Wednesday, March 20, 2024

41 The Tang’s Announcement


Jie was defeated in the homeland of the Yousong clan and fled to Mingtiao, and the army of Xia was completely done. Tang then attacked Sanzong the three other clans and seized many precious stones and jewels. Yibo and Zhongbo wrote "Dianbao the Statutes and Jewels" for this reason. After the overthrowing of Xia, Tang wanted to remove Xia's altar, but without the help of Goulong the Lord of the Land, that was beyond Tang's power, so "Altar of Xia" was written. Yiyin reported to Tang. At that time, all the princes submitted to Tang, and Tang ascended the throne of the emperor, and there was peace within the four seas.

On his return, Tang arrived at Taijuantao, and Zhonglei wrote his announcement. Having ended Xia, Tang returned to Bo, and the Tang’s Announcement was written: “In the third month, the king came to the east suburb personally and made the following announcement to the princes and nobles: 'If you do not make contribution to the people and work diligently in your business, I shall have extreme punishment waiting for you. Do not be complaining against me.' He also said: 'In the past, Yu and Gaoyao had hard labor for long time and in remote areas. Their merits came from providing services to the people, and the people then, in turn, could enjoy peace. On the east, there was the Great Yangtze River, on the north the Jishui River, on the west the Yellow River, and the south the Huaishui River. These four streams were well-kept within bounds, and people dwelt in safety. Prince Houji the Millet taught them how to sow and cultivate various kinds of grain. These three chiefs made contributions to the people, so their descendants were able to get an establishment. In the past, Chiyou and his ministers kept harming the people and the Emperor disapproved of it, then see what happened to them. The words of the former kings just cannot be not  being put in action.’ And he said again: ‘If you do not follow the principles, you do not fit to be in the state affairs. Do not be complaining against me.'” With it, he sent the command to all princes. Yiyin wrote "All with one same virtue", and Jiushan wrote "Clean living".


汤归至于泰卷陶,中垒作诰。既绌夏命,还亳,作汤诰:「维三月,王自至于东郊。告诸侯群后:『毋不有功于民,勤力乃事。予乃大罚殛女,毋予怨。 』曰:『古禹、皋陶久劳于外,其有功乎民,民乃有安。东为江,北为济,西为河,南为淮,四渎已修,万民乃有居。后稷降播,农殖百谷。三公咸有功于民,故后有立。昔蚩尤与其大夫作乱百姓,帝乃弗予,有状。先王言不可不勉。』曰:『不道,毋之在国,女毋我怨。』」以令诸侯。伊尹作咸有一德,咎单作明居。

40 The Warlike King of Yin


At that time, Xia Jie was tyrannical and promiscuous, and one of the princes Kunwu rebelled. So Tang, leading an army with the princes, and with Yiyin by his side, holding a halberd personally, conquered Kunwu first, and then conquered Jie. Tang said: “Come, you multitudes of people, you all come to listen to my words. It is not just me, a little kid, who dare to rebel. The ruler of Xia committed many crimes, and I heard you all have been saying that Xia is guilty. I have my ultimate reverence for the Supreme Emperor, I do not dare not to do the right thing. Now, as the Xia ruler has committed many crimes, by the power of Heaven, that Xia’s fate is ending today. Now you people are in the multitudes, all saying: 'Our king did not care about us at all, he abandoned our farming and implemented tyranny.' And you say, 'As to his crimes, what remedy have we?' The king of Xia did nothing but exhaust his people's strength, and exploited them oppressively. His people all became careless, and not in harmony with him, saying, 'When will this day be over? We would rather all perish together.' The decline of Xia had come to this, I got no choice but to go on with the conquest. If you help me, one man by himself, to carry out the punishment decreed by Heaven, and I will reward you greatly. Trust me on this, my words is my bond. If you do not follow my oath, I will have punishment waiting for you, no exception!” And this being announced to the army, Tang’s Oath was written. Tang then said, “I am very warlike”, and this was how he was titled, Wuwang (武王), The Warlike king.
