Monday, March 25, 2024

56 Hou Ji the Agriculture Man


Hou Ji of Zhou was named Qi (弃). His mother was a daughter from the Youtai clan, named Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan was the principal wife of Emperor Ku. Jiang Yuan went out in the wild and saw giant footprints. She was delighted and wanted to step on them. When she stepped on them, something inside of her body moved like she was pregnant. After a while, she gave birth to a son. She thought it was a bad omen, so she abandoned him in a narrow alley. Horses and cattle passing by avoided him and did not step on him. She moved him to a forest. There happened to be many people in the forest at that time, so she moved him again and abandoned him on the ice in a canal, and a flying bird covered him with its wings and cushioned him. Jiang Yuan thought he was amazing like a god, so she took him home and raised him. She wanted to abandon the child at first, so she named him Qi (弃), the Abandonment. 

When Qi was a child, he had the ambition to be a giant. His games included planting hemp and beans, which were beautiful. When he grew up, he became interested in farming. He selected the land for its suitability and planted crops where it was suitable for growing grains. The people followed his example. Emperor Yao heard about this and appointed Qi as a farming teacher. The whole world benefited from his work and he was credited with great achievements. Emperor Shun said, "Before Qi the people were hungry, and then it all changed since Hou Ji sowed the crops." In a sense, Hou Ji means recent agriculture. He granted Qi a fiefdom in Tai and named him Hou Ji, with the surname Ji. Hou Ji’s rising to prominence was during the reigns of the Yao Tang (陶唐), You Yu (有虞), and Xia Hou (夏后), and he was virtuous.




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