Saturday, March 23, 2024

49 Zhou the Tyrant


Emperor Yi's eldest son was Weizi Qi (启), the viscount of Wei. His mother being of low class, Qi could not be heir to the throne. Emperor Yi had a younger son by the name of Xin, whose mother was the principal consort, and so Xin became the heir. Emperor Yi died, and his son Xin got on the throne. Emperor Xin was called Zhou the Tyrant  (纣) by the world. 

Zhou the Tyrant was eloquent, quick-witted, and had sharp eyes and ears. He was taller and stronger than the ordinary and could fight wild beasts with his bare hands. He thought he knew enough to reject the advice of others and he was eloquent enough to cover up his own mistakes. He boasted of his talents to his ministers and used his prestige to suppress the world. And he believed that everyone was inferior to himself. He indulged himself in alcohol, women, and lusts of all sorts. He was especially fond of Daji, and he listened to everything she said. Then he had Shijuan the musician to make some new music pieces, debauched, belly dancing, and carnal desire arousing. He increased taxes to enrich the treasury at Lutai the Deer Terrace Pavilion, and filled his royal granaries at Juqiao with grain. He searched extensively for dogs, horses, and rare treasures to fill his palace. He also expanded the gardens and pavilions in Shaqiu the Royal Garden, and captured many wild animals and birds and put them there. He neglected the sacrifices to the gods and ghosts. He gathered many singers and dancers in Shaqiu, poured alcohol to form a pond, and hung meat to form a forest, to have naked men and women chasing each other, drinking and having fun all night long.



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