Friday, March 22, 2024

44 Zhongzong


After Emperor Yongji died, his younger brother Taiwu succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Taiwu. Emperor Taiwu appointed Yizhi, the son of Yiyin, as prime minister. In Bo, there was an auspiciousness in the court, mulberry and corn coexisted, in one night, it grew to a size of full embrace by both hands. Emperor Taiwu was alarmed and questioned Yizhi on the subject. Yizhi said: "As your servant, I have heard that evil cannot defeat good. Maybe there are flaws in the emperor’s policies? So Your Majesty should just work on your virtue." Taiwu followed his advice, and the auspicious mulberry tree withered away. Yizhi praised Wuxian. Wuxian was also an achiever in managing the royal family business, he wrote "Xianyi" and "Taiwu", recorded Wuxian's achievements in governing the country and praised Emperor Taiwu's acceptance of advice and cultivation of virtue. Emperor Taiwu praised Yizhi in the Imperial Ancestral Temple, saying that he should not be just treated like other ministers. Yizhi humbly refused to obey and wrote "Original Mandate" to reinterpret Emperor Taiwu's mandate. In this way, Yin became prosperous again, and the princes came to submit to him again. Therefore, Emperor Taiwu was called Zhongzong the Middle Ancestor.

After Zhongzong died, his son Zhongding succeeded to the throne. Emperor Zhongding moved the capital to Ao. And later Emperor Hedanjia moved the capital to Xiang, and Emperor Zuding moved the capital to Xing. After Emperor Zhongding died, his younger brother Wairen succeeded him. This was Emperor Wairen. The record of Zhongding was incomplete in Shangshu the Ancient Book. After Emperor Wairen died, his younger brother Hedanjia succeeded him. This was Emperor Hedanjia. During Hedanjia's reign, the Yin dynasty declined again.



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