Thursday, May 30, 2024

254 Heavenly Way


At that time, the emperor was worried about the Yellow River bursting its banks, and the gold had not been refined yet, so he appointed Luan Da as the General of Five Benefits. In just over a month, Luan Da had already obtained four gold seals, including the seals of General of Heaven, General of Earth, General of Great Communication, and General of Heavenly Way. The emperor issued an edict to the censor, saying: "In the past, Great Yu dredged the nine rivers and opened up the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Huai River, and the Ji River. Recently, the river overflowed and flooded the land, and the labor of building embankments continued. I have ruled the world for 28 years. If the heaven wants to send me an alchemist, it should be General of Great Communication. The Qian Gua calls it "flying dragon", and the Jian Gua also mentions "wild geese". This should be a compliment to the mutual benefit between us, the monarch and his subjects! General of Earth, Luan Da, should be appointed as the Marquis of Letong with a place of 2,000 households." He gave Luan Da a house and a thousand servants, and gave him carriages, horses, curtains, and other utensils that the emperor did not need, filling his new house. He married Princess Wei Chang to him and gave her 10,000 jin of gold as a dowry, and changed her title to Princess Dangli. The emperor also personally came to General Wuli's residence, and the envoys also went to express their condolences, and the gifts they presented filled the road. From the emperor's aunt, the Grand Princess, to the generals and ministers, they all went to the Luan family to set up a banquet and presented gifts to him. So the emperor also carved a seal with the words "General Heavenly Way" on it, and asked the envoy to hold the jade seal, wear clothes made of bird feathers, and stand on white grass at night. General Wuli also wore clothes made of bird feathers and stood on white grass to receive the jade seal, to show that the emperor did not regard the recipient of the seal as his own subject. And wearing the seal of "Heavenly Way" was to guide the gods to come on behalf of the emperor. Therefore, Wuli often offered sacrifices at home at night, hoping to use this method to ask the gods to come. But the gods did not come, and all kinds of evil spirits gathered here, but General Wuli was very good at driving these ghosts. Soon he packed his luggage and headed east to the sea, according to legend, to find his teacher. Luan Da had only been introduced for a few months, but he was already wearing six seals, and his dignity was enough to shock the world. When the alchemists in the coastal areas of Yan and Qi saw him, they excitedly shook his wrist and said that they had a secret recipe that could summon immortals.


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