Monday, April 29, 2024

165 Jia Yi on Qin 4


Duke Xiao of Qin held the stronghold of Hangu Pass and the land of Yongzhou. The king and his ministers held on firmly while looking at the Zhou Dynasty. They had the intention of sweeping the world, encompassing the universe, encompassing the four seas, and swallowing up the eight wildernesses. At that time, Lord Shang assisted him, and he established laws and regulations internally, worked hard on farming and weaving, and prepared for defense and war. Externally, he fought against the princes by forming alliances with other states, so the Qin people singlehanded took over the area beyond Xihe, the west of the Yellow River. 

After Duke Xiao died, King Hui and King Wu inherited the old business. According to the legacy, they annexed Hanzhong in the south, Ba and Shu in the west, reaped the fertile land in the east and took the key counties. The princes were afraid, and they held an alliance to weaken Qin. They did not care about precious objects, treasures, and fertile land so the people of the world joined forces and made friends with each other. At that time, Qi had Mengchang, Zhao had Pingyuan, Chu had Chunshen, and Wei had Xinling. These four lords were all wise and loyal, generous and loving, respected the virtuous, and valued the scholars, agreed to stay together to destroy Qin’s alliance, and joined forces with the people of Han, Wei, Yan, Chu, Qi, Zhao, Song, Wei, and Zhongshan. Therefore, the scholars of the six countries, such as Ning Yue, Xu Shang, Su Qin, and Du He, made plans for it. Qi Ming, Zhou Zui, Chen Zhen, Zhao Hua, Lou Huan, Zhai Jing, Su Li, and Yue Yi were all in agreement with it. Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Dai Tuo, Er Liang, Wang Liao, Tian Ji, Lian Po, and Zhao She controlled their troops. They often attacked Qin with ten times the land and millions of people. The Qin people opened the passes to welcome the enemy, and the armies of the nine countries fled and did not dare to advance. Qin did not have the cost of losing arrows and arrowheads, but the princes of the world were already trapped. So they dispersed the treaties and fought to cede land to Qin. Qin had spare strength to control its weakness, chasing the enemy to the north, The flowing blood was enough to make the shield floats. The Qin State took advantage of favorable conditions to divide the world and divide the mountains and rivers. Strong countries requested to submit and weak ones came to pay tribute. It stayed that way during the reigns of King Xiaowen and King Zhuangxiang, their reigns were short, and the country was peaceful, and nothing major happened.



164 Jia Yi on Qin 3


The King of Qin was self-righteous and did not consult his ministers. He made mistakes but did not know how to correct them. The Second Emperor inherited this mistake and continued it without repentance. His cruel and brutal behavior worsened the disaster. Ziying was isolated and helpless. Isn't it normal that the three monarchs were confused and never woke up, and eventually lost their empire? At this time, there were people who were far-sighted and sensible in the world. However, people did not dare to correct their mistakes with all their loyalty. It was precisely because there were many taboos in the customs of Qin that people were killed before they could even say good words. Therefore, people all listened attentively, stood with their feet crossed, and kept silent. Therefore, the three monarchs violated the right way, the loyal ministers did not dare to advise, and the wise counselors did not dare to offer advice. The world was in chaos, and bad things were not reported to the court. Isn't it sad? The ancient sage kings knew that being deceived would harm the country, so they set up dukes, officials, and scholars to rectify laws and set penalties, so that the world was peaceful. When the country is strong, it can suppress violence, suppress rebellion, and make the people of the world submit. When the country is weak, the five hegemons conquered everywhere and made the princes submit. When the country is weaker, it strengthens its defense internally and relies on powerful countries externally, so that the country can survive. Therefore, when the Qin State was strong, it used harsh laws to shock the world; when it was weak, it led to resentment among the people and rebellion at home. Therefore, the Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed the princes to promote the right way, and it lasted for more than a thousand years without interruption. The Qin State lost both the root and the end, so it could not last long. From this, it can be seen that the thread of national security has been deviated. There is a folk proverb that says "Remember the past and learn from it for the future." Therefore, a gentleman who governs a country will observe the gains and losses of ancient times, examine the actions of the present, refer to the human feelings of the world, understand the principles of rise and fall, consider the changing situation, know how to make choices, and reform at the right time, so that the country can be stable and long-lasting.


163 Jia Yi on Qin 2


Qin is backed by mountains and surrounded by the Yellow River. It is a country with barriers on all sides. Since Duke Mu, up to the King of Qin, more than 20 monarchs have dominated the vassal states. Did Qin have wise monarchs from generation to generation? It was determined by its geographical situation. Moreover, the vassal states once worked together to attack Qin. At this time, virtuous men and wise men emerged at the same time, excellent generals led soldiers, and a wise prime ministers offered strategies. However, because of the rugged terrain, they could not advance. Qin was able to open the pass to the armies of various countries and let them penetrate deep into the hinterland. As a result, millions of soldiers retreated and perished. Was it because the six countries were not strong enough in force and wisdom? This was because of the unfavorable terrain and inconvenient situation. Qin merged small towns into large cities, stationed troops in dangerous places for defense, built high camps to avoid fighting, closed the pass to resist the dangerous passes, and soldiers guarded with spears. The vassal states raised troops as civilians and formed an alliance for the sake of interests, and did not have the virtues of an emperor. The friendship between them was not deep, and the subordinates were not sincere in their submission. In name, they wanted to destroy Qin, but in reality, they wanted to profit from it. When they saw that Qin was difficult to invade due to its rugged terrain, they would definitely withdraw their troops. If Qin had rested and recuperated, waited for the princes to decline on their own, and then adopted and supported their poor people, and then issued orders to the king of the great country, there would be no worry that they would not be able to realize their ambitions throughout the world. Although he was the emperor and the richest man in the world, he was captured because his strategy to save himself from defeat was wrong. 


162 Jia Yi on Qin 1


Taishigong the Grand Historian said: Qin's ancestor Bo Yi once created meritorious deeds during the time of Tang Yao and Yu Shun, and he was granted land and surnames. His clan gradually declined during the Xia and Shang dynasties. After the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, Qin rose and built cities on the western border. Since Mu Gong (Duke Mu), Qin gradually encroached on the princes and finally achieved the great cause of the First Emperor. The First Emperor believed that his achievements exceeded those of the Five Emperors and that the territory he ruled exceeded that of the Three Kings. He was ashamed to be compared with the Three Kings and Five Emperors. Jia Yi's argument is great! He said: 

Qin annexed princes for more than 30 counties in Shandong, repaired ferry crossings and passes, occupied steep fortresses, and trained soldiers to defend the country. However, Chen She relied on hundreds of scattered garrison soldiers, raised his arms and shouted, without bows, arrows, spears, halberds, and other weapons, only farm tools and sticks, and ate at the house whoever belonged to on the spot, and ran rampant throughout the world. The Qin people had dangerous terrain but could not defend it, had passes and bridges but could not block them, had long-handled spears but could not stab, and had strong bows and crossbows but could not shoot. The army of Chu rebels went deep into the hinterland and fought at Hongmen Ditch, but they did not encounter difficulties and crossed it easier than a fence. At that time, Shandong was in chaos, and the princes rose up, and heroes and talents successively proclaimed themselves kings. Qin State sent Zhang Han to lead the army to the east. Zhang Han used the heavy troops in his hands to threaten and seek personal gain from the court. The ministers were not trustworthy, which can be clearly seen from this incident. Prince Ziying was made king, but he did not wake up in the end. If Ziying had ordinary talents and only got ministers with medium talents, even if Shandong rebelled, Qin's old land could still be preserved, and the sacrifices to the ancestral temple would not be cut off.



161 Qin Dynasty Falls


Yan Le came back to report to Zhao Gao, who then summoned all the ministers and princes to tell them about the killing of the Second Emperor. Zhao Gao said, "Qin was originally just a kingdom. The First Emperor ruled the world, so he was called the emperor. Now the six kingdoms have re-established themselves as kings, and the territory of Qin is shrinking day by day, but it is just the title of emperor. This is not right. It should be called a king like in the past. This is appropriate." Zhao Gao appointed Prince Ziying, the son of the Second Emperor's elder brother, as the King of Qin. The Second Emperor was buried in Yichun Garden, south of Du County, with the rituals of the common people. Zhao Gao ordered Prince Ziying to fast, go to the ancestral temple to worship his ancestors, and accept the seal of the King of Qin. After fasting for five days, Ziying and his two sons conspired and said, "Prime Minister Zhao Gao killed the Second Emperor in Wangyi Palace. He was worried that the ministers would kill him, so he made me king under the pretext of morality. I heard that Zhao Gao had made an agreement with the State of Chu to establish himself as king in Guanzhong after destroying the Qin royal family. Now he asked me to fast and offer sacrifices to the ancestors, which is to take the opportunity to kill me in the ancestral temple. I will not go on the pretext of being sick. The prime minister will definitely come here in person, and we will kill him when he comes." Zhao Gao sent people to invite Ziying several times, but Ziying did not go. As expected, Zhao Gao came in person and said, "Ancestral temple sacrifices are important matters. How can the king not go?" Ziying assassinated Zhao Gao in the fasting palace, and then exterminated Zhao Gao's three clans in Xianyang for public display. Ziying was the King of Qin for forty-six days. The Chu general Pei Gong defeated the Qin army and entered Wuguan, so he stationed in Bashang and sent people to negotiate with Ziying to surrender. Ziying tied a silk rope around his neck, rode a white horse and plain carriage, held the emperor's seal and imperial seal, and surrendered on the roadside by the Zhi Dao Pavilion. Pei Gong then entered Xianyang, closed the palace and treasury, and returned to Bashang to station. More than a month later, the armies of the princes arrived. Xiang Ji was the leader of the princes' coalition army and killed Ziying and all the clans of the princes of Qin. In the end, he slaughtered the city of Xianyang, burned the palace, captured local young women, looted the treasures in the palace, and divided them among the princes. After the fall of Qin, its territory was divided into three parts and given to the King of Yong, the King of Sai, and the King of Di, known as the Three Qins. Xiang Yu was the Overlord of Western Chu, in charge of dividing the world and establishing princes, and the Qin Dynasty finally fell. Five years later, the Han Dynasty unified the world.
