Sunday, March 17, 2024

36 A2. Xia Dynasty


Sima Qian: Historical Records 2 Xia Dynasty 

Xia Yu's name was Wenming. His father was Gun, Gun's father was Emperor Zhuanxu, Zhuanxu's father was Changyi, and Changyi's father was Huangdi the Yellow Emperor. Yu is the great-great-grandson of Huangdi and the grandson of Zhuanxu. Neither Yu's great-grandfather Changyi nor his father Gun ascended to the throne, they were only ministers. During the reign of Emperor Yao, the floods were sky-high all over the world, surrounded the mountains and submerged the hills, and the people all over the world were suffering from the floods. Yao asked if someone who could control the floods. The Siyue and ministers all said that Gun could do the job. Yao said: "It's impossible. Gun had betrayed his duties and destroyed his clan." The Siyue all said: "He is better than nothing, it won't work until you try!" So Yao listened and Gun was then put to use. And after nine years. floods kept on going, Gun had proved to be useless. So Emperor Yao inquired about it again, and then he got Shun. Shun was then placed in use and acted on behalf of the emperor, and went on the hunting cruises for inspections. And he found out that the floods were out of total control under the management of Gun, So Yao sent Gun on exile to Yushan the Feather Mountain and died there. Everyone in the world believed that’s justice. At this time, Shun chose Gun's son Yu to continue his father’s career.

After Yao's death, Emperor Shun asked Siyue: "Who can be a better choice to hold the official position to accomplish Yao's cause?" Everyone said: "If Bo Yu to be appointed Sikong, Yao's cause would be better accomplished." Emperor Shun said: "Ah! That's it." So he made the appointment to Yu and said: "You are going to take care of the business with water and earth, and you must work hard." Yu knelt down and kowtowed, and humbly gave way to Qi, Houji, and Gao Yao. But Shun said, "You'd better go now and do your job."

Yu was quick and hard-working, morally upright, benevolent and peaceful, and honest in nature; whatever he said could be regarded as law, his body could be taken as measurement, and his actions could be used as the standards, and he was diligent and dignified, and he set the perfect example of the principles and disciplines for all.

Yu, together with Yi and Houji, followed Emperor Shun's order and sent princes and officials to enlist the people to regulate the water and soil in the world. They cut down trees through the mountains, built roads, and made signs to mark the mountains and rivers. Yu felt bad that his father Gun was punished and died for the failure to control the floods, so he was restless in mind and kept himself busy all the time. For thirteen years, he did not dare to go into his home even if he had passed by the door. Yu's food and clothing were very simple, but the sacrifices he offered to his ancestors and gods were abundant; Yu's house was very simple, but he did not hesitate to spend on building canals and digging ditches. He drove a chariot while on flat land, rode a boat when on waterways, used wooden sleds when on muddy ground, and wore spiked shoes when climbing the mountains. His left hand was for measurements and his right hand was for regulations, and he adjusted his activities according to the seasons, and he set up nine states, built nine roads, fixed nine lakes, and dug through nine mountains. Yu ordered Yi to give people rice grains and teach them how to plant the seeds in low-lying and humid places. He also ordered Houji to provide the people with essential foods to satisfy their hunger. Whenever there was a shortage of food, Yu transferred food from the areas with a surplus to supplement the areas with a shortage, so the food was balanced among different areas. Yu also set the standards for tribute according to different conditions in various places, as well as the traffic conditions in the mountains and rivers.

Jizhou State was where Yu's tour began. And the report from Jizhou was as the following. The project at Hukou had been completed, and both Liangshan Mountain and Qishan Mountain had been managed. After the renovation in Taiyuan had been completed, it went all the way to the south of Taiyue Mountain. Qinhuai's project was also completed, reaching out to the Hengshui River and Zhangshui River areas. The earth here had white soft soil. The taxes were upper top, and for some areas only mid-top. And the fields were mid-middle. Changshui River and Weishui River flowed into the sea through the riverbed, and the land near Daluze Lake could be used for farming. The Niaoyi people here utilized furs for clothes and paid tribute with it, and the Yellow River from the west entered the sea near Jieshi Mountain.

Yanzhou State was between the Jishui River and the Yellow River. The nine tributaries of the lower reaches of the Yellow River had been diverted, and the Leixia water had been impounded to form a lake, the Yongshui and Jushui two rivers had joined together and flowed into the lake. The land suitable for planting mulberry began to raise silkworms, so people went down the mountain and started to live on the flatland. The soil here was black and fertile, with lush vegetation growing there. The fields were mid-bottom, and the taxes were lower bottom. It took thirteen years of farming to catch up with other areas. The tributes here were lacquer and silk, and the silk fabrics with beautiful patterns were packed in round baskets. The tributes were transported by boat through Jishui and Luoshui two rivers all the way up to the Yellow River.

Qingzhou State was between the East Sea and Daizong the Mount Tai. Yuyi had been easily managed, and the Weishui and Zishui two rivers had been dredged. The soil there was white and rich, and there was a large area of ​​saline-alkali land along the coast. The fields there mostly contained salt brine. The fields were at the lower top, and the taxes were at the upper middle. The tributes there were salt and the fine grasscloth, as well as all sorts of seafood. The valleys of Mount Tai produced silk, hemp, tin, pine wood, and strange rocks. The Laiyi people grazed cattle as their livelihood, and their mountain mulberry silk was packed in round baskets. The tributes were transported on the Wenshui River and led to Jishui River. 

Xuzhou State was between East Sea, Mount Tai and Huaishui River. The Huaishui and Yishui two rivers had been managed, and the areas of Mengshan and Yushan two mountains were ready for farming. Daye had impounded water to form a lake, and Dongyuan had been leveled and it was ready for agriculture. The soil there was red clay, and vegetation flourished gradually. The fields were at the mid-top and the taxes were at the mid-middle. The tributes there were five-color soil, and large pheasants produced in the valley of Yushan Mountain, solitary paulownia trees produced in the south of Yishan Mountain, floating chime rocks produced on the shore of Sishui River, and Huaiyi River was full of tributes like pearls and fish, black silk and white silk were packed in round baskets. The boats on Huaishui River and Sishui River were all heading to the Yellow River. 

Yangzhou State was between the Huaishui River and the sea. Pengli has accumulated enough water to become a lake, which became a habitat for migratory birds. With three rivers flowing into it, Zhenze, the Taihu Lake, had been restored. A bamboo forest had been planted, and the grass was lush, the trees were tall, and the soil there was moist and soft. The fields were at the lower bottom, and the taxes were between the upper bottom and lower middle. The tributes there were three kinds of precious metals, gold, silver, and bronze, as well as Yaokun stones, and various bamboos, ivory, furs, feathers, and oxtails. The island barbarians were paying tribute with raincoats made of grasscloth and kohempcloth, silk fabrics and seashells in round baskets, and oranges and grapefruits, all wrapped up to tribute. The Huaishui and Shishui two rivers were flowing through the Yangtze River into the sea. 

Jingzhou State was between the South of Jingshan and Hengshan mountains. The Han River flows into the Yangtze River and then eventually flows into the sea. As many as nine tributaries in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River had fixed river channels, the Tuoshui River and the Censhui River had been dredged, and Yun and Meng two lakes had been managed. The soil there was moist clay. The fields were classified as mid-bottom, and the taxes were classified as lower top. The tributes there were feathers, oxtails, ivory, furs, three precious metals, four different kinds of fine wood, as well as rough and fine whetstones, rock for arrow-tip, cinnabar ore for red color, and Sichuan bamboo for arrow shaft, and cypress trees, the tributes the three clan nations paid with local specialties, including jingmao deyeuxia wrapped in boxes, black and red silk rope and beads in round baskets, and also giant turtles from the lower reaches of the tributaries. There was transportation by boat on the Yangtze River, Tuoshui River, Censhui River, and Hanshui River, and then passing through Luoshui River and arriving at Nanhe River.

Yuzhou State was between the Jingshan Mountain and the Yellow River. Yishui, Luoshui, Chanshui, and Jianshui all four rivers had been made merging into the Yellow River, and Xingbo had stored water and became a lake. When the water was abundant, the marshlands Heze was channeled and Mingdu had been built with dikes. The earth there was soft soil, and the lower areas had black hard soil. The land was at upper middle, and the taxes were at the mid-top, or better, for some at the upper top. The tributes there were lacquer, silk, fine grasscloth, and ramie cloth. The fine silk wadding was packed in round baskets. And there were tributes of various polished chime stones. A boat on the Luoshui River would arrive at the Yellow River.

Liangzhou State was between the south of Huashan Mountain and the Heishui River. The Wenshan and the Bozhongshan two mountains could be cultivated, Tuoshui and Censhui two rivers had been diverted, Caishan and Mengshan two mountains had been renovated, and the people of Hey I could live in peace and contentment. The soil there was soft and of blue-black color. The fields were at upper bottom, and the taxes were mid-bottom, and upper/lower bottom mixed. The tributes there contained jade, iron, silver, and the hard iron for etching, the rock arrow tip, jade chimes, as well as black bears, brown bears, foxes, raccoons, and fur products. One could come along the Huanshui River down from the Xiqingshan Mountain, take a boat at the Qianshui River, and crossing the Mianshui River, entering the Weishui River, and then finally traversing the Yellow River.

Yongzhou State was between Heishui and Xihe two rivers. The Ruoshui River flowed westward, and the Jingshui River merged into the Weishui River. The Qishui River and the Jushui River merged into the Luoshui River one after another, and the Fengshui River also merged into the Weishui River. The Jingshan and the Qishan two mountains have been managed, as well as the Zhongnan Mountain, the Dunwu Mountain, and the Niaoshu Mountain. It had been completed renovations from low-lying areas westward to the Duye marshlands. The Sanweishan mountain was already made habitable, so the Sanmiao people could have an orderly life. The earth there was yellow soft soil. The fields were at the upper top and the taxes were at the lower middle. The tributes there were Qiu, Lin, and Langga, the very best jade one could ever offer. One could enter the Yellow River at Jishi Mountain and take a boat, arrive at Longmen the Dragon Gate by Xihe, and gather at the merging point with the Weishui River. The Xirong people of Kunlun, Xizhi, and Qusou three mountains paid tribute with fur products and wool textiles and lived in peace and contentment.

Nine mountains Yu built roads through. 

  1. From Qianshan Mountain and Qishan Mountain to Jingshan Mountain and across the Yellow River; 
  2. From Hukou Mountain and Leishou Mountain to Taiyue Mountain; 
  3. From Dizhu Mountain and Xicheng Mountain to Wangwu Mountain; 
  4. From Taihang Mountain and Changshan Mountain to Jieshi Mountain. entering the sea; 
  5. From Xiqing Mountain, Zhuyu Mountain, Niaoshu Mountain to Taihua Mountain; 
  6. From Xiong'er Mountain, Waifang Mountain, Tongbai Mountain to Fuwei Mountain; 
  7. From Bozhongshan Mountain to Jingshan Mountain; 
  8. From Neifangshan Mountain to Dabieshan Mountain; 
  9. From the south of Wenshan Mountain to Hengshan Mountain, crossing Jiujiang River, and reaching Fuqianyuan, the Fuyangshan Mountain.

Nine major rivers Yu channeled. 

  1. He channeled the Ruoshui River to the Heli River and then it downstreamed into the desert; 
  2. He channeled the Heishui River, the Black Water, through the Sanwei Mountain, the Three Dangers, and finally it went into the South Sea; 
  3. He channeled, Huanghe, the Yellow River at Jishi Mountain, the Accumulated Rocks, all the way down to Longmen Mountain, the Dragon Gate, southward to the north of Huashan Mountain, and then eastward it reached Dizhu Mountain, and continued eastward to Mengjin, and kept eastward passing by the mouth of Luoshui River, and went all the way to Dapishan Mountain, and it passed by Jiangshui in the north and reached Daluze the Giant Deer Lake. It was divided into nine tributaries in the north and merged into Nihe River, the river had countercurrent tides from time to time due to the sea tides. Finally, it flowed into the sea; 
  4. He diverted the Qingshui River at Bozhongshan Mountain, and it flowed eastward as the Hanshui River, and then it kept flowing eastward as the Canglangshui River. It passed by the Sanshishui River, entered the Dabieshan Mountains, it flowed southward into the Yangtze River, and then flowed eastward into Penglize Lake, and it flowed eastward as Beijiang the North River, and it finally flowed into the sea; 
  5. He diverted the Yangtze River in Wenshan Mountain, branched it off to the east as the Tuojiang River, then east to the Lishui River, it passed by Jiujiang, all the way past by Dongling, it curved eastward to the north, and joined the Huaishui River, and flowing east as the Zhongjiang River the Middle River, and it finally entered the sea; 
  6. He channeled the Yanshui River and it flowed eastward to become the Jishui River, which flowed into the Yellow River. It overflowed and gathered into Xingboze Lake, and went eastward to the north of Taoqiu Mountain, then eastward to Heze Lake, and then it flowed northeastward to join the Wenshui River. Finally, it flowed northeastward into the sea; 
  7. The Huaishui River was channeled from Tongbai Mountain to the east to join the Sishui River and the Yishui River, and finally flowed eastward into the sea; 
  8. The Wei River was channeled from the Niaoshu Mountain to the east to join the Feng River, and then it flowed northeast to the Jing River. It flowed eastward through Qishui and Jushui two rivers, and flows into the Yellow River; 
  9. The Luoshui River was diverted from Xiong'er Mountain, and flowed northeastward to join Jianshui and Zhangshui, then eastward to join the Yishui River, and it flowed northeastward into the Yellow River.

At that time, Jiuzhou the Nine States were unified, and everyone could live anywhere within the four corners. The mountains of Jiuzhou had roads built through and ready for travel, the rivers of nine states were dredged, and dams were built by the lakes in every state. Tribute from all over came together. All six prefectures were managed properly, the land in each place had been accurately surveyed, and taxes were collected carefully according to the conditions in each place, and they were all levied according to the different grades of the soil. The land and surnames were granted to the princes: "The respect for my virtues comes first, and do not deviate away from my teachings."

It was stipulated that the area five hundred miles outside of the capital was to be taken as Dianfu: those within one hundred miles had to pay the entire crops in bundles with husks and stalks, those within two hundred miles had to pay with crops with grains, those within three hundred miles had to pay grains with the awns removed, those within four hundred miles had to pay millet, and those within five hundred miles had to pay rice. And the area five hundred miles outside of Dianfu was Houfu: the area within one hundred miles was for the officials at His Majesty's services, the area within two hundred miles was for the ministers of the court, and the area of another three hundred miles was for the feudal princes. And the area five hundred miles outside of Houfu was Suifu: those of the first three hundred miles were to be educated and civilized, while those of another two hundred miles out were to be ready to defend the emperor with force. And the area five hundred miles outside of Suifu was Yaofu: those of the first three hundred miles were to follow his majesty's teachings and ready to serve, and the area of another two hundred miles was to follow the law and accept its punishment. And the area five hundred miles outside of Yaofu was Huangfu: the areas within three hundred miles were to be governed according to customs and etiquette of the local barbaric traditions, and the area of another two hundred miles and beyond would be the free zones. 

The land extended to the sea in the east and to the desert in the west. From north to south, the emperor's prestige and teachings were spreading all over the world. So Emperor Shun rewarded Yu with Xuangui, the power symbol made of black jade, and used it to announce the success of flood control to the whole world. From then on, the world was stable and peaceful.

Gaoyao served as the chief judicial officer to govern the people.

There was one time when Emperor Shun went to court, Yu, Boyi, and Gaoyao came forward to talk to Emperor Shun.

Gaoyao described his ideas and said: "Believe in his morality, seek wisdom, and assist in peace."

Yu said: "Well, how?"

Gaoyao said: "All right then! Be cautious and be self-disciplined, make plans in long term, and stay connected with your people in an orderly fashion, and have all those smart and capable ones surrounding you as assistants like your wings, then your administration nearby will be able to go far away."

Yu bowed down and praised his words, saying, "That's it." Gaoyao added, "Ah! It all depends on knowing your people and making good use of their talents, and also knowing how to comfort the people."

Yu said: "Alas! If this is the case, even Emperor Yao will find it difficult. It takes wisdom to know people’s talents and appoint them as officials; it's benevolence to be able to comfort the people so that they will be grateful. If you can do them both, then there would be no need to bother about Huan Dou, no need to exile Sanmiao, and no worries about the ones with eloquent words but with vicious intentions?"

Gaoyao said: "Yes, that’s right! People are different and there are nine different kinds of moral characters. While you are listening to the words someone is saying, you also need to look at his moral character."

Then he said: "When you start doing something, be generous but serious, be gentle but firm, be determined but cooperative, be imperious but respectful, be persistent and resolute, be straightforward but amiable, be simple and frugal, be decisive and practical, be strong and righteous, to say if all of these nine virtues become the norms of your day, that's great, you will get things done. 

Each day, if you show three moral qualities, and follow them through diligently from morning to night, you will be named a senior official. If you can show six moral qualities rigorously and respectfully every day and use them to assist the emperor, you can be named a prince.

If you accept them all and apply them universally, you can arrange ministries for people with nine kinds of moral character, let people with outstanding talents get official positions, and all officials can be respectful and cautious. 

And don't allow indulgence and conspiracy, and if the incompetent people get in official positions, it will disturb the destiny of heaven. The Heaven wants to punish those guilty ones and will execute them according to the five punishments! Can what I just said be successfully implemented? "

Yu said: "Yes, what you said can be successfully implemented." Gaoyao said: "I do not know that much, I am only thinking about how to govern the country!"

Emperor Shun said to Yu, "You can also give me some good suggestions." 

Yu bowed down and said, "Ah, what should I say? All I think about every day is how to do my job diligently." 

Picking on Yu, Gaoyao asked: "What do you mean to do your job diligently?"

Yu said: "The floods were sky-high all over the world, surrounded the mountains and submerged the hills, and the people all over the world were suffering from the floods. I drove chariots while on flat land, rode in boats when on waterways, used wooden sleds when on muddy ground, and wore spiked shoes when climbing the mountains, and cut trees along the mountains to set up road signs. Yi and I delivered rice and other made-ready eats to people. I channeled the nine rivers into the four seas, and dug up ditches in the fields to dredge floods into the major rivers. And also, Ji and I sent emergency food to the people. And whenever and wherever there was a food shortage, we brought it from somewhere there was a surplus, or we had the people relocated. And now, all the people had settled down happily and the world were at peace." 

Gao Yao said: "That's it. This is a wonderful achievement."

Yu said: "Yes! My Emperor, so in my position all I can do is to be cautious and cool. And while assisting Your Majesty of virtues, I see people in the world all come to follow. With a clear mind I shall be waiting to be summoned by the Supreme Being, for the mission granted by Heaven with great responsibility till the end.

The Emperor said: “Oh, dear! My ministers! My ministers! you are my legs, my arms, my ears and my eyes. If I wish to aid and support the people, you come to help me to do so. If I wish to see the emblematic figures of the ancients — the sun, moon, and stars — which are embroidered on the robes and coloured silks, you make it clear. If I wish to hear the six pitchpipes, the five notes, and the eight musical instruments on the adjustment of which depend good government or misrule, and the consequent rise or decline of the five duties, you distinguish them for me. If I am going to do wrong, you correct me beforehand. You won't flatter me to my face and speak evil of me behind my back. And you are reverent to your four ministers. And about those calumniating minions of officials, as long as my virtue is honestly displayed, they all are out of the ways.”

Yu said: “That's right! Should Your Majesty have not done so, but equally employed the good and the bad, then there won't be much achievement so far.”

Emperor Shun said: "Danzhu is arrogant, don't be like him. He only likes to play for fun. He will take a boat even if there is no water. He holds an orgy party at his own home, that’s what leads to his failure to inherit the throne. I can't let him have his way." 

Yu said: "I married a girl from Tushan and took her as my wife, and left home four days later. She gave birth to Qi, and I did not go home to see my son, so I was able to successfully control the flood. I assisted in opening up the territory and had it divided into five regions, extending it to five thousand miles away and setting up the governors of twelve states. The reputation of our importance was widespread to places by the four seas, and the leaders of the five princes were appointed, they all had their achievements. And the Sanmiao are stubborn and made no achievements, but my Emperor remembered it!" 

Emperor Shun said: "Speaking of my name, it counts as your credit.”

From then on, Gao Yao respected Yu's character even more, and he ordered the people to follow Yu as the standard. If anyone disobeyed the orders, he would punish them. As a result, Emperor Shun's name became even more widespread.

At this time, Kui, who was in charge of culture and education, began to play music, and the spirits of all the ancestors descended, the princes bowed down to show respect and courtesy to each other, the birds and beasts started to dance gracefully, the music "Xiao Shao" was played nine times and then the ceremony was completed, the phoenix also flew in pairs, all the beasts danced together, and all the officials coordinated in harmony. Emperor Shun therefore sang: "Follow the mandate of the heaven to implement virtuous governance, comply with the seasons and act cautiously." Then he sang again: "The ministers are happy, the monarch is working hard, and the careers of all officials are prosperous!" Gaoyao raised his both hands, bowed down, and spoke loudly and clearly: "Remember this, when taking the lead in doing good things, one must treat laws and regulations with caution and respect!" Then he sang: "The monarch is wise, the ministers are virtuous, and all will be in peace and happiness!" He sang again: "If the king cares only about trivial matters, and the ministers are lazy, then everything is going to be ruined!" Emperor Shun bowed and said, "That's it. Let's work hard!" At this time, everyone in the world regarded the measures and rhythms announced by Yu as their guidelines and respected him as the supreme master of mountains and rivers.

Emperor Shun recommended Yu to the Heaven and made him his successor. Seventeen years later Emperor Shun died. At the end of the three-year mourning period, Yu fled to Yangcheng and gave up his position as emperor to Shun's son Shangjun. All the princes in the world left Shangjun and went to the court with Yu. Yu then ascended to the throne of the emperor and governed the world. His dynasty was named Xia and he was surnamed Si.

After Emperor Yu came to the throne, he recommended Gaoyao to the Heaven and entrusted him with the emperor’s affairs. However, Gaoyao died. Yu granted the lands of Ying, Liu, and Xu to the descendants of Gaoyao. Later, Yu appointed Yi to handle the emperor’s affairs.

In the tenth year of his reign, Emperor Yu went on his hunting cruise in the east and died in Kuaiji. And he left the world to Yi. After the three-year mourning period was over, Yi gave up the throne to Emperor Yu's son Qi and took refuge south of Jishan Mountain. Yu's son Qi was virtuous and talented, and everyone in the world hoped that he could be the emperor. When Yu died, although he gave the world to Yi, Yi did not have much time to assist Yu, so that the people of the world were still not convinced. And all the princes in the world left Yi and went to see Qi, saying, "My king is the son of Emperor Yu." So Qi ascended to the throne as the emperor, and this was Emperor Qi of Xia dynasty.

Emperor Qi of the Xia Dynasty was the son of Yu, and his mother was a daughter of the Tushan clan.

The Youhu family was disobiedient, so Qi launched an attack, and there was a fierce battle in Gan. Before the battle started, Qi wrote "Gan's Oath" and summoned up the commanders of the six armies and admonished them. Qi said: "Ah! Soldiers of the Sixth Army, I swear to you: The Youhu clan insulted the five laws of the heaven and despised the affairs of three righteousness in the world, and the Heaven is now cutting off their fate. Now I respectfully carry out the Heaven's punishment. The left charioteer do not complete the mission of the left charioteer, the right do not complete the right, you are not obeying my order. Driving chariot is not the bussiness of the horses, you are not obeying my order. Those who obey the order will be rewarded in the ancestral temple; those who disobey the order will be punished in front of the altar, and the same also goes to your wife and children." The Youhu clan was then successfully destroyed. All the princess in the world came in to Qi's court.

Emperor Qi of Xia Dynasty died, and his son Emperor Taikang succeeded to the throne. Then when Emperor Taikang lost his country, his five younger brothers waited on the bend of Luoshui River and composed "The Song of the Five Sons".

Taikang died and his younger brother Zhongkang succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Zhongkang. During the reign of Emperor Zhongkang, the Xi family and the He family, who were in charge of the four seasons of heaven and earth, indulged in wine and sex, neglected their duties, became a disturbance of the time. Yin was ordered to go to conquer them and wrote "Yin’s Conquer" was written.

Zhongkang died, and his son Xiang succeeded to the throne. The emperor Xiang died and his son Shaokang succeeded to the throne. Emperor Shaokang died and his son Yu (予) succeeded him. Emperor Yu died and his son Huai succeeded to the throne. Emperor Huai died and his son Mang succeeded to the throne. Emperor Mang died and his son Xie succeeded to the throne. Emperor Xie died, and his son Bujiang succeeded him. Emperor Bujiang died, and his younger brother Jiong succeeded to the throne. Emperor Jiong died and his son Jin succeeded to the throne. When Emperor Jin passed away, Emperor Bujiang's son Kongjia succeeded to the throne. Then this was Emperor Kongjia.

After Emperor Kongjia came to the throne, he liked to imitate ghosts and gods and indulged in promiscuity. The fortunes of the Xia clan were declining day by day, and the princes rebelled one after another. At this time, two dragons descended from the sky, one female and one male. Kongjia didn't know how to raise them and couldn't find anyone who was good at raising dragons. At that time, the Taotang clan had declined, and one of its descendants, Liu Lei, once learned the skill of raising dragons from the Chuanlong clan and used it to serve Kongjia. Kongjia gave him the surname Yulong and made him the monarch of Shewei. Later, the female dragon died, and Liu Lei gave the dragon meat to Kong Jia to eat. When Emperor Xia wanted to see the two dragons, Liu Lei ran away out of fear.

Kongjia died and his son Gao (皋) succeeded to the throne. Emperor Gao died and his son Fa succeeded him. When Emperor Fa died, his son Lugui succeeded him, so there was Jie.

When Emperor Jie was in power, since many princes had rebelled against the Xia Dynasty since Kongjia, Jie did not uphold virtue but used force to suppress the princes and harm the hundreds of tribes, which was intolerable to all tribes. Then Jie summoned Tang and imprisoned him in Xiatai, but soon released him. Tang was able to practice virtuous administration, and all the princes in the world surrendered to Tang, so Tang led his troops to attack Xia Jie. Jie fled to Mingtiao and was eventually exiled and died. Jie said to people: "I regret that I didn't kill Tang in Xiatai and ended up like this." So Tang ascended to the throne as the emperor and replaced the Xia Dynasty in control of the world. Tang granted fiefs to the descendants of the Xia Dynasty, and they were sealed in Qi State in the Zhou Dynasty much later.

Taishigong the Grand Historian said: “Yu's surname was Si, and his descendants were enfeoffed and took their fiefdom's name as their surname, therefore, there were families with the surnames of Xiahou, Youhu, Younan, Zhenxun, Tongcheng, Bao, Fei, Qi, Zan, Xin, Ming, and Zou Ge. Confucius corrected the Xia Dynasty calendar, and many scholars spread the teachings of ‘Xia Xiao Zheng’, the guidebook for agriculture at the time. Starting from the Yu and the Xia periods, the tribute system was completed. Some people think that Yu once summoned the princes in the south of the Yangtze River and died while assessing the merits of the princes. Therefore, he was buried there, and people named the place Kuaiji. Phonetically, Kuaiji means accounting.”



































The end of A2

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