Wednesday, April 24, 2024

136 The First Huang Di


Qin had just annexed the rest of the country. The King of Qin issued an order to his prime minister and imperial censors, saying, "In the past, the King of Han offered land and handed over his seal to Qin, and asked to become a vassal of Qin. Soon, he broke the agreement and joined forces with Zhao and Wei to rebel against Qin. So I sent troops to attack Han and captured the King of Han. I thought this was a good idea and might help to put an end to the war. The King of Zhao sent his prime minister Li Mu to conclude an alliance, so I returned the hostage to Zhao. Soon, Zhao broke the alliance and rebelled in Taiyuan, my country, so I sent troops to punish Zhao and captured the King of Zhao. Prince Jia of Zhao then declared himself King of Dai, so I sent troops to destroy him." . The King of Wei initially agreed to submit to Qin, but soon he planned to attack Qin with Han and Zhao. Qin's soldiers went to punish them and defeated them. The King of Chu ceded the land west of Qingyang, but soon he also violated the agreement and attacked Nanjun of our country. Therefore, I sent troops to punish Chu, captured the King of Chu, and finally pacified Chu. The King of Yan was incompetent and rebellious, and his Prince Dan secretly instructed Jing Ke to be an assassin. I sent soldiers to punish them and destroyed Yan. The King of Qi adopted Hou Sheng's strategy, cut off his contacts with Qin, and wanted to make trouble. I sent soldiers to punish them, captured the King of Qi, and pacified Qi. I relied on With my insignificant body, I sent troops to attack the rebellious countries. Thanks to the power of my ancestors, the kings of the six countries all confessed their crimes and surrendered, and the world was completely pacified. If I don't change my title now, I will not be able to praise my achievements and pass them down to future generations. The title of the Emperor is the matter to be discussed for your ministers." Prime Minister Wang Wan, Imperial Censor Feng Jie, Court Judge Li Si and others said: "In the past, the Five Emperors ruled an area of a thousand miles in radius, and the princes of the outer Houfu and Yifu regions could not control whether they came to pay tribute. Today, Your Majesty has raised an army of righteousness, punished the cruel bandits, and pacified the world. The whole country has been divided into counties and the laws are unified. This has never happened since ancient times and was beyond the reach of the Five Emperors. We seriously discussed with the doctors, 'In ancient times, there were Tianhuang the Emperor of Heaven, Dihuang the Emperor of Earth, and Taihuang the Emperor of Tai, among which the Emperor of Tai was the most honorable.' We risked our lives to offer the title of honor. The king will be called 'Emperor of Tai', the order will be called 'Edict', the command will be called 'Decree', and the emperor will call himself ‘Zhen myself '. " The King of Qin said: "Remove the prefix 'Tai', and keep the suffix 'Huang', and add the title of 'Di' like in ancient times, titled it ‘Huang Di the Emperor, and all others stayed as discussed." The decree said :"Okay!" And King Zhuang Xiang was posthumously honored as the Supreme Emperor. The decree said: "I have heard that in ancient times, people had titles but no posthumous titles. In the middle times, people had titles, and their deeds were used as posthumous titles after death. In this way, sons would criticize their fathers, and ministers would criticize their monarchs. This is pointless, and I do not accept it. From now on, the "Posthumous Title Law" will be abolished. I am the First Huang Di, The First Emperor. Future generations will count by the second, third, and even tenth thousands of generations, and the title will be passed down endlessly."


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