Saturday, May 18, 2024

233 Agriculture is the Foundation


At the end of November, there was a solar eclipse. On December 15, there was another solar eclipse. The emperor said: "I have heard that Heaven first created the common people and then appointed a king to rule them. If a monarch is immoral and his policies are unfair, then Heaven will use natural disasters to warn him and remind him that he has not governed the country well. So at the end of November, a solar eclipse occurred, expressing Heaven's intention of condemnation. Is there any greater natural disaster than this! I have obtained the qualification to protect the ancestral temple and the state, and I am above the people and the king with my insignificant strength and body. The stability and chaos of the world depend on me alone. Only two or three ministers can assist me with all their strength like my arms and legs. I am unable to govern and educate all living beings, and I have also diminished the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars. This is a great lack of virtue. When an order is issued, you should think carefully about my mistakes as well as the limitations of my knowledge, insights and thoughts, and report them to me. And recommend those who are virtuous, upright and capable of speaking frankly to strongly advise me to correct the mistakes I made. You must manage your respective duties well and reduce corvée and taxes to facilitate the people. Since I am unable to travel far away to implement benevolent policies, I am extremely fearful and uneasy in my heart, always worrying that the barbarians outside will do wrongful things without scruples. Therefore, the military alert on the border cannot be lifted yet. Even though I cannot withdraw the troops stationed on the border now, but I have so many strict palace guards around me, so I have to withdraw the guards that General Wei has set up for me. The horses under the charge of the Imperial Coachman should only be kept as many as needed, and the rest should be placed in the post stations."

In January, the Emperor said: "Agriculture is the foundation of the world. Immediately open up the land for cultivation. I will personally lead the princes and the people to cultivate the land in order to provide grain for the ancestral temple for sacrifices."

In March, some officials requested to enthronize the prince as a vassal king. The emperor said, "King You of Zhao was imprisoned until his death. I feel very sorry for him. I have already enthroned King Zhao's eldest son Liu Sui as the new King of Zhao. Liu Sui's younger brother Liu Pijiang and King Daohui of Qi’s sons Liu Zhang, Marquis of Zhuxu, and Liu Xingju, Marquis of Dongmu, have made contributions to the country and can also be enfeoffed as princes. " So he made Liu Pijiang, the youngest son of King You of Zhao, the King of Hejian; several busy prefectures and counties of Qi were divided among Zhuxu Marquis, who was named the King of Chengyang; he made Dongmu Marquis the King of Jibei; he made the prince Liu Wu the King of Dai, the prince Liu Can the King of Taiyuan, and the prince Liu Yi the King of Liang. 




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