Friday, March 22, 2024

46 Pangeng


After Emperor Yangjia died, his younger brother Pangeng succeeded to the throne. This is Emperor Pangeng. During the reign of Emperor Pangeng, the Yin Dynasty had already established its capital north of the Yellow River. Pangeng crossed the Yellow River to the south bank and re-established the capital in Tang's former residence. So far, the capital had been moved five times and there was no fixed place. The Yin people were not happy and resented, and did not want to move again. Pangeng then told the princes and ministers: "The great former Emperor Tang and your ancestors stabilized the world together. His laws should be followed. If you abandon his laws and do not work hard, how can you make any achievement!" So he crossed the Yellow River to the south bank, rebuilt the city of Bo, and implemented the policies of Tang. After that, the people were able to live in peace and the power of the Yin Dynasty was revived. The princes all came to pay homage because Pangeng followed the good policies of Cheng Tang.

After Emperor Pangeng died, his younger brother Xiaoxin succeeded to the throne. This is Emperor Xiaoxin. When Emperor Xiaoxin was in power, the Yin Dynasty declined again. The people missed Pangeng, so they wrote three chapters of "Pangeng". After Emperor Xiaoxin died, his younger brother Xiaoyi succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Xiaoyi.



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