Wednesday, May 22, 2024

247 A12. Emperor Xiaowu


Sima Qian: Historical Records 12 Emperor Xiaowu


Emperor Xiaowu, Liu Che, was the middle son of Emperor Xiaojing. His mother was Queen Mother Wang. In the fourth year of Emperor Xiaojing, the prince was made King of Jiaodong. In the seventh year of Emperor Xiaojing, Crown Prince Li was deposed as King of Linjiang, and King of Jiaodong was made the crown prince. In his sixteenth year, Emperor Xiaojing died, and the crown prince ascended the throne as Emperor Xiaowu. When Emperor Xiaowu first ascended the throne, he was particularly respectful of the worship of ghosts and gods.

In the first year of Xiaowu, the Han Dynasty had been established for more than sixty years, and the world was peaceful. In the first year of the Han Dynasty, more than sixty years had passed since its establishment. The world was peaceful and stable, and all officials hoped that the emperor would hold a Fengshan ceremony to change the calendar, stipulate the colors of official uniforms and carriages, and so on. The emperor was very fond of Confucianism, so he recruited Confucian scholars with good moral character and outstanding talents, such as Zhao Wan and Wang Zang etc., who were both made ministers because of their proficiency in Confucian classics. They discussed together and wanted to build an ancient bright hall (Mingtang) in the south of Chang'an City for the princes to pay homage to the emperor. They planned many new tasks, including touring the country, holding Fengshan ceremonies, revising the calendar, and stipulating the colors of official uniforms and carriages. However, before they were completed, Empress Dowager Dou happened to be studying a Laois who did not like Confucianism, so she sent people to investigate secretly and caught Zhao Wan and others illegally pocketing benefits. She had Zhao Wan and Wang Zang summoned for a detailed interrogation. Zhao Wan and Wang Zang committed suicide, and all matters such as building Mingtang and changing the calendar were abolished.

Six years later, Empress Dowager Dou died. The next year, the emperor summoned scholars of literature such as Gongsun Hong.

The year after, the emperor first arrived in Yong and visited the Temples of Five Shrines. He would often visit the Five Shrines every three years. At that time, the emperor sought a deity and placed her in the Ti Shi Temple in Shanglin Garden. That deity was actually a woman from Changling. She died of grief because her son died young. After her death, she appeared in the body of her sister-in-law Wanruo. Wanruo was worshipped in her room, and many people went to worship. Lord Pingyuan went to worship, and his descendants were honored. When Emperor Wu (Xiaoqing) ascended the throne, he placed a large ceremony in the inner part of the temple. Only her voices were heard, and he did not see her.







At that time, there was a Li Shaojun who was said that he could achieve immortality by offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God and not eating nor excreting, and only then was he able to meet the emperor. And the emperor had deep respect for him. Li Shaojun was the former servant in charge of medicinal materials in the mansion of Marquis Shen Ze. He concealed his age and birthplace, often saying that he was seventy years old and could control ghosts and spirits to prevent himself from aging. He traveled all over the world under the pretext of seeking spiritual enlightenment, and had no wife or children. When people heard that he could control ghosts and spirits and that he would never die, they offered him gifts, so he often received plenty of money, silk, clothing, and delicious food. People thought that he could be very rich without running a business, and they didn't know where he came from, so they trusted him even more and vied to serve him. Li Shaojun was naturally fond of alchemy and was good at taking advantage of opportunities to make inferences and guesses, which could then be confirmed. He once attended a banquet with Marquis Wu'an Tian Fen. Among the guests was an old man in his nineties. Li Shaojun talked about the hunting and shooting spots that he and the old man's grandfather had visited. The old man knew what the place he described was like because he had been there with his grandfather when he was a child. All the guests present were shocked. Once, Li Shaojun paid a visit to the emperor. The emperor happened to have obtained an ancient bronze ware, so he asked Li Shaojun about the age of the bronze ware. Li Shaojun said: "This bronze vessel was displayed on the Baiqin Terrace in the tenth year of Duke Huan of Qi." The emperor immediately checked the words on the bronze ware and found that it was indeed a bronze ware from the time of Duke Huan of Qi. Everyone in the palace was shocked and thought that Li Shaojun was truly a god and had lived for hundreds of years. 

Li Shaojun said to the emperor: "Sacrificing to the Kitchen God can summon the gods, and summoning the gods can refine cinnabar into gold, and then use the gold to make utensils for eating and drinking. Using these utensils can increase life span. After the life span is increased, you can see the immortals on Penglai Island in the East China Sea. After seeing the Penglai immortals and starting the Fengshan ceremony, you can achieve immortality. This is how Huangdi achieved immortality. I once traveled on the sea and met An Qisheng by chance. He made me eat a huge date, which was about the size of a melon. An Qisheng is an immortal who often communicates with other immortals on Penglai Island. If he thinks he is compatible with you, he will appear to meet you; if he thinks he is not compatible with you, he will disappear. So the emperor began to worship the Kitchen God himself, and sent alchemists to the East China Sea to look for people like Anqisheng and the immortals on Penglai Island. He also tried to mix cinnabar with various other medicines to refine it into gold.




After a long time, Li Shaojun fell ill and died. The emperor believed that he was not dead, but had ascended to heaven, so he sent Shi Kuanshu from Huangchui County to continue to learn Li Shaojun's magic. The alchemists who searched for Penglai Mountain and Anqisheng found nothing, but the weird and pedantic alchemists in the coastal areas of Yan and Qi rushed to imitate them and talked more about gods and ghosts.

You Ji, a native of Bo County, reported to the emperor that he had a way to worship the god Taiyi, saying: "The most honorable among the gods is Taiyi, and the gods who assist Taiyi are the emperors of the five directions. In ancient times, the emperor would go to the southeastern suburbs of Chang'an every spring and autumn to worship the God of Taiyi ( the supreme one), offering cattle, sheep, and pigs as sacrifices. A grand ceremony lasting seven days was held, and passages were set up in eight directions of the altar for ghosts and gods to walk through. So the emperor ordered Taizhu ( the chief priest) to build a shrine dedicated to the god Taiyi in the southeast suburbs of Chang'an City, and often went there to worship using the method of enticement and transmission. Later, someone wrote to the emperor, saying: "In ancient times, the emperor would offer a complete meal of three kinds of livestock, cattle, sheep, and pigs, as sacrifices every three years to worship the 'Trinity': the gods of heaven, earth, and Taiyi." The emperor agreed and ordered the Taizhu to preside over the matter. On the altar dedicated to the God of Taiyi, the other two gods of the "Trinity" were also worshipped at the same time, and sacrifices were performed according to the method taught by the person who wrote the letter. Later, someone wrote to the emperor, saying, "In ancient times, the emperor often offered sacrifices in spring and autumn to dispel disasters and pray for blessings. To the Yellow Emperor, an owl and a leopard were used; to the Dark Sheep, a sheep was used; to the Horse God, a blue stallion was used; to the Taiyi God, the Gaoshan God, and the Earth God, a whole ox was used; to the Wuyi God, dried fish was used; and to the Yin-Yang Messenger, a bull was used." Later, someone wrote to the emperor, saying, "In ancient times, the emperor often offered sacrifices in spring and autumn to dispel disasters and pray for blessings. To the Yellow Emperor, an owl and a leopard were used; to the Dark Sheep, a sheep was used; to the Horse God, a blue stallion was used; to the Taiyi God, the Gaoshan God, and the Earth God, a whole ox was used; to the Wuyi God, dried fish was used; and to the Yin-Yang Messenger, a bull was used." The emperor ordered the temple officials to preside over the sacrifice according to the method taught by the person who wrote the letter, and the sacrifice was held next to the altar dedicated to the God of Taiyi.

Later, a white deer appeared in the emperor's Shanglin Garden. Some people said that using the skin of the white deer to make leather coins could cause auspicious signs to be sent down from heaven, so the emperor began to make "white gold". 

The next year, when the emperor was holding a suburban sacrifice in Yongdi, he captured a unicorn that looked like a roe deer. Someone in charge of the sacrifice said, "Your Majesty held a suburban sacrifice respectfully. In order to repay your offering, the heavens specially gave you a unicorn. This is probably the Qilin." So the emperor presented the unicorn to the five emperors of the sky, added a cow to the sacrifice to each emperor, and burned them all with a big fire. At the same time, "white gold" was rewarded to all the princes, and the heaven sent down the auspicious sign of "unicorn", which showed that the act of casting "white gold" was in line with the will of heaven. 






At this time, the King of Jibei realized that the emperor was about to come to Mount Tai to hold the Fengshan Ceremony, so he took the opportunity to write a letter to the emperor, expressing his willingness to offer Mount Tai and the cities near Mount Tai. The emperor accepted it and compensated the King of Jibei with other counties. The King of Changshan committed a crime and was exiled by the court. The emperor appointed the King of Changshan's younger brother to the state of Zhending and made him king to continue the worship of the previous king. He himself changed the state of Changshan into Changshan County. After this, the Five Mountains were all included in the counties under the jurisdiction of the emperor. 

The next year, the Qi man Shao Weng claimed that he was familiar with ghosts and gods, and was allowed to meet the emperor. The emperor had a favorite concubine, Lady Wang, but unfortunately Lady Wang passed away, so Shao Weng used magic to make Lady Wang and the Kitchen God appear at night, and the emperor really saw Lady Wang, whom he had missed for a long time, from the curtains. So the emperor appointed Shao Weng as General Wencheng, rewarded him with a lot of money and property, and treated him with the etiquette of entertaining a distinguished guest. General Wencheng once said: "If the emperor wants to communicate with the gods, but the palace and clothes are not suitable for gods, then the gods will not come." So the emperor ordered people to make cars with cloud shapes painted on them. According to the principle of the Five Elements, people would drive cars of corresponding colors on the days of conflict to drive away the evil spirits. He also ordered the construction of Ganquan Palace, and built a high platform room in the palace. In the platform room, there were paintings of many gods, such as the God of Tianyi, the God of Diyi, the God of Taiyi, etc., and sacrificial vessels were placed there, hoping to attract the gods. After more than a year, the effects of those magic arts became weaker and weaker, and the gods still did not come. So General Wencheng wrote a letter on silk and had the cow eat it, pretending that he knew nothing about it and told the emperor that there was something strange in the cow's belly. The emperor ordered people to slaughter the cow and examine it carefully, and found the silk book. Some of the words in the book were very strange, so the emperor became suspicious. Someone recognized the handwriting on the silk book, and the emperor questioned that person, and finally confirmed that it was indeed forged by General Wencheng. So the emperor executed General Wencheng and concealed the truth. 

Afterwards, the emperor ordered the construction of buildings such as the Bailiang Terrace, the Bronze Pillars and the Statue of the Immortal with Dew.





Two years after General Wencheng's death, the emperor fell seriously ill in Dinghu. The witch doctors tried all the prescriptions, but his condition did not improve. The swimmer Fagen said, “There is a wizard god in Shangjun who said that when he was seriously ill, a ghost possessed him.” So the emperor summoned the wizard god and set up a shrine in Ganquan Palace to worship him. When the emperor's illness relapsed, he sent people to ask for the wizard god. The wizard said, “The Emperor does not need to worry about this disease. When you have recovered a little, please gather yourself and come to meet me in Ganquan." So when the emperor's condition improved, he went to Ganquan Palace in person, and he recovered immediately. The emperor announced a general amnesty and placed the wizard god in the Shou Palace. The highest-ranking wizard among them in Shou Palace is "Daifu", and those who assist him, such as "Dajin" and "Siming", all follow him. The images of these wizards cannot be seen, only their voices can be heard, just like when people speak. The wizards sometimes floats away and sometimes comes, and when he comes, you can feel the breeze blowing. They lived in tents within the palace, and sometimes spoke during the day, but often at night. The emperor had to fast and bathe before entering the palace. The emperor regarded the wizard as the master of the longevity palace and asked him to take care of the diet of the wizards. Whatever the God wants to say is heard by the wizard and then passed on. The emperor also built the Shou Palace and the Bei Palace, hung feather flags, placed sacrificial vessels, and treated the gods with lofty etiquette. The emperor would send people to write down what the god said, and named it "calligraphy". What the God said was known to ordinary people and there was absolutely nothing special about it, but the emperor was secretly happy. These things were done in secret, and no one in the world knew about them.

Three years later, some officials said that the new year's name should be named after the auspicious sign from heaven, rather than being recorded with numbers like one or two years. The first year name should be "Jianyuan"; the second year name should be "Yuanguang" because a long-tailed comet appeared in the sky; the third year name should be "Yuanshou" because a unicorn was captured during a suburban sacrifice.

In the winter of the following year, the emperor discussed with the people during the suburban sacrifice in Yong County, saying: "Now I personally worship the Emperor of Heaven, but I have not yet worshipped the Earth God Hou Tu, which is not in accordance with etiquette." The relevant officials discussed with the Grand Historian Sima Tan, the temple official Kuan Shu and others, saying: "To worship the Heaven and Earth, a calf with horns the size of a silk cocoon or a chestnut should be used. Now your majesty wants to personally worship Hou Tu. To worship Hou Tu, five altars should be built on the round hills in the Great Lake. Each altar should use a yellow calf, a pig and a sheep as offerings. After the sacrifice, all the animals should be buried, and the people who accompany the sacrifice should also wear yellow clothes." So the emperor went east and built a shrine to Hou Tu on Fenyin Hill for the first time, which was built according to the suggestions of Kuan Shu and others. The emperor personally looked up into the sky and knelt to worship the Earth God, the same etiquette as used in the sacrifice to the Emperor of Heaven. After the sacrifice, the emperor went to Xingyang and then returned to Chang'an. On the way, he passed through Luoyang and issued an edict saying: "The Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are very far away from now, and it is difficult for their descendants who are too far away to survive. Thirty miles of land should be set aside for the descendants of the King of Zhou, and they should be named Zhou Zinan Jun so that they can worship their ancestors." This year, the emperor began to tour the counties and finally gradually reached Mount Tai.





In the spring of this year, Marquis Lecheng wrote a letter to recommend Luan Da. Luan Da was a palace maid in charge of daily life affairs in the palace of Jiaodong King Liu Ji. He had previously learned from the same master as General Wencheng, and later became an official in charge of preparing medicines for the Jiaodong King. At that time, Marquis Lecheng's elder sister was the queen of Jiaodong King Kang, and she had no son. After King Kang died, the son of another concubine was made the heir king. However, Queen Kang had committed promiscuous acts and did not get along well with the new king. The two tried their best to harm each other. When Queen Kang heard that General Wencheng had died, she wanted to please the emperor, so she sent Luan Da to meet the emperor to discuss alchemy with the recommendation of Marquis Lecheng. Although Emperor Wu killed General Wencheng, he regretted letting him die so early and lamented that he did not let him give up all his alchemy. When he met Luan Da, the emperor was very happy. Luan Da was tall and handsome, and he was very strategic in his words. He dared to talk big and acted very decisively. He boasted, "I have traveled back and forth in the sea and met immortals such as Anqisheng and Xianmen Gao. But they all thought that I was of low status and did not believe me. They also thought that King Kang was just a prince and was not worthy of being given those immortal arts. I have made suggestions to King Kang many times, but King Kang did not employ me. My teacher said: 'Gold can be refined, the Yellow River can be blocked, the medicine for immortality can be obtained, and the gods can be summoned.' I am now afraid that I will be killed like Wencheng, then all the alchemists will keep silent and dare not mention the art of alchemy again!" The emperor said, "Wencheng died by accidentally eating horse liver. If you really can get me the magic of the immortals, what should I be reluctant to give up? "Luan Da said, "My teacher never asks others for help, it is others who ask him for help. If Your Majesty must invite my teacher, you must first make me of noble status, let me have my own family, treat me with the etiquette of entertaining guests, and not despise me, and let me wear various seals, so that I can convey the words of the immortals. But it is not certain whether the immortals will come. In short, you must make your messenger noble, so that you can invite the immortals." So the emperor asked him to perform a small magic to test his effectiveness. He performed a chess game, letting the chess pieces hit each other on the chessboard.



At that time, the emperor was worried about the Yellow River bursting its banks, and the gold had not been refined yet, so he appointed Luan Da as the General of Five Benefits. In just over a month, Luan Da had already obtained four gold seals, including the seals of General of Heaven, General of Earth, General of Great Communication, and General of Heavenly Way. The emperor issued an edict to the censor, saying: "In the past, Great Yu dredged the nine rivers and opened up the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Huai River, and the Ji River. Recently, the river overflowed and flooded the land, and the labor of building embankments continued. I have ruled the world for 28 years. If the heaven wants to send me an alchemist, it should be General of Great Communication. The Qian Gua calls it "flying dragon", and the Jian Gua also mentions "wild geese". This should be a compliment to the mutual benefit between us, the monarch and his subjects! General of Earth, Luan Da, should be appointed as the Marquis of Letong with a place of 2,000 households." He gave Luan Da a house and a thousand servants, and gave him carriages, horses, curtains, and other utensils that the emperor did not need, filling his new house. He married Princess Wei Chang to him and gave her 10,000 jin of gold as a dowry, and changed her title to Princess Dangli. The emperor also personally came to General Wuli's residence, and the envoys also went to express their condolences, and the gifts they presented filled the road. From the emperor's aunt, the Grand Princess, to the generals and ministers, they all went to the Luan family to set up a banquet and presented gifts to him. So the emperor also carved a seal with the words "General Heavenly Way" on it, and asked the envoy to hold the jade seal, wear clothes made of bird feathers, and stand on white grass at night. General Wuli also wore clothes made of bird feathers and stood on white grass to receive the jade seal, to show that the emperor did not regard the recipient of the seal as his own subject. And wearing the seal of "Heavenly Way" was to guide the gods to come on behalf of the emperor. Therefore, Wuli often offered sacrifices at home at night, hoping to use this method to ask the gods to come. But the gods did not come, and all kinds of evil spirits gathered here, but General Wuli was very good at driving these ghosts. Soon he packed his luggage and headed east to the sea, according to legend, to find his teacher. Luan Da had only been introduced for a few months, but he was already wearing six seals, and his dignity was enough to shock the world. When the alchemists in the coastal areas of Yan and Qi saw him, they excitedly shook his wrist and said that they had a secret recipe that could summon immortals.



In June of that year, a wizard named Jin from Fenyin was offering sacrifices to the people at the Hou Tu Temple of Wei Yu. He saw a spot on the ground shaped like a curved hook, so he dug up the soil with his hands and found a tripod. This tripod was very different from ordinary tripods. It had patterns carved on it but no words. The wizard felt strange and reported the matter to the local officials. The local officials reported the incident to Sheng, the governor of Hedong, who then reported it to the court. The emperor sent messengers to check how the wizard Jin got the tripod and confirmed that it was not a fraud. Then he performed a sacrifice according to the etiquette and took the tripod back to Ganquan Palace. The emperor and the tripod traveled together and prepared to present it to the Emperor of Heaven. When they reached Zhongshan, they found that the sky was filled with clouds and covered with yellow clouds. At this time, a deer ran over, and the emperor shot it to death with an arrow and used it to offer sacrifice to the clouds. When they arrived in Chang'an, the officials and ministers all thought that the tripod should be honored. The emperor said, "The Yellow River has been flooding recently, and the harvest has been poor for several years. That's why I went on a tour to various counties to offer sacrifices to Hou Tu (Earth) and pray for a good harvest. This year, the harvest is abundant, but no sacrifices have been held to pay tribute to the earth god. How could this tripod appear?" The relevant officials said: "It is said that a long time ago, Emperor Taihao once made a sacred tripod to show the unification of the world and let all things in heaven and earth return to the sacred tripod. Huangdi made three tripods in total, representing heaven, earth, and man. Xia Yu collected copper from all over the country and made nine tripods, all of which were used to cook livestock for offering sacrifices to gods and ghosts. Whenever there was the Shengzhu Sage Emperor, the tripod would appear. The tripod was passed down from the Xia Dynasty to the Shang Dynasty. In the last years of the Zhou Dynasty, morality was corrupted and the altar used by the State of Song to worship the earth god was destroyed. As a result, the tripod was lost and disappeared. The Zhou Song said: ‘From the hall to the steps, go back and forth, sheep and cattle are ready, the big and small tripods have been checked, don't make noise, don't be proud, be healthy, live long, and have many blessings and fortunes.' Now the tripod has been brought to Ganquan Palace. Its appearance is extremely brilliant and its changes are magical and agile, which indicates that the Han Dynasty will surely receive endless good fortune. This is exactly the auspicious sign that when you arrived at Zhongshan, yellow and white auspicious clouds covered the sky and the auspicious beasts of deer welcomed you below. The big bow and four arrows under the altar that you obtained are all the rewards you got for offering sacrifices to the ancestors near and far in the Taimiao. Only those who receive the Mandate of Heaven and become emperors can understand the will of Heaven and conform to Heaven's virtue. Therefore, the tripod should be offered to the ancestors and kept in the palace of the Emperor of Heaven, which is consistent with the various auspicious omens before. "The emperor issued an edict saying: "Yes."



People who went to the sea to look for Mount Penglai said that Mount Penglai was not far away, and those who failed to reach it were probably because they could not see the clouds of the mountain. So the emperor sent officials who were good at observing the clouds to help observe the clouds.

In the autumn of that year, the emperor came to Yong County to prepare for the suburban sacrifice. Someone said: "The Five Emperors are just assistant gods of Taiyi God. We should build a Taiyi altar and let the emperor personally perform the suburban sacrifice." The emperor hesitated and made no decision. Gongsun Qing of Qi said, "This year we got the tripod. The Xinsi day of this winter is the first day of the lunar month, and the morning of that day is the winter solstice, which is the same time when Huangdi got the tripod." A wooden book in Gongsun Qing's possession says: "Huangdi obtained the precious tripod in Wanqu County and asked Gui Yuqu about it. Gui Yuqu replied: ‘Huangdi, you obtained the tripod and the divine strategy for divination on the first day of the winter solstice in the year of Jiyou. This is consistent with the calendar of the heavenly way. The calendar of the heavenly way always repeats itself in a continuous cycle. ’ Then Huangdi calculated the calendar by observing the movement of the sun. From then on, the winter solstice would occur on the morning of the new moon every twenty years. He made twenty calculations in total, for a total of three hundred and eighty years. Huangdi became an immortal and ascended to heaven.” Gongsun Qing wanted to report the matter to the emperor through Suo Zhong. Suo Zhong saw that his book was absurd and suspected that it was a forgery, so he declined, saying, "The matter of the tripod has been settled, so what's the point of reporting it to the emperor?" Gongsun Qing again reported the matter to the emperor through someone he favored. The emperor was very pleased and summoned Gongsun Qing to inquire about the matter. Gongsun Qing replied, "I got this book from Shen Gong, but he is dead." The emperor then asked, "Who is Shen Gong?" Gongsun Qing said: "Shen Gong was a native of Qi. He had contact with An Qisheng and accepted the teachings of Huangdi. He did not leave any other books except this book about the tripod. The book mentions:‘The prosperity of the Han Dynasty should be the same as that of the Yellow Emperor. The sage emperor of the Han Dynasty will appear among the grandsons or great-grandsons of Emperor Gaozu. The appearance of the tripod will definitely allow communication with the gods, and Fengshan should be performed. From ancient times to the present, 72 emperors have performed Fengshan, but only the Yellow Emperor could perform Fengshan on Mount Tai.’ Shen Gong said: "The emperor of the Han Dynasty should also ascend Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods. After ascending Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods, he can become an immortal and ascend to heaven. During the Yellow Emperor's time, there were nearly 10,000 vassal states, and 7,000 of them were built to worship the gods. There are eight famous mountains in the world, three of which are located in the barbarian areas and five are located in the Central Plains. In the Central Plains, there are Huashan, Shoushan, Taishishan, Taishan and Donglaishan. These five mountains are where the Yellow Emperor often traveled, where he met with the gods. The Yellow Emperor sometimes fought and sometimes practiced the way of immortality. He was worried that the people would criticize the way of immortality he practiced, so he decisively killed those who slandered the gods. This continued for more than a hundred years before he was able to communicate with the gods. Huangdi once worshipped the Emperor of Heaven in the suburbs of Yong County and stayed there for three months. Gui Yuqu's nickname was Dahong, and after his death he was buried in Yong County, which is Hongzhong. From then on, Huangdi received the gods in Mingting. Mingting is now Ganquan Mountain. The so-called Hanmen is now Gukou. Huangdi excavated the copper mine in Shoushan and cast a tripod at the foot of Jingshan. After the tripod was cast, a dragon with long whiskers hanging down from its neck came down from the sky to greet Huangdi. Huangdi rode on the dragon's back, and more than 70 officials and concubines followed him, and the dragon flew away. The rest of the officials could not get on, so they all grabbed the dragon's whiskers tightly, and the dragon's whiskers were pulled apart, causing Huangdi's bow to fall. The people looked up at the Yellow Emperor as he ascended to heaven, and they all hugged his bow and the fallen dragon whiskers and cried. Therefore, later generations called this place Dinghu and the bow Wuhao. ’” So the emperor said, "Oh! If I could really be like Huangdi, I would regard leaving my wife and children as taking off my shoes." So he appointed Gongsun Qing as a palace attendant and sent him eastward to Mount Taishi to welcome the immortal.




The emperor then went to Yong County to offer sacrifices, then went to Longxi, climbed Mount Kongtong to the west, and finally returned to Ganquan Palace. He ordered the temple officials Kuanshu and others to set up the altar of Taiyi God. The altar was built in imitation of the Taiyi Altar mentioned by Bo Youji, with a total of three levels. It was surrounded by the altars of the Five Emperors, and each was arranged according to its location. The Yellow Emperor Altar was located in the southwest, and eight channels were built for ghosts and gods to come and go. The offerings used in the Taiyi Altar were no different from those in the Yong County sacrifices, but sweet wine, dates, and dried meat were added, and a yak was killed as a sacrificial animal. However, the Five Emperors Altars only had cattle, sheep, and sweet wine, but no yaks. On the four sides under the altar, wine was used to liven up the earth and to sacrifice to the group of gods and the Big Dipper. After the sacrifice, the offerings used for the sacrifice were burned. The cow used in the sacrifice was white. During the sacrifice, a deer was stuffed into the cow's abdomen, and then a pig was stuffed into the deer's abdomen, and then the sacrifice was soaked in water. A cow was used to sacrifice the sun god, and a sheep or a pig was used to sacrifice the moon god. The officials who sacrificed to the Taiyi God had to wear purple embroidered clothes, and the colors of the official dresses of the officials who sacrificed to the Five Emperors strictly followed the colors of the Five Emperors. The sun god was worn in red, and the moon god was worn in white.

The morning of the first day of the eleventh month was the winter solstice. At dawn on this day, the emperor began to worship the Taiyi God in the suburbs. In the morning, the sun god was worshipped, and in the evening, the moon god was worshipped. All of them were worshipped very solemnly with their hands folded; and the Taiyi God was worshipped strictly in accordance with the suburban sacrifice rituals of Yong County. The blessing to the gods said: "The heaven has begun to give the emperor the tripod and the divine strategy, one new moon day after another, in a cycle, without end. The emperor respectfully pays homage to the gods here." The dress used for the sacrifice was yellow. During the sacrifice, the altar was covered with torches and cooking utensils were placed next to the altar. The officials said: "There is light on the altar." The ministers said: "The emperor first held a suburban sacrifice in Yunyang Palace to worship Taiyi God. The officials held a large jade with a diameter of six inches and sacrificial livestock with pure fur and fat bodies to offer to the gods. That night, a beautiful light appeared, and during the day, yellow clouds continued to rise until they connected with the sky." Taishigong and the temple official Kuanshu said: "The shining of the divine light is a good omen of blessing and fortune. The Taizu altar should be built where the divine light shines to publicize the auspicious response from heaven. Let Taizhu preside over this matter and hold sacrifices in autumn and the twelfth lunar month every year. The emperor will personally offer sacrifices every three years." 

In the autumn of this year, in order to conquer Nanyue, Taiyi God was worshipped. The flagpole was made of vitex, and the sun, moon, Big Dipper and a dragon flying into the sky were painted on the flag to symbolize the three stars of Tianyi. It was named "Lingqi" as the vanguard flag of Taiyi God. When praying before a war, the historian would hold up a spiritual flag and point to the direction of the country to be attacked. However, although General Wu Li was an envoy, he did not dare to go into the sea to seek immortals, but only went to Mount Tai to worship. The emperor sent people to secretly follow him and found that he actually did not see anything. General Wu Li lied that he had seen his teacher, but in fact he had exhausted all his magic skills, and most of them did not work. The emperor then killed General Wu Li.





In the winter of this year, Gongsun Qing was waiting for the gods in Henan. He said that he had seen the footprints of the gods on the city of Goushi, and there was a divine creature similar to a pheasant flying back and forth on the city. The emperor personally came to the city of Goushi to see the footprints and asked Gongsun Qing, "You will not follow Wencheng and Wuli to deceive me, will you?" Gongsun Qing replied, "The gods will not ask the emperor for anything, but the emperor will ask the gods for anything. If you can't relax your time when seeking the gods, the gods will not come. It seems very pedantic and absurd to talk about praying to the gods, but only after years and months can you wait for the gods to come." Therefore, all the counties and states repaired the roads, the palace viewing platforms and the shrines on the famous mountains in the hope of the emperor's arrival.

This year, Nanyue had been destroyed, and one of the emperor's favorites, Li Yannian, was able to meet the emperor because he was good at music. The emperor treated him very well, so he asked the ministers to discuss the matter, saying: "In folk sacrifices, there are drums, dances and music. Now I am performing suburban sacrifices without music. Can this be considered appropriate?" The ministers said: "In ancient times, sacrifices to heaven and earth were accompanied by music, so the gods of heaven and earth came to enjoy people's sacrifices." Some people said: "The Tai Emperor ordered the goddess Su Nu to play the harp with fifty strings. The sound was sad. The Tai Emperor asked her to stop, but she could not stop, so he cut open her harp and changed it to twenty-five strings." So when offering sacrifices to Taiyi and Hou Tu gods to celebrate the pacification of Nanyue, music, singing and dancing began to be used, and the number of singers was increased. It was from this time that the production of the harp with twenty-five strings and the konghou began.

The winter of the second year, the emperor proposed: "In ancient times, emperors had to stop using military force before they could hold the Fengshan ceremony." So the emperor went north to inspect Shuofang (north), commanding an army of more than 100,000. When he came back, he offered sacrifices in front of the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, and disbanded the army when he arrived at Xuru. The emperor said, “I have heard that Huangdi is not dead, but now his tomb exists. Why is that?” Someone replied, “After Huangdi became an immortal and ascended to heaven, his remaining ministers buried his clothes and hat here.” Later, the emperor came to Ganquan Palace, and in order to ascend Mount Tai to perform the Fengshan ceremony, he used the same ritual to first sacrifice to the Taiyi God.





After obtaining the tripod, the emperor discussed the Fengshan ceremony with the ministers and Confucian scholars. Because the Fengshan ceremony had not been held for a long time and was almost lost, no one knew the specific etiquette. Confucian scholars all proposed to use the rituals recorded in the "Book of Documents", "Zhou Li" and "Wangzhi" to hold the ceremony. Ding Gong of Qi was already over 90 years old. He said: "'Feng' should mean immortality. Qin Shihuang was unable to climb Mount Tai to hold the Fengshan ceremony. Your Majesty must go up. As long as you climb to a slightly higher place, there will be no wind and rain blocking you, so you can climb Mount Tai to hold the Fengshan ceremony." The emperor therefore asked the Confucian scholars to practice the ritual of shooting the bull and drafted the etiquette used in Fengshan. After a few years, the Fengshan ceremony was about to be held. The emperor had heard what Gongsun Qing and the alchemists said, that when the emperors before Huangdi performed the Fengshan ceremony, they would attract some strange things that could communicate with the gods. So he planned to imitate the method of Huangdi to welcome the immortal Penglai gods, so as to transcend the world and be comparable to the virtues of the Nine Emperors, and also adopted many Confucian techniques to embellish it. The Confucian scholars could not distinguish the specific etiquette of Fengshan, and were deeply bound by ancient texts such as "Book of Songs" and "Book of Documents", so they did not dare to give full play to their talents. The emperor showed the sacrificial utensils used for Fengshan to the Confucian scholars. Some of the Confucian scholars said, "This is not the same as the ancient ones." Xu Yan also said, "The etiquette performed by the Taichang Temple officials is not as good as that of the ancient Lu State." Zhou Ba gathered a group of Confucian scholars to plan the Fengshan event this time, so the emperor demoted Xu Yan and Zhou Ba and dismissed all these Confucian scholars.

In March, the emperor went east to Gaoshi County and climbed Taishi Mountain in Songshan to hold a sacrifice. The accompanying officials seemed to hear someone shouting "Long live" at the foot of the mountain. When asked about the people on the mountain, they all said they had not shouted; when asked about the people below the mountain, they all said they had not shouted. Therefore, the emperor granted Taishi Mountain 300 households to facilitate its sacrifice and named it Chonggaoyi. Going east to Mount Tai, before the grass and trees on the mountain had grown leaves, he ordered people to transport the stone tablet to the mountain and set it on the top of Mount Tai.

The emperor then went east to inspect the sea and held a ceremony to worship the eight gods of heaven, earth, soldiers, yin, yang, moon, sun and four seasons. The people of Qi reported to the emperor that there were nearly 10,000 gods, spirits and strange magic, but none of them worked. Therefore, the emperor sent more ships and ordered the thousands of people who reported about the sea god mountain to go to Penglai to visit the immortal. Gongsun Qing held the talisman and went to various mountains to wait for the immortal. When he arrived at Donglai, he said that he had seen a man at night, several feet tall, and disappeared when he approached. He saw that his footprints were very large, very much like the footprints of animals. One of the ministers said that he had seen an old man with a dog, who said, "I really want to see the emperor," and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. The emperor had heard about the big footprints, but he didn't believe it until someone among the ministers mentioned the old man. Then he really thought that the old man was a fairy. So he stayed at the seaside, gave the alchemists post carriages, and sent thousands of secret envoys to visit the fairy.





In April, the emperor returned to Fenggao. The emperor considered that the Fengshan rituals mentioned by Confucian scholars and alchemists were different, and there was no record of them in ancient books, so it was indeed difficult to implement them. The emperor then went to Liangfu Mountain to hold a ceremony to worship the earth god. On the Yimao day, he ordered the Confucian scholars of the imperial court to wear white deerskin hats and official uniforms with hu tablets inserted in them to hold a ceremony to shoot the bull. An altar was built in the east foot of Mount Tai for offering sacrifices, and the rituals of worshipping the Taiyi God were strictly followed. The altar for offering sacrifices to the sky was 12 feet wide and 9 feet high, and the documents of Fengshan were placed under the altar, and the contents of the documents were very secret. After the sacrifice, the emperor climbed Mount Tai alone with his attendant, the imperial carriage commander Huo Zihou, and also held a ceremony to offer sacrifices to the heavens. These things were top secret and could not be disclosed to the public. The next day, they descended along the road on the north slope of the mountain. On the day of Bingchen, a ceremony of offering sacrifice to the earth was held at the Suran Mountain northeast of the foot of Mount Tai, referring to the ritual of offering sacrifice to Hou Tu. During these Fengshan ceremonies, the emperor personally offered sacrifices to the gods of heaven and earth, wearing yellow formal clothes and using music. Three-edged Lingshao collected from the Jianghuai area was used as a god mat, and the altar was built with five-colored mud symbolizing the five directions. At that time, some strange birds and beasts from afar and animals such as white-haired pheasants were released, which greatly increased the solemn atmosphere of the ceremony. However, animals such as yak, yak, rhinoceros, and elephants were not used. The emperor and his ministers came to Mount Tai first and then left. During the period of Fengshan, there seemed to be a light every night, and white clouds rose from the altar during the day. 

The emperor returned from Fengshan and sat in the Mingtang. His ministers came up to congratulate him. So the emperor issued an edict to the censor, saying: "I have assumed the supreme position of the emperor with my insignificant body. I am cautious and fearful that I am not competent for it. My virtue is shallow and I don't know much about rituals and music. When I was offering sacrifices to the Taiyi God, auspicious light seemed to appear in the sky. I felt very uneasy, as if I saw something. I was deeply touched by this strange scene. Although I wanted to stop, I didn't dare. Finally, I was able to climb Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the sky. After reaching Liangfu Mountain, I offered sacrifices to the earth at the Suran Mountain Rest Area. I want to improve myself and I am happy to start again with the literati. Grant the common people one hundred households One cow and ten shi of wine for each household, and two bolts of cloth for the elderly over eighty years old and the widowed and widower. Bo County, Fenggao, Sheqiu, and Licheng are exempt from taxes for the year. A general amnesty is issued, the same as the amnesty in the year of Yimao. In any place I pass through during my tour, no more trouble will be caused to the people. If the crime happened two years ago, it will not be investigated. Then he issued an edict saying, "In ancient times, the emperor would go on a tour every five years to worship at Mount Tai, and the princes who came to pay homage had their own residences. Each prince should build an official residence at the foot of Mount Tai."

After the Emperor finished the Fengshan Ceremony at Mount Tai, he did not encounter any disturbance from wind and rain, and the alchemists also said that the sacred mountains such as Penglai would be found. So the Emperor was very happy, thinking that he might meet a fairy, so he went east again to the seaside to look out, hoping to meet the immortals of Penglai. The commander of the imperial carriage, Huo Zihou, suddenly fell seriously ill and died in one day. The Emperor then left, along the coast, north to Jieshi, and then began to tour from Liaoxi, passing the northern border and reaching Jiuyuan County. In May, the Emperor returned to Ganquan Palace. Relevant officials proposed that the year when the tripod was discovered be named "Yuan Ding". Because of this year's Fengshan Ceremony at Mount Tai, the year name was set as "Yuan Feng", and this year was the first year of Yuan Feng.




In the autumn of that year, a comet appeared in the Dongjing constellation, shining brightly. Ten days later, another comet appeared in the Santai constellation, still shining brightly. A man named Wang Shuo, who was good at observing the weather, said: "I was observing at that time, and I saw that when the star appeared, it was shaped like a gourd, and it disappeared again in the time it took to eat a meal." The relevant officials said: "Your Majesty created the Fengshan ritual system of the Han Dynasty, and the heavens let the auspicious star of virtue appear to repay you."

In the winter of the following year, the emperor went to Yong County to offer sacrifices to the Five Emperors, and after returning, he also offered sacrifices to the Taiyi God. In his speech, he said: "The Virtue Star shines brightly in all directions, heralding good fortune. The Longevity Star also appears, and its brilliance spreads far and wide. The Faith Star shines brightly and brings blessings, and the emperor offers sacrifices to all the gods."

In the spring of this year, Gongsun Qing said that he had met an immortal in Donglai Mountain, and the immortal seemed to say "I want to see the emperor". The emperor therefore came to Goushi City and appointed Gongsun Qing as a senior official. Then he went to Donglai and stayed there for a few days, but he saw nothing but big footprints. The emperor once again sent thousands of alchemists to search for immortal objects and collect Ganoderma lucidum. This year there was a drought. So the emperor had no reasonable reason to go out again, so he went to Wanlisha temple to pray for rain and offered sacrifices when passing by Mount Tai. On his way back, he went to Huzikou and personally went to the place where the Yellow River breach was blocked. He stayed there for two days and sank a white horse to worship the river god before leaving. The emperor ordered two ministers to lead troops to block the breach and dig two canals for the Yellow River, making it look like it did after Dayu controlled the flood.

At that time, Nanyue had been destroyed. The Yue people, Yongzhi, said to the emperor, "The Yue people have the custom of believing in ghosts, and they can see ghosts every time they offer sacrifices, and it is always effective. In the past, the King of Dong'ou respected ghosts and gods and lived to be 160 years old. His descendants neglected ghosts, so they gradually declined." The emperor therefore ordered the shamans in Yue to build the Yue Temple, but only set up a platform but not an altar, to worship the gods and ghosts, and to use chicken bones for divination. Because the emperor believed in it, the Yue Temple and the chicken divination method gradually became popular from then on.

Gongsun Qing said: "It is possible to see immortals, but the emperor is always in a hurry every time he goes to visit immortals, so he cannot see them. Now your majesty can build a pavilion, like the one in Gaoshi City, and prepare offerings such as dried meat, dates and fruits, which should be able to attract immortals. Besides, immortals like to live in pavilions." So the emperor ordered people to build Feilian Temple and Gui Temple in Chang'an, and Yiyanshou Temple in Ganquan Palace, and asked Gongsun Qing to hold the talisman and arrange the offerings to welcome the immortals. Then he built Tongtian Terrace, and placed various ritual vessels for sacrifice under the terrace, hoping to attract immortals. From then on, the front hall was built in Ganquan Palace, and the palace began to be expanded. In summer, Ganoderma lucidum grows in the palace. The emperor built Tongtian Terrace because the Yellow River was blocked, and he seemed to see the light, so he issued an edict saying: "Nine stems of Ganoderma lucidum have grown in the room of Ganquan Palace. I will grant amnesty to the world and will no longer send soldiers to disturb the people."







A year later, the emperor invaded Korea. In the summer, there was a drought. Gongsun Qing said, "During the time of Huangdi, when the Fengshan ceremony was held, there would be drought. In order to dry the soil of the altar as soon as possible, it would take three years of drought." So the emperor issued an edict, saying, "The drought is to dry the soil of the altar, right? Order the whole country to offer sacrifices to the spiritual star in charge of agriculture."

A year later, the emperor went to Yong County to offer sacrifices in the suburbs, and he went there to inspect on the way to Huizhong. In spring, he came to Mingze and then returned via Xihe.

The following winter, the emperor went to Nanjun for inspection. After arriving in Jiangling, he headed east. He climbed Tianzhu Mountain in Qian County and called this mountain Nanyue. He sailed down the river from Xunyang to Congyang and passed Pengli. He offered sacrifices to the famous mountains and rivers along the river. He went north to Langye County and then went north along the coast. In mid-April, he arrived in Fenggao County and held a Fengshan ceremony.

At first, when the emperor came to Mount Tai to hold the Fengshan ceremony, he found an ancient Mingtang in the northeast of the foot of Mount Tai. The terrain was steep and not spacious. The emperor planned to build a Mingtang near Fenggao County, but he could not find out the shape and size of the Mingtang. Gong Yudai, a native of Jinan, presented the "Mingtang Drawing" from the Yellow Emperor period. The "Mingtang Drawing" depicts a hall with no walls around it. The roof is made of thatch. There are ditches around it. There are also sky bridges around the palace walls. There are buildings on the hall, which extend into the hall from the southwest. It is called Kunlun Road. The emperor walked into the hall from here and went there to worship God. Therefore, the emperor ordered the construction of Mingtang in Wenshang, Fenggao according to Gong Yudai's drawings. When he came here again five years later to perform Fengshan, he placed the tablets of Taiyi God and the Five Emperors on the upper seats of the Mingtang for worship, and ordered the tablet of Emperor Gao to face them. In the lower room, he worshipped God Hou Tu, using twenty cows, sheep, and pigs. The emperor entered from Kunlun Road and began to worship in the Mingtang, just like the ritual of suburban sacrifice. After the worship, the offerings were burned under the hall. After that, the emperor climbed Mount Tai again and held a secret sacrifice on the top of the mountain. When worshiping the Five Emperors at the foot of Mount Tai, they all followed their respective positions. Only the Yellow Emperor and the Red Emperor were together, and they were accompanied by relevant officials. When a fire was lit on Mount Tai, fires were also lit at the foot of the mountain to echo.

Two years later, on the first day of the eleventh month, the morning coincided with the winter solstice. Those who calculated the calendar believed that this day should be the starting point of the new calendar to be orthodox. The emperor personally went to Mount Tai and came to the Mingtang to worship God on the morning of the first day of the eleventh month, but no Fengshan ceremony was held. In the congratulatory speech, it said: "The heaven has given the emperor the Taiyuan Divine Strategy, which will repeat itself. The emperor here respectfully worships the Taiyi God." The emperor went east again to the seaside and investigated the people who went to the sea to seek immortality and the alchemists, but to no avail. However, he still sent more messengers to the sea to seek immortality, eager to meet the gods.







On the 11th month, a fire broke out at Bailiang Terrace. On the first day of the 12th month, the emperor went to Gaoli Mountain to worship the Earth God. He also went to the Bohai Sea, looking at and worshipping the immortal mountain like Penglai, longing to go to the foreign land where the immortals lived.

After the emperor returned to the capital, because the Bailiang Terrace was burned down, he held court in Ganquan Palace to accept the documents reported by various counties and states. Gongsun Qing said: "Huangdi built Qingling Terrace, but it was burned down after twelve days, so Huangdi built Mingting. Mingting is the current Ganquan Palace." Many alchemists also said that ancient emperors also built their capitals in Ganquan. After that, the emperor received princes in Ganquan Palace and built official residences for princes in Ganquan. Yongzhi said: "There is such a custom in Yue. The house built after a fire must be larger than the one that was burned down to suppress the fire." So the emperor built Jianzhang Palace, which was as large as thousands of households. Its front hall was higher than Weiyang Palace, and to the east was Fengque, the Phoenix tower, which was more than 200 feet high. To the west was Central Court Zoo, with a tiger circle dozens of miles wide. A large pool was built in the north, with a terrace more than 200 feet high. The pool was named Taiye Pool. Four mountains, Penglai, Fangzhang, Yingzhou and Huliang, were built in the pool, all imitating the fairy mountains in the sea. There were also some stone sculptures of turtles and fish. To the south, there were statues of Yutang, Bimen and divine birds. Shenming Terrace and Jinggan Pavilion were also built, both more than 500 feet high, with carriageways connecting the terraces.

In the summer, the Han Dynasty adopted a new calendar, set the first month of the year straight, the color of the official uniforms changed to yellow, and the official seals of each official name changed to five characters, so the reign was changed to the first year of Taichu. In this year, the expedition to Dayuan was launched to the west. A large-scale locust plague occurred. Lady Ding and Yuchu of Luoyang and others used magic to perform sacrifices and prayed to the gods to bring disaster to the Huns and Dayuan.

The next year, officials said that no cooked animals or other offerings were used in the sacrifices to the Five Shrines in Yong County, and no fragrant aroma was produced. So the emperor ordered the temple officials to offer cooked animal sacrifices made of calves to the Five Shrines, select the fur color of the animals according to the principle of the five elements, and use puppet horses instead of strong horses as sacrifices. Strong horses were only used when offering sacrifices to the Five Emperors, and strong horses were only used when the emperor personally went to the suburbs to offer sacrifices. Strong horses were originally used when offering sacrifices to famous mountains and rivers, but they were all replaced with puppet horses. Strong horses were used for sacrifices when the emperor passed by on a tour. Other sacrifices were the same as before.

Another year passed, and the emperor went east to inspect the seashore, investigating things like gods and immortals, but nothing worked. Some alchemists said, "During the Yellow Emperor's time, five cities and twelve towers were built for the purpose of welcoming the gods and immortals at Zhiqi, and it was called welcoming the year." The emperor agreed to build five cities and twelve towers according to his idea, and called it the next year. The emperor also went there in person to worship and offer sacrifices to the gods, wearing yellow clothes.







Gong Yudai said: "Although the Fengshan ceremony was held at Mount Tai during the Yellow Emperor's time, Fenghou, Fengju, and Qibo still asked the Yellow Emperor to build an altar at east Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the heavens, and to come to Mount Fan to open up a field for offering sacrifices, in order to match the auspicious signs, so that he could live forever." The emperor ordered the preparation of sacrifices, and then came to east Mount Tai. Seeing that Mount Tai was short and did not match its reputation, he ordered the temple officials to offer sacrifices, but did not hold the Fengshan ceremony. Later, he ordered Gong Yudai to go there to offer sacrifices, worship, and welcome the gods. In the summer, the emperor returned to Mount Tai and held the Fengshan ceremony every five years as before, and added the ritual of offering sacrifices at Mount Shilu. Shilu is located in the south of the foot of Mount Tai. Many alchemists said that it was where the immortals lived, so the emperor went there to offer sacrifices in person.

Five years later, the emperor came to Mount Tai again to hold the Fengshan Ceremony, and on his way back he also offered sacrifices to Changshan.

The Suburban sacrifices set by the emperor, Taiyi and Houtu, were offered in person every three years, which started establishing the Fengshan system of the Han Dynasty, and the Fengshan ceremony was held every five years. Bo Youji also petitioned to build the Taiyi Temple and other temples, including Sanyi, Mingyang, Maxing, and Chixing, and the temple officials under Kuanshu went to offer sacrifices on time every year. Together with the Houtu Temple, there were six temples in total, which were managed by Taizhu. As for the gods among the eight gods, as well as the famous temples in places such as Ming Nian and Fanshan, they were offered sacrifices when the emperor passed by, and they were forgotten when he left. The temples built by the alchemists were offered sacrifices by themselves, and when the person died, the sacrifices ended, and the temple officials no longer managed the sacrifices. The other temples were handled according to the original regulations. Since the emperor held the Fengshan ceremony, a total of twelve years have passed, and the gods that have been offered sacrifices have spread all over the Five Mountains and Four Rivers. However, the alchemists welcomed and worshipped the gods and went to the sea to visit the Penglai Fairy Mountain, but they never got any results. Gongsun Qing and other alchemists who were waiting for the gods continued to use the giant's footprint as an excuse, but it didn't work. The emperor was getting more and more tired of the absurd words of the alchemists, but he always controlled them and didn't break off contact with them. He was always eager to meet someone whose magic worked. Since then, the alchemists have talked more about offering sacrifices to the gods, but the effect can be seen by everyone.

Taishigong the Grand Historian said: I accompanied the emperor on his tours, worshipped the gods of heaven and earth, famous mountains and rivers, and participated in the Fengshan ceremony. I also entered the Shou Palace to accompany the emperor in worship, heard the prayers of the officials, and carefully read and studied the words of the alchemists and temple officials. So after returning, I discussed the activities of worshipping ghosts and gods from ancient times to the present in order, and presented these activities inside and out. Gentlemen of later generations should be able to see the situation at that time from here. As for the details of the ritual vessels such as zuodou and jade and silk used in the sacrifice, as well as the etiquette of worshiping and paying tribute to the gods, there are specific regulations from the relevant officials.





The end of A12

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