Thursday, May 30, 2024

256 Huangdi on the dragon back


People who went to the sea to look for Mount Penglai said that Mount Penglai was not far away, and those who failed to reach it were probably because they could not see the clouds of the mountain. So the emperor sent officials who were good at observing the clouds to help observe the clouds.

In the autumn of that year, the emperor came to Yong County to prepare for the suburban sacrifice. Someone said: "The Five Emperors are just assistant gods of Taiyi God. We should build a Taiyi altar and let the emperor personally perform the suburban sacrifice." The emperor hesitated and made no decision. Gongsun Qing of Qi said, "This year we got the tripod. The Xinsi day of this winter is the first day of the lunar month, and the morning of that day is the winter solstice, which is the same time when Huangdi got the tripod." A wooden book in Gongsun Qing's possession says: "Huangdi obtained the precious tripod in Wanqu County and asked Gui Yuqu about it. Gui Yuqu replied: ‘Huangdi, you obtained the tripod and the divine strategy for divination on the first day of the winter solstice in the year of Jiyou. This is consistent with the calendar of the heavenly way. The calendar of the heavenly way always repeats itself in a continuous cycle. ’ Then Huangdi calculated the calendar by observing the movement of the sun. From then on, the winter solstice would occur on the morning of the new moon every twenty years. He made twenty calculations in total, for a total of three hundred and eighty years. Huangdi became an immortal and ascended to heaven.” Gongsun Qing wanted to report the matter to the emperor through Suo Zhong. Suo Zhong saw that his book was absurd and suspected that it was a forgery, so he declined, saying, "The matter of the tripod has been settled, so what's the point of reporting it to the emperor?" Gongsun Qing again reported the matter to the emperor through someone he favored. The emperor was very pleased and summoned Gongsun Qing to inquire about the matter. Gongsun Qing replied, "I got this book from Shen Gong, but he is dead." The emperor then asked, "Who is Shen Gong?" Gongsun Qing said: "Shen Gong was a native of Qi. He had contact with An Qisheng and accepted the teachings of Huangdi. He did not leave any other books except this book about the tripod. The book mentions:‘The prosperity of the Han Dynasty should be the same as that of the Yellow Emperor. The sage emperor of the Han Dynasty will appear among the grandsons or great-grandsons of Emperor Gaozu. The appearance of the tripod will definitely allow communication with the gods, and Fengshan should be performed. From ancient times to the present, 72 emperors have performed Fengshan, but only the Yellow Emperor could perform Fengshan on Mount Tai.’ Shen Gong said: "The emperor of the Han Dynasty should also ascend Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods. After ascending Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods, he can become an immortal and ascend to heaven. During the Yellow Emperor's time, there were nearly 10,000 vassal states, and 7,000 of them were built to worship the gods. There are eight famous mountains in the world, three of which are located in the barbarian areas and five are located in the Central Plains. In the Central Plains, there are Huashan, Shoushan, Taishishan, Taishan and Donglaishan. These five mountains are where the Yellow Emperor often traveled, where he met with the gods. The Yellow Emperor sometimes fought and sometimes practiced the way of immortality. He was worried that the people would criticize the way of immortality he practiced, so he decisively killed those who slandered the gods. This continued for more than a hundred years before he was able to communicate with the gods. Huangdi once worshipped the Emperor of Heaven in the suburbs of Yong County and stayed there for three months. Gui Yuqu's nickname was Dahong, and after his death he was buried in Yong County, which is Hongzhong. From then on, Huangdi received the gods in Mingting. Mingting is now Ganquan Mountain. The so-called Hanmen is now Gukou. Huangdi excavated the copper mine in Shoushan and cast a tripod at the foot of Jingshan. After the tripod was cast, a dragon with long whiskers hanging down from its neck came down from the sky to greet Huangdi. Huangdi rode on the dragon's back, and more than 70 officials and concubines followed him, and the dragon flew away. The rest of the officials could not get on, so they all grabbed the dragon's whiskers tightly, and the dragon's whiskers were pulled apart, causing Huangdi's bow to fall. The people looked up at the Yellow Emperor as he ascended to heaven, and they all hugged his bow and the fallen dragon whiskers and cried. Therefore, later generations called this place Dinghu and the bow Wuhao. ’” So the emperor said, "Oh! If I could really be like Huangdi, I would regard leaving my wife and children as taking off my shoes." So he appointed Gongsun Qing as a palace attendant and sent him eastward to Mount Taishi to welcome the immortal.



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