Thursday, May 9, 2024

213 Of the Strong Wind


Gaozu withdrew his troops and returned. He passed by Pei County and stayed there. He set up a banquet in Pei Palace and invited his old friends and elders to drink to his heart's content. He recruited 120 children from Pei County and taught them to sing. When he was drunk, Gaozu played the zither and composed a poem himself: "The wind comes strong and the clouds fly. Going back to where the home belongs after the conquest of all countries under the sky. To guard the land for long, how to find the warrior supply?" He ordered the children to learn to sing along. Gaozu then stood up and danced. He was emotional and sad, and shed several lines of tears. He said to the people of Pei County: "People who travel far away miss their hometown. Although I have set my capital in Guanzhong, my soul is willing to return to Pei County after I die. Moreover, as the Duke of Pei, I have finally won the world by exterminating the tyrants and rebels. I have made Pei County as my personal fief land and exempted the people of Pei County from taxes and labor service. They will not be levied for generations." The men and women, elders and friends, of Pei County, drank happily every day, recounting old stories and making fun of themselves. After more than ten days, Gaozu wanted to leave, but the people of Pei County insisted on keeping him. Gaozu said, "I have too many people with me, and my father and brothers cannot afford to support them." So he left. The people of Pei County came out of the city and came to the west of the city to offer wine and food. Gaozu stayed again and set up tents for a three-day banquet. The people of Pei County all kowtowed and said, "Pei County is fortunate to be exempted from taxes and labor service, but Fengyi has not been exempted. I hope Your Majesty will have pity on the people of Fengyi." Gaozu said, "Fengyi is where I grew up, and I will never forget it. I am unwilling to exempt them from taxes and labor service only because the locals followed Yong Chi to betray me and defect to Wei." The people of Pei County insisted on their request, and Gaozu exempted Fengyi from taxes and labor service as well, the same as Pei County. At this time, Gaozu appointed Liu Bi, Marquis of Pei, as King of Wu.

The Han generals pursued Ying Bu's army from the north and south of Taoshui respectively, and both defeated the rebels. They caught up with Ying Bu in Poyang and beheaded him.

Fan Kuai led another army to pacify Daidi and beheaded Chen Xi in Dangcheng.

In November, Emperor Gaozu returned to Chang'an from the front line of the campaign against Ying Bu. In December, Emperor Gaozu said, "Emperor Qin Shi Huang, King Chen She of Chu, King Anli of Wei, King Min of Qi, and King Daoxiang of Zhao all stopped offering sacrifices and had no descendants. Ten households of tomb keepers were assigned to each of them, with 20 households assigned to Emperor Qin Shi Huang and 5 households assigned to Prince Wu Ji of Wei." All officials and people in Dai who were coerced by Chen Xi and Zhao Li were pardoned. Chen Xi's surrendered general said that when Chen Xi was rebelling, King Lu Wan of Yan sent people to Chen Xi's residence to secretly plot with him. Emperor Gaozu sent Marquis Piyang to meet Lu Wan, but Lu Wan claimed to be ill and could not come. Marquis Piyang returned and reported in detail that Lu Wan had shown signs of rebellion. In February, Emperor Gaozu sent Fan Kuai and Zhou Bo to lead troops to attack King Lu Wan of Yan, and pardoned officials and people of Yan who participated in the rebellion. He conferred the title of King of Yan on Prince Liu Jian.





212 Rebellions of the Kings


In October of the tenth year (197 BC), Huainan King Ying Bu, Liang King Peng Yue, Yan King Lu Wan, Jing King Liu Jia, Chu King Liu Jiao, Qi King Liu Fei, and Changsha King Wu Rui all came to Changle Palace to pay homage to Emperor Gaozu. There were no major events in this spring and this summer.

In July, the Superior Emperor died in Liyang Palace. The kings of Chu and Liang came to the funeral. Emperor Gaozu pardoned the prisoners in Liyang. Liyi was renamed Xinfeng.

In August, the prime minister of Zhao Chen Xi rebelled in Daidi. Emperor Gaozu said: "Chen Xi used to be my envoy and was very trustworthy. Daidi is a place I value very much, so I made Chen Xi a marquis and stationed him in Daidi as prime minister. Now he is looting Daidi with Wang Huang and others! The officials and people in Daidi are not guilty, so pardon the officials and people in Daidi." In September, Emperor Gaozu personally attacked Chen Xi to the east. Arriving in Handan, Emperor Gaozu said happily: "I knew he could not succeed if Chen Xi did not go south to occupy Handan and used the Zhang River as a barrier." Hearing that Chen Xi's generals were all former merchants, Emperor Gaozu said: "I know how to deal with these people." He used money to lure Chen Xi's generals, and many of Chen Xi's generals surrendered.

In the eleventh year (196 BC), Emperor Gaozu had not yet completely defeated Chen Xi and others in Handan. Chen Xi's general Hou Chang led more than 10 thousand people to fight guerrilla warfare, Wang Huang stationed in Quni, and Zhang Chun crossed the Yellow River to attack Liaocheng. The Han army sent General Guo Meng and Qi generals to attack and defeated the rebels. The grand commander Zhou Bo entered Dai from Taiyuan, and pacified Daidi. After arriving at Mayi, Zhou Bo was unable to capture it, so he sent troops to destroy it.

Chen Xi's general Zhao Li stationed in Dongyuan, and Emperor Gaozu attacked Dongyuan but failed. More than a month later, the rebel soldiers insulted Emperor Gaozu, and Emperor Gaozu was very angry. When Dongyuan surrendered, Emperor Gaozu ordered those who insulted him to be handed over and beheaded, and those who did not insult him were forgiven. Therefore, the land north of Changshan in Zhao was demarcated, and his son Liu Heng was made the King of Dai, with Jinyang as the capital.

In spring, Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyin, plotted rebellion in Guanzhong and his three clans were exterminated.

In summer, Peng Yue, King of Liang, plotted rebellion, he was abolished of his title and moved to Shu County; he wanted to rebel again, then he was exterminated of his three clans. Emperor Gaozu made his son Liu Hui the King of Liang and his son Liu You the King of Huaiyang.

In July of autumn, King of Huainan Ying Bu rebelled, annexed the fief of King of Jing Liu Jia to the east, crossed the Huai River to the north, and King of Chu Liu Jiao fled to Xue County. Emperor Gaozu personally went to attack him. He made his son Liu Chang the King of Huainan.

In October of the 11th year (194 BC, Shiji mistook it for 12th year), after Emperor Gaozu attacked Ying Bu's army in Huizu, Ying Bu fled, and Emperor Gaozu ordered other generals to pursue him.










211 Weiyang Palace


In the seventh year of Han Dynasty (200 BC), Huns came to Mayi to attack Xin the King of Han, who then conspired with Huns to rebel in Taiyuan. Manqiu Chen and Wang Huang of Baitu established the former Zhao general Zhao Li as their king and rebelled, and Emperor Gaozu went to fight the rebels in person. It was cold, and two to three out of ten soldiers had their fingers frozen off. They finally arrived in Pingcheng. The Huns besieged Han army in Pingcheng and withdrew after seven days. Emperor Gaozu ordered Fan Kuai to stay to pacify Daidi, and appointed his brother Liu Zhong as the King of Dai.

In February, Emperor Gaozu arrived in Chang'an from Pingcheng via Zhao and Luoyang. Changle Palace was built, and officials below the prime minister moved to Chang'an to work.

In the eighth year (199 BC), Emperor Gaozu marched eastward to Dongyuan to attack the remaining rebels of Xin the King of Hán.

Prime Minister Xiao built the Weiyang Palaces, including the East Que palace, North Que palace, Front Hall palace, Arsenal storage , and Taicang the food supply storage. When Emperor Gaozu returned, he saw that the palace was very magnificent and was very angry. He said to Xiao He: "The world is in turmoil, people have been troubled by war for many years, and the success or failure of the cause is still unclear. How could the palace be built so luxuriously?" Xiao He said: "The world is not stable yet, so you can take the opportunity to build a palace. Moreover, the emperor regards the four seas as his home. If the palace is not magnificent, it will not be able to show his dignity and majesty, and it can also prevent future generations from expanding it." Only then did Emperor Gaozu feel happy.

Emperor Gaozu went to Dongyuan and passed by Bairen. Guan Gao, the prime minister of Zhao, and others wanted to murder Emperor Gaozu, Emperor Gaozu had a hunch and did not stay in Bairen. Liu Zhong, King of Dai, abandoned his fiefdom and fled, returned to Luoyang privately, and was demoted to Marquis of Heyang.

In the ninth year (198 BC), the conspiracy of Guan Gao and others was discovered and their three clans were exterminated. Emperor Gaozu demoted Zhang Ao the King of Zhao to Marquis Xuanping. In this year, Zhao, Qu, Jing, and Huai, the nobles of Chu, and Tian, the nobles of Qi, ​​were forced to move to Guanzhong.

Weiyang Palace was built. Gaozu solemnly met with the princes and ministers, and set up a banquet in the front hall of Weiyang Palace. Gaozu held the jade cup, stood up and wished the superior emperor a long life, saying: "At first, my father always thought that I was useless and could not manage the business, and was not as hardworking as my  brother. Now, who made more achievements, my brother or me?" The ministers in the hall shouted long live the emperor and laughed for fun.








210 The Superior Emperor


In the autumn of that year, Li Ji rebelled. Emperor Gaozu personally led the army to attack the rebels, but Li Ji escaped. Li Ji was a general of the Xiang clan. When the Xiang clan failed, Li Ji called himself Duke of Chen, and did not follow Xiang Yu. He escaped and surrendered to Emperor Gaozu, who appointed him as Marquis of Yingchuan. Emperor Gaozu came to Luoyang and summoned all the marquises according to the list. Li Ji was scared, so he rebelled.

In the sixth year (201 BC), Emperor Gaozu met with Taigong every five days, and performed the father-son ceremony like ordinary people. Taigong's Jialing, the family manager, advised Taigong, "There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two monarchs on the earth. Now the emperor is a son, but he is also a monarch; Taigong is a father, but he is also a subject. How can the monarch kneel down to a subject? In this way, the monarch's majesty and dignity cannot be revealed." Later, when Emperor Gaozu met Taigong, Taigong held a broom, met at the door, and walked backwards. Emperor Gaozu was very surprised and got off the car to support Taigong. Taigong said: "The emperor is the monarch, how can he disturb the laws of the world because of me!" So Gaozu respected Taigong as the Superior Emperor. Gaozu appreciated Jialing's words and rewarded him 500 gold. 

In December, someone wrote a letter to report that Han Xin, the king of Chu, was plotting a rebellion. Gaozu asked the ministers around him, and the ministers wanted to conquer Han Xin. Gaozu adopted Chen Ping's strategy, pretending to tour Yunmengze and meet the princes in Chen County. When Han Xin, the king of Chu, went to greet him, he took the opportunity to capture him. On the same day, Gaozu pardoned the world. Tian Ken came to congratulate, and took the opportunity to persuade Emperor Gaozu, saying: "Your Majesty has captured Han Xin and established the capital in Qin. Qin is a place with superior geographical conditions, surrounded by mountains and rivers, thousands of miles away from the princes, and there are millions of warriors holding long spears. The advantages of Qin are a hundred times stronger than other places. The geographical situation is favorable. Sending troops from here to the princes is like standing on a tall house and pouring water from a bottle down. Qi has the richness of Langya and Jimo in the east, the danger of Mount Tai in the south, the barrier of Zhuohe in the west, and the products of Bohai in the north. The land is two thousand miles in radius, there are millions of warriors holding long spears, and it is thousands of miles away from the princes. The advantages of Qi are ten times stronger than other places. Therefore, these two places can be regarded as East and West Qin. If he is not a close relative of your Majesty, don't make him the King of Qi." Emperor Gaozu said: "Okay." He rewarded him 500 gold. 

A dozen days later, Emperor Gaozu made Han Xin the Marquis of Huaiyin and divided his original fief into two countries. Gaozu said that General Liu Jia had made many military achievements, so he was made King of Jing, ruling the area east of the Huai River. He made his younger brother Liu Jiao the King of Chu, ruling the area west of the Huai River. He made his son Liu Fei the King of Qi, ruling more than 70 cities, and the people who spoke the Qi language all belonged to Qi. Gaozu then assessed the merits and divided the fiefs among the princes. He moved Xin, the King of Hán, to Taiyuan.





209 How Did He Gain the World


The Emperor said that Emperor Yi had no descendants, and King Han Xin of Qi was familiar with the customs of Chu, so he was renamed King of Chu and his capital was Xiapi. Peng Yue, the Marquis of Jiancheng, was renamed King of Liang and his capital was Dingtao. Xin, the former King of Hán, stayed as King of Hán and his capital was Yangdi. Wu Rui, the King of Hengshan, was renamed King of Changsha and his capital was Linxiang. Fan Jun's general Mei Xuan had military merits and followed the emperor into Wuguan, so the emperor was grateful to Fan Jun. The fiefs of King Ying Bu of Huainan, King Zang Tu of Yan, and King Zhang Ao of Zhao were the same as before.

The world was generally pacified. Emperor Gaozu made Luoyang his capital, and all the princes were his subjects. Gong Huan, the former King of Linjiang, rebelled against the King of Han for Xiang Yu, and Emperor Gaozu ordered Lu Wan and Liu Jia to besiege Linjiang but failed to capture it. Gong Huan surrendered a few months later and was killed in Luoyang.

In the fifth month, all the soldiers returned to their hometowns. The sons of the princes who stayed in Guanzhong were exempted from corvée for twelve years, and the soldiers who returned to their hometowns were exempted for six years, and they were all given one year's food supply.

Gaozu held a banquet in Nangong, Luoyang. Gaozu said: "The princes and generals, you all should not hide anything from me, and tell me the truth. What is the reason why I can gain the world? What is the reason why Xiang lost the world?" Gao Qi and Wang Ling replied: "Your Majesty is arrogant and likes to insult people, while Xiang Yu is kind and willing to love people. However, Your Majesty sent people to attack cities and seize land, and the surrendered and conquered places were granted to them, and you shared the benefits with the people of the world. Xiang Yu was jealous of virtuous people, framed those who had made contributions, and doubted virtuous people. He won the victory without counting the merits of others, and did not give benefits to others when he seized the land. This is why he lost the world." Gaozu said: "You all only know one aspect, But I don't know  the other side. When it comes to planning strategies in the tent and winning battles thousands of miles away, I am not as good as Zifang (Zhang Liang’s courtesy name, he was also titled Liu Hou, Marquis the Keeper). When it comes to guarding the country, comforting the people, supplying food and wages, and ensuring that the food supply is not blocked, I am not as good as Xiao He. Commanding a million troops, winning battles and attacking, I am not as good as Han Xin. The three of them are all outstanding people, but I can use them, which is why I can get the world. Xiang Yu only has one Fan Zeng but cannot use him, which is why I captured him. "

Gaozu wanted to make Luoyang the capital for a long time. Liu Jing, a Qi man, persuaded Gaozu, and Liu Hou also persuaded Gaozu to enter Guanzhong to build the capital instead. Gaozu set off on the same day and entered Guanzhong to build the capital. In June, a general amnesty was granted.

In October, King of Yan Zang Tu rebelled and captured Daidi. Gaozu personally led the army to attack the rebels, captured the King of Yan Zang Tu, and then appointed Taiwei (the superior captain of the court) Lu Wan as the King of Yan. He sent Prime Minister Fan Kuai to lead the army to attack Dai County.





