Thursday, March 21, 2024

43 Yin was in decline


Emperor Taijia lived in Tonggong Palace for three years, repented of all the mistakes he made, and then recovered to be good, so Yiyin welcomed him back and reinstated him. Emperor Taijia cultivated virtues, and the princes all came to submit to Yin, and the people were at peace. Yiyin appreciated this and wrote three chapters of "Instructions of Taijia" to praise Emperor Taijia, who then was honored as Taizong the Grand Ancestor. 

After Taizong died, his son Woding succeeded to the throne. When Emperor Woding was in power, Yiyin died. After Yiyin was buried in Bo, Jiushan wanted to use Yiyin's deeds to admonish future generations, so he wrote "Woding". 

After Woding died, his younger brother Taigeng succeeded to the throne, and he was Emperor Taigeng. After Emperor Taigeng died, his son Emperor Xiaojia succeeded to the throne. After Emperor Xiaojia died, his younger brother Yongji succeeded to the throne, and he was Emperor Yongji. At this time, Yin was in decline, and some princes did not show up to the court.




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