Tuesday, May 7, 2024

203 Revenge for the Righteous Emperor


In August, the King of Han adopted Han Xin's strategy and returned to Guanzhong from the original route to attack Zhang Han, the King of Yong. Zhang Han met the Han army in Chencang, and the Yong army was defeated and retreated; they stopped fighting in Haozhi, were defeated again, and fled to Feiqiu. The King of Han finally pacified Yongdi. The army marched east to Xianyang, led the troops to besiege the King of Yong in Feiqiu, and sent generals to capture Longxi, Beidi, and Shangjun. The King of Han ordered General Xue Ou and Wang Xi to set out from Wuguan, relying on Wang Ling's army stationed in Nanyang, to go to Pei County to welcome Taigong and Empress Lü. When the State of Chu heard about it, it sent troops to block the Han army in Yangxia, and then the Han army was unable to move forward. Xiang Yu appointed Zheng Chang, the former magistrate of Wu County, as the King of Han to stop the Han army.

In the second year (205 BC), the King of Han attacked cities to the east, and Sima Xin, the King of Sai, Dong Yi, the King of Di, and Shen Yang, the King of Henan, all surrendered. Zheng Chang, the King of Han, was unwilling to surrender, so the King of Han sent Han Xin to defeat him. So the King of Han established Longxi, Beidi, Shangjun, Weinan, Heshang, Zhongdi, and other counties, and also established Henan County outside the pass. Han Xin, the grand marshal of Han, was appointed as the new King of Han. The generals who led 10,000 people or a county to surrender were rewarded 10,000 households. The strongholds on the river were repaired. The gardens and ponds that originally belonged to the Qin Dynasty were distributed to the people for cultivation. In the first month, the Han army captured Zhang Ping, the younger brother of the King of Yong. The King of Han pardoned the criminals.

When the King of Han came to Shan County after leaving Hangu Pass, he comforted the people outside the pass. After the King of Han returned, Zhang Er came to see him and the King of Han treated him very well.

In February, the King of Han ordered to abandon the Ancestral Temple Qin and established the Ancestral Temple of Han.

In March, the King of Han crossed the Yellow River in Linjin, and King Bao of Wei led his army to follow. The Han army captured Henei, captured King Yin, and established Henei County. The Han army crossed the river from Ferry Pingyin to the south and arrived in Luoyang. Dong Gong, the three elders of Xincheng, stopped the King of Han and told him the cause of Emperor Yi's death. When the King of Han heard about it, he bared his upper body and cried loudly, so he held a funeral for Yidi the Righteous Emperor and mourned for three days. He sent messengers to inform the princes, saying: "The princes of the world jointly supported the Righteous Emperor and served him facing north. Now Xiang Yu exiled the Righteous Emperor and killed him in the south of the Yangtze River. This is such an ugly treason. I will personally hold a funeral for the Righteous Emperor and the princes must wear mourning clothes. I'll dispatch all the troops across the Pass, gather all the warriors from the Three Rivers, cross the Yangtze River and the Han River to the south, and follow the princes and Kings to attack the people of Chu who killed the Righteous Emperor."






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