Monday, March 25, 2024

54 A3. Yin (Shang) Dynasty


Sima Qian: Historical Records 3 Yin (Shang) Dynasty 

Yin Qi’s mother was Jiandi, a girl from the Yousong clan, and later she became the secondary wife of Emperor Ku. When three sisters were having an open bath together, a blackbird dropped its egg and Jiandi got it and swallowed it, thus became pregnant, then gave birth to Qi (契). Qi grew up and earned merit for assisting Yu in flood control.Emperor Shun directed Qi by saying that the people were not as harmonious as they supposed to be, which was due to the five orders of relationship not taught, and as Situ, the Minister of Culture and Education, Qi had the responsibility to teach the lessons reverently but gently.Qi was enfeoffed in Shang, and surnamed Zi. Qi’s rising was during the reigns of Yao, Shun, and Yu, and his services were recognized by the people, and they were in turn enjoying peace.

Qi died, and his son Zhaoming succeeded him. Zhaoming died, and his son Xiangtu succeeded him. Xiangtu died, and his son Changruo succeeded him. Changruo died, and his son Caoyu succeeded him. Caoyu died, and his son Ming succeeded him. Ming died, and his son Zhen succeeded him. Zhen died, and his son Wei succeeded him. Wei died, and his son Baoding succeeded him. Baoding died, and his son Baoyi succeeded him. Baoyi died, and his son Baobing succeeded him. Baobing died, and his son Zhuren succeeded him. Zhuren died, and his son Zhugui succeeded him. Zhugui died, and his son Tianyi succeeded him, and that was Cheng Tang (成汤).

So Tang settled down, from Qi to Tang, the capital had changed eight times. Tang was the first to dwell in Bo, where Emperor Ku had it as the capital, and hence he wrote the Emperor's Announcement.

Tang started with the expeditions against the princes of Xia. The neighboring chief of Ge was not willing to offer the proper sacrifices, thus Tang began the conquest. Tang said: “you see your own reflection when looking at the water, and you know if you are capable of governing or not just by observing your own people.” Yiyin said: “ It is clear that one may offer oneself as the ruler if one listen to the reason and follow up accordingly. How is people’s well-being entirely depends on the sovereign. Work hard and work hard!' Tang said: “If you don't respect my command, the extreme penalty will find you. No exception!” And Tang’s Expeditions was written.

Yiyin's name was A-Heng. He wanted to meet Tang but had no opportunity to do so, he therefore became a cook as one of the servants accompanying the princess of Youxin, Tang’s bride. While servicing dishes, by talking about the taste, he urged Tang to perfect himself in the way of the ancient kings. And there were also some saying, that when he was living in seclusion, Tang sent for him five times before he okayed it, and he preached about the matters connected with the ten different kinds of previous rulers. Tang promoted him to the administration of the country’s affairs. But he left Tang and went to Xia. And after having observed the ugliness of the Xia Dynasty, Yiyin returned to Bo. On his entry through the north gate of the city, he met with two ministers of Tang by the name of Nujiu and Nufang, and so the “Nujiu” and “Nufang” were written.

Tang went out and saw the followings, some hunters in the wild were setting up nets in four directions and praying all the prey from all directions enter the nets. Tang said: "Oh, no! That way you will catch them all!" So he had the nets in three directions removed and prayed: "If you want to go to the left, go left. If you want to go to the right, go right. Only those who disobey will enter my net." The princes heard of it and were touched by it, they were all saying: "Tang's virtue has reached the highest level, and even birds and beasts get to enjoy his blessings."

At that time, Xia Jie was tyrannical and promiscuous, and one of the princes Kunwu rebelled. So Tang, leading an army with the princes, and with Yiyin by his side, holding a halberd personally, conquered Kunwu first, and then conquered Jie. Tang said: “Come, you multitudes of people, you all come to listen to my words. It is not just me, a little kid, who dare to rebel. The ruler of Xia committed many crimes, and I heard you all have been saying that Xia is guilty. I have my ultimate reverence for the Supreme Emperor, I do not dare not to do the right thing. Now, as the Xia ruler has committed many crimes, by the power of Heaven, that Xia’s fate is ending today. Now you people are in the multitudes, all saying: 'Our king did not care about us at all, he abandoned our farming and implemented tyranny.' And you say, 'As to his crimes, what remedy have we?' The king of Xia did nothing but exhaust his people's strength, and exploited them oppressively. His people all became careless, and not in harmony with him, saying, 'When will this day be over? We would rather all perish together.' The decline of Xia had come to this, I got no choice but to go on with the conquest. If you help me, one man by himself, to carry out the punishment decreed by Heaven, and I will reward you greatly. Trust me on this, my words is my bond. If you do not follow my oath, I will have punishment waiting for you, no exception!” And this being announced to the army, Tang’s Oath was written. Tang then said, “I am very warlike”, and this was how he was titled, Wuwang (武王), The Warlike king.

Jie was defeated in the homeland of the Yousong clan and fled to Mingtiao, and the army of Xia was completely done. Tang then attacked Sanzong the three other clans and seized many precious stones and jewels. Yibo and Zhongbo wrote "Dianbao the Statutes and Jewels" for this reason. After the overthrowing of Xia, Tang wanted to remove Xia's altar, but without the help of Goulong the Lord of the Land, that was beyond Tang's power, so "Altar of Xia" was written. Yiyin reported to Tang. At that time, all the princes submitted to Tang, and Tang ascended the throne of the emperor, and there was peace within the four seas.

On his return, Tang arrived at Taijuantao, and Zhonglei wrote his announcement. Having ended Xia, Tang returned to Bo, and the Tang’s Announcement was written: “In the third month, the king came to the east suburb personally and made the following announcement to the princes and nobles: 'If you do not make contribution to the people and work diligently in your business, I shall have extreme punishment waiting for you. Do not be complaining against me.' He also said: 'In the past, Yu and Gaoyao had hard labor for long time and in remote areas. Their merits came from providing services to the people, and the people then, in turn, could enjoy peace. On the east, there was the Great Yangtze River, on the north the Jishui River, on the west the Yellow River, and the south the Huaishui River. These four streams were well-kept within bounds, and people dwelt in safety. Prince Houji the Millet taught them how to sow and cultivate various kinds of grain. These three chiefs made contributions to the people, so their descendants were able to get an establishment. In the past, Chiyou and his ministers kept harming the people and the Emperor disapproved of it, then see what happened to them. The words of the former kings just cannot be not being put in action.’ And he said again: ‘If you do not follow the principles, you do not fit to be in the state affairs. Do not be complaining against me.'” With it, he sent the command to all princes. Yiyin wrote "All with one same virtue", and Jiushan wrote "Clean living".

Tang then changed the calendar, altered the first day of the New Year, and changed the color of clothing, and advocated white, and set the emperor’s meeting with the ministers to the daytime.

After Tang’s death, the crown prince Taiding died before he succeeded to the throne, so Taiding's younger brother Waibing was made the emperor, and this was Emperor Waibing. Emperor Waibing’s reign lasted for three years, and after his death, Waibing's younger brother Zhongren was made the emperor, and this was Emperor Zhongren. Emperor Zhongren’s reign lasted for four years, and after his death, Yiyin made Taiding's son Taijia the emperor. Taijia was the legitimate eldest grandson of Tang, and he was Emperor Taijia. In the first year of Emperor Taijia, Yiyin wrote “Instructions of Yi”, “Appointment of Heaven”, and “Sovereign Deceased”.

Emperor Taijia reigned for three years, but he kept making unwise decisions, he was cruel, he wasn't following the laws made by Tang, and his morals were corrupt, so Yiyin exiled him to Tonggong Palace. During the three years of Taijia's exile, Yiyin acted on the behalf of the emperor, and administered his affairs, and gave audience to the princes and the nobles.

Emperor Taijia lived in Tonggong Palace for three years, repented of all the mistakes he made, and then recovered to be good, so Yiyin welcomed him back and reinstated him. Emperor Taijia cultivated virtues, and the princes all came to submit to Yin, and the people were at peace. Yiyin appreciated this and wrote three chapters of "Instructions of Taijia" to praise Emperor Taijia, who then was honored as Taizong the Grand Ancestor. 

After Taizong died, his son Woding succeeded to the throne. When Emperor Woding was in power, Yiyin died. After Yiyin was buried in Bo, Jiushan wanted to use Yiyin's deeds to admonish future generations, so he wrote "Woding". 

After Woding died, his younger brother Taigeng succeeded to the throne, and he was Emperor Taigeng. After Emperor Taigeng died, his son Emperor Xiaojia succeeded to the throne. After Emperor Xiaojia died, his younger brother Yongji succeeded to the throne, and he was Emperor Yongji. At this time, Yin was in decline, and some princes did not show up to the court.

After Emperor Yongji died, his younger brother Taiwu succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Taiwu. Emperor Taiwu appointed Yizhi, the son of Yiyin, as prime minister. In Bo, there was an auspiciousness in the court, mulberry and corn coexisted, in one night, it grew to a size of full embrace by both hands. Emperor Taiwu was alarmed and questioned Yizhi on the subject. Yizhi said: "As your servant, I have heard that evil cannot defeat good. Maybe there are flaws in the emperor’s policies? So Your Majesty should just work on your virtue." Taiwu followed his advice, and the auspicious mulberry tree withered away. Yizhi praised Wuxian. Wuxian was also an achiever in managing the royal family business, he wrote "Xianyi" and "Taiwu", recorded Wuxian's achievements in governing the country and praised Emperor Taiwu's acceptance of advice and cultivation of virtue. Emperor Taiwu praised Yizhi in the Imperial Ancestral Temple, saying that he should not be just treated like other ministers. Yizhi humbly refused to obey and wrote "Original Mandate" to reinterpret Emperor Taiwu's mandate. In this way, Yin became prosperous again, and the princes came to submit to him again. Therefore, Emperor Taiwu was called Zhongzong the Middle Ancestor.

After Zhongzong died, his son Zhongding succeeded to the throne. Emperor Zhongding moved the capital to Ao. And later Emperor Hedanjia moved the capital to Xiang, and Emperor Zuding moved the capital to Xing. After Emperor Zhongding died, his younger brother Wairen succeeded him. This was Emperor Wairen. The record of Zhongding was incomplete in Shangshu the Ancient Book. After Emperor Wairen died, his younger brother Hedanjia succeeded him. This was Emperor Hedanjia. During Hedanjia's reign, the Yin dynasty declined again.

After Hedanjia died, his son Zuyi succeeded to the throne. During Emperor Zuyi's reign, Yin prospered again, and Wuxian was in power. 

After Zuyi died, his son Emperor Zuxin succeeded to the throne. After Emperor Zuxin died, his younger brother Wojia succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Wojia. After Emperor Wojia died, Wojia's elder brother Zuxin's son Zuding was made emperor, and this was Emperor Zuding. After Emperor Zuding died, Wojia's son Nangeng was made emperor, and this was Emperor Nangeng. After Emperor Nangeng died, Emperor Zuding's son Yangjia was made emperor, and this was Emperor Yangjia. During Emperor Yangjia's reign, Yin declined again.

Since Zhongding, the legitimate sons were often deposed and replaced by brothers and their sons. Sometimes the brothers and their sons competed for the throne, and there was chaos for nine consecutive generations, so the princes did not come to the court.

After Emperor Yangjia died, his younger brother Pangeng succeeded to the throne. This is Emperor Pangeng. During the reign of Emperor Pangeng, the Yin Dynasty had already established its capital north of the Yellow River. Pangeng crossed the Yellow River to the south bank and re-established the capital in Tang's former residence. So far, the capital had been moved five times and there was no fixed place. The Yin people were not happy and resented, and did not want to move again. Pangeng then told the princes and ministers: "The great former Emperor Tang and your ancestors stabilized the world together. His laws should be followed. If you abandon his laws and do not work hard, how can you make any achievement!" So he crossed the Yellow River to the south bank, rebuilt the city of Bo, and implemented the policies of Tang. After that, the people were able to live in peace and the power of the Yin Dynasty was revived. The princes all came to pay homage because Pangeng followed the good policies of Cheng Tang.

After Emperor Pangeng died, his younger brother Xiaoxin succeeded to the throne. This is Emperor Xiaoxin. When Emperor Xiaoxin was in power, the Yin Dynasty declined again. The people missed Pangeng, so they wrote three chapters of "Pangeng". After Emperor Xiaoxin died, his younger brother Xiaoyi succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Xiaoyi.

Emperor Xiaoyi died, and his son Wuding came to the throne. When Emperor Wuding was on the throne, he contemplated how Yin dynasty could be revivified, but he did not get any help. Didn't speak for three years, Wuding let all of his state affairs being handled by Zhongzai the prime minister, and remained as just an observer. Wuding dreamed one night that he had found a holy man, whose name was Yue. In order to secure the man he had seen in his dream, he looked up and down at the officers and ministers of his court, but none of them was the right man. He then made all his officers search for him everywhere, and Yue was discovered at Fuxian. At that time Yue was a prisoner serving as a labor builder at Fuxian. He had an audience of Wuding, who said, “That is the right man.” Having talked with him, Wuding found that Yue really was a holy man, then Wuding pointed him as his prime minister. The kingdom of Yin was well governed as a result, and he was thus named Fuyue after Fuxian.

Emperor Wuding held a sacrifice ceremony to Cheng Tang, the very second day, a pheasant flew up, landed on the ear of a tripod, and crowed, which caused Wuding to fear. Zuji said: “There is nothing for the king to worry about, all he has to do first is to rectify the state affairs. “ Zuji then lectured the king: “In its superintendence over everyone below, Heaven only pays special regard to the behavior in accordance with morality, the life span granted by Heaven is long for some and short for others. Heaven does not cut people’s lives short; they do it by themselves. Some people may not have conformed to virtue, and will not acknowledge their crimes, Heaven then will charge them to correct their conduct, but they say, 'What shall we do?' Ah! the king should continuously treat the people with respect. Aren't we all Heaven's descendants? Make regular sacrifices, and do not be disrespectful and abandon the Way of Heaven.” Wuding instituted a state affair reform, and practiced virtue, the whole nation rejoiced, and the Yin Dynasty again flourished.

Emperor Wuding died, and his son Emperor Zugeng came to the throne. Zuji praised Wuding for considering the auspicious pheasant as a ground for practicing virtue, and recognized him with the posthumous title of Gaozong the Exalted Ancestor for the Ancestral Temple, and “On the Second Day of Sacrifice for Gaozong” and “Instructions of Gaozong” was written.

Emperor Zugeng died, and his brother Zujia came to the throne, that was Emperor Jia. Emperor Jia was promiscuous, and Yin again declined.

When Emperor Jia died, his son Emperor Xinxin ascended to the throne. When Emperor Xinxin died, his brother Gengding ascended to the throne, becoming Emperor Gengding. When Emperor Gengding died, his son Emperor Wuyi ascended to the throne. Yin again left Bo and moved to the North of the Yellow River.

Emperor Wuyi was a wicked man. He made a puppet and called it a god. He played a game with it and asked people to do it too.When the god was defeated, he would humiliate it. And he made a leather bag, filled it with blood, then shot it, and he called that "shooting the sky". Wuyi was hunting in the areas between the Yellow River and Weishui River, and stroke by a thunderstorm, and died. His son Taiding ascended the throne. Emperor Taiding died and his son Yi ascended the throne. Emperor Yi ascended the throne. And Yin became weaker.

Emperor Yi's eldest son was Weizi Qi (启), the viscount of Wei. His mother being of low class, Qi could not be heir to the throne. Emperor Yi had a younger son by the name of Xin, whose mother was the principal consort, and so Xin became the heir. Emperor Yi died, and his son Xin got on the throne. Emperor Xin was called Zhou the Tyrant (纣) by the world. 

Zhou the Tyrant was eloquent, quick-witted, and had sharp eyes and ears. He was taller and stronger than the ordinary and could fight wild beasts with his bare hands. He thought he knew enough to reject the advice of others and he was eloquent enough to cover up his own mistakes. He boasted of his talents to his ministers and used his prestige to suppress the world. And he believed that everyone was inferior to himself. He indulged himself in alcohol, women, and lusts of all sorts. He was especially fond of Daji, and he listened to everything she said. Then he had Shijuan the musician to make some new music pieces, debauched, belly dancing, and carnal desire arousing. He increased taxes to enrich the treasury at Lutai the Deer Terrace Pavilion, and filled his royal granaries at Juqiao with grain. He searched extensively for dogs, horses, and rare treasures to fill his palace. He also expanded the gardens and pavilions in Shaqiu the Royal Garden, and captured many wild animals and birds and put them there. He neglected the sacrifices to the gods and ghosts. He gathered many singers and dancers in Shaqiu, poured alcohol to form a pond, and hung meat to form a forest, to have naked men and women chasing each other, drinking and having fun all night long.

As the people were resentful, and some of the princes also rebelled, so Zhou the Tyrant increased the severity of the law and instituting the punishment of burning people alive. Zhou the Tyrant appointed Xibo Chang, Jiuhou and Ehou as his three principal ministers. Jiuhou had a beautiful daughter, so he offered her to Zhou the Tyrant. But Jiuhou's daughter resented promiscuity, which got Zhou the Tyrant outraged and killed her, and further more, made ground meat out of her father. And Ehou was made meat jerky out of, just for his strong and fierce arguments and debates. After hearing about it, the only thing Xibo Chang could do was to sigh discreetly. Chong Houhu, another minister of Zhou the Tyrant, learned about Xibo’s sigh and reported it to Zhou the Tyrant, so Zhou the Tyrant imprisoned Xibo in Youli. Xibo's minister Hongyao and others searched for beautiful women, treasures, and fine horses to offer to Zhou the Tyrant, so Zhou the Tyrant pardoned Xibo. After being released, Xibo offered a piece of land west of Luoshui to ask the favor of King Zhou the Tyrant to abolish the punishment of burning people alive. And Zhou the Tyrant agreed, and also rewarded him with bows and arrows and axes, and appointed him as Xibo, with the power of conquest, as the leader of the western princes. Zhou the Tyrant also appointed Feizhong to preside over state affairs. Feizhong was flattery and greedy, so the Yin people were not friendly with him. And Zhou the Tyrant also appointed Elai, who was a slanderer, and that made the princes became more alienated from Zhou the Tyrant.

After his return, Xibo just secretly cultivated virtue and did good deeds. Many princes rebelled against Zhou the Tyrant and joined Xibo. Xibo's power gradually grew, and Zhou the Tyrant's power was gradually losing. Zhou the Tyrant’s son Prince Bigan tried to weigh in his opinions but Zhou the Tyrant would not listen. Shangrong was a virtuous man, and the people loved him, but Zhou the Tyrant dismissed him. When Xibo marched against and conquered the State of Ji, Zhou the Tyrant's minister Zuyi heard about it and blamed Xibo's Zhou (周) State. He ran to Zhou (纣) the Tyrant and said: "Heaven is bringing an end to our Yin dynasty, the great men and the tortoise do not venture to foretell any good fortune. It's not that the previous kings did not help us, but because the king was licentious and tyrannical, and cut himself off from heaven, so heaven abandoned us and made it impossible for us to live in peace. If we don't know the will of Heaven in advance, how could we act according to the common law? Now there isn't a single one of our people who doesn't want the dynasty to perish, they all are saying, ‘Why hasn't the majesty of heaven descended? Why hasn't the will of heaven come yet?' What are you going to do now?" Zhou the Tyrant said, "Wasn't I born with the protection of heaven?" Zuyi came back and said, "Zhou the Tyrant can no longer be talked to." After Xibo died, his son Zhou Wuwang (周武王), the Warlike King of Zhou (周), went on an eastern conquest. When he came to Mengjin, 800 princes betrayed Yin and allied with the Zhou (周) army. The princes all said, "It's time to take down the tyranny of Zhou (纣)." King Wuwang said, "You don't know the will of heaven." So he went back.

The Tyrant Zhou's promiscuity became more and more serious. Weizi repeatedly advised, but the Tyrant refused to listen. So Weizi discussed with Dashi the Grand Tutor and Shaoshi the Junior Tutor and finally left the Tyrant. Bigan said, "As a minister in service of his majesty, you must give your life to advise." So he tried his best to persuade. Tyrant said angrily, "I heard that the heart of a saint has seven chambers." So he ordered Bigan's chest to be cut open to see his heart. His uncle Jizi was very frightened and pretended to be crazy and became a slave. Tyrant then imprisoned him. The Grand Tutor and Junior Tutor of Yin fled to Zhou with sacrificial utensils and musical instruments. King Wuwang of Zhou then led the princes and troops to attack the Tyrant. And the Tyrant also sent troops to resist Wuwang's army in Muye. On the Jiazi day, the tyrant's soldiers were defeated. He fled, climbed up the Deer Terrace, put on clothes decorated with precious jade, jumped into the fire and burned himself to death. King Wuwang of Zhou then cut off the tyrant's head and hung it on a white flag. And He ordered Daji to be killed. He released Jizi, closed Bigan's tomb, and honored Shang Rong on the door of his house. He also gave the Tyrant's son Wugeng a fiefdom, asking him to continue worshipping the ancestors of the Yin Dynasty and ordering him to follow the decrees of Pangeng. The Yin people were very happy. So King Wuwang of Zhou became the Son of Heaven. Because the descendants of the Yin Dynasty demoted the title of emperor and called themselves kings, King Wuwang of Zhou made the descendants of the Yin princes and subordinate to Zhou.

After the death of King Wuwang of Zhou, Wugeng, Guanshu, and Caishu rebelled. King Chengwang ordered Zhougong to execute them, and Wezii was established in the Song State to continue the ancestral worship as a descendant of the Yin.

Taishigong the Grand Historian said: “I compiled Qi's deeds based on the Songs of Shang. Since Cheng Tang all the historical materials come from the Book of Shang and the Book of Songs. Qi's surname was Zi. His descendants were given fiefs and took the names of their fiefdoms as their surnames. They included Yin, Lai, Song, Kongtong, Zhi, Beiyin, and Muyi. Confucius said that the Yin people had very good chariots and they admired the color white.





































The end of A3

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