Sunday, April 21, 2024

118 Confucius Died


In the first year in the reign of Duke Hui of Qin (500 BC), Confucius served as prime minister of Lu. In the fifth year, the nobles of Jin, Zhonghang and Fan, rebelled against Jin. Jin sent Zhi and Zhao Jianzi to attack them. Fan and Zhonghang fled to Qi. Duke Hui died ten years after he was enthroned, and his son Duke Dao of Qin was enthroned.

In the second year of Duke Dao of Qin, Qi minister Tian Qi killed his king Ruzi and established his brother Yangsheng as Duke Dao of Qi. In the sixth year, Wu defeated the Qi army. The Qi people killed Duke Dao of Qi and established his son Duke Jian of Qi. In the ninth year, Duke Ding of Jin and King Fuchai of Wu made an alliance and fought for supremacy at Huangchi. Duke Ding of Jin was defeated by Wu. Wu became stronger and overpowered the Central Kingdom. In the twelfth year (479 BC) Tian Chang of Qi killed Duke Jian of Qi and established his younger brother Duke Ping of Qi, with Chang as his prime minister. In the thirteenth year, Chu destroyed Chen. Duke Dao of Qin died in the fourteenth year of his reign, and his son Duke Li Gong of Qin ascended to the throne. Confucius died in the twelfth year of Duke Dao.

In the second year of Duke Li Gong (475 BC), the people of Shu came to Qin to offer gifts. In the 16th year, trenches were dug alongside of the Yellow River. The Qin State sent 20,000 soldiers to attack the Dali Rong and capture the Dali Royal City. In the twenty-first year, Qin began to set up its first county in Pingyang. Jin captured Wucheng. In the twenty-fourth year, civil strifes broke out in Jin, Zhibo was killed, and his fiefdom was divided among Zhao, Han, and Wei. In the twenty-fifth year, Zhikai and his subjects came to surrender. In the thirty-third year, Qin attacked Yiqu Rong and captured the Yiqu King. In the thirty-fourth year (443 BC), there was a solar eclipse. Duke Li Gong of Qin died and his son Duke Zao of Qin succeeded him. 

In the second year of Duke Zao of Qin, Nanzheng rebelled. In the thirteenth year, the Yiqu Rong attacked Qin and reached the south of the Wei River. In the fourteenth year (429 BC), Duke Zao of Qin died and his younger brother Duke Huai of Qin succeeded him.





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