Friday, May 24, 2024

249 Li Shaojun


At that time, there was a Li Shaojun who was said that he could achieve immortality by offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God and not eating nor excreting, and only then was he able to meet the emperor. And the emperor had deep respect for him. Li Shaojun was the former servant in charge of medicinal materials in the mansion of Marquis Shen Ze. He concealed his age and birthplace, often saying that he was seventy years old and could control ghosts and spirits to prevent himself from aging. He traveled all over the world under the pretext of seeking spiritual enlightenment, and had no wife or children. When people heard that he could control ghosts and spirits and that he would never die, they offered him gifts, so he often received plenty of money, silk, clothing, and delicious food. People thought that he could be very rich without running a business, and they didn't know where he came from, so they trusted him even more and vied to serve him. Li Shaojun was naturally fond of alchemy and was good at taking advantage of opportunities to make inferences and guesses, which could then be confirmed. He once attended a banquet with Marquis Wu'an Tian Fen. Among the guests was an old man in his nineties. Li Shaojun talked about the hunting and shooting spots that he and the old man's grandfather had visited. The old man knew what the place he described was like because he had been there with his grandfather when he was a child. All the guests present were shocked. Once, Li Shaojun paid a visit to the emperor. The emperor happened to have obtained an ancient bronze ware, so he asked Li Shaojun about the age of the bronze ware. Li Shaojun said: "This bronze vessel was displayed on the Baiqin Terrace in the tenth year of Duke Huan of Qi." The emperor immediately checked the words on the bronze ware and found that it was indeed a bronze ware from the time of Duke Huan of Qi. Everyone in the palace was shocked and thought that Li Shaojun was truly a god and had lived for hundreds of years. 

Li Shaojun said to the emperor: "Sacrificing to the Kitchen God can summon the gods, and summoning the gods can refine cinnabar into gold, and then use the gold to make utensils for eating and drinking. Using these utensils can increase life span. After the life span is increased, you can see the immortals on Penglai Island in the East China Sea. After seeing the Penglai immortals and starting the Fengshan ceremony, you can achieve immortality. This is how Huangdi achieved immortality. I once traveled on the sea and met An Qisheng by chance. He made me eat a huge date, which was about the size of a melon. An Qisheng is an immortal who often communicates with other immortals on Penglai Island. If he thinks he is compatible with you, he will appear to meet you; if he thinks he is not compatible with you, he will disappear. So the emperor began to worship the Kitchen God himself, and sent alchemists to the East China Sea to look for people like Anqisheng and the immortals on Penglai Island. He also tried to mix cinnabar with various other medicines to refine it into gold.



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