Tuesday, April 30, 2024

170 Ban Gu on Qin


On the 15th day of the 10th month of the 17th year of Emperor Xiaoming of Han (74 AD), Ban Gu said:

The Zhou Dynasty's rule was over. According to the law of the transformation of the five virtues, a benevolent monarch would not replace the mother's virtue with the son's virtue. However, the Qin Dynasty just did that, the rule of the First Emperor Lu Zheng was cruel and tyrannical. However, he was able to annex the world at the age of thirteen as a vassal, indulge in lust, and raise his clan. He reigned for thirty-seven years, with his military force everywhere, making political decrees and passing them on to future emperors. He probably received the power of a saint, and the Yellow River God gave him cheats books, his body was backed up by the Wolf and Fox Stars of arrows and crossbows, his feet were on the Three Stars of Punishment, and the Heavens helped him to drive away the rebellion, and he was finally called the First Emperor.

After the death of the First Emperor, Hu Hai was very stupid. The Lishan Mausoleum was not yet completed, and he wanted to build the Afang Palace just to fulfill the will of the First Emperor. He said: "Anyone who is noble and owns the world can do whatever he wants. How can a minister try to abolish what the previous emperor did?" He killed Li Si and Feng Quji and appointed Zhao Gao. His words are really heartbreaking! He has a human head, but he makes the sound of livestock. Without power, one cannot boast. If one's sins are not serious, one will not perish easily. In the end, the throne cannot be retained. Cruelty and tyranny can only make the reign shorter. Although the Qin State occupied a favorable terrain, it still could not be preserved. 

Ziying succeeded to the throne according to the order, wearing a jade crown, gorgeous clothes, and a yellow umbrella on his car. All officials followed him to worship the ancestral temples. If a villain sits in a position that he shouldn't sit in, he will definitely be confused and live in complacency. However, Ziying had long-term ambitions. He eliminated his doubts, and the father and son together took decisive measures. Right inside the door, they easily killed Zhao Gao and defeated the traitor for the First Emperor and the Second Emperor. After Zhao Gao's death, the guests and relatives had not been fully comforted, the meal had not been swallowed, and the wine had not been touched, that the Chu soldiers had slaughtered Guanzhong, and the real master had descended on Bashang. Ziying rode a white horse in a plain car, tied his neck with a silk rope, and held the talisman and seal in his hands to surrender to the future Emperor Gao. Just like Zheng Bo holding a thatched banner and a phoenix knife, King Zhuang of Chu retreated seven miles. The Yellow River cannot be stopped if it bursts, and a fish cannot be restored if it rot. Jia Yi and Sima Qian said: "If Ziying had the talent of an ordinary monarch and only had ministers of average talent, even if Shandong rebelled, the land of Qin could still be preserved, and the sacrifices to the ancestral temple would not be cut off." The long-term decline of Qin led to the collapse of the world. Even if there were talents like Dan the Duke of Zhou, no way to display his cleverness. However, they blamed a new monarch who had just ascended the throne for this. It was wrong! 

There is a folk rumor that evil originated from Qin Shihuang and reached its peak during the reign of Hu Hai. This is reasonable. Jia Yi and Sima Qian blamed the new monarch again, saying that the land of Qin could have been preserved. This is what people call, that there’s no understanding the changes of the times. Ji Ji surrendered to Qi by offering the city of Xi, and the Spring and Autumn Annals did not mention his name to show praise. When I read the "Qin Annals", came to Ziying's chariots torn Zhao Gao apart, I never failed to praise his decisiveness, and also pity his ambition. Ziying has done his best in terms of life and death.





The end of A6

169 The Genealogy of Qin


Duke Xiang ascended the throne and reigned for twelve years. He began to build Xizhi. He was buried in Xichui. He gave birth to Duke Wen.

Duke Wen ascended the throne and lived in the Xichui Palace. He died after 50 years on the throne and was buried in Xichui. He gave birth to Duke Jing.

Duke Jing died before he ascended the throne. Duke Xian was born.

Duke Xian reigned for twelve years and lived in Xixinyi. After his death, he was buried in Yayi. He gave birth to Duke Wu, Duke De, and Chuzi.

Chuzi reigned for six years and lived in Xiling. Three Shuzhangs (Chief Ministers), Fuji, Weilei, and Canfu, led bandits to kill Chuzi in Biyan and buried him in Yayi. Duke Wu succeeded to the throne.

Duke Wu reigned for 20 years. He lived in the Feng Palace in Pingyang. He was buried in the southeast of Xuanyang. The three Shuzhangs were executed. Duke De succeeded to the throne.

Duke De reigned for two year. He lived in the Dazheng Palace in Yongyi. He gave birth to Duke Xuan, Duke Cheng, and Duke Mu. He was buried in Yangyi. He began to set up the Fu days to ward off summer heat and plague.

Duke Xuan reigned for the twelfth year. He lived in Yang Palace. He was buried in Yangyi. He began to record the intercalary month.

Duke Cheng reigned for four years and lived in the palace in Yongyi. He was buried in Yangyi. Qi attacked Shanrong and Guzhu.

Duke Mu reigned for thirty-nine years. The emperor gave him the title of hegemon. He was buried in Yongyi. During his lifetime, Duke Mu humbly learned from the palace guards. He gave birth to Duke Kang.

Duke Kang reigned for twelve years. He lived in Gaoqin in Yongyi. He was buried in Qushe. He gave birth to Duke Gong.

Duke Gong reigned for five years. He lived in Gaoqin in Yongyi. He was buried south of the tomb of Duke Kang in Qushe. He gave birth to Duke Huan.

Duke Huan reigned for twenty-seven years. He lived in Taiqin in Yongyi. He was buried north of Yiliqiu. He gave birth to Duke Jing.

Duke Jing (Xi) reigned for forty years. He lived in Gaoqin in Yongyi. He was buried south of Qiuli. He gave birth to Duke Bi.

Duke Bi (Ai) reigned for thirty-six years. He was buried north of Cheli. He gave birth to Duke Yi.

Duke Yi did not ascend the throne. After his death, he was buried in Zuogong. He gave birth to Duke Hui.

Duke Hui reigned for ten years. He was buried in Cheli. He gave birth to Duke Dao.

Duke Dao reigned for fifteen years. Buried west of the tomb of Duke Xi (Jing). Built a city in Yongyi. Gave birth to Duke Cigong.

Duke Cigong (Ligong) reigned for thirty-four years. Buried in Ruli. Gave birth to Duke Zao and Duke Huai. In the tenth year of Duke Cigong, a comet appeared.

Duke Zao reigned for fourteen years. Lived in Shouqin. Buried south of the tomb of Duke Dao. In the first year of Duke Zao, a comet appeared.

Duke Huai returned from Jin. Reigned for four years. Buried in Liyu. Gave birth to Duke Ling. Duke Huai committed suicide due to the besiege of the minsters.

Duke Suling (Ling), the son of Zhaozi. Lived in Jingyang. Reigned for ten years. Buried west of the tomb of Duke Dao. Gave birth to Duke Jian.

Duke Jian returned from Jin. Reigned for fifteen years. Buried west of the tomb of Duke Xi (Jing). Gave birth to Duke Hui. In the seventh year of Duke Jian, people began to carry swords.

Duke Hui reigned for thirteen years. Buried in Lingyu. Gave birth to Duke Chu.

Duke Chu reigned for two years. Duke Chu committed suicide and was buried in Yongyi.

Duke Xian (son of Duke Ling) reigned for 23 years. Buried in Xiaoyu. Gave birth to Duke Xiao.

Duke Xiao reigned for 24 years. Buried in Diyu. Gave birth to King Huiwen. In the 13th year of Duke Xiao, the capital was built in Xianyang.

King Huiwen reigned for 27 years. Buried in Gongling. Gave birth to King Daowu.

King Daowu (Wu) reigned for 4 years. Buried in Yongling.

King Zhaoxiang (half brother of King Wu, grandson of King Huiwen) reigned for 56 years. Buried in Chaiyang. Gave birth to King Xiaowen.

King Xiaowen reigned for 1 year. Buried in Shouling. Gave birth to King Zhuangxiang.

King Zhuangxiang reigned for 3 years. Buried in Chaiyang. Gave birth to the First Emperor. Lü Buwei was prime minister.

In the seventh year after Duke Xian ascended the throne, he began to set up markets. In the tenth year, he established a household registration system, with every five households organized into a group.

In the sixteenth year of Duke Xiao's reign, peach and plum trees bloomed in winter.

King Huiwen ascended the throne 19 years after his birth. In the second year of his reign, he began to issue coins. A newborn baby said, "The Qin State will be king."

King Daowu ascended the throne nineteen years after he was born. Three years after he ascended the throne, the Wei River turned red for three days.

King Zhaoxiang ascended the throne at the age of 19. Four years after he ascended the throne, he began to set up boundaries between fields.

King Xiaowen ascended the throne fifty-three years after he was born.

King Zhuangxiang ascended the throne thirty-two years after he was born. Two years after he ascended the throne, he conquered the Taiyuan area. In the first year of King Zhuangxiang, he implemented amnesty, rewarded the meritorious officials of the previous king, showed kindness to the royal family and relatives, and promoted benevolence to the people. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty and its princes plotted against the Qin State, and the Qin State sent Prime Minister Lu Buwei to destroy it and completely annex its territory. The Qin State did not cut off the Zhou Dynasty's sacrifices, and granted the land of Yangren to the King of Zhou, allowing him to continue the sacrifices there to the ancestors of Zhou.

The First Emperor reigned for thirty-seven years. Buried in Liyi. Gave birth to the Second Emperor. He ascended the throne thirteen years after the First Emperor was born.

The Second Emperor reigned for three years. Buried in Yichun. Zhao Gao served as prime minister and was granted the title of Marquis Anwu. The Second Emperor ascended the throne twelve years after the birth of the Second Emperor.

The above is the genealogy from Duke Xiang of Qin to the Second Emperor, a total of 610 years.


168 Jia Yi on Qin 7


Now that the Second Emperor has ascended the throne, people all over the world are craning their necks to see what he will do. People who feel cold look for clothes, and people who are hungry look for food. The outcry of the people over the world are the motivation for their new master. This means that the wishes of the toiling masses can be easily satisfied with benevolent policies. If the Second Emperor had the ability of an ordinary monarch, he would appoint loyal and virtuous ministers. And together with his ministers, he would focus on national affairs, correct the mistakes of the previous emperor, grant land to the descendants of meritorious officials, establish vassal states, govern the country with courtesy, pardon prisoners and reduce killing,  abolish the punishment of confiscating official slaves and defiling people's bodies, allow the prisoners to return to their hometowns, open the treasury and distribute the wealth, and help the lonely and poor, reduce taxes and corvée, help the people out of their difficulties, and reduce the criminal law to continue the previous policy, so that the people can start a new life, improve their conduct, and each carefully restrain themselves, meet the wishes of the people, and then use power to govern the world, and the world will be stable. Within the four seas, everyone will live and work happily, and the only fear will be the unrest. Even if there are cunning people, they will not have the idea of ​​betraying the emperor. Then the lawless treacherous ministers will not be able to cover up their plots, and the evil deeds of violence can be stopped. The Second Emperor did not adopt this method, but became more tyrannical and unjust, destroyed the ancestral temples, harmed the subjects, and began to build the Afang Palace. He formulated harsh laws and severe punishments. Officials handled government affairs very harshly, rewards and punishments were inappropriate, taxes and corvée were unlimited, and there were many things in the world that officials could not handle. The people were poor and the monarch could not appease them. After that, treacherous and deceitful people rebelled at the same time, and the whole country concealed each other. More and more people were convicted, and the people who were punished and killed blocked the roads, and the people of the world suffered greatly. From the king and ministers to the common people, everyone felt that they were in a dangerous situation, in poverty and suffering, and could not be at ease in their positions, so they were easily shaken. Therefore, Chen She did not need to have the talents of Shang Tang or King Wu of Zhou, nor did he need to have the status of a Duke. He only raised his arms in the Township of Daze, the Great Lake, and the people of the world responded in unison. This was because the people felt that they were in a dangerous situation. This is how the ancient sage kings were able to see through the changes and developments of things to know the key to the survival of the country. Therefore, the way to rule the people was to keep them stable. Even if there were a few ministers who did evil things, they would definitely not get any respond from the people. So it is said that "people who live a stable life can be promoted to benevolence and righteousness, while people in dangerous situations are easy to do evil with them." This is the reason. The emperor is the son of heaven and has the world's wealth, but he himself cannot be saved from being killed, it is precisely because he failed to correct mistakes and uphold justice in a timely manner! This is the mistake of the Second Emperor.


167 Jia Yi on Qin 6


Moreover, the Qin Dynasty was not small or weak at that time. The land of Yongzhou, the ruggedness of Mount Xiao and the fortification of Hangu Pass were the same as before. Chen She's status was not more noble than that of the kings of Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Han, Song, Wei, Zhongshan and other countries at that time; the hoes and wooden sticks they held were not as sharp as the hooks, halberds and spears; these soldiers guarding the border could not be compared with the armies of the six countries; their foresight and ability to march and fight were not as good as those of the wise men of the six countries at that time. However, the situation of success and failure has changed dramatically, and the achievements created are also completely opposite. Between the power and the strength of the six states in Shandong, and that of Chen She, there is no comparison. The Qin State, with its small territory and the power of a thousand chariots, attracted subjects from all over the world and eventually made princes of various countries, who was of the same status , come to pay homage. This took more than a hundred years. And after that, the Qin State regarded the four directions of heaven and earth as private property, and built Mount Xiao and Hangu Pass as palaces. Then one person rose up and destroyed seven ancestral temples, and Qin died in the hands of others, being ridiculed by the world. Why? Because the Qin State did not practice benevolence and justice, and the situation of being offensive or defensive had changed. 

The Qin State unified the world, annexed the princes, proclaimed itself emperor facing south, and governed the entire country. People from all over the world came to submit to it. Why was this so? The answer is this. Because there has been no emperor unifying the world for a long time since ancient times. The Zhou Dynasty gradually declined, the Five Hegemons had passed away, and the emperor's decrees could not be passed on to the world, so the princes fought against foreign countries by force, the strong invaded the weak, the majority bullied the minority, and the wars continued, and the people were exhausted. Now the King of Qin is facing the south to govern the world, which means there is an emperor above. All living beings hope to live and work in peace, and no one does not humbly respect the emperor. At this time, maintaining power and consolidating the foundation is the key to the safety of the country. 

The King of Qin had a greedy and mean heart, he was self-righteous, did not trust meritorious officials, did not get close to scholars and common people, abandoned the laws of the previous kings, established personal authority, banned books and implemented harsh laws, put tactics and force before benevolence and morality, and used cruelty as the prelude to rule the world. Those who annex the world advocate tactics and force, while those who stabilize the world advocate adapting to the situation. This means that the methods of taking the world and keeping the world are opposite. Qin ended the Warring States Period and became the king of the world, but the way of governance did not change, and the government orders did not change. This means that his methods of taking the world and keeping the world are not different. The King of Qin occupied the world alone, so his demise was not far away. If the King of Qin could refer to the ancient events and the history of the Shang and Zhou dynasties to formulate policies for governing the country, even if there were arrogant and extravagant monarchs in later generations, there would be no disasters of danger and destruction. Therefore, the three kings created the world, their names were famous for goodness and beauty, and their achievements were passed down for a long time.




166 Jia Yi on Qin 5


When the King of Qin came to power, he inherited the great achievements left by the six previous kings. He raised a long whip to rule the country, annexed the two Zhous in the east and west, eliminated the princes, ascended the supreme throne and controlled the four directions of heaven and earth. He whipped the world, and his prestige shook the world. To the south, he conquered the Baiyue region and established the Guilin and Xiangjun commanderies. The leaders of the Baiyue all submitted and obeyed the Qin officials. The King of Qin also sent Meng Tian to the north to build the Great Wall as a defensive barrier, which made the Huns retreat more than 700 miles. The Huns did not dare to go south to herd horses, and the warriors did not dare to draw their bows for revenge. At this time, the King of Qin abandoned the laws of the ancient sage kings and burned the classics of the various schools of thought to fool the people. He destroyed famous cities, killed heroes, collected weapons from all over the world and concentrated them in Xianyang. The weapons were melted down and made into a large bell and twelve golden men in order to weaken the power of the people. Then he used Huashan Mountain as the city wall of Qin, used the Yellow River as a moat, occupied a city that was a million feet high, and overlooked the unfathomable river ditch as a barrier of defense. Excellent generals guarded the stronghold with powerful bows and crossbows, and loyal ministers and elite soldiers held sharp blades to check passers-by, and the world was thus stable. In the heart of the King of Qin, he thought that the solidity of Guanzhong was like a thousand-mile golden city, and his descendants could inherit the emperor's achievements from generation to generation. 

After the death of the King of Qin, his prestige frightened people far away. Chen She was a child of the poor, a commoner, and a convict. His talent was not as good as that of ordinary people. He was not as wise as Confucius or Mozi, nor as rich as Tao Zhu or Yidun. He walked in the ranks of soldiers, but he was able to rise from a group of low-ranking soldiers, lead a few hundred scattered ones, and turn around to attack the Qin State. They cut down trees to make weapons and held up bamboo poles as flags. People from all over the world gathered to respond, carrying food and following like a shadow. The heroes of Shandong rose up at the same time and destroyed the Qin clan. 



Monday, April 29, 2024

165 Jia Yi on Qin 4


Duke Xiao of Qin held the stronghold of Hangu Pass and the land of Yongzhou. The king and his ministers held on firmly while looking at the Zhou Dynasty. They had the intention of sweeping the world, encompassing the universe, encompassing the four seas, and swallowing up the eight wildernesses. At that time, Lord Shang assisted him, and he established laws and regulations internally, worked hard on farming and weaving, and prepared for defense and war. Externally, he fought against the princes by forming alliances with other states, so the Qin people singlehanded took over the area beyond Xihe, the west of the Yellow River. 

After Duke Xiao died, King Hui and King Wu inherited the old business. According to the legacy, they annexed Hanzhong in the south, Ba and Shu in the west, reaped the fertile land in the east and took the key counties. The princes were afraid, and they held an alliance to weaken Qin. They did not care about precious objects, treasures, and fertile land so the people of the world joined forces and made friends with each other. At that time, Qi had Mengchang, Zhao had Pingyuan, Chu had Chunshen, and Wei had Xinling. These four lords were all wise and loyal, generous and loving, respected the virtuous, and valued the scholars, agreed to stay together to destroy Qin’s alliance, and joined forces with the people of Han, Wei, Yan, Chu, Qi, Zhao, Song, Wei, and Zhongshan. Therefore, the scholars of the six countries, such as Ning Yue, Xu Shang, Su Qin, and Du He, made plans for it. Qi Ming, Zhou Zui, Chen Zhen, Zhao Hua, Lou Huan, Zhai Jing, Su Li, and Yue Yi were all in agreement with it. Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Dai Tuo, Er Liang, Wang Liao, Tian Ji, Lian Po, and Zhao She controlled their troops. They often attacked Qin with ten times the land and millions of people. The Qin people opened the passes to welcome the enemy, and the armies of the nine countries fled and did not dare to advance. Qin did not have the cost of losing arrows and arrowheads, but the princes of the world were already trapped. So they dispersed the treaties and fought to cede land to Qin. Qin had spare strength to control its weakness, chasing the enemy to the north, The flowing blood was enough to make the shield floats. The Qin State took advantage of favorable conditions to divide the world and divide the mountains and rivers. Strong countries requested to submit and weak ones came to pay tribute. It stayed that way during the reigns of King Xiaowen and King Zhuangxiang, their reigns were short, and the country was peaceful, and nothing major happened.



164 Jia Yi on Qin 3


The King of Qin was self-righteous and did not consult his ministers. He made mistakes but did not know how to correct them. The Second Emperor inherited this mistake and continued it without repentance. His cruel and brutal behavior worsened the disaster. Ziying was isolated and helpless. Isn't it normal that the three monarchs were confused and never woke up, and eventually lost their empire? At this time, there were people who were far-sighted and sensible in the world. However, people did not dare to correct their mistakes with all their loyalty. It was precisely because there were many taboos in the customs of Qin that people were killed before they could even say good words. Therefore, people all listened attentively, stood with their feet crossed, and kept silent. Therefore, the three monarchs violated the right way, the loyal ministers did not dare to advise, and the wise counselors did not dare to offer advice. The world was in chaos, and bad things were not reported to the court. Isn't it sad? The ancient sage kings knew that being deceived would harm the country, so they set up dukes, officials, and scholars to rectify laws and set penalties, so that the world was peaceful. When the country is strong, it can suppress violence, suppress rebellion, and make the people of the world submit. When the country is weak, the five hegemons conquered everywhere and made the princes submit. When the country is weaker, it strengthens its defense internally and relies on powerful countries externally, so that the country can survive. Therefore, when the Qin State was strong, it used harsh laws to shock the world; when it was weak, it led to resentment among the people and rebellion at home. Therefore, the Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed the princes to promote the right way, and it lasted for more than a thousand years without interruption. The Qin State lost both the root and the end, so it could not last long. From this, it can be seen that the thread of national security has been deviated. There is a folk proverb that says "Remember the past and learn from it for the future." Therefore, a gentleman who governs a country will observe the gains and losses of ancient times, examine the actions of the present, refer to the human feelings of the world, understand the principles of rise and fall, consider the changing situation, know how to make choices, and reform at the right time, so that the country can be stable and long-lasting.


163 Jia Yi on Qin 2


Qin is backed by mountains and surrounded by the Yellow River. It is a country with barriers on all sides. Since Duke Mu, up to the King of Qin, more than 20 monarchs have dominated the vassal states. Did Qin have wise monarchs from generation to generation? It was determined by its geographical situation. Moreover, the vassal states once worked together to attack Qin. At this time, virtuous men and wise men emerged at the same time, excellent generals led soldiers, and a wise prime ministers offered strategies. However, because of the rugged terrain, they could not advance. Qin was able to open the pass to the armies of various countries and let them penetrate deep into the hinterland. As a result, millions of soldiers retreated and perished. Was it because the six countries were not strong enough in force and wisdom? This was because of the unfavorable terrain and inconvenient situation. Qin merged small towns into large cities, stationed troops in dangerous places for defense, built high camps to avoid fighting, closed the pass to resist the dangerous passes, and soldiers guarded with spears. The vassal states raised troops as civilians and formed an alliance for the sake of interests, and did not have the virtues of an emperor. The friendship between them was not deep, and the subordinates were not sincere in their submission. In name, they wanted to destroy Qin, but in reality, they wanted to profit from it. When they saw that Qin was difficult to invade due to its rugged terrain, they would definitely withdraw their troops. If Qin had rested and recuperated, waited for the princes to decline on their own, and then adopted and supported their poor people, and then issued orders to the king of the great country, there would be no worry that they would not be able to realize their ambitions throughout the world. Although he was the emperor and the richest man in the world, he was captured because his strategy to save himself from defeat was wrong. 


162 Jia Yi on Qin 1


Taishigong the Grand Historian said: Qin's ancestor Bo Yi once created meritorious deeds during the time of Tang Yao and Yu Shun, and he was granted land and surnames. His clan gradually declined during the Xia and Shang dynasties. After the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, Qin rose and built cities on the western border. Since Mu Gong (Duke Mu), Qin gradually encroached on the princes and finally achieved the great cause of the First Emperor. The First Emperor believed that his achievements exceeded those of the Five Emperors and that the territory he ruled exceeded that of the Three Kings. He was ashamed to be compared with the Three Kings and Five Emperors. Jia Yi's argument is great! He said: 

Qin annexed princes for more than 30 counties in Shandong, repaired ferry crossings and passes, occupied steep fortresses, and trained soldiers to defend the country. However, Chen She relied on hundreds of scattered garrison soldiers, raised his arms and shouted, without bows, arrows, spears, halberds, and other weapons, only farm tools and sticks, and ate at the house whoever belonged to on the spot, and ran rampant throughout the world. The Qin people had dangerous terrain but could not defend it, had passes and bridges but could not block them, had long-handled spears but could not stab, and had strong bows and crossbows but could not shoot. The army of Chu rebels went deep into the hinterland and fought at Hongmen Ditch, but they did not encounter difficulties and crossed it easier than a fence. At that time, Shandong was in chaos, and the princes rose up, and heroes and talents successively proclaimed themselves kings. Qin State sent Zhang Han to lead the army to the east. Zhang Han used the heavy troops in his hands to threaten and seek personal gain from the court. The ministers were not trustworthy, which can be clearly seen from this incident. Prince Ziying was made king, but he did not wake up in the end. If Ziying had ordinary talents and only got ministers with medium talents, even if Shandong rebelled, Qin's old land could still be preserved, and the sacrifices to the ancestral temple would not be cut off.



161 Qin Dynasty Falls


Yan Le came back to report to Zhao Gao, who then summoned all the ministers and princes to tell them about the killing of the Second Emperor. Zhao Gao said, "Qin was originally just a kingdom. The First Emperor ruled the world, so he was called the emperor. Now the six kingdoms have re-established themselves as kings, and the territory of Qin is shrinking day by day, but it is just the title of emperor. This is not right. It should be called a king like in the past. This is appropriate." Zhao Gao appointed Prince Ziying, the son of the Second Emperor's elder brother, as the King of Qin. The Second Emperor was buried in Yichun Garden, south of Du County, with the rituals of the common people. Zhao Gao ordered Prince Ziying to fast, go to the ancestral temple to worship his ancestors, and accept the seal of the King of Qin. After fasting for five days, Ziying and his two sons conspired and said, "Prime Minister Zhao Gao killed the Second Emperor in Wangyi Palace. He was worried that the ministers would kill him, so he made me king under the pretext of morality. I heard that Zhao Gao had made an agreement with the State of Chu to establish himself as king in Guanzhong after destroying the Qin royal family. Now he asked me to fast and offer sacrifices to the ancestors, which is to take the opportunity to kill me in the ancestral temple. I will not go on the pretext of being sick. The prime minister will definitely come here in person, and we will kill him when he comes." Zhao Gao sent people to invite Ziying several times, but Ziying did not go. As expected, Zhao Gao came in person and said, "Ancestral temple sacrifices are important matters. How can the king not go?" Ziying assassinated Zhao Gao in the fasting palace, and then exterminated Zhao Gao's three clans in Xianyang for public display. Ziying was the King of Qin for forty-six days. The Chu general Pei Gong defeated the Qin army and entered Wuguan, so he stationed in Bashang and sent people to negotiate with Ziying to surrender. Ziying tied a silk rope around his neck, rode a white horse and plain carriage, held the emperor's seal and imperial seal, and surrendered on the roadside by the Zhi Dao Pavilion. Pei Gong then entered Xianyang, closed the palace and treasury, and returned to Bashang to station. More than a month later, the armies of the princes arrived. Xiang Ji was the leader of the princes' coalition army and killed Ziying and all the clans of the princes of Qin. In the end, he slaughtered the city of Xianyang, burned the palace, captured local young women, looted the treasures in the palace, and divided them among the princes. After the fall of Qin, its territory was divided into three parts and given to the King of Yong, the King of Sai, and the King of Di, known as the Three Qins. Xiang Yu was the Overlord of Western Chu, in charge of dividing the world and establishing princes, and the Qin Dynasty finally fell. Five years later, the Han Dynasty unified the world.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

160 Death of the Second Emperor


Zhao Gao had said many times before that "the bandits in Guandong will not be able to do anything." Later, Xiang Yu captured Qin general Wang Li and others in Julu and continued to attack, causing the troops of Zhang Han and others to retreat again and again. They wrote to request reinforcements, and Yan, Zhao, Qi, Chu, Han, and Wei all declared themselves kings. Most of the areas east of Hangu Pass betrayed the Qin officials and responded to the princes, and the various princes also led their troops to advance westward. Pei Gong led tens of thousands of soldiers to capture Wuguan Pass and sent someone to contact Zhao Gao privately. Zhao Gao was afraid that the Second Emperor would be angry and kill him, so he claimed to be sick and did not go to the court. The Second Emperor dreamed that a white tiger bit the horse on the left side of his carriage and killed it. He was very depressed and puzzled, so he went to ask a dream interpreter. The dream interpreter said: "This is the work of the Jing River spirit." So the Second Emperor fasted in Wangyi Palace, prepared to offer sacrifices to the god of Jing River, and sank four white horses into the water. Afterwards, he sent another envoy to question Zhao Gao about the bandits. Zhao Gao was frightened, so he privately discussed with his son-in-law, Yan Le the Magistrate of Xianyang County, and his brother Zhao Cheng, saying that "The emperor did not listen to our advice, and now the situation is urgent, he wants to put the blame on us. I plan to replace the emperor with Prince Ying. Prince Ying was kind and frugal, and the people all listened to him. " He asked the Supervisor of Court Attendants to act as an his insider, pretending that there was a thief, and asked Yan Le to mobilize soldiers to hunt the thief down. He also kidnapped Yan Le's mother and placed her in his own residence. Yan Le led more than a thousand officers and soldiers to the gate of Wangyi Palace, tied up the guards, and said, "The thieves got in, why didn't you stop them?" The guards said: "The palace is heavily guarded, how could a thief get in?" Yan Le killed the guards and led his soldiers directly into the Wangyi Palace, shooting arrows as he walked. The eunuchs in the palace were terrified. Some fled, some resisted, and those who resisted were all killed. There were dozens of deaths. Supervisor of Court Attendants and Yan Le entered the palace together and shot arrows at the curtain where the Second Emperor was resting. The Second Emperor was furious and summoned the guards around him. The guards were afraid and dared not resist. There was a eunuch beside him who stayed with the Second Emperor and did not dare to leave. The Second Emperor fled to the inner room and said to his attendants: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Things have come to this point!" The eunuch said: "I didn't dare to say it, so I was able to save my life. If I had said it earlier, I would have been killed. How could I be still alive now?" Yan Le walked up to the Second Emperor and listed his crimes and said: "You are arrogant and cruel. Everyone in the world has betrayed you. Please make your own plans." The Second Emperor said: "Can I see the prime minister?" Yan Le said: "No." The Second Emperor said: "I hope to get a county and be a vassal king there." Yan Le did not agree. The Second Emperor said again: "I hope to be a marquis of ten thousand households." Yan Le also did not agree. The Second Emperor said, "I hope to be a commoner with my wife and children, like all the other princes." Yan Le said, "I am following the order of the Prime Minister to kill you for the people of the world. Although you have said a lot, I dare not report it to the Prime Minister." Yan Le ordered his soldiers to move forward. The Second Emperor committed suicide.


159 Horse or Deer


In the third year (207 BC), Zhang Han and his men led their soldiers to surround Julu. Xiang Yu, the general of Chu, led his soldiers to rescue Julu. In winter, Zhao Gao served as prime minister and eventually interrogated Li Si and killed him. In summer, Zhang Han and his men had s few defeats in battles. The Second Emperor sent people to blame Zhang Han. Zhang Han was very scared and sent Sima Xin, the chief historian, to ask the court for instructions. Zhao Gao refused to meet him and did not trust him. Sima Xin was also very scared and ran away. Zhao Gao sent people to chase him but failed to catch him. Sima Xin met Zhang Han and said, "Zhao Gao has monopolized power in the court. The general will be executed no matter if the contributions made or not." Xiang Yu attacked the Qin army fiercely and captured Wang Li. Zhang Han and his men then led their troops to surrender to the princes. On the Jihai (Earth Overcomes Water ) day of the eighth month, Zhao Gao wanted to start a rebellion. He was afraid that his ministers would not support him, so he conducted an experiment in advance. He found a deer and presented it to the Second Emperor, saying, "This is a horse." The Second Emperor smiled and said, "The Prime Minister is wrong, right? You said the deer is a horse." Zhao Gao asked the ministers around him, some remained silent, some said it was a horse to please Zhao Gao, and some said it was a deer. Zhao Gao took the opportunity to secretly punish those who said it was a deer. Later, all the ministers were very afraid of Zhao Gao.


158 Emperor’s Voice


In the winter of the second year (208 BC), Zhou Zhang and other generals sent by Chen She arrived in the west with hundreds of thousands of troops. The Second Emperor was greatly alarmed and discussed with his ministers, "What should we do?" The Junior Minister Zhang Han said, "The bandits have already arrived and are strong. We cannot reach them in time if we send troops from adjacent counties. There are many prisoners in Lishan. Please pardon them and give them weapons to fight them." The Second Emperor pardoned the whole country and sent Zhang Han to lead the army. He defeated Zhou Zhang's army and Zhang fled, and then Zhang was killed in Caoyang. Then the Second Emperor sent more reinforcements, there were chief historians Sima Xin and Dong Yi, to assist Zhang Han in fighting the bandits. They killed Chen Sheng in Chengfu, defeated Xiang Liang in Dingtao, and destroyed Wei Ju in Linji. The famous bandit generals in Chu were all killed, so Zhang Han crossed the river to the north and attacked Zhao Xie the new King of Zhao and others in Julu.

Zhao Gao advised the Second Emperor, "The late emperor ruled the country for a long time, so the ministers did not dare to do bad things or say bad things. Now your Majesty is young and has just ascended the throne, how can you make decisions with the ministers in the court? If something goes wrong, your shortcomings will be exposed in front of the ministers. The emperor calls himself "Zhen Myself ", so it is not easy for people to hear his voice." So the Second Emperor often lived in the palace and made decisions with Zhao Gao. From then on, the ministers rarely had the opportunity to see the emperor, and there were more and more bandits. The court kept dispatching soldiers from Guanzhong to the east to attack the them. Right Prime Minister Feng Quji, Left Prime Minister Li Si, and General Feng Jie advised: "Bandits from all over Guandong rose up at the same time. Qin sent troops to suppress them and killed many people, but the rebellion has not been quelled. There are too many bandits because the people are too tired from garrisoning, transporting, and labor, and the taxes are too heavy. Please temporarily stop the construction of Afang Palace and reduce garrisoning and transportation in all directions." The Second Emperor said, “I have heard that Han Feizi once said, ‘The rafters of the houses of Yao and Shun were not repaired, the thatched roofs were not repaired, and they ate and drank from clay bowls. Even the gatekeepers were not so shabby. Great Yu dug the Longmen to open up the road to Great Xia, dredged the accumulated water of the Yellow River and led it into the sea. He personally took the planks and earthen hoes and rubbed off the sweat hairs on his calves. Now the slaves' labor would not be more severe than this.' Those who are noble and own the world should do whatever they want, mainly by strictly enforcing the known laws, people below will not dare to do bad things, and the whole world can be controlled. For example, the monarchs of Yu and Xia, although they were the emperors, personally engaged in poor work and set an example for the people. What is the use of laws in this case? I am the emperor of ten thousand chariots, but I am not worthy of the title. I want to build a thousand chariots and set up ten thousand chariots to match the title. Moreover, the late emperor was born in the feudal lords, and later annexed the world. Now the world has been pacified. He can drive out the barbarians from all directions to stabilize the borders, and build palaces to show his pride. You have all seen the process of the late emperor's achievements. Now, within two years of my accession to the throne, various bandits have risen up at the same time. You cannot stop them, and you want to abolish the policies implemented by the late emperor. First you cannot repay the late emperor, and second you cannot be loyal to me. Why do you hold such a high position? "He handed Feng Quji, Li Si, and Feng Jie to the jailer and investigated their various crimes. Feng Quji and Feng Jie said, "Generals and ministers cannot be insulted." So they committed suicide. Li Si was finally imprisoned and suffered Five Punishments.



157 Chen Sheng Rebellion


In April, the Second Emperor returned to Xianyang and said, "The late emperor thought the palace in Xianyang was too small, so he built the Afang Palace. The late emperor passed away before the palace was completed, so construction had to be stopped and all the craftsmen and slaves were transferred to Mount Li to build the mausoleum. Now that the construction of Mount Li has been completed, if we do not continue to build the Afang Palace, it would be against the will of the late emperor." So he ordered to continue the construction of Afang Palace. The Second Emperor ordered to pacify the barbarians in all directions and implement the strategy of the First Emperor. He also recruited 50,000 soldiers to garrison in Xianyang and taught them horseback riding and archery. With dogs, horses and livestock, a lot of food was consumed every day. It was estimated that the storage was not enough, so he ordered the transportation of food for people and fodder for livestock from the counties. And those responsible for transportation needed to bring their own supplies , and the people within 300 miles of Xianyang could not eat the transported grain. The laws implemented by the Second Emperor were even more stringent.

In July, Chen Sheng (also Chen She) and other soldiers guarding the border rebelled in the former land of Chu as "Zhang Chu". Chen Sheng proclaimed himself the King of Chu, lived in Chen County, and sent his generals to conquer land. Young men in the counties and prefectures of Shangdong areas suffered greatly from the oppression of Qin officials, so they rose up in rebellion and killed the local county officials in response to Chen Sheng. They also established themselves as Princes and marched westward together, under the banner of attacking Qin. The number of people who rebelled was countless. An envoy returned from a mission to the East and told the Second Emperor about the rebellion. The Second Emperor was very angry and handed him over to the jailer for punishment. After that, the messengers returned and the Second Emperor asked about the situation, they all replied, "Those people are just a group of thieves. The local county officials have sent people to hunt them down one by one. Now they have all been captured. It is not worth your Majesty's worry." The Second Emperor was very happy to hear this. In the same time, Wu Chen proclaimed himself King of Zhao, Wei Ju proclaimed himself King of Wei, Tian Dan proclaimed himself King of Qi. Pei Gong raised his army in Pei County. Xiang Liang raised his army in Kuaiji.



156 Zhao Gao’s Advice


After arriving in Liaodong, the Second Emperor returned to the capital.

At this time, the Second Emperor adopted Zhao Gao's advice and announced the decree. He privately planned with Zhao Gao and said, "The ministers are disobedient, the power of the officials is still very strong, and the princes will compete with me for the throne. What should I do?" Zhao Gao said, "I wanted to say it but didn't dare to. The ministers of the previous emperor were all prestigious dignitaries who had been famous for generations. They had created meritorious deeds and passed them down from generation to generation for a long time. Now I have always been of humble status. It is because of Your Majesty's trust and promotion that I have been in a high position and can be in charge of the affairs of the palace. The ministers are very dissatisfied in their hearts. They are very obedient to me on the surface, but they are not convinced in their hearts. Now that your majesty is away, it is better to take this opportunity to investigate the county magistrates. If they are guilty, execute them. Your Majesty can use his prestige to intimidate the world, and on the other hand, also eliminate those whom you are dissatisfied with in your life. In today's era, we don’t have to be civil when using military means. I hope Your Majesty can adapt to the times and not hesitate, and take action before the ministers have time to plan. A wise monarch can adopt the survivors, make the humble noble, make the poor rich, and make the distant people submit, so that there will be harmony between the upper and lower levels, and the country will be stable. "The Second Emperor said: "Very good." So he had many ministers and princes killed and even implicated the guards around the emperor. No one was spared, and six sons of the First Emperors were executed in Du County. Prince Jiang Lu and two other brothers were imprisoned in the inner palace and finally deliberated their crimes separately. The Second Emperor sent an executor to Jiang Lu and said, 
“Prince, your behavior does not reflect your position as a royal servant, you deserve the punishment of death, I am here to make sure of it.” Jiang Lu said, "I have never dared to disobey the command of the court ceremonies; I have never dared to disobey the etiquette in the court; I have never dared to make mistakes accepting orders or responding to inquiries. What do you mean that I am not a loyal servant of his Majesty? I hope I will know the crime I have committed before I die." The envoy said, "I did not participate in the decision-making, I just followed the imperial edict." Jiang Lu then looked up to the sky and shouted three times, saying, "Oh, Old Heaven! I am innocent!" The three brothers all drew their swords and committed suicide with tears. All the children of the royal family were very shocked and scared. The ministers who gave advice would be considered slander, so the ministers took their salaries to seek a place to live, and all the people were in fear. 



155 Emperor the Second


In the first year of the Second Emperor (209 BC), Hu Hai was 21 years old. Zhao Gao was appointed as the Imperial Palace Attendant and was entrusted with important matters. The Second Emperor issued an edict to increase the number of livestock used for the First Emperor's mausoleum and ancestral temples, to raise the level of sacrifices to famous mountains and rivers, and to ask his ministers to discuss ways to honor the First Emperor's temple. All the ministers kowtowed and said: "In ancient times, there were seven ancestral temples, five for the princes, and three for the ministers. Even after ten thousand years, they could not be destroyed. Now the Temple of the First Emperor is the highest-level temple. People from all over the world offer tributes and increase the sacrificial animals. The rituals are very complete and there is no need to increase it. Some of the temples of the previous kings are in Xiyong and some are in Xianyang. According to the etiquette of the emperor, Your Majesty should personally hold the wine cup to worship the Temple of the First Emperor. The ancestral temples from Duke Xiang and below have been destroyed, and there are a total of seven ancestral temples. The ministers offer sacrifices according to the etiquette to respect the Temple of the First Emperor as the emperor's ancestral temple. The emperor should call himself "Zhen Myself " again."

The Second Emperor discussed with Zhao Gao and said: "I am young and have just ascended the throne. The people have not yet submitted. The former emperor toured the counties to show his strength and use his power to make the people of the country submit. Now that the world is stable and he does not go out to tour, it shows weakness and cannot make the people of the world submit." In spring, the Second Emperor toured the counties eastward, and Li Si accompanied him. After arriving at Mount Jieshi, they traveled along the coast and south to Kuaiji. They also engraved words on the stone tablets erected by the First Emperor, and the names of the ministers accompanying him were engraved next to the stone tablets to highlight the great achievements of the previous emperor:

The emperor said: "These stone tablets were all erected by the First Emperor. Now I have inherited the title of emperor, but the words engraved on these stone tablets do not call the First Emperor. After a long time, it will look like they were erected by later successors, which is not worthy of the great achievements of the First Emperor." Prime Minister Li Si, Minister Feng Quji, and Imperial Censor Chen De risked their lives to make a suggestion: "We request that all the edicts be engraved on the stone tablets, so that it will be clear. We risked our lives to make this request." The decree said: "Okay." 




Saturday, April 27, 2024

154 Mount Li


They returned to Xianyang via the expressway and then announced the death of Qin Emperor the First. In September, the Emperor  was buried in Mount Li. When he ascended the throne, Qin Emperor the First had Mount Li dug to build his mausoleum. When he had annexed the world, he conscripted more than 700,000 prisoners from all over the country, dug the ground to the depth of three springs, and poured melted liquid copper into the ground to make an outer coffin. The interior of the mausoleum was filled with palaces, government offices, rare and exotic treasures. And he ordered craftsmen to make mechanisms with bows and crossbows, that anyone who dug up the mausoleum and approached the tomb would be shot. Mercury was used to make rivers, lakes and seas in the tomb, and mechanisms were used to make them flow into and out of each other. There were the sun, moon and stars above and mountains and rivers below. There were candles made from mermaid fat estimated to last for a long time. Emperor the Second said, "It is not appropriate to release the concubines in the late emperor's harem who have no sons." He ordered them to be buried with the First Emperor, and a lot of them died. After the burial, some said that the craftsmen had built a mechanism and knew clearly what treasures were hidden inside, and the news of the treasures might leak out. So after the funeral was completed, the burial objects were sealed in the tomb chamber, and the middle door of the mausoleum was closed, and then the outer door was closed, and all the craftsmen and people who carried the burial objects were locked in the mausoleum, and no one escaped. They also planted grass and trees on the tomb mound to make it look like a hill.


153 Abalone’s Stench


When he arrived at the Ferry Ping Yuan, he fell ill. The First Emperor hated to talk about death, and so none of his ministers dared to talk about it. But his illness became more serious, so he wrote an imperial edict with the imperial seal and sent it to Prince Fusu, saying: "Come back quickly to attend the funeral and bury me in Xianyang." The edict was sealed and was placed with the Imperial Chariot Officer Zhao Gao, but did not handed over to the messenger. On the Bingyin day of the seventh month, the First Emperor died on the Shaqiu, the Dunes, platform. Prime Minister Li Si was afraid that the news of the Emperor's death outside the palace would cause disturbances among the princes and the whole country, so he kept it secret and made no announcement. The coffin was on a conditioned carriage, and the eunuchs who had been favored before stayed to accompany it, and the food were delivered to the carriage as usual. All officials reported their affairs as usual, and the eunuchs approved their reports from the carriage. At that time, only his son Hu Hai, and Zhao Gao and five or six favored eunuchs knew that the emperor was dead. Zhao Gao had taught Hu Hai calligraphy and prison laws and legal affairs, so Hu Hai favored him privately. Gao, Prince Hu Hai, and Prime Minister Si conspired to destroy the seal given to Prince Fusu by the First Emperor, and falsely claimed that Prime Minister Si received the Emperor's will in Shaqiu and made his son Hu Hai the crown prince. He also sent a letter to Prince Fusu and Meng Tian, ​​accusing them of crimes and granting them death. The details are in the biography of Li Si. They then traveled from Jingxing to Jiuyuan. It was hot summer days, and the carriage gave off a foul smell, so Zhao Gao ordered the accompanying officials to load one dan (approximately 30 kg) of abalone into their carriages to cover up the stench of the corpse. 


152 Giant Fish


On his way back, the First Emperor passed through Wu County and crossed the Yangtze River by boat. He went up the coast and headed north to Langye. The Taoist Xu Fu and others went to the sea to look for the magic medicine. After many years, they still couldn't find it. Their expenses were too high and were afraid of being punished . So they lied to the First Emperor, "The magic medicine in Penglai can be found, but I am always troubled by big mackerel, so I can't go to Penglai. I hope some people who are good at archery to accompany me. When I see a big fish, I will shoot it with a crossbow." The First Emperor fought with a human-figured sea god in his dream. The First Emperor asked someone to divine this dream. The doctor said, "The water god is invisible. He uses big fish and Jiaolong as signs. Now your majesty prays and worships devoutly, but such an evil god still comes. It should be getting rid, and then the good god will appear." So the First Emperor ordered the people on the sea to carry tools to catch and kill big fish, and he brought a crossbow to wait for the giant fish to appear and shoot to kill. He went north from Langye to Rongcheng Mountain, but he didn't encounter any. When he reached Zhifu Mountain, he finally saw giant fishes and shot one dead. Then the First Emperor sailed west along the coast.


151 Stone Tablet Engraved


In the thirty-seventh year, on the Guichou day of the 10th month, the First Emperor went on a trip. The left prime minister Li Si accompanied him on the trip, while the right prime minister Feng Quji stayed behind in the capital. The youngest son of the First Emperor, Hu Hai, was very envious and asked to accompany him, and the First Emperor agreed. In November, the First Emperor and his entourage went to Yunmengze, the Cloud Dream Lake, and offered sacrifices to Yu Shun in the direction of Jiuyi Mountain. They sailed downstream on the Yangtze River, visited Ji Ke, and crossed Jiangzhu. They passed Danyang and arrived in Qiantang. Facing Zhejiang, the waves were turbulent, so they traveled 120 miles west and crossed through a narrow place. The First Emperor climbed Mount Kuaiji, offered sacrifices to Great Yu, looked at the South China Sea, and erected a stone tablet on the mountain to praise the merits of the Qin Dynasty. The inscription said: 

The emperor made great achievements and unified the country, and his benevolence was long-lasting. In the thirty-seventh year, the emperor personally toured the country and traveled all over the country. He climbed up Mount Kuaiji and observed the customs and habits of the people, all of whom were very respectful. The officials praised the merits of the Qin dynasty, reviewed its achievements, and recalled the emperor's wise decisions. The Sage of Qin governed the country, established the criminal law system, and promoted the old rules. For the first time, laws and regulations were established, the duties of various officials were clarified, and a long-lasting system was established. The six kings were tyrannical and absurd, greedy and violent, arrogant and cruel, and they took advantage of their power to dominate. They were tyrannical and presumptuous, and they became more and more arrogant by relying on their military force, and they launched wars many times. They also secretly sent envoys to each other and united to resist the State of Qin. Their behavior was despicable. They plotted treacherous conspiracies at home and invaded the borders of Qin abroad, thus causing disaster. The Qin State upheld justice, sent troops to suppress the rebellion, and eliminated the rebels. The holy virtue spreads far and wide, and everyone in heaven and earth, in all directions, enjoys endless blessings. The emperor unified the country and handled all affairs in an orderly manner. and peace prevailed far and wide. He planned and managed all things, examined the nature of things, and established each person's status. No matter whether one is high or low, good or bad, one can give advice to the emperor without hiding anything. Covering up one's own mistakes, boasting about one's righteousness, remarrying after having a son, and betraying one's dead husband are all acts of infidelity. Isolate the inside and the outside, prohibit promiscuity and debauchery, and require men and women to observe etiquette and maintain purity and integrity. If a husband has an affair with someone else, killing him is not a crime, and this is how men will abide by moral standards. If a wife runs away and remarries, her son cannot acknowledge her as his mother, and this way the customs will be honest and upright. We will make great efforts to rectify social customs, create a good social atmosphere, and bring peace to the world. People all abide by the laws, live in harmony and happiness, are honest and diligent, and all obey the laws of the country. The people value pure character, are willing to abide by unified laws, and jointly protect a peaceful and harmonious country. Future generations should respectfully abide by the common laws, so that the country can enjoy long-term stability and avoid the worry of overthrow. The ministers who followed him sang praises of his merits and requested that a stone tablet be engraved to glorify him for eternity.



150 Mars in Heart


In the thirty-sixth year (211 BC), Mars moved to the position of the Heart Constellation ( Shiji error, it happened in the next year). A meteor fell in Dongjun county and turned into a rock on the ground. Someone carved on it saying that "After the death of the First Emperor, the world will be divided." When the First Emperor heard about it, he sent imperial censors to question about it, but no one admitted it. He killed them all whoever lived close by the rock and burned the rock. The First Emperor was unhappy, so he asked the doctors to write poems about immortals and true masters , and ordered musicians to sing and play the poems when he traveled around the world. In autumn, an envoy passed through Pingshu expressway in Huayin from Guandong at night. Someone held a jade and stopped the envoy, and said: “Send it to the Lord of Haochi for me." He also took the opportunity to say, "Zulong the dragon ancestor will die this year." The envoy asked why, but he disappeared and left the jade. The envoy presented the jade and reported it. The First Emperor was silent for a long time and said, "The mountain ghost can only know the events of one year." He retreated and said, "Zulong is the ancestor of human beings." He asked the imperial librarian to look at the jade, and it was identified as the jade sunk during crossing the river in the 28th year. So the First Emperor divined, and the hexagram showed that it was auspicious to travel. 30,000 households were made move to Yuzhong in Beihe, and their titles of nobility were promoted by one level.


149 Alchemist


Hou Sheng and Lu Sheng discussed together and said, "The First Emperor was a man of strong and stubborn character. He raised up the princes and unified the world. He thought that no one in ancient times could match him. He only trusted the prison guards, and the prison guards were favored by him. Although there were seventy doctors, they were specially reserved and not used. The prime minister and other ministers were all entrusted with tasks and relied on him for their opinions. The Emperor enjoyed using punishment and killing to intimidate people. People under the emperor were afraid of crime and wanted to keep their salaries, so no one dared to be loyal to him. The Emperor did not hear of his mistakes and became more arrogant, while the people were frightened and deceiving him to gain his favor. The Qin Dynasty's laws prohibited the use of two kinds of magic at the same time, and those who failed to get the results would be sentenced to death. However, there were more than 300 people who were fortune-telling the stars and clouds, all of them good people. They were afraid of the taboo and all were flattering the emperor in a tactful way, no one dared to point out his mistakes. All matters in the world, big or small, were decided by the emperor. The emperor even used scales to measure books, and made reports day and night. He could not rest if his reports were not up to standard. He is so obsessed with power that we cannot find an elixir for him." So they fled. When the First Emperor heard of his escape, he was furious and said, "I had previously collected all the books in the world and removed all the useless ones. I summoned many scholars of literature and alchemy to bring peace to the country. The alchemists wanted to practice to find a miraculous medicine. Now I heard that Han Zhong left without reporting, and Xu Fu and others spent millions of dollars but still could not find the medicine. Every day, only some villains report to me for their own benefit. I have given Lu Sheng and others great honors and gifts, but now they slander me and emphasize my lack of virtue. I have sent people to investigate all the students in Xianyang. Some of them made false statements to confuse the people." So he sent the imperial censors to investigate all the students. The students reported to each other and removed themselves. More than 460 people who violated the ban were all killed in Xianyang to let the world know and punish them in the future. More people were exiled to the border. The eldest son of the First Emperor, Fusu, advised, "The world has just been settled, and the people in distant places have not yet gathered. All the students recite Confucius. Now the emperor has severely punished them. I am afraid that the world will be in turmoil. I hope the emperor will investigate it." The First Emperor was angry and sent Fusu to the north to supervise Meng Tian in Shangjun.


Friday, April 26, 2024

148 True Master


Lu Sheng advised the First Emperor: "We have not found the magic medicine of Lingzhi and the immortals, it seems that some force is stopping us. The immortal recipe says that the monarch should always hide his whereabouts to avoid evil spirits. Only by avoiding the evil spirits will the true master descend. If the ministers knew where the monarch lived, it would hinder the arrival of the true master. True master will not get wet when they enter water, and will not be burned when they enter fire. They can ride on clouds and mist, and their lifespan is as long as the heaven and earth. Today, His Majesty is unable to keep his mind clear and free from desires when governing the country. Therefore, I suggest that Your Majesty's place of residence should not be known to others, so that the elixir of immortality can be found." The First Emperor said: "I admire the True Master, so from now on I will call myself 'True Master' instead of 'Zhen myself ." He then ordered that all 270 palaces within 200 miles of Xianyang be connected by plank roads, and that curtains, bells, drums, and beauties be placed inside them, and any changes to the layout were prohibited. Anyone who leaked the information about where the First Emperor had arrived would be put to death. Once, Qin Shihuang came to Liangshan Palace and saw from the mountain that the prime minister had a large number of carriages and entourage, which made him dissatisfied. Someone in the palace told the prime minister about this, and the prime minister then reduced the number of carriages and horses that accompanied him. The First Emperor was so angry that he said, "Someone in the palace actually leaked my words!" He then questioned the people around him, but no one admitted it. The First Emperor then ordered the arrest of all those present and had them all killed. From then on, no one knew the whereabouts of him. The First Emperor listened to reports from his ministers, and his ministers received orders and made decisions in the Xianyang Palace. 


147 Afang Palace


In the thirty-fifth year, clean up the roads, a new road was built from Jiuyuan to Yunyang, and mountains were dug through and valleys were filled to make the road accessible. The Emperor thought there were too many people in Xianyang, and the palaces of the previous kings were too small. And he heard that King Wen of Zhou had his capital in Feng, and King Wu of Zhou had his capital in Hao. Then the area between Feng and Hao should be the capital of the emperor. So he built the imperial palace in Shanglin Garden in Weinan. First, he built a grand hall up in front, Afang, which was 500 steps from east to west and more than 500 ft from north to south. It could accommodate 10,000 people on the top and a Wuzhang Banner with 50 ft tall pole on the bottom. A gallery corridor was built around it, from the bottom of the hall to Nanshan. The top of Nanshan was marked as a gate. A double-story road was built, crossing the Wei River from Afang and connecting to Xianyang, to symbolize the sky pole, with a gallery road across the Han River and reaching the camp. Afang Palace was not completed yet; when it was completed, he wanted to choose a name more famous. The palace was built in Afang, so the world called it Afang Palace. There were more than 700,000 prisoners in the hidden palace, so they were divided into Afang Palace or Lishan. Stone coffins were taken from the northern mountains, and materials from Shu and Jing were all brought in. There were 300 palaces in Guanzhong and more than 400 outside the pass. So a stone in the middle of Qujie on the east sea was built to serve as the east gate of Qin. 30,000 households were moved to Liyi and 50,000 households were moved to Yunyang, and they would all get ten years of tax relief.


146 Book Burning


The First Emperor held a banquet at the Xianyang Palace and seventy doctors came to celebrate his birthday. The martial minister Zhou Qingchen sang a eulogy: "In the past, the Qin territory was only a thousand miles, but thanks to Your Majesty's divine wisdom, you pacified the country and exiled the barbarians. Wherever the sun and the moon shine, everyone is submissive. The princes are divided into counties, and everyone is happy and peaceful, without the danger of war, and it will be passed down for tens of thousands of generations. Since ancient times, no one has ever come close to Your Majesty's power and virtue." The First Emperor was pleased. Doctor Chunyu Yue from Qi said: "I heard that the kings of Yin and Zhou lived for more than a thousand years, and they granted their sons and nephews meritorious officials and made themselves branches and assistants. Now Your Majesty has the whole country, but your sons and nephews are ordinary people. Finally, you have ministers like Tian Chang and the six ministers, but no one to help you. How can you save each other? It is unheard of that things can last long without learning from the ancients. Now Qingchen is flattering you to make Your Majesty's mistakes more serious. He is not a loyal minister." The First Emperor agreed to his proposal. Prime Minister Li Si said: "The Five Emperors did not repeat each other, and the Three Dynasties did not succeed one another. Each ruled in its way. They were not contradictory, but the times changed. Now Your Majesty has created a great cause and established a merit that will last for tens of thousands of generations. This is beyond the knowledge of foolish scholars. Moreover, what Chunyu Yue said was the affairs of the Three Dynasties, why should we follow it? In other times, the princes fought each other and invited scholars to travel over. Today, the world has been settled down and the laws have been issued. While the common people are devoted to agriculture and handicrafts at home, scholars should learn the laws and prohibitions well. Now if the students do not learn from the present but learn from the past, they would criticize the present and confuse the people. Prime Minister Li Si said without hesitation: In ancient times, the world was scattered and chaotic, and could not be unified.  Therefore, the princes fought together, and all talked about the past to harm the present and embellish the truth with false words. People were good at what they learned privately to criticize what the emperor had established. Now the emperor has unified the world and made clear what is black and what is white, and all were set with one supreme standard. If private schools teach illegally, when people hear the order, they will discuss it with their own knowledge. If they go in, they will disagree with it in their hearts, and if they go out, they will gossip about it. They will boast of their master for fame, and take different things as superiority, and lead the subordinates to slander. If such behavior is not prohibited, it will undermine the authority of the monarch and cause the cliques below to collude with each other. It is convenient to prohibit it. I ask the historians to burn all the records that are not from the Qin Dynasty. If anyone in the world dares to keep poems, books, and the words of the hundred schools of thought that are not the duties of the doctoral officials, they should all be taken to the governor and the lieutenant to be burned. Anyone who dares to talk about poems and books even occasionally will be executed. Anyone who compares the past with the present will get his own clan wiped out. Officials who know about it but do not report it will be punished with the same crime. Anyone who failed to burn the books within thirty days of the order would be tattooed and sent to build the Great Wall. The books that are not removed are books on medicine, divination, and tree planting. If you want to learn the law, take the officials as your teachers. " The first emperor Qin Shi Huang issued an edict saying, "Yes."


145 Jiaping the La Festival


In December of the 31st year (216 BC), the La Festival was renamed "Jiaping". Six dan of rice and two sheep were given to the people of every li. The First Emperor went out incognito to inspect Xianyang. He was accompanied by four warriors. At night, he encountered thieves in Lanchi. The situation was dangerous. The warriors killed the thieves, so a large-scale search lasted for 20 days in Guanzhong. The price of rice reached 1,600 coins per dan.

In the 32nd year (215 BC), the First Emperor went to Jieshi Mountain and sent Lu Sheng, a man from Yan, to look for the two immortals Xianmen and Gaoshi. He engraved words on the Jieshi Gate. The First Emperor ordered the destruction of the city walls and the dikes to be dug through. The inscription said: 

The emperor dispatched troops and generals to punish the unjust and eliminate the rebels. He used force to eradicate the brutal rebels and used virtue to protect the innocent good people, which was what the people wanted. He rewarded those who had made contributions, and his grace extended to the livestock and nourished the land within the borders. The emperor exerted his prestige and annexed the princes with virtue, and for the first time achieved the unification and stability of the world. He destroyed the city walls, dug through the dikes, and leveled the dangerous obstacles. The terrain has been determined, the people have no worries, and the whole world is pacified. Men enjoy their fields, women cultivate their careers, and everything is in order. The emperor's grace spread to every industry, and people who had been wandering for a long time returned to their hometowns to farm and live and work in peace and contentment. All the ministers praise his heroic deeds and ask that this stone be engraved to set an example.

The First Emperor then sent Han Zhong, Hou Gong, and Shi Sheng to search for the immortal elixir. The First Emperor went to the northern border for inspection and returned to the capital via Shangjun. Lu Sheng, a man from Yan, returned from the sea and told stories about gods and ghosts. He took the opportunity to present a book he had copied, which said "the one who will destroy Qin is Hu." The First Emprior then sent General Meng Tian to mobilize 300,000 soldiers to attack the Hu people in the north and capture the land of Henan. In the thirty-third year (214 BC), the Emperor recruited fugitive criminals, sons-in-law, and merchants to conquer the Luliang area, where Guilin, Xiang, and Nanhai counties were established, and then recruits were sent to guard. The Xiongnu were driven out of the northwest. From Yuzhong along the Yellow River to the east, all the way to Yinshan, forty-four counties were established there, and cities were built on the banks of the Yellow River as fortresses. The First Emperor also sent Meng Tian to cross the Yellow River to occupy Gaoque, Yangshan, and Beijiazhong, and built fortresses to drive out the Rong people. The exiled prisoners were moved to fill the newly created counties. Civil sacrifices were prohibited. A comet appeared in the west. In the thirty-fourth year (213 BC), officials who made unfair judgments were sent to build the Great Wall or guard the Nanyue area.




