Saturday, March 23, 2024

47 Wuding


Emperor Xiaoyi died, and his son Wuding came to the throne. When Emperor Wuding was on the throne, he contemplated how Yin dynasty could be revivified, but he did not get any help. Didn't speak for three years, Wuding let all of his state affairs being handled by Zhongzai the prime minister, and remained as just an observer. Wuding dreamed one night that he had found a holy man, whose name was Yue. In order to secure the man he had seen in his dream, he looked up and down at the officers and ministers of his court, but none of them was the right man. He then made all his officers search for him everywhere, and Yue was discovered at Fuxian. At that time Yue was a prisoner serving as a labor builder at Fuxian. He had an audience of Wuding, who said, “That is the right man.” Having talked with him, Wuding found that Yue really was a holy man, then Wuding pointed him as his prime minister. The kingdom of Yin was well governed as a result, and he was thus named Fuyue after Fuxian.

Emperor Wuding held a sacrifice ceremony to Cheng Tang, the very second day, a pheasant flew up, landed on the ear of a tripod, and crowed, which caused Wuding to fear. Zuji said: “There is nothing for the king to worry about, all he has to do first is to rectify the state affairs. “ Zuji then lectured the king: “In its superintendence over everyone below, Heaven only pays special regard to the behavior in accordance with morality, the life span granted by Heaven is long for some and short for others. Heaven does not cut people’s lives short; they do it by themselves. Some people may not have conformed to virtue, and will not acknowledge their crimes, Heaven then will charge them to correct their conduct, but they say, 'What shall we do?' Ah! the king should continuously treat the people with respect. Aren't we all Heaven's descendants? Make regular sacrifices, and do not be disrespectful and abandon the Way of Heaven.” Wuding instituted a state affair reform, and practiced virtue, the whole nation rejoiced, and the Yin Dynasty again flourished.



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