Tuesday, May 7, 2024

203 Revenge for the Righteous Emperor


In August, the King of Han adopted Han Xin's strategy and returned to Guanzhong from the original route to attack Zhang Han, the King of Yong. Zhang Han met the Han army in Chencang, and the Yong army was defeated and retreated; they stopped fighting in Haozhi, were defeated again, and fled to Feiqiu. The King of Han finally pacified Yongdi. The army marched east to Xianyang, led the troops to besiege the King of Yong in Feiqiu, and sent generals to capture Longxi, Beidi, and Shangjun. The King of Han ordered General Xue Ou and Wang Xi to set out from Wuguan, relying on Wang Ling's army stationed in Nanyang, to go to Pei County to welcome Taigong and Empress Lü. When the State of Chu heard about it, it sent troops to block the Han army in Yangxia, and then the Han army was unable to move forward. Xiang Yu appointed Zheng Chang, the former magistrate of Wu County, as the King of Han to stop the Han army.

In the second year (205 BC), the King of Han attacked cities to the east, and Sima Xin, the King of Sai, Dong Yi, the King of Di, and Shen Yang, the King of Henan, all surrendered. Zheng Chang, the King of Han, was unwilling to surrender, so the King of Han sent Han Xin to defeat him. So the King of Han established Longxi, Beidi, Shangjun, Weinan, Heshang, Zhongdi, and other counties, and also established Henan County outside the pass. Han Xin, the grand marshal of Han, was appointed as the new King of Han. The generals who led 10,000 people or a county to surrender were rewarded 10,000 households. The strongholds on the river were repaired. The gardens and ponds that originally belonged to the Qin Dynasty were distributed to the people for cultivation. In the first month, the Han army captured Zhang Ping, the younger brother of the King of Yong. The King of Han pardoned the criminals.

When the King of Han came to Shan County after leaving Hangu Pass, he comforted the people outside the pass. After the King of Han returned, Zhang Er came to see him and the King of Han treated him very well.

In February, the King of Han ordered to abandon the Ancestral Temple Qin and established the Ancestral Temple of Han.

In March, the King of Han crossed the Yellow River in Linjin, and King Bao of Wei led his army to follow. The Han army captured Henei, captured King Yin, and established Henei County. The Han army crossed the river from Ferry Pingyin to the south and arrived in Luoyang. Dong Gong, the three elders of Xincheng, stopped the King of Han and told him the cause of Emperor Yi's death. When the King of Han heard about it, he bared his upper body and cried loudly, so he held a funeral for Yidi the Righteous Emperor and mourned for three days. He sent messengers to inform the princes, saying: "The princes of the world jointly supported the Righteous Emperor and served him facing north. Now Xiang Yu exiled the Righteous Emperor and killed him in the south of the Yangtze River. This is such an ugly treason. I will personally hold a funeral for the Righteous Emperor and the princes must wear mourning clothes. I'll dispatch all the troops across the Pass, gather all the warriors from the Three Rivers, cross the Yangtze River and the Han River to the south, and follow the princes and Kings to attack the people of Chu who killed the Righteous Emperor."






202 Burning the Plank Path


In the first month, Xiang Yu proclaimed himself Hegemon, the Overlord of Western Chu, ruling nine counties in Liang and Chu, with Pengcheng as his capital. The covenant was violated, instead of the King of Guanzhong, Pei Gong was made as the King of Han, ruling Ba, Shu, and Hanzhong, with Nanzheng as the capital. Guanzhong was divided into three parts and given to three surrendered generals of the Qin Dynasty: Zhang Han was made the King of Yong, with Feiqiu as his capital; Sima Xin was made the King of Sai, with Liyang as his capital; and Dong Yi was made the King of Di, with Gaonu as his capital. Shen Yang, a Chu general from Xiaqiu, was made the King of Henan, with Luoyang as his capital. Sima Ang, a Zhao general, was made the King of Yin, with Chaoge as his capital. Xie, the King of Zhao, was renamed the King of Dai. Zhang Er, the Zhao minister, was made the King of Changshan, with Xiangguo as his capital. Ying Bu, the Lord of Dangyang, was made the King of Jiujiang, with Liuxian as his capital. Gong Ao, a pillar of the King of Huai, was made the King of Linjiang, with Jiangling as his capital. Wu Rui, the Lord of Fan, was made the King of Hengshan, with Zhuxian as his capital. Zang Tu, a Yan general, was made the King of Yan, with Jixian as his capital. Han Guang, the Former King of Yan, was renamed the King of Liaodong. Han Guang did not obey, so Zang Tu attacked Han Guang and killed him in Wuzhong. Chen Yu, the Lord of Cheng'an, was granted three counties in Hejian and to live in Nanpi. Mei Xuan was granted 100 thousand households as his fief.

In April, the armies withdrew from Xixia, and the princes returned to their fiefdoms. The King of Han went to his fiefdom, and King Xiang sent 30 thousand soldiers to accompany him. The soldiers of Chu and the princes followed him because they admired the King of Han, and as many as tens of thousands of them followed him from Du southward to Shizhong. After the Han army left, they burned the plank path along the way to prevent the princes and thieves from attacking, and also to show Xiang Yu that they had no intention of going east. When they arrived in Nanzheng, many of the generals and soldiers fled back to the east on the way, and the soldiers all sang songs and wanted to go back to the east. Han Xin advised the King of Han: "Xiang Yu appointed meritorious generals as kings, but Your Majesty was appointed to Nanzheng, which is exile. The military officers and soldiers are all from Shandong, and they are on tiptoe day and night looking forward to returning to their hometown. Using their vigor at this time can create great achievements. After the world is pacified, people will settle down and they can no longer be used. It is better to order an advance to the east and fight with the princes for the world." 

Xiang Yu went out of Hangu Pass and sent people to relocate Emperor Yi, saying: "In ancient times, emperors who ruled a thousand miles of land would definitely live in the upper reaches." He sent messengers to relocate Emperor Yi to Chen County in Changsha, urging Emperor Yi to leave. The ministers gradually developed a desire to betray, so they secretly ordered the King of Hengshan and the King of Linjiang to attack Emperor Yi and kill him in the south of the Yangtze River. Xiang Yu resented Tian Rong and made Tian Du, a general of Qi, the King of Qi. Tian Rong was very angry and took the opportunity to establish himself as the King of Qi, killed Tian Du and betrayed the State of Chu, gave Peng Yue the seal of a general, and ordered him to rebel in Liangdi. Chu ordered Xiao Gongjiao to attack Peng Yue, Peng Yue defeated Xiao Gongjiao. Chen Yu resented Xiang Yu for not making him king, and ordered Xia Shuo to persuade Tian Rong to lend him troops to attack Zhang Er. Qi lent Chen Yu troops, and he defeated Zhang Er, the King of Changshan. Zhang Er fled and surrendered to the King of Han. Chen Yu welcomed King Zhao Xie back from Dai County and re-established him as the King of Zhao. The King of Zhao took advantage of the situation and established Chen Yu as the King of Dai. Xiang Yu was very angry and sent troops to the north to attack Qi.




201 Huai the Righteous King


Someone advised Pei Gong, "Qin is ten times richer than the rest of the world, and the terrain is advantageous. Now I heard that Zhang Han has surrendered to Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu made him the King of Yong and ruled Guanzhong. Now they are coming, and Pei Gong may not be able to keep this place. We should quickly send troops to guard Hangu Pass, not let the troops of the princes enter, and gradually recruit soldiers from Guanzhong to strengthen our strength and resist them." Pei Gong thought his suggestion made sense, so he adopted it. In mid-November, Xiang Yu led the troops of the princes to the west, wanting to enter Hangu Pass, but the gate was closed. Xiang Yu was very angry when he heard that Pei Gong had pacified Guanzhong, and sent Ying Bu and others to break through Hangu Pass. In mid-December, Xiang Yu arrived at Xishui. Pei Gong's left Sima Cao Wushang heard that King Xiang was very angry and wanted to attack Pei Gong, so he sent someone to tell Xiang Yu, "Pei Gong wants to be king in Guanzhong, let Ziying be prime minister, and take the treasures for himself." Cao Wushang wanted to use this to seek a reward. Yafu persuaded Xiang Yu to attack Pei Gong. Xiang Yu was having a banquet rewarding his soldiers and was planning to fight against Pei Gong the next day. At that time, Xiang Yu had 400 thousand troops, claiming to have 1 million. Pei Gong had 100 thousand troops, claiming to have 200 thousand troops, and they were no match. Xiang Bo wanted to save Zhang Liang and went to see him at night. Pei Gong took the opportunity to reason with Xiang Yu through Xiang Bo, and Xiang Yu gave up. Pei Gong took more than 100 cavalrymen and came to Hongmen to meet Xiang Yu and apologize. Xiang Yu said: "This is what Pei Gong's left Sima Cao Wushang told me. Otherwise, how could I do such a thing!" Pei Gong was able to escape and return with the help of Fan Kuai and Zhang Liang. When he returned to the army, he immediately killed Cao Wushang.

Xiang Yu then marched westward, slaughtering and burning Xianyang City and the Qin Dynasty palaces. No place was left undestroyed. The people in Qin were very disappointed, and they were scared of Xiang Yu, but nobody dared to disobey.

Xiang Yu sent someone back to report to King Huai. King Huai said, "Do as agreed." Xiang Yu resented that King Huai refused to let him and Pei Gong go west to the pass, but sent him north to rescue Zhao, delaying the agreement among the princes of the world. He said, "King Huai was only established by my uncle Xiang Liang. He has no merit. Why should he preside over the agreement? It was you generals and I who pacified the world." So he pretended to respect King Huai of Chu as the Righteous King, but actually did not obey his orders.



200 Three Agreements in Guanzhong


At first, Xiang Yu and Song Yi went north to rescue Zhao. When Xiang Yu killed Song Yi and replaced him as the superior general, all the generals, including Ying Bu, were subordinate to Xiang Yu. They defeated the army of Qin general Wang Li, subdued Zhang Han, and all the princes submitted to Xiang Yu. After Zhao Gao killed Qin II, he sent people to agree to divide the land in Guanzhong and become king. Pei Gong thought it was a trick, so he adopted Zhang Liang's advice and sent Li Sheng and Lu Jia to persuade the Qin generals, luring them with benefits, and attacked Wuguan and broke it. He fought with the Qin army south of Lantian, added decoys and flags, and prohibited looting in all places he passed by. The people in Qin were very happy, and the Qin army disintegrated. Pei Gong took the opportunity to defeat the Qin army. He fought again north of Lantian and defeated the Qin army. Pei Gong pursued the victory and finally defeated the Qin army.

In October of the first year of the Han Dynasty (206 BC), Pei Gong's army finally arrived at Bashang before all the princes. King Ziying of Qin rode a white horse in a plain carriage with a silk rope tied around his neck, sealed the emperor's seal and imperial tally, and surrendered on the roadside by the Zhi Dao Pavilion. Some of the generals suggested killing the King of Qin. The Duke of Pei said, "King Huai sent me here because I was tolerant. Besides, he has already surrendered, so it is unlucky to kill him." He handed the King of Qin over to the officials and headed west to Xianyang. The Duke of Pei wanted to stay in the palace to rest, but Fan Kuai and Zhang Liang advised him against it. He sealed up the treasures and treasury of the Qin Palace and withdrew to Bashang. Pei Gong summoned the elders and heroes of each country and said: "You elders have been tortured by the harsh laws of the Qin Dynasty for a long time. Those who criticize the government have been exterminated, and those who gather and talk have been executed. I have agreed with the princes that whoever enters Guanzhong first will be king here, so I should be the king in Guanzhong. I am here making three agreements with the elders: those who kill will be executed, and those who injure and those who rob will be punished according to the crime. All other Qin laws will be abolished. All officials and people will live and work in peace as usual. The reason I came here is to eliminate the affliction for the elders. There will be no bullying and violence. Don't be afraid! Moreover, I am withdrawing the army to station at Bashang, just waiting for the princes to come and jointly form new laws." So Pei Gong had messengers and officials from Qin go from county to county, and from town to town, to inform the people about the agreements. The people of Qin were very happy and rushed to send cattle, sheep, wine, and food to reward the soldiers. Pei Gong refused to accept any of it, saying: "The warehouse has enough food, there is no shortage of food, and I don't want to let you spend anything." The people were even happier, but they were afraid that Pei Gong would not become the King of Qin.



199 Pei Gong Westwards


The Duke of Pei led his troops westwards and met Peng Yue in Changyi. They attacked the Qin army together, but it was not successful. When they returned to Li County, they met Gang Wuhou and captured his army, which was about 4,000 people. The two armies merged. The Duke of Pei attacked Changyi together with the army of Wei general Huang Xin and Wei Situ Wupu but with no success. They went westwards through Gaoyang. Li Shiqi was in charge of guarding the city gate and said, "Many generals are passing by here. I see the Duke of Pei as a generous and great man." So he asked to meet the Duke of Pei and persuade him. The Duke of Pei was sitting on the flank of the bed with his legs apart and had two women washing his feet. Li Sheng (Li Shiqi) did not bow his head, just motioned his hands as a gesture and saluted, saying, "If you want to destroy the unjust Qin, you should not sit with your legs apart to meet the elders." At this time, the Duke of Pei stood up, adjusted his clothes, apologized, and asked him to sit in the upper seat. Li Shiqi persuaded the Duke of Pei to attack Chenliu and get the grains stored by Qin. Pei Gong then appointed Li Shiqi as Lord of Guangye, and appointed Li Shang as General, leading the army of Chenliu to attack Kaifeng with him, but Kaifeng was not captured. Pei Gong went west and fought against Qin General Yang Xiong at Baima, and then fought him east of Quyu, and defeated the Qin army. Yang Xiong fled to Xingyang, and Qin the Second sent an envoy to behead him for public display. Pei Gong went south to attack Yingyang and slaughtered the city there. With the help of Zhang Liang, he finally captured Huanyuan Pass in Han. 

At this time, Sima Ang, a general of Zhao, was about to cross the Yellow River to enter Guanzhong. Pei Gong went north to attack Pingyin and cut off the Yellow River crossing. He marched south and fought east of Luoyang but with no success. He returned to Yangcheng, gathered the war horses and cavalry in the army, fought against Nanyang County Governor Xi east of Xu County, and defeated him. He captured Nanyang County, and Nanyang County Governor Xi fled and retreated to Wan County. Pei Gong was going to lead his troops to bypass Wan County and head west. Zhang Liang advised: "Even though Pei Gong wants to enter Guanzhong as soon as possible, there are still many Qin troops guarding the strategic areas. If we don't capture Wan County now, Wan County will attack from the back, and the powerful Qin army will block the front. This is a dangerous approach." So Pei Gong then led his troops back from another route at night, changed the flags, and at dawn, surrounded Wan County in three layers. The governor of Nanyang wanted to commit suicide. His retainer Chen Hui said, "It won't be too late to die after I come back." He climbed over the city wall to see Pei Gong and said, "I heard that you have an agreement that whoever enters Xianyang first can be king in Guanzhong. But now you stay and besiege Wan County. Wan County is the seat of a large county, with dozens of connected cities and towns, a large population, and sufficient savings. Officials and people all think that surrendering will lead to death, so they all get on top of the city wall to defend themselves stubbornly. Now you stay here all day to attack the city, and there must be many casualties; if you lead the troops to leave Wan County, the army of Wan County will follow you. If you move forward, you will not be able to fulfill the agreement to enter Xianyang first, and the powerful Wan County will be a disaster behind you. Let me make the consideration for you. It would be better to have the defenders of Wan County surrender, reward the governor of Nanyang County, and leave him here to guard the city and lead his soldiers to the west. Those cities that have not been captured will hear the news and rush to open their gates to wait for you to enter the city, and you can pass through without any worries." Pei Gong said, "Okay." So he appointed the governor of Nanyang County Yin Hou and granted Chen Hui a fief of 1,000 households. Pei Gong led his troops westward, and there was no city that he could not capture. When he arrived at Danshui, Qi Wei, Marquis of Gaowu, and Wang Ling, Marquis of Xiang, surrendered at Xiling. When he returned to attack Huyang, he met Mei Xuan, a general of Fan Jun, and together with him, he conquered Xi and Li. Pei Gong sent Ning Chang, a man from Wei, to the Qin Dynasty as an envoy, but the envoy did not return. At that time, Zhang Han had already led his entire army to surrender to Xiang Yu in Zhao. 

