Friday, May 10, 2024

214 Gaozu Died


When Emperor Gaozu was attacking Ying Bu, he was hit by a stray arrow and fell ill during the march. His condition was serious, so Empress Lü invited a good doctor. The doctor came to the palace to pay his respects to Emperor Gaozu, who asked him about it. The doctor said, "The sickness can be cured." Emperor Gaozu then scolded the doctor and said, "I am a commoner holding a three-foot-long sword to seize the world. Isn't this destiny? Life is determined by heaven. Even if Bian Que is reborn, what use is there!" Emperor Gaozu did not let the doctor treat him, but rewarded him with fifty gold and let him go. Soon, Empress Lü asked, "After your majesty are over one hundred years (death), and if Prime Minister Xiao also dies, who can take over?" Emperor Gaozu said, "Cao Shen can." When asked the next person, Emperor Gaozu said, "Wang Ling can. However, Wang Ling is a little bit upright and outspoken, and Chen Ping can assist him. Chen Ping is wise, but but not capable enough to take on the heavy responsibility alone. Zhou Bo is calm and kind but lacks literary traits, but the one who can stabilize the Liu family must be Zhou Bo, so he can be made the Grand Marshal." Empress Lü asked the next person again, and Emperor Gaozu said, "What will happen after is beyond my version."

Lu Wan led several thousand cavalrymen to inquire about the news at the border, hoping to personally go to the palace to apologize when Emperor Gaozu recovered from his illness.

On the Jiachen day of April, Emperor Gaozu died in Changle Palace. Four days later, the death was not announced. Empress Lü discussed with Shen Yiji and said, "All the generals and the emperor were born as registered commoners. Now they are facing north and paying homage to the emperor. They often feel dissatisfied in their hearts. Now they are serving a young monarch. If they are not all exterminated, the world will not be stable." Someone heard the news and told General Li. General Li went to see Shen Yiji and said, "I heard that the emperor has passed away, but he still hasn't announced his death for four days, and he wants to kill all the generals. If he really does this, the world will be in danger. Chen Ping and Guan Ying led 100 thousand people to garrison Xingyang, and Fan Kuai and Zhou Bo led 200 thousand people to pacify Yan and Dai. Now they hear that the emperor has passed away and all the generals have been killed. They will definitely unite and march back to Guanzhong. The ministers are rebelling internally, and the princes are rebelling externally. The destruction can be expected on tiptoe." Shen Yiji went to the palace to relay these words, and only then did he announce the death on Dingwei day and pardon the world. 

When Lu Wan heard that Gaozu had passed away, he fled to the Huns.





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