Wednesday, March 6, 2024

19 A1. Five Emperors


Sima Qian: Historical Records 1 Five Emperors 

The Yellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun and his given name was Xuanyuan. He was born a miracle, started talking when still a baby, he was quick at learning in the childhood, and honest and clever when grown, and he was mature and intelligent. During the Xuanyuan period, the Shennong clan declined. The princes invaded and attacked among each other, tyrannizing the people, but Shennong was unable to conquer them. So Xuanyuan got accustomed to the weaponry and conquered those who contributed no offerings, then the princes all came to follow him. And at that time, Chiyou was the most violent one and could not be defeated. Yandi, the Flame Emperor, of the Shengnong clan, intended to invade and ravage the princes, resulted in all the princes came to follow Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan cultivated virtues and mobilized troops, studied five elememts of the seasons around the years, cultivated five kinds of crops, comforted all the people, and conquered in four directions. He trained wild animals, the ones similar to bears, lions, and tigers, to fight Emperor Yan in the great wilderness of Banquan. After three battles, his ambition was achieved. Chiyou was a troublemaker obeying no orders from the Emperor. So the Yellow Emperor conscripted the princes, fought Chiyou in the great wilderness of Zhuolu, caputured and then killed Chiyou. And all the princes respected Xuanyuan as their emperor, in replacement of the Shennong clan, so there was Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor. If there was any disobedience in the world, Huangdi would conquer and had it removed and then created peace. Passing through mountains and building roads, he never had any rest.

The Yellow Emperor went east, all the way to the sea, he climbed the Mountain Wanshan and also the Mountain Daizong. And to the west, he went far to the Mountain Kongtong, and climbed the Peak Jitou, the Chicken Head. As far as to the south, he went to the Yangtze River and climbed the Mountains Xiong and Xiang. And in the north, he chased away the northern barbaric tribe Hunyu, and had a princes gathering at the Mountain Fusan, and also built a city on the plains by the foothills of the Mountain Zhuolu. He migrated from here to there, ever without any permanent residence, and the division soldiers were used as camp guards. The official positions were all named after the clouds, Yun, so there were Yun divisions. He set up great supervisors, the Dajians, one left and one right, to supervise all states. All states were in harmony. And many gods and goddess, of mountains and rivers among many other things, had been enshrined in the ceremony named Fengchan, the worships of heaven and earth. The tripod Baoding was obtained and the calendar was made according to the sun. Fenghou, Limu, Changxian, and Dahong were made as governors of the people. He systematically sorted all things out, the records of heaven and earth, the divination of dark and bright, the theory of life and death, and the survival difficulties of the beings. According to the season, the crops were sown. Birds, beasts, insects, and moths were domesticated. And the good name of the Emperor was wide spreading, among the sun, the moon, the stars, the water, the earth, the stone, the gold, and the jade. He kept working hard, heart, body, ears, and eyes. And he kept staying thrifty, with water, fire, materials, and all other things. He had showed the auspicious virtue of the earth, so he was called Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor.

The Yellow Emperor had twenty-five sons, fourteen of whom received surname.

The Yellow Emperor lived on the hill of Xuanyuan and married the daughter of Xiling, who was then named Leizu. Leizu was the chief princess consort of the Yellow Emperor, and she gave birth to two sons, both of whom had descendent who later became the master of the world. One was called Xuanxiao, later was named Qingyang, and Qingyang descended to reside by the Yangtze River. The other was called Changyi, who descended to reside by the river Ruoshui. Changyi married a daughter of the Shushan clan, named Changpu, and who gave birth to Gaoyang. Gaoyang was a person of holy virtues. After the Yellow Emperor died, he was buried in Qiaoshan. His grandson, Changyi’s son, Gaoyang, became the Emperor Zhuanxu.

Gaoyang, the Emperor Zhuanxu, was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, and the son of Changyi. He was calm, steady, and good at planning. And he was resourceful and knowledgeable, and knew how to sort things out. And he raised various crops and livestock to make full use of the land. And he was clear about the four seasons and knew how to conform to nature. And he followed the guidances of the spirits and gods to formulate etiquette and justice. And he cultivated accordingly to the elements of the seasons to educate the people. And he purified the body and mind to offer sacrifices to the spirits and gods. To the north he went to Youling, and to the south he went to Jiaozhi, and to the west he went to Liusha, and to the east he went to Panmu. Anything that in motion or at still, any gods either big or small, anywhere illuminated by the sun or the moon, all stayed in harmony with each other.

Emperor Zhuanxu had a son named Qiongchan. Zhuanxu died, and Gaoxin, Xuanxiao's grandson, became the Emperor Ku.

Gaoxin, the Emperor Ku, was the great-grandson of Huangdi. Gaoxin's father was called Jiaoji, Jiaoji's father was called Xuanxiao, and Xuanxiao's father was called Huangdi. Since Xuanxiao to Jiaoji, both did not reign, untill Gaoxin became the emperor. Gaoxin was a first cousin once removed to Zhuanxu. 

Gaoxin was born a miracle, who spoke his own name by himself. He was giving to the others, not caring for his own interests. He was full of wisdom and had the clear vision, and he was sharp and understood any subtleties.He was keen following the principles of heaven and understood the demands of the people. He was the perfect example of benevolence led to power, benefit led to trust, and self-cultivation led to the acceptance of the world. He knew well how to adapt measures to local conditions and use the materials sparingly, and he cared for the people and taught them and over and over again, and he practiced greetings and farewells following the routines of sun and moon, and he understood the spirits and gods and showed great respects for them. The complexion of his was serious and the virtue of his was impressive. Every move he made was just in time, and every clothe he wore fitted just the place. The Emperor Ku irrigated on the level and spread all over the world, everywhere the sun and moon shone, and everytime the wind and rain came, there was not a single disobedience.

Emperor Ku married to a daughter of Chenfeng's and gave birth to Fangxun. And Emperor Ku married to a daughter of the Juzi’s, and gave birth to Zhi. When Emperor Ku died, Zhi succeeded him. Emperor Ku got on the position but he was no good. The younger brother Fangxun then got on instead, so there was Emperor Yao.

The Emperor Yao, his name was Fangxun. His benevolence was like heaven, his knowledge was like God. He had the likeness of the sun, and the appearance of the clouds. Wealthy but not arrogant, and noble but not unpleasant. With yellow crown and black robe, and on red chariot and white horse. He was able to understand and cultivate virtues, and to be close to nine tribes. Since the nine tribes were in harmony, the people were easy to be regulated. All the people were enlightened and all nations were united.

The Emperor Yao ordered Xi’s and He’s, to be in charge, to show the respect to and to obey Haotian, the Grand Emperor of Heaven, and to count the sun, moon and stars to make the calendar, and to respectfully teach the people the time and the seasons. And also he assigned Xi Zhong to make residence in Yuyi, the Eastern Forest, the place was called Yanggu. And he was to respectfully welcome every sunrise and to step by step make preparations for farming in the spring. On the vernal equinox, the day would be as long as the night, stars would appear to be the shape of a bird in the south at dusk, and this was determined to be the time of mid-spring. At this time, people dispersed to farming, and birds and animals mated and gave births. And Xi Shu was ordered to live in Nanjiao, the Southern Crossing, And he was to make preparations for farming in the summer, diligently in every detail. On the summer solstice, the day would be the longest, and the star Great Fire would appear in the south during the first twilight, and based on this, the time of mid-summer was determined. At this time, people would move to the high grounds, and birds and animals would lose feathers and furs. He Zhong was ordered to reside in Xitu, the Western Land, that place was called Meigu, And where the sun would set, to respectfully send the sun down and arrange the autumn harvest in a step-by-step manner. On the autumnal equinox, the night would be as long as the day, the star Sadalsuud would appear in the due south at the beginning of dusk. The time of mid-autumn is determined based on this. At this time, people moved to the plains, and birds and animals regenerated new feathers and furs. And He Shu was ordered to live in the north, the place was called Youdu, the Dark Capital. And he was to carefully organize the winter collection. On the winter solstice, the day is the shortest, and the stars Pleiades, the White Tigers, would appear in the south at the first twilight, and based on this, the time of mid-winter is determined. At this time, people would go into their houses to stay warm, and birds and animals are covered with fine feathers and furs. There would be 366 days in a year, and the leap month was used to correct the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Emperor Yao sincerely warned all officials to keep their duties, and all kinds of things were done.

Yao asked: "Who is eligible to get it done?" Fangqi answered: "Your heir Danzhu is the enlightened one." Yao said: "Humph! He is stubborn and vicious, not to be used." Yao asked again: "Then who else can?" Huandou said: "Gonggong had gathered people extensively and made achievements, so he can be the one." Yao said: "Gonggong is good at talking, but his intentions are not the good ones. He appears to be respectful but actually deceitful, so he can't be the one." Yao said again: "Alas, Siyue, the governors of four directions, now the floods are everywhere, surging and mighty, surrounding the mountains and covering hills, the people are extremely miserable. Who can be sent to control it?" Everyone said that Gun could do it. Yao said: "It's impossible. Gun betrayed his duties and destroyed his clan." The governors all said: "It's different, it won't work until you try!" Yao listened and Gun was then put to use. And after nine years trial. Gun proved useless.

The Emperor Yao said: "Alas! Siyue, I have been on the throne for seventy years. Which of you can obey the destiny and succeed me as emperor?" The Siyue replied, "Our virtues are so despicable that we dare not tarnish the throne." Yao said: "Then let's make recommendations, from among all the nobles, relations, and relatives, and even those who live in seclusion, near or far." Everyone said to Yao: "There is a bachelor, who lives among the common people, whose name is Yu Shun." Yao said, "Yes, I have heard about him. What is he like?" Siyue replied, "He is the son of a blind man. His father is stubborn, his mother is viscous, and his younger brother is arrogant, but Shun lived in harmony with them. He fulfilled the principle of filial piety and manage the family so well that they won't go evil." Yao said: "Then I will give him a try." So Yao married his two daughters to Shun and observed his virtues from his two daughters. Shun asked his two new wives to lower their nobility, and live in their home on the north bank by the Gui River, and abide by the ways of being wives. Yao thought this was a good thing. So Yao asked Shun to take the post of Situ, which manages the Five Canons, the five ethics and morals: the fatherly righteousness, the motherly kindness, the elder brother’s friendship, the younger brother’s respect, and the son's filial piety. He did a great job and the Five Canons were all followed and never violated. Then Shun was asked to join the rank of court officials, and with his participation, the affairs of the court officials became orderly. And he was made to greet and receive guests at the four gates of the court. And he kept the four gates in harmony, and gained praise and respect all over, from the guests and the princes, near and far. Then Yao sent Shun into the mountains, forests, rivers and swamps. There were storms, thunders and rains. And Shun was never lost. Yao thought Shun was a saint, so he called him over and said, "It has been three years, you are good at making careful plans, and had them executed well to full completion, your achievements are so obvious for everyone to see. It's time for you to ascend the throne." Shun declined by saying that his virtue was still not good enough, unwilling to accept the throne. Then on the first day of the first lunar month, Shun accepted Wenzu's abdication, Wenzu is Emperor Yao’s name for his temple as Taizu, the grand ancestor.

At this time, Yao was getting old, so he asked Shun to act as the emperor's political agent, so as to observe whether Shun was in line with God's will as the Emperor. The first thing Shun did was to observe the Big Dipper to check if any abnormalities in the movements of the seven celestial bodies in the solar system, the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. He then held a temporary ceremony to offer sacrifices to God, the Grand Emperor of Heaven. And he used the ritual of burning to worship the six divine beings. And also the rituals were practiced to remotely worship mountains and rivers. And various deities were generally worshiped. He respectfully collected five different kinds of jade pendants each specifically designated for the different nobles, and he carefully chose a good month and an auspicious day, then he summoned the Siyue and the governors of each state, and issued the auspicious jade pendants to each of them accordingly. In the second month of the year, Shun went to the East for inspection. After arriving at the Mountain Daizong, he used the ceremony of burning to worship the East Mountain Daizong, and the rituals were also practiced for the remote worshiping of other mountains and rivers. Then, he summoned all the princes in the East to coordinate and correct the four seasons to make sure each month and each day fit into the calendar accurately. He also made sure that the following standards are unified, the tuning of the music, the measurements of the length, of the capacity, and of the weight. And he worked on the mending of the five rituals, the auspicious ritual to serve the ghosts and gods of the country, the ominous ritual to mourn the worries of the state, the greeting ritual to be friendly with the union states, and the military ritual to be together with the union states, and the good gifts ritual to be close to all people. And he had preparations to make. The five different kinds of auspicious jade pendants, each were to be issued to five different ranks of nobles and those were Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, and Baron. And three different types of brocade, the reds were for Gaoyang’s, the offspring of the Emperor Zhuanxu, the blacks were for Gaoxin's, the offspring of the Emporer Ku, and the whites for the others. Two live sacrifices, one was a lamb, the other a wild goose. And one dead, a pheasant. All of the above were used as sincerity in the ritual. And after the ritual, all the jade pendants would be returned to the nobles. In May, the hunting tour was in the south. In August, the hunting tour was in the west. In November, the hunting tour was in the north. All were the same as before. After his return, Shun went to the temple of his ancestors, and offered an ox as a sacrifice. From now on, inspections would be held every five years. During the four years in between, all princes and lords came to the capital on time to pay their homage. Shun generally explained the principles of governing the country to the princes, clearly inspected them according to their achievements, and rewarded chariots, horses, and clothes according to their merits. Shun began to divide the world into twelve states and had the flooding rivers dredged. He stipulated that law enforcement should be based on normal punishments, and exiles should be used to reduce the following five punishments: the face tattooing, the nose cutting, the foot mutilation, the castration, and the beheading. And the whips were for the officials to use for punishment, and the rulers were for teachers for education, and gold could be used as fines. Those at fault due to natural disasters should be pardoned, those persistent in causing harm should be punished. Be cautious, be cautious, and use punishments prudently!

Huandou once recommended Gonggong, and Yao said "no", but Huandou still tried him as a master craftsman. As expected, Gonggong turned out to be debauchery, evil and unfair. And Siyue once recommended Gun to be in charge of flood control, Yao said "no", but Siyue insisted on giving it a try, and it resulted in that nothing could be done, and all the people thought it inexpedient. In the basins between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, Sanmiao had caused many rebellions. At that time, Shun returned from his inspection, and reported to the Emperor Yao, requesting that Gonggong be exiled to Youling in the north in order to change the customs of northern Beidi; and Huandou be exiled to Chongshan in the south in order to change that of the southern Barbarians; and Sanmiao to Sanwei in the west to change the western Xirong, and Gun to Yushan in the east to change the eastern Dongyi. After punishing all those four villains, every one in the world was all convinced and obedient.

After seventy years of his reign, Yao got Shun, and another twenty years later he resigned due to old age, and Shun was made taking charge of the emperor's duty and was recommended to the Heaven. Yao died twenty-eight years after abdicating his throne. The people mourned and mourned as if they lost their own biological father. Within three years, in mourning the Emperor Yao. no one played any music anywhere in the world, Yao knew that his own son Danzhu was not worthy of the throne being passed down to him, so he authorized it to Shun. If it were passed on to Shun, everyone in the world would benefit from it and only Danzhu would be at a disadvantage; if it were passed on to Danzhu, everyone in the world would suffer and only Danzhu would benefit. Yao said: "After all, I cannot cause harm to all the people in the world and benefit only one person," so he finally passed the world to Shun. After Yao's death, three years of mourning passed, Shun abdicated the throne to Danzhu and hid on the south bank of the Nanhe River. The princes who came for pilgrimage did not go to Danzhu but only came to Shun; those who had lawsuits among them did not go to Danzhu but came to Shun as their judge; it was Shun but Danzhu who was praised by the people. Shun said, "That's Heaven's will!" Then he went to the capital and ascended to the throne. So there was the Emperor Shun.

Yu Shun, his name was Chonghua. Chonghua's father was called Gusou, Gusou's father was Qiaoniu, Qiaoniu's father was Juwang, Juwang's father was Jingkang, and Jingkang's father was Qiongchan. Qiongchan's father was Emperor Zhuanxu, and Zhuanxu's father was Changyi: from Changyi to Shun it was seven generations. From Qiongchan to Emperor Shun, the intervening generations were all low as commoners.

Shun's father, Gusou, was blind. After Shun's biological mother died, Gusou married another wife and gave birth to Xiang, who was arrogant. Gusou liked his second wife's son and often wanted to kill Shun, but Shun escaped. If he made a little mistake, he would be severely punished. Shun served his father, his stepmother and his half brother reverently, becoming more loyal and prudent day by day, without slacking off at all.

Shun was from Jizhou. Shun plowed fields in Lishan, fished in Leize, made pottery on the bank of the Yellow River, made various household utensils in Shouqiu, and did business in Fuxia. Shun's father Gusou was stubborn, his mother was viscous, and his younger brother Xiang was arrogant. They all wanted to kill Shun. Shun, however, behaved respectfully and never violated the principles of being a son, loving his brothers and being filial to his parents. When they wanted to kill him, they couldn't find him; and when they needed him, he was always there.

When Shun was twenty years old, he became famous for his filial piety. And when Shun was thirty years old, Emperor Yao asked about those who could be used to govern the world. Siyue, the governors of the mountains in four directions, all recommended Yu Shun, saying that this man could do it. So Yao married his two daughters to Shun to observe Shun’s conduct at home, and to have his nine sons staying with Shun to observe Shun’s behavior from the outside. Shun lived on the north bank of Gui River, and he was more cautious at home. Yao's two daughters dared not to treat any of Shun's relatives with any arrogance because of their noble birth, and they paid great attention to their way of being wives. Yao's nine sons were sincere and loyal, and more and more each day. When Shun farmed in Lishan, the people of Lishan would give up their boundaries to each other. when he fished in Leize, the people of Leize would give way to places convenient for fishing; when he made pottery on the bank of the Yellow River, there would be no defective products at all. In one year, the place where he lived became a village, in two years it became a town, and in three years it became a city. On seeing this, Yao bestowed Shun with the garment made of fine grasscloth, and a harp, and built him a storage house, and gave him some cattle and sheep.But Gusou still wanted to kill Shun, so he made Shun to climb up the barn to repair it with mud, and Gusou then set it on fire from below. Shun jumped down, protecting himself with two bamboo hats, as if he had two wings like a bird, and escaped, thus surviving. Later, Gusou asked Shun to dig a well. During the digging, Shun dug a secret passage in the side wall leading to the outside.While Shun dug deep, Gusou and Xiang poured earth down to fill the well. Shun went out through the secret passage and escaped again. Gusou and Xiang were very happy, thinking that Shun was dead. Xiang said, "I was the one who came up with this idea in the first place." Xiang divided Shun's property with his parents, and then he said, "I will take both daughters of Yao whom Shun married and the harp that Yao gave him. Let the cattle, sheep and barns belong to my parents." Xiang then lived in Shun's house and played Shun's harp. Shun came back to visit him. Xiang was very surprised, and then he had a gloomy look and said, "I'm missing you, it makes me so depressed!" Shun said, "Yes, you are such a brother!" Shun went on serving his parents and loving his brother as before, with more caution and more respect. Hence, Emperor Yao put Shun on to overseeing the Five Canons with the affairs of court officials, and he did a great job.

There were eight talented and virtuous descendants in the Gaoyang family. The world benefited from them and called them Bakai, which means eight joys of harmony. And there were eight talented and virtuous descendants in Gaoxin family, who were called Bayuan by the world, which means eight elements of kindness. The people of these sixteen families had maintained the virtues of their ancestors from generation to generation and have not lost the reputation of their ancestors. When Yao came, he did not use them. Shun appointed Bakai to hold official positions in charge of the land to handle various affairs, which were all handled in an orderly manner. Shun also promoted Bayuan and asked them to spread the Five Canons in all directions, so that the father would be righteous, the mother would be loving, the elder brother would be friendly, the younger brother would be respectful, the son would be filial, the family would be harmonious, and the relationship between neighbors would be also good.

In Emperor Hong's family, there was an unworthy descendant who concealed his benevolence and righteousness, harbored ruthless thieves, and was fond of doing evil. People in the world called him Hundun, the chaos, which means that he was barbaric and uncivilized. And the Shaohao family had a descendant who was unworthy, who broke faith, hated loyalty, and liked evil words. People all over the world called him Qiongqi, which means that he was extremely weird. The Zhuanxu family also had an unworthy descendant, who could not be taught and did not know the good or the bad. People all over the world called him Tao Zhu, which means that he was fierce and stubborn. The world was afraid of these three tribes. When Yao came, he did not get rid of them. And also the Jinyun family had an unworthy descendant who was always hungry for food and wealth. People in the world called him Taotie, which means he was greedy. People in the world hated him, he and the three others mentioned above, together they were called the four devils. And when Shun was greeting and receiving guests from all over the four gates, he exiled all these four evil families and drove them far away to the remote areas to resist the evil spirits. From then on, the four gates were clear, and everyone said that there were no more evil people.

When entering the mountains and forests, Shun went through strong winds and severe thunderstorms without getting lost, Yao then knew that Shun’s talent was more than enough to be given the world to. When Yao got old, he asked Shun to take over to be in charge of the emperor's duties and to carry out the inspections on the hunting tour. After twenty years of Shun’s performing the duties, Emperor Yao made him to act as the emperor. After eight years of Shun’s acting on behalf of the emperor. Yao passed away. After three years of mourning, Shun gave way to Danzhu, but everyone in the world came to submit to Shun. And Yu, Gao Yao, Qi, Houji, Boyi, Kui, Long, Chui, Yi, and Pengzu have all been promoted since Yao's time, but they have never held any positions. So Shun went to the Wenzu Temple, consulted with Siyue, opened up the four gates, and send off messengers all four directions, and Shun ordered the twelve state governors to discuss the virtues of Emperor Yao, and he also urged his people that the great virtues should be practiced and the sycophants should be alienated far away, and If these were done, even the babarians would be convinced and ready to obey. Shun said to Siyue: "Who can work hard promoting the cause of Emperor Yao? So he can be appointed an official position assisting my work?" Siyue all replied: “Yu is Sikong, the prime minister, who can carry forward the cause of Emperor Yao.“ Shun said: "Well, good! Yu, you are responsible for the control of water and soil, and you must work hard to do it well!" Yu knelt down and kowtowed showing his gratitude, and humbly gave way to Ji, Qi and Gao Yao. Shun said: "That's okay, you'll be allrigh!" Shun said: "Ji, people are starving. You will be in charge of agriculture. Go and teach the people how to sow grains." That official position Ji held later became known as Sinong, and Ji was regarded as a godlike figure. Shun said: "Qi, it is agreed that if the people do not love each other, then the morals are not in harmony, you serve as Situ and please carefully carry out the Five Canons education. To do a good job the key is to be lenient." 

And Shun also said: "Gao Yao, the barbarians are invading China, robbing and killing, and causing chaos on both sides of our borders. You will be serving as Shi, the chief judicial officer, and you will be making sure that the five punishments are used appropriately. According to the seriousness of the crime, major crimes are executed in the wilderness, minor crimes are executed in the court or in the city, and crimes committed by clan members are sent to the clan court Dianshi for execution. If the punishments are reduced to exile, the distance of exile must be determined. There are three typical distances for different exiles, the ones outside the four realms, the ones outside the nine states, and the ones outside the capital. Only justice and strictness can convince people." Shun asked: "Then who can manage my various craftsmen?" Everyone said that Chui can. So Chui was appointed as Gonggong to lead various craftsmen. Shun asked again: "Who can control the grass, trees, birds and beasts in my mountains and swamps?" Everyone said Yi can. So Shun appointed Yi as his Yu, the position in charge of mountains and rivers for the emperor. Yi bowed down, kowtowed, and gave way to Zhuhu and Xiongpi. Shun said, "All right, you friends can work together." So Zhuhu and Xiongpi became his assistants. Shun said: "Okay then, Siyue, who can preside for me over the rituals of three different kinds, for heaven affairs, for earth affairs, and for human affairs?" Everyone said Boyi could do it. Shun said: "Okay, Boyi, I hereby appoint you as Zhizong, to hold the office of the suburban temple in charge of sacrifice rituals. You must be pious and upright, solemn and clean, from morning till evening," Boyi gave way to Kui and Long, And Shun said: "Well, let's appoint Kui as Dianle, the music master, to educate our children, to be upright but still gentle, generous but still strict, strong but not violent, simple but not arrogant. Poetry is to express one's heart, and songs are to express one's meaning to extensions. And the pitch of the music should match the content of the song, and standard tunes should be used to make the music harmonious. And the sounds of the eight musical instruments are in harmony and should not interfere with each other. In this way, the state of harmony between man and God can be achieved through music.” Kui Said: "Yay! I knock the stone with the stone, carefully and steadily, and all kinds of animals will dance with it." Shun said: "Long, I hate the kind of evil words that slander others and the behavior that destroys morality. It disturbs my subjects. I appoint you as Nayan, my messenger. You must convey my orders and report the situation day and night, and you must be honest." Shun said, "There, you twenty-two people must abide by your duties and assist me at all times to complete the tasks delivered by Heaven.” And once every three years, the merits were assessed, and after three assessments, there were promotions or demotions according to the performance. Therefore, all kinds of things were revived, near and far. The Sanmiao tribes were also divided according to whether they surrendered or not.

Each of these twenty-two people made great achievements: Gao Tao served as Dali, another name of which is Shi, in charge of criminal law, did great justice to the world. He was respected and admired by the people for his fair judgment solely based on the facts.Boyi presided over etiquette, the Canons, and he was courteous to both superiors and subordinates; Chui served as Gonggong, the chief craftsmen. He was in charge of all kinds of work, and all craftsmen did their jobs well;Yi served as Yu, the one in charge of mountains and rivers. Mountains, forests, and lakes were all well-developed; Qi, the meaning of the name is the abandonment, who had another name Houji, served as Ji, the name for someone in charge of agriculture. All grains were grown accordingly with the seasons; Another Qi, the name pronounced the same but with a totally different character, meaning the contract, served as Situ, in charge of the education. All people were friendly and harmonious; Long served as the receptionist, which had another name, Nayan. The princes from far away came to pay tribute; The twelve governors appointed by Shun all did great job, and no one in the nine states dared to disobey. Among them, Yu made the greatest contributions. He dug open nine mountains, regulated nine lakes, dredged nine rivers, and established the boundaries of the nine states. All places paid the proper amount of tributes according to their duties, and there was nothing inappropriate. The territory was pacified, spanning five thousand miles, all the way to the remote areas farthest from the capital. At that time, the South was pacified to Jiaozhi and Beifa, the West was pacified to Rong, Xizhi, Qusou, Di, and Qiang, the North was pacified to Shanrong, Fa, and Xishen, and the East was pacified to Chang, Niaoyi, and within the four seas, together they all praised Emperor Shun's merits.So Yu created the music "Nine Moves" to praise Shun's merits, which attracted auspicious things, and the phoenix also flew in, circling and dancing with the music. It all began with Emperor Shun that all the virtues and policies made the peace and harmony in the world.

Shun was famous for his filial piety when he was twenty years old. He was appointed by Yao when he was thirty years old. He was given the duty to act on behalf of the emperor when he was fifty, and Yao passed away when Shun was fifty-eight. And at sixty-one, Shun succeeded to the throne.Thirty-nine years after he ascended the throne, Shun toured the South and died in the countryside of Cangwu in the South, and he was buried in Jiuyi Mountain, south of of Yangtze river, the place is now called Lingling. After he ascended the throne, Shun rode in a chariot with the emperor's flag to pay homage to his father, Gusou. He was affectionate and respectful, and he followed the filial piety of a son. He also made his younger brother Xiang a prince at Youbi. Shun's son Shangjun was unworthy, so Shun recommended Yu as his successor to Heaven in advance, and Shun died seventeen years later. After three years of mourning, Yu also abdicated the throne to Shun's son, just as Shun abdicated to Yao's son. But all the princes surrendered to Yu, and then Yu ascended to the throne of emperor. Yao's son Danzhu and Shun's son Shangjun were granted fiefs in the land of Tang and Yu respectively, where they were to worship their ancestors. They were permitted to wear their own family's clothes and use their own family's rituals and music. They would meet the emperor as guests, and the emperor did not treat them as his ministers to show that he did not dare to monopolize the throne.

From the Yellow Emperor to Shun and Yu, they all had the same surname Gongsun, but they had different national titles in order to highlight their respective virtues. Therefore, Huangdi the Yellow Emperor was titled Youxiong, Emperor Zhuanxu was titled Gaoyang, Emperor Ku was titled Gaoxin, Emperor Yao was titled Taotang, and Emperor Shun was titled Youyu. Emperor Yu, who started Xia, also stated the tradition of using a different surname, Si. The Situ Qi, whose name 契 had the literal meaning of the contract, was the ancestor of Shang and surnamed Zi. And the Sinong Qi, whose name 弃 had the literal meaning of the abandonment, was the ancestor of Zhou and surnamed Ji.

Taishigong the Grand Historian said: "The Five Emperors had been talked about by many scholars, it had been around since ancient time. While Shangshu the Ancient Book recorded historical facts only since Yao; and the descriptions of the Yellow Emperor by each school were rough and not typical, and it has been difficult for the scholars and officials to explain clearly. There were books named "Zaiyu Asks the Virtues of the Five Emperors" and "Emperors’ Lineage & Surnames" handed down by Confucius. Many scholars might have not passed them on. I had gone to Kongtong in the west, Zhuolu in the north, the sea in the east, and had crossed the Yangtze River and Huai River in the south. Wherever I went, the seniors there often talked about what they had heard. The deeds, the customs and the teachings of Huangdi, Yao and Shun were all different. In general, I think those statements, that are consistent with the records in ancient scriptures, are close to be accurate, I have studied the books "Spring and Autumn" and "Guoyu the State Language", and the related book volumes and chapters of "Five Emperors Virtues" and "Emperors’ Lineages & Surnames", and found that they are very clear and no need to dig any deeper, and that their descriptions are not false. "Shangshu" may has been incomplete for a long time, but scattered anecdotal records can often be found in many other books. If not good in learning and used to in-depth thinking, even if you truly understand its meaning in your heart, it will definitely be difficult to explain it to those whose knowledge are shallow and limited. I reviewed and sorted these materials, selected those whose words were particularly elegant, recorded them, and wrote this journal, which is listed as the beginning of this book.”





























The  end of  A1

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