Thursday, March 21, 2024

42 Tonggong Palace


Tang then changed the calendar, altered the first day of the New Year, and changed the color of clothing, and advocated white, and set the emperor’s meeting with the ministers to the daytime.

After Tang’s death, the crown prince Taiding died before he succeeded to the throne, so Taiding's younger brother Waibing was made the emperor, and this was Emperor Waibing. Emperor Waibing’s reign lasted for three years, and after his death, Waibing's younger brother Zhongren was made the emperor, and this was Emperor Zhongren. Emperor Zhongren’s reign lasted for four years, and after his death, Yiyin made Taiding's son Taijia the emperor. Taijia was the legitimate eldest grandson of Tang, and he was Emperor Taijia. In the first year of Emperor Taijia, Yiyin wrote “Instructions of Yi”, “Appointment of Heaven”, and “Sovereign Deceased”.

Emperor Taijia reigned for three years, but he kept making unwise decisions, he was cruel, he wasn't following the laws made by Tang, and his morals were corrupt, so Yiyin exiled him to Tonggong Palace. During the three years of Taijia's exile, Yiyin acted on the behalf of the emperor, and administered his affairs, and gave audience to the princes and the nobles.




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