Friday, April 26, 2024

146 Book Burning


The First Emperor held a banquet at the Xianyang Palace and seventy doctors came to celebrate his birthday. The martial minister Zhou Qingchen sang a eulogy: "In the past, the Qin territory was only a thousand miles, but thanks to Your Majesty's divine wisdom, you pacified the country and exiled the barbarians. Wherever the sun and the moon shine, everyone is submissive. The princes are divided into counties, and everyone is happy and peaceful, without the danger of war, and it will be passed down for tens of thousands of generations. Since ancient times, no one has ever come close to Your Majesty's power and virtue." The First Emperor was pleased. Doctor Chunyu Yue from Qi said: "I heard that the kings of Yin and Zhou lived for more than a thousand years, and they granted their sons and nephews meritorious officials and made themselves branches and assistants. Now Your Majesty has the whole country, but your sons and nephews are ordinary people. Finally, you have ministers like Tian Chang and the six ministers, but no one to help you. How can you save each other? It is unheard of that things can last long without learning from the ancients. Now Qingchen is flattering you to make Your Majesty's mistakes more serious. He is not a loyal minister." The First Emperor agreed to his proposal. Prime Minister Li Si said: "The Five Emperors did not repeat each other, and the Three Dynasties did not succeed one another. Each ruled in its way. They were not contradictory, but the times changed. Now Your Majesty has created a great cause and established a merit that will last for tens of thousands of generations. This is beyond the knowledge of foolish scholars. Moreover, what Chunyu Yue said was the affairs of the Three Dynasties, why should we follow it? In other times, the princes fought each other and invited scholars to travel over. Today, the world has been settled down and the laws have been issued. While the common people are devoted to agriculture and handicrafts at home, scholars should learn the laws and prohibitions well. Now if the students do not learn from the present but learn from the past, they would criticize the present and confuse the people. Prime Minister Li Si said without hesitation: In ancient times, the world was scattered and chaotic, and could not be unified.  Therefore, the princes fought together, and all talked about the past to harm the present and embellish the truth with false words. People were good at what they learned privately to criticize what the emperor had established. Now the emperor has unified the world and made clear what is black and what is white, and all were set with one supreme standard. If private schools teach illegally, when people hear the order, they will discuss it with their own knowledge. If they go in, they will disagree with it in their hearts, and if they go out, they will gossip about it. They will boast of their master for fame, and take different things as superiority, and lead the subordinates to slander. If such behavior is not prohibited, it will undermine the authority of the monarch and cause the cliques below to collude with each other. It is convenient to prohibit it. I ask the historians to burn all the records that are not from the Qin Dynasty. If anyone in the world dares to keep poems, books, and the words of the hundred schools of thought that are not the duties of the doctoral officials, they should all be taken to the governor and the lieutenant to be burned. Anyone who dares to talk about poems and books even occasionally will be executed. Anyone who compares the past with the present will get his own clan wiped out. Officials who know about it but do not report it will be punished with the same crime. Anyone who failed to burn the books within thirty days of the order would be tattooed and sent to build the Great Wall. The books that are not removed are books on medicine, divination, and tree planting. If you want to learn the law, take the officials as your teachers. " The first emperor Qin Shi Huang issued an edict saying, "Yes."


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