Friday, March 29, 2024

64 Tai Shi


Two years later, after heard that Zhou the Tyrant became even crazier and more tyrannical than before, killed his Prince Bigan and imprisoned his uncle Jizi, and that Grand Tutor Zi and Junior Tutor Qiang both came to Zhou each with their musical instruments, King Wu made this announcement to the princes at that time: "King Zhou the Tyrant of Yin has committed a grave crime. It's impossible for us not to wipe him out." So everyone followed King Wen's will and led 300 chariots, 3,000 tiger fierce soldiers, and 45,000 soldiers in armor to attack the east. On Wuwu (戊午) the earth-fire day in the sexagenary cycle, of the twelfth month, of the eleventh year, all the troops crossed Mengjin and all the princes arrived. King Wu said: "You must work hard and never slack off!" King Wu then wrote "Tai Shi" and announced to everyone: "Now Zhou the Tyrant only listened to his wives and concubines. He cut off his destiny, violated the movement of the sun, moon, and the polar star, and alienated his fellow brothers.He abandoned the music of his ancestors and arbitrarily adopted lewd music to tamper with the elegant music. He did this to please his wives and concubines. So today I will respectfully execute the punishment on the behalf of Heaven. Work hard, the respectable nobles, this will not happen a second time, let alone a third time!"


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