Monday, April 8, 2024

77 Rui Liangfu to King Li about Duke Rong


After King Yi died, his son King Li Hu succeeded to the throne. King Li reigned for 30 years. He was greedy for wealth and was close to Duke Rong Yi. The minister Rui Liangfu advised King Li, "Is the royal family going to decline? Duke Rong Yi loves to accumulate wealth but does not know that a disaster is coming. Wealth is produced by all things and carried by heaven and earth, but he wants to take it for himself, there are too many harms. He wants to obtain all things in heaven and earth, how can he take it all for himself? He has angered too many people, and he does not guard against disasters. If the King being taught in such a way, how can the he rule for a long time? The one who rules should guide wealth and distribute it from top to bottom. Even if you do your best for everything in the world, you still have to be nervous every day and worry about causing dissatisfaction. Therefore, the Song sings: ‘Remembering Hou Ji’s literary virtues, his outstanding achievements are worthy of heaven, and the people of the world are kept safe, and all of them take him as a perfect example.’ Daya the Grand Elegance says: ‘To make benevolence widely shown, and the Zhou Dynasty is carried on going.’ Doesn’t this mean that one should give away wealth and watch out for disasters? That is why the Zhou Dynasty has continued to this day. Now the king is learning to accumulate wealth, how would it be possible? An ordinary person who accumulates wealth is still called a thief, and if the king does this, there must be very few people willing to submit to him. If Duke Rong is given an important position, the Zhou Dynasty will surely decline. " King Li did not listen to his advice, and finally appointed Duke Rong as a minister to manage state affairs.


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