Friday, May 24, 2024

251 General Wencheng


At this time, the King of Jibei realized that the emperor was about to come to Mount Tai to hold the Fengshan Ceremony, so he took the opportunity to write a letter to the emperor, expressing his willingness to offer Mount Tai and the cities near Mount Tai. The emperor accepted it and compensated the King of Jibei with other counties. The King of Changshan committed a crime and was exiled by the court. The emperor appointed the King of Changshan's younger brother to the state of Zhending and made him king to continue the worship of the previous king. He himself changed the state of Changshan into Changshan County. After this, the Five Mountains were all included in the counties under the jurisdiction of the emperor. 

The next year, the Qi man Shao Weng claimed that he was familiar with ghosts and gods, and was allowed to meet the emperor. The emperor had a favorite concubine, Lady Wang, but unfortunately Lady Wang passed away, so Shao Weng used magic to make Lady Wang and the Kitchen God appear at night, and the emperor really saw Lady Wang, whom he had missed for a long time, from the curtains. So the emperor appointed Shao Weng as General Wencheng, rewarded him with a lot of money and property, and treated him with the etiquette of entertaining a distinguished guest. General Wencheng once said: "If the emperor wants to communicate with the gods, but the palace and clothes are not suitable for gods, then the gods will not come." So the emperor ordered people to make cars with cloud shapes painted on them. According to the principle of the Five Elements, people would drive cars of corresponding colors on the days of conflict to drive away the evil spirits. He also ordered the construction of Ganquan Palace, and built a high platform room in the palace. In the platform room, there were paintings of many gods, such as the God of Tianyi, the God of Diyi, the God of Taiyi, etc., and sacrificial vessels were placed there, hoping to attract the gods. After more than a year, the effects of those magic arts became weaker and weaker, and the gods still did not come. So General Wencheng wrote a letter on silk and had the cow eat it, pretending that he knew nothing about it and told the emperor that there was something strange in the cow's belly. The emperor ordered people to slaughter the cow and examine it carefully, and found the silk book. Some of the words in the book were very strange, so the emperor became suspicious. Someone recognized the handwriting on the silk book, and the emperor questioned that person, and finally confirmed that it was indeed forged by General Wencheng. So the emperor executed General Wencheng and concealed the truth. 

Afterwards, the emperor ordered the construction of buildings such as the Bailiang Terrace, the Bronze Pillars and the Statue of the Immortal with Dew.




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