Saturday, March 23, 2024

50 Xibo Chang


As the people were resentful, and some of the princes also rebelled, so Zhou the Tyrant increased the severity of the law and instituting the punishment of burning people alive. Zhou the Tyrant appointed Xibo Chang, Jiuhou and Ehou as his three principal ministers. Jiuhou had a beautiful daughter, so he offered her to Zhou the Tyrant. But Jiuhou's daughter resented promiscuity, which got Zhou the Tyrant outraged and killed her, and further more, made ground meat out of her father. And Ehou was made meat jerky out of, just for his strong and fierce arguments and debates. After hearing about it, the only thing Xibo Chang could do was to sigh discreetly. Chong Houhu, another minister of Zhou the Tyrant, learned about Xibo’s sigh and reported it to Zhou the Tyrant, so Zhou the Tyrant imprisoned Xibo in Youli. Xibo's minister Hongyao and others searched for beautiful women, treasures, and fine horses to offer to Zhou the Tyrant, so Zhou the Tyrant pardoned Xibo. After being released, Xibo offered a piece of land west of Luoshui to ask the favor of King Zhou the Tyrant to abolish the punishment of burning people alive. And Zhou the Tyrant agreed, and also rewarded him with bows and arrows and axes, and appointed him as Xibo, with the power of conquest, as the leader of the western princes. Zhou the Tyrant also appointed Feizhong to preside over state affairs. Feizhong was flattery and greedy, so the Yin people were not friendly with him. And Zhou the Tyrant also appointed Elai, who was a slanderer, and that made the princes became more alienated from Zhou the Tyrant.


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