Thursday, May 2, 2024

180 Xiang Bo


Xiang Bo, the left minister of Chu, was Xiang Yu's uncle. He had always had a good relationship with Zhang Liang, the Marquis of Liu. Zhang Liang followed Pei Gong at that time. Xiang Bo rode to Pei Gong's army at night, met Zhang Liang privately, told him everything, and wanted Zhang Liang to leave with him. Xiang Bo said, "Don't die with them." Zhang Liang said, "I am escorting Pei Gong for the King of Han. Pei Gong is in trouble now. It would be unkind for me to escape. I must tell him." Zhang Liang then went in and told Pei Gong everything. Pei Gong was shocked and asked, "What should I do?" Zhang Liang asked, "Who gave the king this idea?" Pei Gong said, "A humble man advised me, 'Defend the Hangu Pass and don't let the princes in, so that you can completely occupy Qin and become king.' So I listened to him." Zhang Liang said, "Does your king think your soldiers can resist King Xiang?" Pei Gong was silent for a moment and said, "Of course not, so what can I do?" Zhang Liang said, "Please let me tell Xiang Bo that Pei Gong dare not betray King Xiang." Pei Gong said, "How can you have a friendship with Xiang Bo?" Zhang Liang said, "During the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Bo and I had a relationship. He killed someone and I saved his life. Now the situation is critical, so it's fortunate that he came to tell me." Pei Gong said, "Who is older, Xiang Bo or you?" Zhang Liang said, "He is older than me." Pei Gong said, "Please call him in for me. I will treat him as an elder brother." Zhang Liang went out and invited Xiang Bo. Xiang Bo went in to see Pei Gong. Pei Gong held up a wine glass to wish Xiang Bo a long life, and promised the marriage between the children of the two families, Pei Gong said: "When I entered Guanzhong, I dared not accept any money or property. I registered the officials and civilians, sealed the treasury, and waited for the general Xiang's arrival. The reason I sent my army to guard the pass was to prevent other thieves from entering and exiting and to avoid any accidents. I have been looking forward to the general's arrival from morning to night, so how dare I rebel! Brother Xiang Bo, please explain to the general in detail why I dare not betray your kindness." Xiang Bo agreed and said to Pei Gong, "You must come early tomorrow to apologize to King Xiang in person." Pei Gong said, "Okay." So Xiang Bo left again at night and returned to the army. He reported all what Pei Gong said, and then said to him, "How could you come in so easily without Pei Gong breaking through Guanzhong first? It is not moral to attack him now that he has made great contributions. It is better to take this opportunity to treat him well." King Xiang agreed. 


179 Clouds of Five Colors


Zhang Han sent someone to see Xiang Yu, wanting to form an alliance. Xiang Yu summoned the military officers to discuss and said, "The army is short of food, I want to approve the alliance with them." The military officers all said, "Okay." Xiang Yu and Zhang Han agreed on a date to meet in Yinxu, south of the Huan River. After the conclusion of the alliance, Zhang Han saw Xiang Yu, shed tears, and said bad things about Zhao Gao. Xiang Yu made Zhang Han the King of Yong and placed him in the army of Chu. Xiang Yu appointed the chief historian Sima Xin as the general and led the Qin army to march in front. 

Sometimes before, the princes' soldiers had passed through Qin land while serving labor or garrisoning the border, most of the Qin soldiers were very rude to them. Now the Qin army surrendered to the princes, when they arrived in Xin'an, most of the princes' soldiers took the opportunity of victory to treat them like slaves and captives and humiliated the Qin officers and soldiers at will. Most of the Qin army officers and soldiers said privately: "General Zhang and others deceived us into surrendering to the princes. Now we can enter the pass and defeat Qin, it is great; if not, the princes will take us to the east, and Qin will definitely kill all our parents, wives and children." The generals heard these discussions vaguely and reported it to Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu then summoned General Ying Bu and General Pu to plan and said: "The number of Qin army officers and soldiers are large. They are not convinced. When they arrive in Guanzhong, if they still do not obey orders. The situation is dangerous. It is better to attack and kill them, and only go into Qin with Zhang Han, Chief Historian Sima Xin, and Commander Dong Yi." So the Chu army killed more than 200 thousand Qin soldiers in the south of Xin'an City at night.

The princes marched to canquer Qin. Hangu Pass was heavily guarded and the army could not enter. Xiang Yu heard that Pei Gong had already conquered Xianyang, and he got very angry. He sent Lord Dangyang and others to attack Hangu Pass. Xiang Yu then entered Guanzhong and came to the west of Xishui. Pei Gong was stationed in Bashang and they had not had the chance to meet yet. Cao Wushang, the left Sima of Pei Gong, sent someone to tell Xiang Yu: "Pei Gong wants to be the king in Guanzhong, appoint Ziying as the prime minister, and keep all the rare treasures for himself." Xiang Yu was very angry and said: "Reward all the soldiers with a banquet, tomorrow we shall defeat Pei Gong's army!" At this time, Xiang Yu had 400 thousand soldiers stationed at Hongmen in Xinfeng, and Pei Gong had only 100 thousand soldiers stationed in Bashang. Fan Zeng advised Xiang Yu: "When Pei Gong was in Shandong, he coveted wealth and loved beautiful women. Now that he has entered Guanzhong, he does not accept money or get close to women. From this, it can be seen that his ambitions must be great. I ordered people to observe the clouds above his head, which are all in the shape of dragons and tigers, showing five colors. This is the cloud of the emperor. Attack quickly and don't lose the opportunity."




178 Chen Yu’s Advice


After Xiang Yu killed the champion of the nobles, his prestige shocked the State of Chu and his reputation spread to all the princes. He sent Lord Dangyang and General Pu to lead 20 thousand soldiers to cross the Yellow River to rescue Julu. After some victories, Chen Yu asked Xiang Yu for reinforcements. Xiang Yu led the entire army across the river. They sank the boats, smashed the cooking utensils, burned the camps, and only carried three days of rations to show that they were determined to fight to the death and had no intention of returning alive. So the army surrounded Wang Li as soon as they arrived, met the Qin army, fought nine times, cut off the opponent's corridor, defeated the enemy army, killed Su Jiao, and captured Wang Li. She Jian refused to surrender to the Chu army and burned himself to death. At this time, the Chu army was the bravest among the princes. There were more than a dozen camps where the princes sent troops to rescue Julu, but no one dared to fight easily. When the Chu army attacked the Qin army, the generals stood on the camp and watched. The soldiers of the Chu army fought ten to one, and the shouts of the Chu soldiers shook the sky. No one in the princes' army was not terrified. So after the Chu army defeated the Qin army, Xiang Yu summoned the princes' generals. When they entered the gate, they all knelt and crawled on the ground. No one dared to look up at Xiang Yu. From then on, Xiang Yu became the general of the princes' coalition army, and the princes obeyed him.

Zhang Han's army was stationed in Jiyuan, and Xiang Yu's army was stationed south of Zhangshui. The two armies confronted each other, but had not yet fought. The Qin army retreated many times, and the Second Emperor sent people to blame Zhang Han. Zhang Han was very scared and sent the chief historian Sima Xin to ask the court for instructions. When he arrived in Xianyang, Sima Xin stayed at Sima Gate for three days, Zhao Gao did not receive him, which meant that he did not trust him. The chief historian Sima Xin was very scared and fled back to the army, not daring to take the same route. And Zhao Gao really sent people to chase him, but he did not catch up. Sima Xin returned to the army and reported to Zhang Han: "Zhao Gao is in power, and no one dares to act on their own. If we can win the battle now, Zhao Gao will definitely be jealous of our merits; if we cannot win the battle, we will definitely die. I hope the general will consider it carefully." Chen Yu also wrote to Zhang Han: "Bai Qi served as a general of Qin. He conquered Yan and Ying in the south, and killed Lord Mafu in the north. He conquered cities and territories, and his military exploits were countless, but he was sentenced to death in the end. Meng Tian served as a general of Qin. He drove out Rong in the north and opened up thousands of miles of territory in Yuzhong. But he ended up  being beheaded in Yangzhou. Why is this? Because they had too many merits, Qin could not reward them, so they were executed for their crimes. Now the respectable General, you has been a general of Qin for three years, and the losses of soldiers are hundreds of thousands, while the princes have risen up at the same time, and the number is increasing. That Zhao Gao usually relies on flattery to stay in power, it has been a long time. Now the situation is critical. He is also worried that the Second Emperor will kill him, so he wants to shirk responsibility by killing the general and send someone else to replace you the general to get rid of the disaster. Now you as the general has been fighting outside for too long and has many grudges with people in the court. You will be killed if you has made contributions, and you will be killed if you has not made any contributions. Moreover, Heaven is going to destroy the Qin State, dumb or wise, we both all clearly know about that. Now there is no way for you to speak out and advise directly in the court, and out in the battlefield, you are a losing general who will destroy the country. He wants to survive for a long time without any help. Isn't that sad! Why doesn't you return to the army and unite with the princes, agree to attack the Qin State together, divide the land of Qin and become the king, and face the south and call yourself the Majesty? Compared this with bending down and being executed and having your wife and children slaughtered, which one is better? " Zhang Han hesitated and secretly sent the military officer Shicheng to Xiang Yu's army to make an alliance to fight against Qin. But before that could happen, Xiang Yu sent General Pu to lead his troops to cross Ferry Sanhu day and night, then stationed south of Zhangshui, fought with the Qin army, and defeated the Qin army again. Xiang Yu led his entire army to attack the Qin army in Wushui and defeated them severely.



177 General Xiang Yu


At the beginning, the Qi envoy Tian Xian the Lord Gaoling, whom Song Yi met, was in the Chu army. When he met King Huai of Chu, he said, "Song Yi believed that Lord Wuxin's army would definitely fail. After a few days, the army failed. The army has not yet fought, but he has seen the signs of failure in advance. This can be said to be proficient in the art of war." King Huai of Chu summoned Song Yi to discuss matters with him, and appreciated him very much. The King appointed Song Yi as the general, Xiang Yu as the Duke of Lu, the second general, and Fan Zeng as the last general, and sent them to rescue Zhao. All the generals were subordinate to Song Yi, and Song Yi was known as the champion of the nobles. The army marched to Anyang and stayed there for forty-six days without moving forward. Xiang Yu said, "I heard that the Qin army has besieged the King of Zhao in Julu. We should cross the river quickly. The Chu army will attack from the outside, and the Zhao army will respond from the inside. Then we will definitely be able to defeat the Qin army." Song Yi said, "That's not the case. The horseflies that can bite cattle cannot deal with lice. Now the Qin army is attacking the Zhao army. If they win, the whole army will be exhausted. We can take advantage of the opponent's weakness. If the Qin army cannot win, we will lead the troops to beat the drums and march westward, and we will definitely be able to destroy the Qin State. Therefore, it is better to let the Qin and Zhao armies fight each other first. I am not as good as you in wearing armor, holding sharp weapons, charging and killing the enemy; you are not as good as me in observing the situation and planning strategies." Song Yi then ordered the army, "Those who are as fierce as tigers, as stubborn as sheep, as greedy as wolves, and stubborn and disobey orders will all be beheaded!" Song Yi then sent his son Song Xiang to assist the State of Qi, personally escorted him to Wuyan, and held a banquet for the guests. At that time, the weather was cold and it rained heavily, and the soldiers were cold and hungry. Xiang Yu said, "We are about to join forces to attack the Qin army, but you are staying here for a long time without moving forward. Now we are facing famine. The people are poor, the soldiers can only eat taro and beans, and there is no food in the army. However, General Song held a banquet to entertain his guests. He did not lead his troops across the river to find food in Zhao and join forces with the Zhao army to attack the Qin army, but said "take advantage of the opponent's weakness". Judging from the strength of Qin, its attack on the newly established Zhao will surely destroy Zhao. Zhao will be destroyed and Qin becoming stronger, what weaknesses can be exploited! Besides, our army has just been defeated, and King Huai is uneasy and has handed over all the domestic troops to General Song. The safety of the country depends on this battle. Now he does not have any sympathy for the our soldiers, but seeks his own personal gains instead. He is not a loyal minister of the country." Xiang Yu came to see General Song Yi in the early morning, and cut off his head in the his tent. Xiang Yu walked out the tent and ordered the army, "Song Yi and Qi conspired to rebel against Chu, and King Huai of Chu secretly ordered me to kill him." At this time, all the generals were shocked and no one dared to resist. Everyone said, "It was the general's family who founded the State of Chu. Now the general has killed the rebels." The generals and soldiers jointly recommended Xiang Yu as the acting general. Xiang Yu sent people to chase Song Yi's son, and chased him to Qi, then killed him. Xiang Yu sent Huan Chu to report to King Huai. King Huai appointed Xiang Yu as the general, and Lord Dangyang and General Pu were both subordinates to Xiang Yu.
