of whom received surname.

The Yellow Emperor lived on the hill of Xuanyuan and married the daughter of Xiling, who was then named Leizu. Leizu was the chief princess consort of the Yellow Emperor, and she gave birth to two sons, both of whom had descendent who later became the master of the world. One was called Xuanxiao, later was named Qingyang, and Qingyang descended to reside by the Yangtze River. The other was called Changyi, who descended to reside by the river Ruoshui. Changyi married a daughter of the Shushan clan, named Changpu, and who gave birth to Gaoyang. Gaoyang was a person of holy virtues. After the Yellow Emperor died, he was buried in Qiaoshan. His grandson, Changyi’s son, Gaoyang, became the Emperor Zhuanxu.

Gaoyang, the Emperor Zhuanxu, was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, and the son of Changyi. He was calm, steady, and good at planning. And he was resourceful and knowledgeable, and knew how to sort things out. And he raised various crops and livestock to make full use of the land. And he was clear about the four seasons and knew how to conform to nature. And he followed the guidances of the spirits and gods to formulate etiquette and justice. And he cultivated accordingly to the elements of the seasons to educate the people. And he purified the body and mind to offer sacrifices to the spirits and gods. To the north he went to Youling, and to the south he went to Jiaozhi, and to the west he went to Liusha, and to the east he went to Panmu. Anything that in motion or at still, any gods either big or small, anywhere illuminated by the sun or the moon, all stayed in harmony with each other.


