Saturday, April 13, 2024

97 A4. Zhou Dynasty


Sima Qian: Historical Records 4 Zhou Dynasty 

Hou Ji of Zhou was named Qi (弃). His mother was a daughter from the Youtai clan, named Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan was the principal wife of Emperor Ku. Jiang Yuan went out in the wild and saw giant footprints. She was delighted and wanted to step on them. When she stepped on them, something inside of her body moved like she was pregnant. After a while, she gave birth to a son. She thought it was a bad omen, so she abandoned him in a narrow alley. Horses and cattle passing by avoided him and did not step on him. She moved him to a forest. There happened to be many people in the forest at that time, so she moved him again and abandoned him on the ice in a canal, and a flying bird covered him with its wings and cushioned him. Jiang Yuan thought he was amazing like a god, so she took him home and raised him. She wanted to abandon the child at first, so she named him Qi (弃), the Abandonment. 

When Qi was a child, he had the ambition to be a giant. His games included planting hemp and beans, which were beautiful. When he grew up, he became interested in farming. He selected the land for its suitability and planted crops where it was suitable for growing grains. The people followed his example. Emperor Yao heard about this and appointed Qi as a farming teacher. The whole world benefited from his work and he was credited with great achievements. Emperor Shun said, "Before Qi the people were hungry, and then it all changed since Hou Ji sowed the crops." In a sense, Hou Ji means recent agriculture. He granted Qi a fiefdom in Tai and named him Hou Ji, with the surname Ji. Hou Ji’s rising to prominence was during the reigns of the Yao Tang (陶唐), You Yu (有虞), and Xia Hou (夏后), and he was virtuous.

Hou Ji died, and his son Buqiu succeeded him. In Buqiu's final years, the Xia Dynasty declined, and Ji was no longer in power. Buqiu fled to the Rong and Di because he lost his position. Buqiu died, and his son Ju succeeded him. Ju died, and his son Gongliu succeeded him. Although Gongliu was among the Rong and Di, he restored Hou Ji's work, dedicated to farming, deciding what crops to plant based on the actual conditions of the land, and crossed the Weishui River from Qi and Ju to cut wood for use, so those who traveled had money, and those who stayed had livestock, and the people had happy life because of him. The people were grateful to him, and many moved to him. The Zhou Dynasty began to prosper at this time, so poets sang and played music to think of his virtue. After Gong Liu died, his son Qingjie succeeded to the throne and founded the state in Bin.

When Qingjie died, his son Huangpu ascended to the throne. When Huangpu died, his son Chaifu ascended to the throne. When Chaifu died, his son Huiyu ascended to the throne. When Huiyu died, his son Gongfei ascended to the throne. When Gongfei died, his son Gaoyu ascended to the throne. When Gaoyu died, his son Yayu ascended to the throne. When Yayu died, his son Gongshu Zulei ascended to the throne. When Gongshu Zulei died, his son Gugong Danfu ascended to the throne. Gugong Danfu restored the work of Houji and Gongliu, accumulated virtue and practiced benevolence and righteousness, and all the people supported him. Xunyu and other Rongdi tribes came to attack, and wanted to rob money and property, so he just gave it to them. They attacked again and wanted to take land and people. The people were all angry and wanted to fight. Gugong said, "If a king was established by the people, they will benefit from it. Now the Rongdi are attacking, and all they wanted are our land and people. What is the difference between the people being ruled by me and being ruled by them? The people go to war because of me, and to sacrifice other people's fathers and children in exchange for the position of ruler, I can't bear it." So Gugong and his people left Bin, crossed the Qishui River and Jushui River, climbed over Liangshan Mountain, and settled at Qixia, the foot of Qishan Mountain. The people of Bin, carrying their old and young, all came to the foot of Qishan Mountain and to follow Gugong. When other neighboring states heard of Gugong's benevolence, many of them also came back to him. Then Gugong deprecated the customs of the Rong and Di peoples, built cities and houses, and established separate towns for people to live in. And for state affairs, he established five different branches, Situ, Sima, Sikong, Sishi, Sikou. The people all sang and played music to praise his virtues.

The eldest son of Gugong was Taibo, and the second son was Yuzhong. Taibo's wife Taijiang gave birth to the youngest son Jili, who married Tairen. Both Taijiang and Tairen were virtuous wives. Tairen gave birth to Chang, there was a holy auspicious sign. Gugong said, "There will be someone who will accomplish great things among my descendants, maybe Chang?" The eldest son Taibo and the second son Yuzhong knew that Gugong wanted to establish Jili to pass the throne to Chang, so they fled to the Jingman the southern barbaric areas, tattooed their bodies and cut their hair, just to make way for Jili. 

After Gugong died, Jili succeeded to the throne, and this was Gongji. Gongji practiced the way of governing the country left by Gugong, firmly promoted benevolence and righteousness, and the princes followed his lead.

After Gong Ji died, his son Chang succeeded him, and this was Xibo. Xibo was called King Wen, who followed the cause of Houji and Gongliu, and the rules of Gugong and Gongji, practiced benevolence and righteousness, respected the elderly, and loved the young. He treated the virtuous with courtesy, and received scholars every morning, and couldn't find time to eat until the afternoon, and many people came to submit to him. Boyi and Shuqi were in Guzhu State. When they heard that Xibo respected and supported the elderly, they went to submit together. Taidian, Hongyao, Sanyisheng, Yuzi, Xinjia and other ministers also submitted to him. 

Chonghouhu framed Xibo to Zhou the Tyrant by saying that “Xibo has done good deeds and accumulated virtues, and all the princes had submitted to him, which will be bad for you." Zhou the Tyrant then imprisoned Xibo in Youli. Hongyao and others were very worried, so they went to seek the beautiful women of Youshen clan, the fine horses of Lirong, the nine-horse chariot of Youxiong, and other rare treasures, and presented them to Zhou the Tyrant through Fei Zhong, a favorite minister of Zhou the Tyrant. Zhou the Tyrant was very happy and said, "Any one of these things would be enough for me to release Xibo, let alone so many!" So he pardoned Xibo, rewarded him with bows and arrows and axes, and gave him the power to conquer. Zhou the Tyrant said, "The one who framed Xibo was Chonghouhu." Xibo then offered the land west of Luoshui and asked Zhou the Tyrant to abolish the punishment of burning people alive. Zhou the Tyrant agreed.

Xibo did good deeds discreetly, and the princes asked him to arbitrate all the conflicts. Then whenever people between Yu and Rui had a dispute that could not be resolved, they came to Zhou. When they entered the territory of Zhou, they saw that the farmers gave way to each other in the fields, and the people regarded it as a custom to give way to the elders. Before the people of Yu and Rui saw Xibo, they felt ashamed and said to each other: "What we are arguing about is exactly what the Zhou people despise. Why are we still going? It will only bring shame to ourselves." So they returned and gave way to each other. After hearing this, the princes said, "Xibo is probably a monarch who accepts the mandate of heaven."

A year later, Xibo attacked the Quanrong. Another year later, Xibo attacked the Mixu. And another year later, Xibo defeated the Qi State. When Zu Yi of Yin heard about this, he was terrified and told all these things to Emperor Zhou the Tyrant. Zhou the Tyrant said, "Wasn't I born with the protection of heaven! What can he do?" Another year later, Xibo attacked the Bi State. Another year later, Xibo attacked Chonghouhu. And he built Fengyi at the same time and moved the capital from Qixia to Fengyi. A year later, Xibo died and the crown prince Fa ascended the throne, who was King Wu.

Xibo reigned for about fifty years. When he was imprisoned in Youli, he increased the eight hexagrams of the Book of Changes to sixty-four hexagrams. The poet praised Xibo, most probably because he adjudicated the dispute between Yu and Rui in the year when Xibo accepted the mandate of heaven and became king. Ten years later, Xibo died and was posthumously named King Wen. He revised the laws and established the calendar. He honored Gugong as King Tai and Gongji as King Ji. And probably the auspicious signs of becoming a king started with King Tai.

When King Wu ascended the throne, Senior Duke Wang served as the Grand Tutor, Duke Zhou Dan was King Wu's assistant, and Duke Zhao, Duke Bi and others assisted King Wu and inherited King Wen's legacy.

In the ninth year, King Wu offered sacrifices to King Wen in Bi. Then he went east to inspect the troops and arrived at Mengjin. He made a wooden altar for King Wen as a deity, loaded it on a cart, and offered it to the troops. King Wu called himself Prince Fa, indicating that he was following King Wen's orders to conquer and did not dare to act arbitrarily. So he warned the Sima, Situ, Sikong, and other commanders: "All people being serious is being truely creditable! I don't know much, but my ancestors had ministers with great virtues, so I inherited the merits of my ancestors, and the court has clearly defined rewards and punishments to recognize the merits of my ancestors.” Finally, he set the troops forth to the conquest. Grand Tutor Shangfu ordered: "Gather you all, you will be given boats, and those who are late will be beheaded!" King Wuwang started to cross the Yellow River. When the boat was in the midstream of the river, a white fish jumped into King Wu's boat. King Wu leaned over and picked up the fish and did a sacrifice ceremony. After crossing the river, a ball of fire fell from the sky and landed on King Wu's roof, and it turned into a crow of red color, and made a rumbling sound when landing, shuddered clouds. At that time, the princes came to Mengjin for a gathering unexpectedly amounted to eight hundred. They all said, "It is time to attack Zhou the Tyrant." King Wu said, "You do not know the will of heaven. It is not possible yet." So he returned.

Two years later, after heard that Zhou the Tyrant became even crazier and more tyrannical than before, killed his Prince Bigan and imprisoned his uncle Jizi, and that Grand Tutor Zi and Junior Tutor Qiang both came to Zhou each with their musical instruments, King Wu made this announcement to the princes at that time: "King Zhou the Tyrant of Yin has committed a grave crime. It's impossible for us not to wipe him out." So everyone followed King Wen's will and led 300 chariots, 3,000 tiger fierce soldiers, and 45,000 soldiers in armor to attack the east. On Wuwu (戊午) the earth-fire day in the sexagenary cycle, of the twelfth month, of the eleventh year, all the troops crossed Mengjin and all the princes arrived. King Wu said: "You must work hard and never slack off!" King Wu then wrote "Tai Shi" and announced to everyone: "Now Zhou the Tyrant only listened to his wives and concubines. He cut off his destiny, violated the movement of the sun, moon, and the polar star, and alienated his fellow brothers.He abandoned the music of his ancestors and arbitrarily adopted lewd music to tamper with the elegant music. He did this to please his wives and concubines. So today I will respectfully execute the punishment on the behalf of Heaven. Work hard, the respectable nobles, this will not happen a second time, let alone a third time!"

On the morning of the Jiazi day of February, King Wu arrived at the outskirts of Shang and swore an oath to his troops. He held a yellow axe in his left hand and a white flag ornamented with ox tail in his right hand, and used them to command. King Wu said, "You have worked hard on the journey, my soldiers from the west!" King Wu continued, "Ah! My friendly monarchs, Situ the Minister of Education, Sima the Minister of War, Sikong the Minister of Works, and other Ministers, and the Chief of Thousands, the Chief of Hundreds, as well as the Yong people, the Shu people, the Qiang people, the Mao people, the Wei people, the Lu people, the Peng people, and the Pu people, please raise your halberds, line up your shields, and hold up your spears. And let us swear an oath together." King Wu said, "The ancients often said, 'A hen does not crow at the dawn. A hen’s dawn leads to a family ruined.' Now Zhou the Tyrant only listens to whatever his concubine says, he has given up the sacrifices to his ancestors and no longer cares about them. He has abandoned the affairs of state and does not employ his brothers. Instead, he has summoned criminals and fugitives from all countries, and he respects them, values ​​them, trusts them, employs them, and indulges them. He was rampant among the people, and as a result, the politics of the Shang was controlled by treacherous and cunning people. Today, I will respectfully carry out the punishment from heaven. Today we go to attack Zhou the Tyrant. Every six or seven steps forward, we must stop and reorganize the team. Try hard, soldiers! Each stab must not exceed four, five, six, or seven times. You must stop and reorganize the team. Try hard, soldiers! I hope everyone will be brave and powerful, just like tigers, bears, jackals, and chi. We will be fighting in the suburbs of Shang, and don't attack those who come to surrender, have them obey the orders of us who come from the west. Try hard, soldiers! If any of you don't, the punishment of death will be waiting for you. " After the oath, the princes' army that came to meet had 4,000 chariots and all lined up together in Muye.

When Emperor Zhou the Tyrant heard that King Wu was coming, he too sent out 700,000 troops to meet up. King Wu sent his teacher Shangfu and a hundred men to lead the army, and sent a large number of soldiers to rush to Emperor Zhou the Tyrant's army. Although the army of Zhou the Tyrant was large, but none of them had the heart to fight, and they all wanted Wuwang to rush in. All of the Tyrant's soldiers turned their weapons around and attacked the Tyrant instead, clearing the way for King Wu's army. King Wu marched forward in a great gallop, and the Tyrant's army was immediately defeated and rebelled on spot. The Tyrant run back to the top of the Deer Tower, covered himself with pearls and jade, and set himself on fire and died. King Wu held a large white flag to command the princes, and the princes all bowed to King Wu. Then King Wu bowed to the princes, and the princes all bowed to the King Wu in return. King Wu arrived at the Shang State, and the people of Shang were waiting in the suburbs. So King Wu sent his ministers to tell the people of Shang: "May Heaven give us peace!" The Shang people all bowed and bowed again, and King Wu also bowed in return. Then he went in and got to the place where Zhou the Tyrant died. King Wu shot arrows at the Tyrant by himself, and after three shootings, he got off the chariot and hit the Tyrant with a sword lightly, and then cut off his head with a yellow axe, and hung it on a large white flag. Afterwards he came to the chambers of two concubines of the Tyrant, both of whom had committed suicide. King Wu shot three more arrows at them, hit them with a sword, beheaded them with a black axe, and hung their heads on the small white flag. King Wu then went out back to his army.

On the next day, the roads were cleared, and the altar and the palace of Zhou the Tyrant of Shang were fixed. When the time came, hundreds of men held banners and led the way. Uncle Zhenduo, King Wu's younger brother, served the carriage for the ceremony, Duke Zhou Dan held the big axe, and Duke Bi held the small axe, flanking King Wu. San Yisheng, Tai Dian, and Hong Yao all held swords as King Wu's guards. After entering, King Wu stood to the left of the big arrays of soldiers in the south end of the altar, with the ministers following him to the right. Uncle Mao solemnly serviced moonlit water, Uncle Kang of Wei laid down the grass mat, Duke Zhao Shi held the colored silk, and Grand Tutor Shangfu led the sacrificing cattle. One of the ministers Yinyi read the sacrifice scripture: "Zhou the Tyrant, the last successor of Yin, destroyed the bright virtues of the previous kings, insulted the gods and did not worship them, and was tyrannical and cruel to the people of Shang, and his deeds were clearly known to the God of Heaven." Then King Wu bowed again and said, "I have received a great mandate to overthrow Yin and a bright future is commissioned by the Heaven." King Wu bowed again and made his leave.

The remaining peoples of Zhou the Tyrant were enfeoffed to his son Lufu. Considering the world had not settled down, peace and stability needed some more work, King Wu sent his two younger brothers, Uncle Guan Xian and Uncle Cai Du, to assist Lufu in the governance of Shang. Then King Wu ordered Duke Zhao to release Jizi from prison. He ordered Duke Bi to release the other imprisoned from the prison, and honored Shang Rong at the door of his house. King Wu ordered Nangong Kuo to distribute the treasures gathered in Lutai and the grains in Juqiao to the poor people who needed help. King Wu ordered Nangong Kuo and Shi Yi to move the nine tripods and precious jades of the Shang. He ordered Hongyao to build and seal the tomb of Bigan. He ordered Zongzhu to offer sacrifices to the souls of the fallen soldiers in the army. Then King Wu withdrew his troops and returned to the west. King Wu inspected the territories of various princes, recorded their governance, and wrote "Military Mission Accomplished". He enfeoffed the princes, bestowed ancestral artifacts upon them, and wrote “The Distribution of Yin’s Artifacts”. King Wu, in memory of the previous sage kings, conferred titles on the descendants of Shennong in Jiao, the descendants of Huangdi in Zhu, the descendants of Emperor Yao in Ji, the descendants of Emperor Shun in Chen, and the descendants of Yu in Qi. He then conferred titles on the meritorious officials and counselors, with Tutor Shangfu as the first. He conferred the title on Shangfu in Yingqiu, which was called Qi. He conferred the title on his younger brother Duke Zhou Dan in Qufu, which was called Lu. He conferred the title on Duke Zhao Shi in Yan. He conferred the title on his younger brother Uncle Xian in Guan, and on his younger brother Uncle Du in Cai. And the rest were conferred titles in order.

King Wu summoned the rulers of the nine states, and climbed the hill of Bin to overlook at the city of Shang. When King Wu arrived at Zhou, he could not sleep at night. Duke Zhou Dan came to where the King Wu stayed at and asked, "Why can't you sleep?" The King Wu said, "I tell you, Heaven did not favor the Yin Dynasty. Ever since I was born sixty years ago, the wild deers had been grazing and wild geese had been flying all over the fields. If it wasn't that Heaven has not favored Yin, all my accomplishment wouldn't be done as of today. Heaven has established the Yin Dynasty and enlisted 360 talented people. Though they didn't not make much achievements, but they kept Yin to this day. And I have not yet secured the protection of Heaven, so how could I have time to sleep!" King Wu continued, "To secure the protection of Heaven, one must follow the will of Heaven and sort the evils out and demolish them all, just like what happened to King Zhou the Tyrant of Yin. I have to work hard day and night to ensure the peace and stability of my western land. And all kinds of things have to be done until our morality can be manifested everywhere. From the bend of Luoshui River to the bend of Yishui River, the terrains fit to be settled down and no sweat, and this is where the Xia people used to live. I looked southwards and saw the Sandu Mountains. To the north, I saw the Taihang Mountains. Looking back, I saw the Yellow River. I also observed the Luoshui River and the Yishui River. They were all not far from the Heaven.” So he ordered to build Zhou in Luoyi, and then left. He also ordered the war horses to be released to the south of Huashan Mountain, and the cattle used to pull carriages to be released to the area of Peach Trees. He also ordered the weapons to be put away, reorganize the troops and implement the demilitarization, to show the world that arms will be no longer used.

After King Wu conquered Yin, two years later, he asked Jizi why the Yin Dynasty had fallen. Jizi could not bear to speak ill of Yin, so he only talked about how the survival and the destruction of a country would like. King Wu felt the shame, so he asked about the Way of Heaven.

King Cheng became ill, the whole country has not come altogether yet, and the princes and ministers were all afraid. So they held a divination with reverence, and Duke Zhou then performed purification and fasting, and made himself a hostage in place of King Wu. King Wu recovered, but died later, then the Crown Prince Song succeeded him, and became King Cheng.

At the beginning of Zhou as the ruler of the world, King Cheng was young, Duke Zhou was afraid that the princes would rebel against Zhou Dynasty, so he took over the state affairs of the country. Uncle Guan, Uncle Cai, and other younger brothers, together they suspected Duke Zhou and rebelled with Wu Geng against Zhou Dynasty. Duke Zhou followed the order from King Cheng, and attacked and killed Wu Geng and Uncle Guan, and exiled Uncle Cai. Weizi Qi was made the official decedent of Yin as the replacement and established a fiefdom in Song. Duke Zhou also gathered many of Yin's survivors and had King Wu's youngest brother enfeoffed as Uncle Kang of Wei. Uncle Tang of Jin obtained the auspicious wheat with double ears, and presented it to King Cheng, who in turn sent it to Duke Zhou, who was stationed with his troops. Duke Zhou received the two ears wheat in the east and praised the destiny of King Cheng as the son of Heaven. At first, Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai rebelled against Zhou Dynasty, and Duke Zhou put up a fight against them. After three years, he finally put down the rebellion. Therefore, he first wrote "Great Edict", and then "Destiny of Weizhi", and later "Gift Wheat" and "Auspicious Wheat", and later "Kang Edict ", "Wine Edict" and "Fine Material". And all these related were recorded in the article written by Duke Zhou. After Duke Zhou had been in charge of state affairs for seven years, King Cheng finally grew up. So Duke Zhou gave the power back to King Cheng and returned to the ranks of ministers facing North again.

King Cheng lived in the city of Feng and ordered Duke Zhao to rebuild the city of Luo in order to comply with King Wu's last wish. Duke Zhou also held a divination and surveyed the terrain, and finally built a city and placed the Nine Tripod Cauldrons there. He said: "This is the center of the world, and it has an equal distance from each direction to come here to pay tribute." He so wrote "Zhao’s Edict" and "Luo Edict". After King Cheng moved the remnants of Yin people there, Duke Zhou told them King Cheng's orders and wrote "Many Consultants" and "No Hermit". Duke Zhao served as the Grand Protector and Duke Zhou as the Grand Tutor. They conquered the Yi people by the Huaishui River in the east, destroyed the Yan State, and moved the lord of the Yan State to Bogu. After King Cheng returned from the Yan State, he was in Zhou and wrote "Various Princes". After Zhou has ended Yin, conquered the Yi people of Huaishui River, King Cheng returned to the city of Feng and wrote "Zhou’s Administrative". The rituals and music were formulated and promoted, and the laws and systems were modified. The people were friendly and peaceful, and there were praises all over. After King Cheng conquered the Yi people of the east, Xishen came to express their congratulations. And at King Cheng’s order, Rongbo, one of the ministers, wrote "The Fortune Given to Xishen".

Before King Cheng died, he was worried that his Crown Prince Zhao would not be able to do the job, so he ordered Duke Zhao and Duke Bi to lead the princes to assist the Crown Prince in governing the country. After King Cheng died, the two dukes led the princes and took Crown Prince Zhao to visit the ancestral temple of the previous king, and kept telling him how difficult it was for King Wen and King Wu to establish their foundations, asking him to be frugal, not to have too many desires, and to govern the world with sincerity and honesty, and "Guardian" was written. Prince Zhao then ascended the throne, and this was King Kang. After King Kang ascended the throne, he notified the princes of the world and constantly admonished them with the achievements of King Wen and King Wu, and wrote "Kang’s Edict". Therefore, during the reigns of King Cheng and King Kang, the world was stable and peaceful, and no punishment was used for more than 40 years. King Kang issued a written edict to Duke Bi, ordering him to divide and rule the remnants of Yin people and stabilize the suburbs of the Zhou capital, and so "Bi’s Edict" was written.

After King Kang died, his son King Zhao Xia ascended to the throne. During King Zhao's reign, the way of king was slightly weakened. King Zhao went on a hunting trip to the south and never returned, and died on the river. There was no report on his death, which was a taboo. King Zhao's son, Prince Man, was enthroned as King Mu. When King Mu ascended the throne, he was already fifty years old. The way of king was weakened, and King Mu felt that it was weakened in the way of both civil and military affairs, so he ordered Bo Yu to admonish Taipu the royal servant about state affairs, so “The Order of Yu” was written. And the Peace was restored.

When King Mu was about to conquer Quanrong, Duke Jigong Moufu advised him against it, saying, "Don't do that. What the ancient kings displayed was the manifest of virtues not the exhibit of brutal forces. The army should lie low and only go out when necessary. When it goes out, it must show its power. Showing off military force would be a blasphemy against the army, which has absolutely no power of deterrence on the enemy. Therefore, the eulogy of Duke Wen of Zhou says: ‘I have put away my weapons, I have laid aside my bows and arrows, I want to seek virtue, and have it spread around throughout the time, so the kingdom will be forever preserved.’ The ancient kings treated their people by fostering their virtues and enriching their natures, by enriching their wealth and making their tools useful. They made it clear that where the benefits and harms were and cultivated them with culture, so that they would pursue benefits and avoid harm, cherish virtue and respect power. Thus they were able to preserve the country and make it prosperous. In the past, our ancestors served as Hou Ji for generations to serve Yu Shun and Xia Yu. When the Xia Dynasty declined, and the post of Hou Ji was abandoned, and agriculture was no longer valued. Our ancestor Buzhu lost his official position and fled to the Rongdi area. He did not dare to slack off in agriculture, often promoted the virtues of Hou Ji, followed and inherited his cause, practiced his teachings and laws, was respectful and diligent from morning till night, and always followed his principles with a loyal and honest attitude. The virtues of the past generations should not be disgraced. During the reigns of King Wen and King Wu, they carried forward the brightness of the past virtues with additional peace and kindness, worshipped the gods and protected the people, and no one in the world was not happy. King of Shang the emperor Xin Zhou the Tyrant committed heinous crimes against his people. The people could not bear it anymore but happily supported King Wu. So there was an war in Muye, a suburb of Shang. Therefore, the ancient kings did not advocate the use of force, but diligently sympathized with the sufferings of the people and eliminated harm for them. According to the system of the ancient kings, the area within the state capital was called Dianfu, the area outside the state capital was called Houfu, the area guarded by the princes was called Binfu or Suifu, the area where the barbarians lived was called Yaofu, and the area where the Rongdi people lived was called Huangfu. Those princes as Dianfu had to offer sacrifices to the emperor's father and ancestors, those as Houfu had to offer sacrifices to the emperor's great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, those as Binfu had to offer sacrifices to the emperor's distant ancestors, those as Yaofu had to offer tribute regularly, and those as Huangfu had to come to pay homage to the emperor. There were daily sacrifices by Dianfu princes, monthly sacrifices by Houfu, seasonal offerings by Binfu, annual tributes by Yaofu, and the Huangfu being an audience with the king once in a lifetime. According to the teachings of the ancient kings, the Dianfu princes should reflect on their thoughts if they do not offer sacrifices, the Houfu princes should reflect on their words if they do not offer sacrifices, the Binfu princes should revise their system if they do not offer sacrifices, the Yaofu princes should have their status corrected if they do not offer sacrifices, the Huangfu princes should reflect on their virtues if they do not to come to the emperor for audience, and if all of these are done but the princes still fail to fulfill their duties, they should be punished. Then the royal family can punish the princes in the Dianfu who do not offer sacrifices, attack the princes in the Houfu who do not offer sacrifices, conquer the princes in the Binfu who do not offer sacrifices, rebuke the princes in the Yaofu who do not offer tribute, and warn the princes in the Huangfu who do not pay homage to the king. Hence there are regulations about punishments, there are armies for attacking, there are weapons for conquering, there are commands for reprimanding, and there are vocabulary for proclamations. If issuing written orders still fails to make the princes perform their duties, we must further reflect on our moral conduct and not wear the people out on expeditions. Therefore, there was not a single neighboring prince who did not obey, and not a single one in the distance who did not submit. Now, since the death of Dabi and Boshi, the Quanrong clan has fulfilled their duty and come to the King for the audience, the Son of Heaven said, ‘I must conquer them for not offering sacrifices, and show off my military strength to them.’ Isn't this abandoning the teachings of the previous kings? Isn't the King about to get into trouble? I heard that the Quanrong clan advocates a culture of honesty and follows the virtues of their predecessors. If they can persist in this way, they will have enough power to resist us. " In the end, King Mu still sent the conquering troops, and only captured four white wolves and four white deer. From then on, the barbaric tribes stopped coming to pay homage to the emperor.

There was disharmony among the princes, and Marquess Fu Hou the prime minister told King Mu about this situation, so King Mu set up various criminal laws. King Mu said: "Ah, come to me! Those who are granted the state land, I will tell you the complete criminal law. Now you want peace and stability in the people of your land, why should you choose the incompetent people as officials? Why should you respect unreasonable criminal laws? And why should you use them in the inappropriate places? Once the plaintiff and the defendant are both here, and the judge should examine them by hearing both accusation and defense according to the legal provisions of five punishments. If the examination is consistent with the facts, the five punishments are used to convict. If the five punishments are not appropriate, then the five penalties are used to convict. And if the five penalties are not appropriate, the five faults are used to convict. But there are flaws in the cases of five faults, the judicial officers will encounter situations, where even if they have the facts for conviction, but weigh the faults accordingly due to intercession. Whenever a conviction of the five punishments is in doubt to be pardoned, or that of five penalties is in doubt to be pardoned, the officer who is in charge of the reexamination must exercise extra caution before making any decision. The collection of evidence should be in accordance with the people, and there should be evidence during the trial. If there is no sufficient evidence, there should be no doubt, and the authority of heaven must be taken seriously. If there is doubt about the face tattooing penalty and pardon is needed, the fine shall be 100% and the crime shall be investigated and verified. If there is doubt about the punishment of the nose cutting off and it needs to be pardoned, the fine is twice the former, and the crime must be investigated and verified. If there is doubt about the punishment of leg cutting off and it needs to be pardoned, the fine is less than twice the former, and the crime must be investigated and verified. If there is doubt about the punishment of castration and it needs to be pardoned, the fine is 500%, and the crime must be investigated and verified. If there is doubt about the punishment of death and it needs to be pardoned, the fine is 1,000%, and the crime must be investigated and verified. There are 1,000 articles on tattooing, 1,000 articles on nose cutting off, 500 articles on leg cutting off, 300 articles on castration, 200 articles on death penalty, and a total of 3,000 articles on the five punishments. " And this set of criminal law is called "Fu Xing".

King Mu reigned for fifty-five years. After his death, his son Yi Yu succeeded to the throne, becoming King Gong. When King Gong was traveling on the Jing River, and Duke Mi Kang was with him, there were three girls came to follow. Duke Mi Kang's mother said to him, "You must present them to the King. Three animals or more are called a group, and three people or more are called a crowd, and three ladies or more are called a charm. The King does not hunt more than a group in the field, the Dukes and princes do not get off the car when they see a crowd. The King's concubines do not exceed three from the same clan. The so-called charm is a beautiful thing. Everyone gives you beautiful things, but what virtue do you have to deserve it? Even the King is not worthy of it, let alone someone so insignificant like you! If someone insignificant happened having it, then the end will eventually be the death." Duke Mi Kang was unwilling to present them to King Gong. A year later, King Gong destroyed the Mi fiefdom. After King Gong died, his son Jian succeeded to the throne and became King Yih (懿). During the reign of King Yih, the royal family declined, and poets wrote poems to satirize it. After King Yih died, King Gong's younger brother Pifang succeeded to the throne, and this was King Xiao. 

After King Xiao died, the princes supported King Yih's crown prince Xie to succeed to the throne, and this was King Yi (夷). (Translator’s note: The duos, the father (懿) and son (夷), both pinyined Yi, but the Chinese characters are totally different, to distinguish from each other, I’ll refer the father as King Yih, of the Cantonese spelling.)

After King Yi died, his son King Li Hu succeeded to the throne. King Li reigned for 30 years. He was greedy for wealth and was close to Duke Rong Yi. The minister Rui Liangfu advised King Li, "Is the royal family going to decline? Duke Rong Yi loves to accumulate wealth but does not know that a disaster is coming. Wealth is produced by all things and carried by heaven and earth, but he wants to take it for himself, there are too many harms. He wants to obtain all things in heaven and earth, how can he take it all for himself? He has angered too many people, and he does not guard against disasters. If the King being taught in such a way, how can the he rule for a long time? The one who rules should guide wealth and distribute it from top to bottom. Even if you do your best for everything in the world, you still have to be nervous every day and worry about causing dissatisfaction. Therefore, the Song sings: ‘Remembering Hou Ji’s literary virtues, his outstanding achievements are worthy of heaven, and the people of the world are kept safe, and all of them take him as a perfect example.’ Daya the Grand Elegance says: ‘To make benevolence widely shown, and the Zhou Dynasty is carried on going.’ Doesn’t this mean that one should give away wealth and watch out for disasters? That is why the Zhou Dynasty has continued to this day. Now the king is learning to accumulate wealth, how would it be possible? An ordinary person who accumulates wealth is still called a thief, and if the king does this, there must be very few people willing to submit to him. If Duke Rong is given an important position, the Zhou Dynasty will surely decline. " King Li did not listen to his advice, and finally appointed Duke Rong as a minister to manage state affairs.

King Li was cruel and tyrannical, extravagant and arrogant, and the people criticized him. Duke Zhao advised him, saying, "The people can't stand it anymore." King Li was agitated and found wizards from the State of Wei to monitor those who criticized him and had them executed. As a result, there were fewer criticisms, and the princes stopped coming to the king’s court. In the thirty-fourth year of his reign, King Li's control became even tougher over the people. People dared not speak casually and only made eye contact with each other on the street. King Li was very happy. He told Duke Zhao, "I’m made the criticisms disappeared now. They dare not speak." Duke Zhao said, "This only blocks their mouths. Blocking people's mouths is more dangerous than blocking a flood. A flood blocked will hurt many people when breaking through, and the same holds true for blocking people's mouths. Therefore, those who control floods should clear the blockages and drain the water. Those who govern the people should open up channels for them to express their opinions. Therefore, when the emperor handles government affairs, he should let the ministers and even the nobles offer poems, let the blind musicians offer music, let the historians offer books, let the grand tutor give admonitions, let the blind musicians without pupils sing the poems, let the blind musicians with pupils recite admonitions, let all the craftsmen come to give advice, let the common people discuss among themselves, let the close ministers give advice with all their heart, let the relatives make up for the mistakes, let the blind musicians and historians teach together, let the sages give instructions, and finally, let the king think thoroughly and carefully, so that the governance can be implemented without violating any reasoning. The people have mouths, just like the land has mountains and rivers, and wealth is generated from them; just like the plains have fertile soil, and food and clothing are generated from them. Let the people speak out, and the success or failure of governing the country can be foreseen. Doing good things and preventing bad things from happening, the principles of which are the same as that of generating wealth and food and clothing. What the people think in their hearts is what they say with their mouths, so that things can be done well. If you block the mouths of the people, how long could you last? " King Li did not listen to the remonstrance. So the people dared not speak, and three years later, the people rebelled together and attacked King Li. King Li fled to Zhi.

Prince Jing of King Li was hiding in the house of Duke Zhao. When the people heard about it, they surrounded Duke Zhao's house. Duke Zhao said, "I have advised the king many times before, but the king did not listen, which led to today's disaster. If I kill the king's prince now, the king may think that I am venting my anger because of a grudge. When serving the monarch, one should not bear grudges even in danger, and should not vent resentment, let alone serve the king!" So he replaced the prince of King Li with his own son, and the prince finally escaped.

The two ministers, Duke Zhao and Duke Zhou, jointly managed the state affairs, which was called "Republic". In the 14th year of the Republic, King Li died in Zhui. Prince Jing grew up in the home of Duke Zhao, so the two ministers jointly supported him to become the king, and this was King Xuan. When King Xuan was in throne, the two ministers assisted him in reforming politics, following the legacy of King Wen, King Wu, King Cheng, and King Kang, and the princes once again regarded Zhou as their suzerain. In the 12th year of King Xuan’s reign, Duke Wu of Lu came to pay homage.

King Xuan did not personally cultivate the land in Qianmu. Duke Wen of Guo advised him not to do so, but King Xuan did not listen. In the 39th year of his reign, the royal army was defeated in the battle of Qianmu by the Jiang clan, the descendants of Siyue.

After King Xuan lost his army in the southern expedition, he counted the population in Taiyuan. Zhong Shanfu advised him not to do so, saying, "The king cannot directly count the population." King Xuan did not listen and eventually counted the population.

In the 46th year (782 BC), King Xuan died and his son Gongsheng succeeded to the throne as King You. In the second year of King You (780 BC), an earthquake occurred in the Sanchuan area near the Zhou capital. Bo Yangfu said: "The Zhou Dynasty will perish. The two energies of heaven and earth cannot lose their order; if they lose their proper order, the people will be disturbed. The yang energy is latent and cannot come out, and is suppressed by the yin energy and cannot evaporate, so an earthquake occurs. Now the earthquake in the Sanchuan area is because the yang energy has lost its position and is suppressed by the yin energy. If the yang energy loses its position and is suppressed by the yin energy, the water source will definitely be blocked; if the water source is blocked, the country will definitely perish. Only when the water and soil are unobstructed then the people can get money. If the underground water can’t flow unobstructed, the people will lack money, and the country will perish in no time. In the past, the Xia Dynasty perished when the Yi River and the Luo River dried up, and the Shang Dynasty perished when the Yellow River dried up. Now the virtue and the fortune of Zhou Dynasty are just like the end of the previous two dynasties. The water sources of the rivers have been blocked, and if they are blocked, they will definitely dry up. The establishment of a capital must rely on high mountains and large rivers. The collapse of high mountains and the drying up of large rivers are signs of the destruction of the country. The drying up of large rivers will definitely cause the collapse of high mountains. If a country is destroyed, it will not exceed ten years, because the numbers are based on decimals. What the heaven abandons will not exceed this number. " This year, the three rivers dried up and Mount Qi collapsed.

In his third year (779 BC), King You favored Bao Si. Bao Si gave birth to a son, Bo Fu, and King You wanted to depose the crown prince. The crown prince's mother was the daughter of Lord Shen and the queen. Later, King You got Bao Si and loved her very much. He wanted to depose Queen Shen and Crown Prince Yi Jiu, and make Bao Si the queen and Bo Fu the crown prince. Zhou Taishi Bo Yang read the historical records and said, "The Zhou Dynasty is about to perish." When the Xia Hou clan was declining, two dragons landed in the courtyard of the Xia emperor and said, "We are the two monarchs of Bao." The Xia emperor divined whether to kill them, drive them away, or keep them, but did not get a good omen. The diviner asked to collect the dragon's saliva, and got a good omen. So the Xia emperor prepared silk and wrote a prayer on a bamboo slip. After the dragon flew away, it left saliva. The Xia emperor ordered people to collect it in a wooden box and keep it. After the fall of the Xia Dynasty, this artifact was passed on to the Shang Dynasty. After the fall of the Shang Dynasty, the artifact was passed to the Zhou Dynasty. For three consecutive dynasties, no one dared to open it. It was not until the end of King Li's reign that it was opened for viewing. The dragon's saliva flowed into the courtyard and could not be cleaned. King Li asked women to shout loudly in the courtyard naked. The dragon's saliva turned into a black lizard and entered King Li's harem. The lizard was encounted by a slave girl in the harem at the teeth-changing age and she became pregnant a few years later when she turned fifteen. She gave birth to a baby girl without a husband, and out of fear she abandoned the baby. During the reign of King Xuan, there was a child song went around. "There will be a couple who sell bows and arrows made of mulberry wood, and they are the ones who will destroy the Zhou Dynasty.” When King Xuan heard about it, he put an order out, that if a couple found selling these bows and arrows would be arrested and executed. Then on their way of escaping, the couple saw the baby girl abandoned by the harem slave on the roadside. They heard the baby crying at night, and adopted her out of pity. The couple then fled to Bao. Years later when a man from Bao committed a crime, he offered the abandoned girl, now grown, to the king to atone for his sin. The girl was from Bao, so she was called Bao Si. When King You had reigned for three years, he came to his harem and saw Bao Si and fell in love with her. Then she gave birth to a son, Bo Fu. King You even wanted to depose Queen Shen and the crown prince, and make Bao Si the queen and Bo Fu the crown prince. The historian Bo Yang said, "The disaster has already happened, there is nothing we can do about it!"

Bao Si didn't like to laugh, so King You tried every way to make her laugh, but she still didn't laugh. King You set up beacons and drums in various places, and lit the beacons when there was an enemy attack. Once King You lit the beacon, the princes all came, but they didn't see the enemy, so Bao Si laughed. King You was very happy, and he lit the beacon for Bao Si many times. Later, the princes no longer believed in King You, and they didn't come when they saw the beacon.

King You appointed Guo Shifu as a minister to manage state affairs, and the people had complaints. Guo Shifu was cunning, flattering and greedy, but King You still put him to use. King You also deposed Queen Shen and drove away the prince. Lord Shen was very angry, and joined forces with the Zheng State and the Western Yi Quanrong to attack King You. King You lit the beacon to summon the princes' armies, but none of the princes' armies came. So they killed King You at the foot of Mount Li, abducted Bao Si, and looted all the Zhou's property before leaving. So all the princes went to Lord Shen and jointly supported Yi Jiu, the former crown prince of King You, as King Ping, who inherited the Zhou Dynasty's sacrificial rites

After King Ping ascended the throne, the capital was moved eastward to Luoyi to avoid the enemies of the Western Rong. During King Ping's reign, the Zhou royal family gradually declined, the strong among the princes annexed the weak, Qi, Chu, Qin, Jin began to grow, and the state affairs started coming from the dominant princes.

In the 49th year (722 BC) of King Ping’s reign, Duke Yin of Lu got his position.

In the 51st year (720 BC), King Ping died, and the crown prince Xiefu died early, his son Lin was made the king, this is King Huan. King Huan was the grandson of King Ping.

In the third year of King Huan (717 BC), Duke Zhuang of Zheng came to pay homage, but King Huan did not treat him with courtesy. In the fifth year (715 BC), Zheng had resentment and exchanged Xutian with Lu. Xutian was the land used by the king to worship Mount Tai. In the eighth year (712 BC), Lu killed Duke Yin and supported Duke Huan. In the thirteenth year (707 BC), the royal family attacked Zheng, and the Zheng army shot and wounded King Huan, who fled back.

In the twenty-third year (697 BC), King Huan died, and his son King Zhuang Tuo succeeded him. In the fourth year of King Zhuang (693 BC), Duke Zhou Heijian wanted to kill King Zhuang and replace him with Prince Ke. Xin Bo reported to King Zhuang, and King Zhuang killed Duke Zhou. Prince Ke fled to Yan.

In the fifteenth year (682 BC), King Zhuang died, and his son King Li Huqi succeeded him. In the third year of King Li (679 BC), Duke Huan of Qi began to establish his hegemony.

In the fifth year (677 BC), King Li died, and his son King Hui Lang succeeded him. And sometimes before, King Zhuang's favorite concubine, a woman named Yao, gave birth to a son named Tui, who was favored by King Zhuang. After King Hui got in power, in the second year (675 BC), he seized the gardens of some ministers as his own gardens, then there were five ministers including Bian Bo launched a rebellion and planned to summon the armies of Yan and Wei to join forces to attack King Hui. King Hui fled to Wenyi and soon lived in Li of Zheng. The rebels supported King Li's younger brother Tui as king and held a full set of ceremonies, dances and music, which outraged the monarchs of Zheng and Guo. In the fourth year (673 BC), the monarchs of Zheng and Guo attacked and killed King Tui and welcomed King Hui back. In the tenth year of King Hui (667 BC), Duke Huan of Qi was granted the title of overlord. 

In the 25th year (652 BC) of his reign, King Hui died, and his son Zheng succeeded as King Xiang. King Xiang's mother died early, and his stepmother was called Queen Hui. Queen Hui gave birth to Shu Dai, who was favored by King Hui, and King Xiang was afraid of him. In the third year, Shu Dai and the Rong and Di conspired to attack King Xiang. King Xiang wanted to kill Shu Dai, so Shu Dai fled to Qi. Duke Huan of Qi sent Guan Zhong to pacify the Rong in Zhou, and sent Xi Peng to pacify the Rong in Jin. The king treated Guan Zhong with the courtesy of a senior minister. Guan Zhong declined and said, "I am an official of low status. Now there are Guo and Gao, two senior ministers appointed by the king. If I accept the king's order with the court courtesy of spring and autumn, where my manners will be no matter how I respond? I, the attendant, can’t do nothing but to decline." The king said, "The envoy of my uncle, your merits are appreciated, please do not disobey my order." Guan Zhong finally accepted the courtesy as a junior minister and returned home. In the ninth year, Duke Huan of Qi died. In the twelfth year, Shu Dai returned to Zhou.

In the 13th year (639 BC), Zheng attacked Hua. King Xiang sent Yousun and Bofu to plead for Hua, but the people of Zheng imprisoned them. Duke Wen of Zheng resented that King Hui restored the state but did not give Duke Li of Zheng the courtesy of wine and wine cups, and he also complained that King Xiang handed over the state of Hua to the state of Wei, so he imprisoned Bo Fu. The king was pissed and was going to use Di to attack Zheng. Fu Chen advised, "When our capital of Zhou was moved eastward, we had all the help from Jin and Zheng. When Prince Tui rebelled, it was also with the help of Zheng that we were able to put down the rebellion. How can we abandon Zheng now because of a small grudge?"The king did not listen. In the 15th year (637 BC), the king sent Di troops to attack Zheng. King Xiang was very grateful to the Di people and was going to choose a daughter from Di as his queen. Fu Chen advised him again,, "King Ping, King Huan, King Zhuang, and King Hui all received help from Zheng. Your Majesty, you should not abandon your close friends and get close to the Di people." King Xiang refused to listen. In the 16th year (636 BC), after King Xiang deposed Queen Di, the Di people came to question him and killed Tan Bo. Fu Chen said, "I have repeatedly advised the king but he didn't listen. If I don't go to war, the king will think that I hate him, right?" So he led his people to die in battle.

At first, Queen Hui wanted to establish Prince Dai as the king, so she sent her followers to help the Di people, and the Di people attacked the Zhou capital. King Xiang fled to Zheng State, and Zheng settled King Xiang in Fanyi. Prince Dai was established as king, married Queen Di, who was deposed by King Xiang, and lived together in Wenyi. In the 17th year (635 BC), King Xiang asked Jin State for help, and Duke Wen of Jin accepted King Xiang and killed Shu Dai. King Xiang rewarded Duke Wen of Jin with jade scepter, sacrificial wine, bow and arrow, and appointed him as overlord, and rewarded Jin with the land of Henei. In the 20th year (632 BC), Duke Wen of Jin summoned King Xiang, and King Xiang met with him in Heyang and Jiantu. All the princes came to pay homage to him. To avoid the taboo, Shangshu the Ancient Book put it this way that "the heavenly king went to Heyang for inspection".

In the 24th year (628 BC), Duke Wen of Jin died.

In the 31st year (621 BC), Duke Mu of Qin died.

In the 33rd year (619 BC), King Xiang died, and his son Renchen succeeded to the throne as King Qing. After six years on the throne King Qing died, and his son Ban succeeded him as King Kuang. King Kuang also died after six years on the throne, and his younger brother Yu succeeded him, who was King Ding.

In the first year of King Ding (606 BC), King Zhuang of Chu attacked the Rong people of Luhun and stationed in Luoyi. He sent people to inquire about the size and weight of the Nine Tripod Cauldrons. King Ding sent Wang Sun Man, the grandson of King Xiang, to answer with such words that “it's about virtue, not about tripod” and the Chu army withdrew. In the tenth year (597 BC), King Zhuang of Chu surrounded the capital of Zheng, and Earl Zheng Bo surrendered, and soon the country was restored. In the sixteenth year (591 BC), King Zhuang of Chu died.

In the 21st year (586 BC), King Ding died and his son Yi succeeded him as King Jian. In the 13th year (573 BC), Jin killed its ruler Duke Li and welcomed Zi Zhou from the capital of Zhou, making him Duke Dao.

In the 14th year (572 BC), King Jian died and his son Xiexin succeeded him as King Ling. In the 24th year (548 BC), Cui Zhu of Qi killed its ruler, Duke Zhuang.

In the 27th year (545 BC), King Ling died and his son Gui succeeded him as King Jing. In the 18th year (527 BC), the queen and the crown prince Shou died early. In the 25th year (520 BC), King Jing loved his son Chao and wanted to make him the crown prince, but he died at this time (translator’s note: Shiji mistook it as the 20th). His son Gai and his followers competed with Prince Chao for the throne. The people of the country supported the eldest son Meng as king, so Prince Chao attacked and killed Meng. Meng was King Dao. The people of Jin attacked Prince Chao and made Gai the king instead, who was King Jing.

In the first year of King Jing (519 BC), the people of Jin sent King Jing back to the Zhou capital. But Prince Chao had already declared himself the king, so King Jing could not go back and lived in Zeyi instead. In the fourth year (516 BC), Jin led the princes to send King Jing back to the Zhou capital. Prince Chao became a minister, and the princes built the walls of the Zhou capital. In the sixteenth year (504 BC), Prince Chao's followers rebelled again, and King Jing fled to Jin. In the seventeenth year (503 BC), Duke Ding of Jin finally sent King Jing back to the Zhou capital.

In the thirty-ninth year (481 BC), Tian Chang of Qi killed his lord, Duke Jian.

In the 41st year (479 BC), the State of Chu destroyed the State of Chen. Confucius died.

In the 43rd year (477 BC), King Jing died and his son Ren succeeded him as King Yuan. King Yuan died after eight years of reign, his son Jie succeeded him as King Ding.

In the 16th year of King Ding (453 BC), Zhao, Wei and Han, three families of Jin, together destroyed the Zhibo family of Jin and divided his land.

In the 28th year (441 BC), King Ding died and his eldest son Quji succeeded him, who was King Ai. King Ai reigned for three months, and his younger brother Shu Xi killed King Ai and established himself as King Si. King Si reigned for five months, and his younger brother Wei attacked and killed King Si and established himself as King Kao. These three kings were all sons of King Ding.

In the 15th year of King Kao (426 BC), he died and his son Wu succeeded him as King Weilie.

King Kao granted one of his younger brothers a fiefdom in Henan, and this was Duke Huan of western Zhou, the successor of Duke Zhou’s official position. When Duke Huan died, his son Duke Wei succeeded him. When Duke Wei died, his son Duke Hui succeeded him. And then he appointed his youngest son to serve the king in Gong, with the title of Duke Hui of Eastern Zhou.

In the 23rd year of King Weilie (403 BC), an earthquake struck the capital city where the Nine Tripod Cauldrons were located. King Weilie appointed Han, Wei, and Zhao as vassal states.

In the 24th year (402 BC), King Weilie died and his son Jiao took over the throne as King An. In this year, a thief killed King Sheng of Chu. 

King An reigned for twenty-six years and then died, and his son Xi succeeded him as King Lie. In the second year of King Lie (374 BC), Senior Historian of Zhou Taishi Dan met with Duke Xian of Qin and said: "Initially Zhou and Qin were united and later separated. After 500 years of separation, they will be united again. And after 17 years of unity, a hegemon will emerge." 

In the tenth year, King Lie died and his younger brother Bian ascended to the throne, becoming King Xian. In the fifth year of King Xian (364 BC), he congratulated Duke Xian of Qin and made him the overlord. In the ninth year (360 BC), King Xian sent the sacrificial meat of King Wen and King Wu to Duke Xiao of Qin. In the twenty-fifth year (344 BC), Qin met with the princes in Zhou. In the twenty-sixth year (343 BC), the Zhou granted the title of overlord to Duke Xiao of Qin. In the thirty-third year (336 BC), Zhou congratulated King Hui of Qin. In the thirty-fifth year (334 BC), King Xian sent the sacrificial meat of King Wen and King Wu to King Hui of Qin. In the forty-fourth year (325 BC), King Hui of Qin officially claimed the title of king. From then on, all princes became kings.

In the 48th year (321 BC), King Xian died and his son Ding succeeded him as King Shenjing. King Shenjing reigned for six years and then died. His son Yan succeeded him as King Nan. During the reign of King Nan, the Western and Eastern Zhou dynasties were independent. King Nan moved the capital to the Western Zhou.

Prince Gong of Duke Wu of the Western Zhou died. He had five illegitimate sons and no legitimate son to serve as heir. Sima Jian said to the King of Chu: "Why not use the land to support Prince Ju and ask for the position of Crown Prince for him?" Zuo Cheng said: “No. If the Zhou disagrees, not only will your plan fail, but it will also alienate the relationship between Chu and Zhou. It would be better to ask Lord Zhou to secretly tell Sima Jian who he has in mind for the crown prince. Then let Sima Jian ask for permission for Chu to support him with land." As expected, the Zhou appointed Prince Ju as the crown prince.

In the eighth year (307 BC), Qin attacked Yiyang, and Chu came to rescue. Chu suspected that Zhou had helped Qin, so was preparing to attack Zhou. Su Dai persuaded the King of Chu on behalf of Zhou: "Why do you think Zhou is helping Qin? Those who said that Zhou helped Qin more than Chu wanted Zhou to completely ally with Qin, so there is a saying that "Zhou State helped Qin State." The State of Zhou knew that there was no escape, so it would definitely surrender to the State of Qin. This was a clever plan to help the State of Qin conquer the State of Zhou. I am just thinking for the king. If Zhou State leans towards Qin State, Chu State should treat Zhou State nice. If Zhou State does not lean towards Qin State, Chu State should also treat Zhou State nice. Only in this way can Zhou State and Qin State be alienated. If Zhou cuts off ties with Qin, it will certainly turn to Chu."

The State of Qin intended to borrow a road between the Eastern and the Western Zhou in preparation for attacking the State of Han. The Zhou had its fear, that there would be retaliation from Han if they do; or the retaliation would come from Qin if they don't. Shi Yan said to the Lord of Zhou: "Why don't you send someone to tell Duke Shu of Han: 'Qin dares to borrow the road from Zhou to attack Han because it trusts Eastern Zhou. Why don't you give Zhou some land and send a hostage to Chu?' The Qin State will certainly be suspicious of the Chu State, distrust the Zhou State, and will not attack the Han State anymore. Then he said to Qin, ‘Han State forcibly gave land to Zhou State in order to make Qin State suspicious of Zhou State, so Zhou State dared not refuse to accept it.’ Qin would have no reason to ask Zhou to reject the proposal, and thus it could obtain land from Han without arousing Qin's suspicion.“

The lord of Western Zhou was summoned by Qin, but he was unwilling to go. So he sent someone to tell the King of Han, “Qin summoned Western Zhou because it wanted Western Zhou to attack your Nanyang. Why don’t you send troops to Nanyang? The King of Zhou would use this as an excuse not to go to Qin. As long as Lord of Zhou does not go to Qin, Qin will not dare to cross the Yellow River to attack Nanyang."

When the Eastern Zhou and Western Zhou were at war, Han sent troops to rescue the Western Zhou. Someone persuaded the King of Han on behalf of the Eastern Zhou: "The Western Zhou was originally an angelic country with many valuable artifacts and treasures. If you do not take action, you can show favor to the Eastern Zhou and you will definitely get all the treasures of the Western Zhou." 

King Nan was called Cheng Jun. Chu surrounded Yongshi, and Han asked Eastern Zhou for soldiers and food. The Lord of Eastern Zhou was very scared and summoned Su Dai to tell him about the situation. Su Dai said: “Why do you worry about this? I can stop Han from requisitioning soldiers and food from Eastern Zhou, and I can also allow you to obtain Gaodu." The lord of Zhou said: "If you can really do it, this country will listen to you." Su Dai went to see the Prime Minister of Han and said to him: "Chu State has been besieging Yongshi. It was originally expected to take it down in three months, but now it has been five months and it has not been taken down. This shows that Chu State has suffered serious losses. Now the Prime Minister is calling on Eastern Zhou to send soldiers and food to announce to Chu that Han has also suffered heavy losses.” The Prime Minister of Han said, “You are right. But the messenger has already set out.” Su Dai said: "Why not give Gaodu to Dong Zhou?" The Prime Minister of Han was furious and said, "It is good enough that I do not ask Eastern Zhou for soldiers and food. Why should I give Gaodu to Eastern Zhou?" Su Dai said: "If we give Gaodu to Eastern Zhou, Eastern Zhou will turn to Han. When Qin hears about it, it will be furious and hate Eastern Zhou from then on and cut off ties with it. In this way, we can exchange the damaged Gaodu for a complete Eastern Zhou. Why not do that?” The Prime Minister said, "Okay." As expected, Gaodu was given to the Zhou State. 

In the thirty-fourth year, Su Li said to the Lord of Zhou: "Qin conquered Han and Wei, defeated Xiwu, and seized Lin and Lishi from Zhao in the north. This was all due to Bai Qi's contribution. He is good at commanding battles and had the will of heaven. Now he is going to lead his army out of the border to attack Liang State. Once Liang State was conquered, Zhou State would be in danger. Why don't you send someone to lobby Bai Qi? To tell him that ‘there was a man named Yang Youji in the Chu state who is good at archery. He shot arrows at the willow leaves from a distance of 100 steps, and he hit the target 100 times. Thousands of people were watching, and they all said he was a good archer. There was a man standing beside him and said, "Good, you can be taught archery." Yang Youji was angry, put down his bow and grabbed his sword, saying, "How can a guest teach me how to shoot?" The guest said, "It is not my ability to teach you to bend left or right. You shoot your arrows at the willow leaf from a hundred steps away, and you hit it a hundred times out of a hundred times. But if you don’t rest well, after a while you will run out of strength and become tired. The bow will be crooked and the arrow will be bent. If one arrow misses the target, the previous hundred arrows will be wasted." You have already made great contributions by defeating the armies of Han and Wei, killing Shi Wu, and taking Lin and Lishi from Zhao in the north. Now you are going to lead your troops out of the border again, passing through the east and west, with Han at your back, to attack the State of Liang. If you fail in one battle, all your previous efforts will be wasted. It is better for you to claim illness and not go to the battle. "

In the 42nd year (273 BC), Qin broke the Huayang agreement with Wei (Liang). Ma Fan said to the King of Zhou: "Please send me to persuade Liang to build a city wall for Zhou." He said to the King Liang: "The King of Zhou is afraid that Qin will attack Zhou. If he dies of the fear, then I will also die. I am requesting to present the Nine Tripod Cauldrons of Zhou to you. You are going to look after me when you get them." King Liang said, "Okay." Later, he gave Ma Fan some soldiers, saying that they were going to guard the State of Zhou. Ma Fan then said to the King of Qin, that "Liang is not going to defend Zhou, but is preparing to attack Zhou. You can test it out by sending some troops to the border." So the Qin State indeed sent out its troops. Ma Fan said to King Liang: "The King of Zhou is very ill. Please allow me to report the matter of the Nine Tripod Cauldrons to him later. Now that you have sent soldiers to the State of Zhou, the princes have become suspicious, and you will not be able to convince them when you do things in the future. It would be better to let the soldiers build a city wall for the Zhou State as a cover-up." King Liang said, "Okay." He ordered his soldiers to build a city wall for the Zhou State.

In the forty-fifth year (270 BC), the King of Zhou went to the State of Qin. Someone said to Zhou Zui, "Why don't you praise the King of Qin for his filial piety and give him the land of Ying to the Queen Mother as her burial land. The King of Qin will be very happy and you will have a good relationship with Qin. If the two countries become friends, the King of Zhou will definitely credit it to you. If the two countries become enemies, the one who gets the blame will be the one persuaded the King of Zhou to enter Qin." When Qin was to attack Zhou, Zhou Zui said to the King of Qin: “For your sake, I suggest that you do not attack Zhou. Attacking Zhou will not gain much benefits, but it will give Qin a bad reputation for the world to fear. The whole world will be afraid of Qin moving east to be united with Qi. Once Qin's military strength was damaged in the process of attacking Zhou and the rest of the world would be united with Qi, Qin would not be the king unifying the world. The world wants to weaken and exhaust Qin, so they advise you to attack Zhou. If weakened and exhausted, the Qin State will no longer be able to command the world."

In the fifty-eighth year (257 BC), the Three Jin States united to resist Qin. The King of Zhou sent his prime minister to Qin, but Qin treated him with disdain, and the prime minister prepared to return to Zhou. Someone said to the prime minister: "It is still unclear whether Qin treats you with indifference or respect. Qin wants to know the situation of the three Jins. You might as well ask to see the King of Qin urgently and say, "Please allow me to inquire about the changes in the East for the king." The King of Qin will definitely pay attention to you. If Qin values ​​you, it means that Qin values ​Zhou​, and Qin can make friends with Zhou. If Qi becomes strong, Zhou can try to please Qi, and Zhou can always have a big country to rely on. The Qin State trusted the Zhou State and sent troops to attack the Three Jin States.

In the fifty-ninth year (256 BC), Qin captured Yangcheng and Fushu of Han. Western Zhou was terrified and betrayed Qin. It made an agreement with the princes to unite against Qin and led the world's elite troops to attack Qin from Yique, preventing Qin from reaching Yangcheng. King Zhao of Qin was furious and sent General Jiu to attack Western Zhou. King of Western Zhou went to the State of Qin, kowtowed and apologized, and offered the land of thirty-six cities and 30,000 people. The Qin State accepted this and allowed the King of Western Zhou to return to the Zhou State.

King Nan of Zhou died, and the people of Zhou fled eastward. Qin seized the Nine Tripod Cauldrons and treasures of Zhou and moved the Duke of Western Zhou to Danhu. Seven years later, King Zhuangxiang of Qin destroyed the Eastern Zhou. The Eastern Zhou and Western Zhou were annexed by the Qin State, and the Zhou Dynasty's sacrifices were discontinued from then on.

The Grand Historian said: "Scholars all say that the Zhou people lived in Luoyi after defeating King Zhou the Tyrant. After comprehensive investigation of the actual situation, I found that it is not true. King Wu built Luoyi, and King Cheng ordered Duke Shao to divine whether Luoyi was suitable for living, and placed the Nine Tripod Cauldrons there. After King Cheng, the Western Zhou Dynasty always set its capital between Feng and Hao. It was not until the Quanrong defeated King You that the Zhou Dynasty moved eastward to Luoyi. The so-called "Duke Zhou was buried in Bi", "Bi" is in Du, southeast of Hao. After the Qin State destroyed the Zhou Dynasty, the Han Dynasty rose to power over ninety years later, the emperor would offer sacrifices to heaven on the top of Mount Tai, and then travel eastward to the Henan region to look for the descendants of the Zhou Dynasty. He would grant the descendants of the Zhou Dynasty an area of ​​thirty lis (roughly 90 miles), and call them the Southern Lord of Viscount Zhou, and enjoy the same treatment as the marquises, so as to offer sacrifices to the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty. 







































































西周武公之共太子死,有五庶子,毋適立。司马翦谓楚王曰:“不如以地资公子咎,为请太子。” 左成曰:“不可。周不听,是公之知困而交疏於周也。不如请周君孰欲立,以微告翦,翦请令楚贺资之以地。”果立公子咎为太子。













The end of A4

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